

  • NVIDIA's Jen-Hsun Huang: quad-core, Tegra 3 tablets will drop to $299 in a 'couple quarters'

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    It's inevitable: the "latest and greatest" in tech (whatever that happens to be at the moment) always comes down in price as it makes way for something thinner, faster... better. Still, it's interesting to imagine that happening when a product is still basking in its glory days. That's exactly what what we're going to see with NVIDIA's new quad-core Tegra 3 chip, according to NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang. Over lunch today with a few tech journalists, he said he expects Tegra 3 tablets to plummet to $299 in just "a couple quarters." That's pretty incredible when you remember the Transformer Prime hasn't even gone on sale yet, and when it does it'll cost $500 -- a reasonable price in its own right when you stack it up against the aging iPad 2. So it's a bit dizzying to imagine 2012 ushering in a crop of high-end Honeycomb (or even ICS) tablets that cost just a little more than the Nook Tablet currently does. We'll be curious to see how such pricing might pressure the likes of Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple, but regardless, something tells us lots of you won't wait six months to get your hands on a half-price Prime.

  • Ice Cream Sandwich ported to a Galaxy S II... and the people rejoice (update: LG Optimus 3D too!)

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Man, these hackers work fast. It was just earlier this week when Google released the source code for Ice Cream Sandwich, and a mere four days later the new OS has made its way onto Samsung's Galaxy S II. While ICS is looking good on the GSII's gorgeous AMOLED display, the port is still an alpha -- the Bluetooth, WiFi and other radios aren't functioning just yet, but work is ongoing, and future releases are coming soon. Sound good? Well, wait'll you get a load of the port in action in the video after the break. Update: And the ports are coming fast and furious now -- somebody gave the ICS treatment to an LG Optimus 3D.

  • SwiftKey X 2.2 arrives for smartphones and tablets with support for 35 languages

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    If you're unhappy with your current Android keyboard, TouchType would like to think that it delivers a better option. The company's popular input alternative, SwiftKey X, has just received another major update -- this time with support for 35 languages, along with full localization for the major European ones. Even if you happen to speak plain ol' English, the software promises better accuracy and prediction than before with a new multitouch framework. There's even something for those who like to go really alternative, as Dvorak and Colemak layouts have been added to the mix. Topping it all off, version 2.2 introduces support for Ice Cream Sandwich, along with a host of user interface refinements -- which you'll find in the gallery below. After a quick run around the block with SwiftKey's latest, we must say that we were quite pleased. Then again, we happen to really like Android's stock keyboard, too. As for the complete list of languages, just check the PR after the break. %Gallery-139826%

  • update introduces Ice Cream Sandwich on phones and tablets

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    With the Galaxy Nexus reaching customer's hands today and bringing Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich along with it, the official site has been updated with the usual lists of features and brief walkthroughs. Whether you need yet another breakdown of what the new version of the OS brings to the table is debatable, but there are a few fresh renders of the tabletized version of Ice Cream Sandwich included, as seen above. A quick look sees the new Roboto font displaying the time, and revised button scheme at the lower left. Click the source link and dive into the site for yourself for a few more pics.

  • Galaxy Nexus HSPA+ first impressions (video)

    Myriam Joire
    Myriam Joire

    Wow... The Galaxy Nexus. It's finally here, in our eager little hands, and it's delicious -- just like Ice Cream Sandwich, in fact. Our review unit is the same unlocked HSPA+ version we briefly played with in Hong Kong and is running Android 4.0.1. We've only spent about a day with Google's newest superphone and we're already hard at work on a full review, but we wanted to share some raw, immediate, first impressions -- after the break. %Gallery-139724%

  • Google confirms Verizon's LTE Galaxy Nexus dimensions and specifications

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Four zillion new Galaxy Nexus promo videos not enough to sate your appetite for superphones? We hear ya. Google's specifications portal just went live for Verizon's looming LTE version of the world's first Ice Cream Sandwich smartphone, and as expected, it's a wee bit bigger than the HSPA+ version. We heard back in Hong Kong that the LTE model would be slightly beefier -- presumably to house a larger battery to counter that energy-sucking LTE module -- and it seems that said scenario is indeed proving true. The HSPA+ build checks in at 135.5mm (h) x 67.94mm (w) x 8.94mm (d) thick, while the LTE model measures 135.5mm (h) x 67.94mm (w) x 9.47mm (d). That's right around half a millimeter thicker for those needing specifics, and it's likely due to the 1,850mAh battery within; if you'll recall, the HSPA+ variant has a 1,750mAh battery. Finally, the LTE model is gaining 15 grams of weight, tipping the scales at 150g (LTE model) instead of 135g (HSPA+ model). Everything else looks to be identical, but you can hit the source link to satisfy any lingering curiosity.[Thanks, Matt]

