

  • The Firing Line: Gravity-defying gameplay edition

    Hullo shooter fans, and welcome back to Massively's weekly dose of pew pew news and views. The past seven days were quiet ones for three of the The Firing Line's "big four" MMO shooters, as newsmakers on the PlanetSide 2, Global Agenda, and Firefall dev teams were all silent. Thankfully there were a couple of cool DUST 514 tidbits to chew on, but before we get to those, I'd like to call your attention to some interesting Tribes: Ascend, APB: Reloaded, and CrimeCraft news that you may have missed.

    Jef Reahard
  • Hi-Rez releases new Tribes: Ascend gameplay trailer [Updated]

    Tribes: Ascend's closed beta period is moving right along, and Hi-Rez Studios has just released a new teaser trailer designed to offer franchise newbs a primer on what to expect when strapping on a jetpack and picking up a spinfuser for the first time. The new clip is called Focus, and it's composed entirely of gameplay footage, although some of it has been slowed down, stopped, or similarly stylized in order to afford us a better view of what's going on. Tribes' gameplay is fast, you see, really fast, and if you blink, you're liable to miss mid-air flag passes, aerial kills, and long-range trajectory shots that have to be seen to be believed. [Update]: Ascend is also gearing up to make its eSports debut courtesy of the North American Star League (NASL). The game is the "first FPS to be selected for inclusion by the NASL and will be featured as a promotional title throughout its third season," according to the Hi-Rez website. Hit the links below for more info, and don't forget the action trailer after the cut. Shazbot!

    Jef Reahard
  • The Firing Line: Getting into Global Agenda

    OK, so you've heard about this whole Global Agenda thing, and you've talked yourself into giving it a shot. It's completely free-to-play from start to finish these days, and the Unreal graphics, sci-fi setting, and strange mixture of hyper-competitive PvP and ultra-accessible PvE have always held a certain appeal. You're not sure, but you think it's kind of an MMO, given that it has persistent territory control, lots of quests, and plenty of progression-based gameplay. Maybe you're a pro skillz baller, or maybe the extent of your shooter knowledge is which end of the gun gets pointed at the bad guys. Either way, you'll likely have a good time in Hi-Rez's spy-fi action title, and you'll have an even better time if you understand a few key points about the game prior to diving in.

    Jef Reahard
  • The Firing Line: All the shooter news that's fit to print

    Welcome back to The Firing Line, folks. I'm still putting out a few flames from last week's how-dare-you-call-this-an-MMO smackdown, and rather than fuel that particular fire by telling you that I've been playing a lot of World of Tanks (oh, did I say that?), I figured I'd take a high-level look at what's been happening with a few of the larger MMO shooters (and quasi-MMO shooters) over the last couple of weeks. Despite my best efforts, we're still stuck with lore updates and insignificant PR when it comes to PlanetSide 2, though we did snag a few new screenshots recently. Things have also been quiet when it comes to Global Agenda and a few of my other favorite titles. Not to worry, though. Hi-Rez is moving right along with its Tribes: Ascend beta, and you can read about that and more in my news roundup after the break.

    Jef Reahard
  • MV Guide: November 14-20, 2011

    MV Guide is a weekly rundown of the MMO gaming events planned on Massively TV. Every week, the Massively staff logs in to play various MMOs live and in person, and we'd love for you to drop by the channel and visit. We have a combination of regular weekly games and new surprises, so you'll find a variety of titles to take a look at. During our streamed events, you can participate in the live chat, ask questions to learn about the game, and simply spend some time with Massively staff and readers. (Of course, streaming is subject to the whims of outside forces like server-side gremlins once in a while.) We've got some exciting MV TV news this week: We're changing the channel! We've moved to Twitch TV, and we think you're going to love the new look. You can still access the old livestream archives at our Livestream.com channel, but beginning today, everything new will be shown and saved on our Twitch TV channel. Ready to see what's on MV TV this week? Follow along after the jump and take a look!

