

  • New patch 4.0.6 hotfixes released

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Yet another round of hotfixes for Patch 4.0.6 has been released, according to blue poster Zarhym. As with prior hotfixes, some may go live immediately, while others may require server restarts. Regardless, there are plenty of interesting fixes this time around, from class tweaks to adjustments to dungeons and raids. A few highlights: Haste is again properly increasing resource regeneration rates for applicable melee classes. However, this fix will require a realm restart to take effect. For priests, Inner Focus now appropriately increases the critical heal chance of Flash Heal, Binding Heal, Greater Heal, and Prayer of Healing. For those who are wondering where those bouquets of roses went, fear not -- Bouquet of Ebon Roses and Bouquet of Red Roses for the Love Is in the Air event now properly drop from Cataclysm dungeons. Read on for the full list of hotfixes.

  • Cataclysm hotfixes for Jan. 26

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    It's hotfix time! Blue poster Zarhym has posted with a whole mess of new hotfixes, and boy, are there some doozies this time around. The changes include loot table adjustments for all raid dungeons, adjustments to the Lunar Festival, and a handful of class changes as well. Some highlights from the list: Heroic set tokens in raid dungeons have been moved to earlier bosses on 25-player heroic difficulty (chest from Halfus, legs from Maloriak, gloves from Magmaw, helm from Nefarian, shoulder from Cho'gall). Elder Rumblerock is now available during the quest "Assault on Dreadmaul Rock" for both the Horde and the Alliance. In Deadmines, Glubtok's Fire and Frost Blossoms summoned during the encounter no longer grant experience or reputation. In Vortex Pinnacle, bosses will no longer respawn after a soft reset if players already have a heroic save. Follow us after the break for a full list of changes.

  • Cataclysm hotfixes for Jan. 18

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    What with all the buzz about the PTR and the upcoming patch, it's been a while since we've seen some good old-fashioned hotfixes. Fear not, for blue poster Zarhym has posted with some new goodies for us all. Today's list of hotfixes seems to run the gamut from class tweaks to quests, but there are a few notable changes for raids and dungeons: In Blackwing Descent, Atramedes will no longer despawn when his tail passes through the area trigger in the entrance to his room. He will no longer despawn randomly during the fight. Pulling him out of his room will now cause him to reset. Also from Blackwing Descent, the damage of Chimaeron's Caustic Slime has been reduced for both raid sizes and dungeon difficulties. Over in Tol Barad, "The Leftovers," "Swamp Bait" and "A Huge Problim" can now be shared between members of the Alliance. In addition, these quests now award the correct amount of gold and faction for the Horde and Alliance as well. Follow us after the break for the full list of hotfixes.

  • Cataclysm hotfixes for Jan. 5

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Community Manager Zarhym has documented and posted another list of hotfixes this evening. While there are still a number of changes to the open world, attention has been turned to the high-end raids and raid bosses of the current tier, such as Cho'gall and the Bastion of Twilight. Some examples of the overall changes: Heroic Deadmines now has significantly fewer trash mobs. Ramkahen now has a functional mailbox. What can King Phaoris do for you? The number of guard spawns in Tol Barad has been increased for both Horde and Alliance base camps, with guards now surrounding the edges of each camp. Both Alliance and Horde guards use all abilities that the Furious Hyjal Warden uses and will attack with ranged abilities when unable to find a path or at a distance. Guards are also immune to taunt effects. In addition, Hellscream and Baradin Guards now respawn more quickly. You can find the full list of hotfixes behind the cut below.

  • Blizzard releases guild flask and cauldron hotfixes

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    We have more hotfixes today addressing issues that players have been discussing for the past several weeks. Blizzard has just implemented a series of hotfixes addressing issues related to flask and cauldron creation for guilds. Originally, the achievements to unlock guild cauldrons and other perks required an extreme amount of flask creation that, when the numbers were crunched, looked to be almost impossible for any but the largest guilds to complete in a reasonable amount of time. Here are the two major changes: Mix Master now requires your guild to craft 1,000 Cataclysm flasks (down from 10,000). Better Leveling Through Chemistry now requires your guild to craft 3,000 Cataclysm flasks (down from 25,000). Continue after the break for the full announcement and explanation.

  • Cataclysm hotfixes for Dec. 27

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Community Manager Zarhym's list of Cataclysm hotfixes has received yet another update Dec. 27. I have to admit, my heart skipped a beat when I first saw today's list. Is that a Tol Barad fix? Be still, my beating heart! Has Blizzard finally -- Wait. Never mind. The fix won't really fix anything. Still, maybe it's a sign Blizzard's noticed how broken the zone is. Here's the fix, along with a few other interesting changes: Winning as an attacker in Tol Barad now rewards players with 1,800 honor points, up from 180. Winning as a defender still rewards players with 180 honor points. Vashj'ir archaeology dig sites no longer unlock for players. They felt too punishing without additional benefits compared to low-level sites and were much more difficult to obtain artifacts in due to the way Vashj'ir navigation works. Gyreworms, Enormous Gyreworms, and Gorged Gyreworms no longer drop money or elite-level loot. For a complete list of the latest hotfixes, check after the break.