    Rubi Bayer
  • The Firing Line: Tribes impressions and a visit to Hi-Rez

    What's up folks, and welcome to The Firing Line. We've been branching out our coverage lately, first with MMO-specific columns and then with Not So Massively and MOBAs. Now we're doing something similar with online shooters. This genre is positively huge, and while there's a lot of room for debate in terms of what constitutes an MMO shooter, there's also no denying that all of the games hovering around the periphery of that designation are a lot of fun. So what will we be talking about in The Firing Line? Well, this is the part where I rub my hands together in anticipation! Naturally we'll spend a lot of time with the genre's big guns (sorry, I had to use that at least once), so I'll be playing huge amounts of PlanetSide 2, DUST 514, Firefall, Global Agenda, and the semi-obscure free-to-play titles crowding the market -- all in an effort to bring you the very best news and views from the world of pew pew.

    Jef Reahard
  • Updated: Jump into the Tribes: Ascend beta with a key from Massively

    Tribes: Ascend has been making waves in our Not So Massively column, with plenty of fans anxious for a first look at it. We've got something for those fans this morning. The team at Hi-Rez was kind enough to send us a handful of beta keys, and we're in a sharing mood. To get and apply your beta key, just visit our giveaway page to snag your key, then download the Hi-Command game installer. Launch the installer, then log in to your existing Global Agenda account (or create a new account via the installer). Click the "Tribes" tab, hit Enter, and follow the prompts to apply your beta key. Enjoy the beta, and join us in thanking the Hi-Rez gang for the beta keys! [UPDATE: Whew, those went fast! If you didn't snag a key, you might want to watch our Twitter feed this afternoon -- just a suggestion!]

    Rubi Bayer
  • Choose My Adventure: What is this I don't even

    Where am I? What's going on? How did I get here? I'm so confused! Oh, uh, hi there. I'm Matt, or as most of you probably know me, the new guy. It looks like I'm next on the chopping block for Choose My Adventure, and I am contractually obligated to say that I was in no way coerced, blackmailed, or threatened into doing this column. Now that that's out of the way, let's get on with it. A bit about my MMO history: I've played everything. All right, super. That being said, I don't always play everything a whole lot, and right now I'm what you call "between games." That's where y'all come in. Help me out of my MMO slump by forcing me at gunpoint to play a game of your choosing. It's that simple! My playstyles vary wildly, and I can easily go from carebear PvE to hardcore PvP to melodramatic RP depending on which game I'm unceremoniously thrust into. So do your worst, Massively readers. If you're interested in knowing the logic behind the games I chose for the poll, read on past the cut. Otherwise, skip straight to the voting bit and be sure to get your votes in by 11:59 p.m. EDT on October 14th. I'll see y'all again next week!

    Matt Daniel
  • Jump into Recursive Colony with a free booster code from Massively and Global Agenda! [Updated]

    Global Agenda's Recursive Colony expansion has been up and running for a few weeks now, and if you didn't get in right away, you might think it's too late to catch up. In the spirit of "it's never too late," we've partnered with Hi-Rez Studios to offer you just the thing to bring you up to speed: booster codes! When applied to your account, booster codes give you double XP, tokens, and credits as well as apply 2,000 tokens to your account every day. Booster codes can be purchased in the Global Agenda store, but we've got some free three-day codes here. [Update: To apply your code, type "/claimpromotion" in-game rather than applying the code on the Global Agenda site.]

    Rubi Bayer
  • Global Agenda's Recursive Colony launches

    Fans of games that tread the line between MMORPG and FPS will be pleased at this news: Today brings the launch of Global Agenda's Recursive Colony expansion, a free update and the "largest content update in the history" of the game, according to Hi-Rez Studios' official website. Chief among the new additions is a new mid- to high-level open zone with a storyline and quests meant to provide an alternate leveling experience for more RPG-minded players. The expansion also includes new daily repeatable quests, a new PvP map called Push Dust, new tutorials, quality-of-life enhancements, crafting tweaks, and a slew of pets, dyes, and other fluff. To kick off patch day and show off the highlights of the update, Hi-Rez has released a brand-new trailer with a satisfying blend of explosions, robots, and yellowy post-apocalyptic zones. Find it after the cut!