  • Cataclysm hotfixes for Dec. 21

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    Continuing the steady stream of Cataclysm tinkering we've seen this week, Blizzard has posted yet another set of hotfixes. And this is a pretty good set! Some notable changes: The duration of the Superheated Quicksilver Armor debuff on Karsh Steelbender is now 17 seconds, up from 12 seconds. The encounter was too hard to tank and went against our intended fight mechanics. The display for this buff may not properly update until a client-side patch is applied. Rare archaeology finds should now grant triple skill gains. Mekgineer Thermaplugg is no longer using outdated abilities and has a shiny new list of abilities to use. He is also no longer immune to taunts. Elemental Goos now drop 100% of the time off of Cataclysm elementals for the jewelcrafting daily quest. Chaos Orbs can now only been seen and rolled on by characters with a minimum skill level of 425 in tailoring, blacksmithing, leatherworking, or engineering. For the full list of hotfixes, follow us behind the break below.

  • Cataclysm hotfixes for Dec. 20

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Community Manager Zarhym has documented and posted another list of hotfixes this evening. The list grows ever shorter compared to what they were immediately after launch, but the changes are still numerous. Here are some interesting examples: The search radius to find an archaeology node from the archaeology ability Survey has been increased. This will result in fewer searches needed while in the "green" range of surveying. Several cooking recipes were not counting toward the achievement Set the Oven to "Cataclysmic" and have been updated. Note that Darkbrew Lager, Highland Spirits, and Chocolate Cookie are not intended to count for this achievement. Several shirts have been corrected so they no longer cause a player's item level to increase. They are item level 1. For the full list of hotfixes, follow us behind the break below.

  • Cataclysm hotfixes for Dec. 16

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Another day, another round of hotfixes. Once again, today's hotfixes are aimed primarily at class and dungeon balance, turning some knobs one way and some the other. Some examples: Halls of Origination The damage of Fireballs automatically cast by Temple Fireshaper with Molten Barrier active has been adjusted in normal and heroic difficulty. The Stonecore The Crystal Shards creatures in the Corborus encounter are now level 86, down from 88. Shaman The Mana Tide Totem hotfix from yesterday has been reverted. The Mana Tide buff no longer stacks, as this had a major impact on encounter design. The full list of hotfixes is behind the cut below.

  • Cataclysm hotfixes for Dec. 8

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Late last night, another round of Cataclysm hotfixes was deployed and posted to the official World of Warcraft blog. The list of hotfixes is massive; here are some highlights: The trade skill nodes were too dense in Deepholm and Twilight Highlands for mining and herbalism. Several have been removed. Players are no longer able to retain the 450 percent swim speed increase from the Abyssal Seahorse through devious, devious means. Players of the opposite faction can no longer kill the lures for the Seahorses. It's just mean and wrong. And mean. Follow through the break for the full list of hotfixes.

  • Patch 4.0.3a hotfixes for Dec. 2

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    That's right, it's time for another round of hotfixes for our game going into the last weekend of Wrath of the Lich King. So, you may ask, what's been fixed? Well, for starters, we'll take a look at some highlights. Then we'll have the complete list after the break. Patch 4.0.3a Hotfixes Players can no longer skin Crushcog Sentry-Bots or Crushcog Battle Suits in Dun Morogh... because they don't have skin. Stats on the Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat have been reduced, as it can currently be equipped by players of all levels. Crafty players again found a way to catch Cataclysm fish. Crafty designers have made this impossible without a Cataclysm key attached to a player's account. source There's a lot more than fishing issues to discuss, of course. But I thought those were the most amusing.

  • Patch 4.0.3a hotfixes for Nov. 23

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Earlier in the evening, Blizzard posted a list of hotfixes for yesterday's patch on the official World of Warcraft blog. Here are a few notable fixes: Fishing daily quests in Stormwind and Orgrimmar have returned. Shield Slam's damage has been reduced by about 28 percent at level 15, with smaller but still noticeable reductions at higher levels. The title "Champion of [guildname]" can no longer be improperly awarded to players. The full list of hotfixes are behind the cut below.

  • In-Game Fixes for March 4th, 2010

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Bornakk has announced a handful of in-game hot fixes on the official forums today. They're pretty much all Icecrown Citadel boss ability nerfs and tweaks, and should fixes a few annoyances with some battles, stretching from Marrowgar to Sindragosa. The full list is after the break.

  • Tanking hotfixes being implemented

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    A recent hotfix has reduced the health on tanking paladins. Meanwhile, devastate is being hotfixed as well to do 20% more total damage rather than 20% more weapon damage (from 100% to 120% total weapon damage presently). There are also some scattered reports that DK tanks have gotten buffs to their Frost Presence as well, but no confirmation from Blizzard on that yet. Ghostcrawler posted that the change to Paladin health was intentional and that an announcement will be soon, and in the warrior thread said that they can't confirm when the hotfix for devastate will drop. The culprit for the paladin health reduction seems to be the paladin talent Sacred Duty, although this has, at this time, not been confirmed by Blizzard so far as I can find. As soon as there's an announcement we at will of course bring it to you. Edited to include this link to the official forum post explaining the change. Thanks to ummeiko for the fast catch.

  • In-game fixes for February 3rd

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    In addition to Saronite Bombs being disabled, there are a number of other hotfixes being rolled out on live realms this evening. You can find them in Bornakk's forum thread or continue reading them below. Blood Queen Lana'thel will now begin her flight phase a little earlier in 25 player mode, Vampiric Bite is no longer mitigated by armor, and the damage of Vampiric Bite has been reduced. Toravon will now be affected appropriately by Area-of-Effect damage spells. The Frost Orb corpses in the Toravon encounter will now despawn faster.

  • WoW Insider Show tomorrow at 3:30pm Eastern

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    My last episode of the WoW Insider Show is on the air tomorrow afternoon -- it'll be sad (I really love doing this show for you all), but hopefully it won't be too maudlin. Fortunately both Matthew Rossi and Chase Christian have agreed to join us, and of course Turpster will be on with us as well -- whenever the T is around, you know it'll be a good time. We'll be talking about the most popular stories in Warcraft for the past week, including the arrival of Winter Veil, patch 3.3.0a and all of the other hotfixes this week, and just because I think it's interesting, we'll talk about the Battered Hilt as well. And as usual, we'll answer your emails and chat live with all of the folks in the chatroom. You can email us any time of night or day at, and you'll be able to listen in to the show on the feed over on Ustream itself, or right after the break below. Please do join us, should be fun.

  • In-game fixes for December 16th

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Blizzard has released another round of in-game fixes, this time late last night. The changes are not as epic (or controversial) as the increase in the Battered Hilt drop rate, but they're still important to note nonetheless. The changes to Ionar and Tharon'Ja in particular will make killing these bosses much less awkward in today's pugs. Back when Wrath was released DPS overall was much lower -- you'd be happy if you saw a DPS do 1500 on a boss fight. Because most people are so far beyond that, you spend more time running around doing nothing than actually fighting with an encounter like Ionar. Pretty nice changes for those of us chaining a few heroics every day. The list of this round of changes include: Ionar, in the Halls of Lightning, will now only disperse once during the course of the fight. Prophet Tharon'Ja of Drak'Tharon will now only steal your flesh one time during the encounter. Players with the quest "Wrath of the Lich King" will now properly receive quest credit. Muradin and Saurfang will no longer gain stacks of Battlefury from totems. Additionally, the duration of Battlefury has also been reduced. Lord Marrowgar is now tauntable. The Looking For Group item level requirement for Halls of Reflection has been raised to match the difficulty of the encounters. Deathbringer Saurfang's Rune of Blood has been modified to heal 10 times the amount of damage dealt instead of 5 times the damage. This will make the encounter more difficult if you try to tank Saurfang with just one character. The tooltip does not reflect this change, but it will in a future patch. The full list of previous changes after the break.

  • In-game fixes for December 15th

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Another day, another round of in-game hotfixes. This time the most interesting one of the bunch is the increase in Battered Hilt drop rate (the Battered Hilt leads to the Quel'Delar). Of course it could mean that the hilt drop rate was increased from 0.001% to 0.01%, but hey, at least that's one whole decimal place! Please note however that we don't know what the actual drop rate was nor what it is now. All we know that it's very low. In actuality, one could surmise that the drop rate was increased to combat some of the outrageous prices that we're seeing on the AH. 20,000 gold or more for a weapon that will be outdated in less than a year is a bit much. Quel'Delar in now unique equip. Naxxramas can now be cleared in any order for the Immortal and Undying achievements. The drop rate for the Battered Hilt has been increased. The Skeletal Slave in the Pit of Saron has had the ability to drop the Battered Hilt and other random drop epics removed. The entire list of in-game hotfixes from the past seven days after the break.

  • Recent in-game fixes for 12/14/2009

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Bornakk has just posted a new round of in-game hot fixes, some bug fixes, some actual quick balancing fixes. They include some relief for Affliction Warlocks after that last hotfix nerf, as well as a nerf to 10-man Lord Marrowgar. For a complete list of hotfixes, check after the break.

  • Hotfixes incoming for some DPS and tanks, not hunters or priests

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Ghostcrawler has dropped information on the forums about a few incoming hotfixes to patch 3.3. The first three changes are posted over on the DPS role forum: Hunger for Blood will increase damage by 10% instead of 15%. Assassination rogues needed damage, but they got too much, and this will bring them back. Sorry rogues -- the tooltip, we're also told, might not change right away. Scourge Strike will crit only once, not on the shadow portion of the damage. "This change just proved to be too bursty in PvP and provide too much sustained damage in raids." He also gives lots more explanation of the change on the forums -- this one will be discussed quite a bit. Rolling Corruptions will no longer use the initial haste value indefinitely. More of a bugfix than a change, says GC -- the haste value should drop out to normal after a few ticks of the spell. Elsewhere, GC says that there are no changes planned for the new hunter epic ammo, so find a friendly engineer and stick to them like glue. There is a hotfix incoming for the bug that causes tanked mobs to move around randomly -- thank goodness on that. And SW: Pain's immunity from the haste change for shadow priests will probably stay right where it is.