    Bree Royce
  • One Shots: Points for originality

    Today's One Shots comes from the high-tech world of Global Agenda. Reader Aeronca says: I don't really go in for ugly armor, but I will say that Global Agenda offers some truly hideous dyes and garish "flair" head pieces that are always a hit with the silly crowd. Case in point is my minotaur helm here. I can't remember how or when I got it, but I think it might have been during one of those week-long special events that Hi-Rez likes to run. They've also given out quite a bit of Christmas, New Year's, and other holiday-related headgear that can be mixed and matched with otherwise slick-looking sci-fi armor for some really atrocious fashion faux pas. It's ugly armor week all week on One Shots, so whether you have an eye-searing color scheme, a set of armor pieces that clash like crazy, or something that you just put together for a laugh, we want to see. Next week we'll be revisiting starting zones, so if you want to get a jump on things, grab a screenshot of your favorite starting zone and send it in to oneshots@massively.com and we'll feature it in next week's One Shots! %Gallery-112285%

    Rubi Bayer
  • Massively's Guide to Dragon*Con 2011

    PAX Prime is freshly finished and Gamescom 2011 is a distant memory, but con season isn't over yet! Not by a long shot, in fact. Dragon*Con is just around the corner, and we have undertaken the monumental task of putting together a what's-what for all of our adoring MMO fans. Now, just because Dragon*Con isn't as internationally renowned as Gamescom or as well-publicized as Penny Arcade's brainchild doesn't mean you should write it off by any means. There's still a whole truckload of events for MMO players at Dragon*Con. From Q&As to panels (including one on MMO podcasting that includes our very own Shawn Schuster!) and more, there's a little something for every MMO player at Dragon*Con. So whether you're attending or just want to see what kind of news you have to look forward to coming out of Dragon*Con (news that will, of course, be covered right here on Massively), jump on past the cut and see what the Atlanta-based con has in store.

    Matt Daniel
  • Massively's guide to PAX 2011

    What can be said about PAX Prime in Seattle, Washington that hasn't been said already? Everyone knows that it is the largest public gaming event in North America. Attendance totaled 67,600 last year, not including press and exhibitors. And this year, even more gamers will descend on the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. The latest and greatest games -- released and unreleased -- will be available for public consumption. Developers will mill around the showroom floor, answering your questions. Not to mention that no one will look at you funny because you play video games! This year, MMORPGs really stand out in the crowd. Seattle native NCsoft has a huge presence at the convention, borrowing a theater just to showcase its games. BioWare comes armed with its heavy-hitter, Star Wars: The Old Republic. And free-to-play titles like Firefall, Lord of the Rings Online, and Wakfu promise to strut their stuff at this year's PAX. Punch past the break as Massively outlines the must-see booths for MMO fans. And don't forget the panels, including a couple of MMO spotlights for PAX Dev, the gathering of fans and developers at Sheraton Seattle Hotel on the 24th and 25th.

    Larry Everett
  • Hi-Rez prepping Global Agenda's largest expansion

    Hi-Rez Studios has big plans for Global Agenda, and the autumn months will see the sci-fi shooter's largest expansion to date made available to everyone for free. The Recursive Colony patch (version 1.5 if you're counting at home) will include a new open zone with instanced missions, quest chains, social spaces, and mid- to high-level content. New enemies, daily repeatable quests, and further avatar customization options are also on the way. "Players seeking a quest-driven, narrative experience post level 20 can now level up in the new open zone as an alternative to, or in addition to, our instanced missions," said Hi Rez's Todd Harris. "We've also included a new set of instanced PvE and PvP content for players at all levels." Said PvP content takes the form of a new mercenary map (Push Dust) and a new acquisition map (Colony Caverns). Finally, if you're going to be at PAX Prime this weekend, stop by the Hi-Rez booth (number 252) and be the first to check out the new content.

    Jef Reahard
  • Massively's guide to Gamescom 2011

    If you've never been to Gamescom before, let's simply put it this way: It's big. Really, really big. Forget most any convention you've attended; this is likely to be even bigger. Billing itself as the world's largest games event, Gamescom sees well over a quarter-million fans, journalists and exhibitors crowd into the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany to check out hundreds of games and companies. Due to its size and worldwide prominence, Gamescom is a significant event for anyone following the MMO genre (and video games in general). There are plenty of MMO studios gearing up to share first looks, exclusive reveals, detailed Q&A sessions, and exciting hands-on demos for attendees. Naturally, Massively will be paying close attention to all of the news coming out of Gamescom this week. For those attending the convention or merely looking to keep abreast of all of the games, studios, and information forthcoming, we've compiled a guide to the hottest tickets at Gamescom as well as a comprehensive exhibitor list of MMO studios after the break.

    Justin Olivetti
  • New Global Agenda Recursive Colony content playable at PAX Prime

    Citizens of Dome City, we have a special public service announcement. Hi-Rez Studios announced today that Global Agenda players will have a very special opportunity at the upcoming Penny Arcade Expo. Attendees will have the opportunity to preview the new content that will be coming to Global Agenda. We don't have much in the way of details insofar as what this new content includes, however. What we do know is that it will be part of the game's upcoming patch 1.5 Recursive Colony update, which includes new Open Zone quest content as well as new instanced co-op missions. Keep an eye on Massively, and we'll be sure to keep you updated on all the Global Agenda news from PAX when it happens.

    Matt Daniel
  • MV Guide: August 1-7, 2011

    MV Guide is a weekly rundown of the MMO gaming events planned on Massively's Livestream channel. Every week, the Massively staff logs in to play various MMOs live and in person, and we'd love for you to drop by the channel and visit. We have a combination of regular weekly games and new surprises, so you'll find a variety of titles to take a look at. During livestream events, you can participate in the live chat, ask questions to learn about the game, and simply spend some time with Massively staff and readers. (Of course, livestream events are subject to the whims of outside forces like server-side gremlins once in a while.) Follow along after the jump to see what's scheduled for this week!

    Rubi Bayer
  • Global Agenda 1.5 video teaser hints at Sonoran Desert content

    Global Agenda's 1.5 update is just around the corner, and Hi-Rez has released a teaser video to whet your appetite. The clip is pretty brief (under a minute's worth of footage to be precise) but it nonetheless sets an eerie stage for what looks to be some fun additions to the third-person shooter's Sonoran Desert PvE content. As the teaser web page states, "Robotics agents are using drones to stream video to the domes. Is it safe for agents to enter this area of the desert?" You'll have to wait for 1.5 to find out, but in the meantime, fly your jetpack past the cut to get a look at the surveillance footage (and listen in on its creepy audio track) before heading to the official Global Agenda website for more details.

    Jef Reahard
  • Global Agenda's new F2P model a resounding success

    The business model saga of Global Agenda is an interesting one, and PC Gamer recently sat down with Hi-Rez COO Todd Harris to chat about it. In a brief interview, Harris mentions his observations on free-to-play and the future of gaming as well as Global Agenda's resounding success since going to a full-featured F2P model. "We have many, many more people creating accounts every day, many more people playing concurrently, our revenues are higher than they ever have been before which means we can develop content and put it into the game faster than ever before," he explained. It wasn't always so, as Harris also admits to a bit of F2P bias in a previous life. With Global Agenda flying high under its new model, though, it's unlikely that Hi-Rez will be looking back. "I do think [F2P is] clearly the direction of gaming," Harris says.

    Jef Reahard
  • Global Agenda patch 1.44 goes live tomorrow

    Hi-Rez Studios has some goodies in store for Dome City-dwellers, as Global Agenda's patch 1.44 arrives tomorrow. It's a rather small patch, and it includes such details as the closing of Carter's Seasonal Accessories (with a new fashion store known as Burning Fashion opening up in its stead) and the grand-opening of Skyward Jetpacks for those who want to zip around in style. The largest new additions with the update come in the form of two new maps opening up for players. The PvP Control map Magmarock graduates from beta to live status, becoming accessible for Mercenary PvP players, while a new PvP Payload map known as Haulin' Acid is added to the Beta Maps queue. For the full notes and more information on the patch, head on over to Global Agenda's official site.

    Matt Daniel