  • Verizon-branded, LTE-enabled Galaxy Nexus confirmed in official Google video

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Say, what's this? A 4G LTE-enabled Galaxy Nexus with a Verizon Wireless logo on the back? Certainly is, and it's being discovered this morning in a series of overview / getting started videos hosted up on Google's own YouTube channel. There's still no word on when this guy's hitting store shelves, but at least the whole "maybe it's vaporware!" thing is now firmly in the past. As if it were ever in the present. Head on past the break to get yourself worked into an even zanier lather.Update: In case these promo videos weren't enough, the official specifications list for the LTE Galaxy Nexus has been published![Thanks, Matt]

  • First happy Galaxy Nexus customer isn't so happy, wants to exchange it (update: replacement works fine)

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Well, this is awkward. Samsung's PR team tweeted the above picture of Alex Ioannou as he officially became the first person to pick up a Galaxy Nexus in the UK. But Alex just got in touch to tell us that he's less than satisfied. We only have his word to go on at this point (and for all we know he could be secretly working for LG), but he insists he's having trouble syncing with Gmail because the usual account setup options are missing. Instead, his phone was apparently preloaded with a bunch of weird dev stuff -- including the handy option to "Report a WTF condition." We're desperately hoping that he was given a developer model by mistake and this will all be resolved when he exchanges. He's back in the store right now and says that apologetic reps are feeding him with ice cream sandwiches while he waits. Check out the 'After' photo and screenshots just beyond the break. Update: Alex has confirmed that he's taken ownership of a new Galaxy Nexus which works perfectly. All is well. Mat Smith and Richard Lai contributed to this report

  • Ice Cream Sandwich coming to Galaxy S II, Samsung UK confirms

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Here's some exciting, if somewhat unsurprising news for Galaxy S II devotees: Samsung's UK outpost has just confirmed that the handset will indeed receive an upgrade to Android 4.0, delectably known as Ice Cream Sandwich. As of this moment, details are relatively scarce, and Sammy has yet to make similar declarations for markets outside of the UK -- but at least it's coming. "The Galaxy S II will be receiving ICS, but there are no dates confirmed as yet," the company wrote in a tweet this morning. "We will keep you posted." As will we.

  • Google: 200 million Android devices activated, over 550,000 activated everyday

    Dante Cesa
    Dante Cesa

    Here at the "These Go To Eleven" event, Google announced that Android activations thus far have surpassed 200 million devices. That's over 550,000 activations per day, which is 50,000 more than June's figure, and 150,000 more than the 400,000 clocked in during May. Not quite as many as Cupertino's 250 million strong, but Mountain View's getting close.

  • Google's Android 'These Go To Eleven' liveblog from Los Angeles!

    Dante Cesa
    Dante Cesa

    This is it! You've arrived! But it's a little early. Fret not, though, as you can bookmark this very page and return at the time shown below in order to join in on the liveblogging mayhem. We'll be bringing you every last point as it's unveiled in Los Angeles this evening (or afternoon, whatever), with Google Music firmly in our heart and T-Mobile looming over everything. It's going to be loony. %Gallery-139636% November 16, 2011 5:00:00 PM EST

  • Ice Cream Sandwich-based CyanogenMod 9 in the works, slated for January release

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Ice Cream Sandwich's source code has just been unleashed, which means it's time for the folks over at CyanogenMod to saddle up the horses, and get to work. In a Twitter post published on Tuesday, the Mod squad confirmed that it has already begun working on CM9, though it won't be released for another two months. CM8, in case you were wondering, was likely pegged for Android 3.0, but with Google holding tight to its Honeycomb source code, CyanogenMod may just leapfrog it altogether and jump straight to Cloud Nine. We'll all know more, come January.

  • Ice Cream Sandwich coming to full Xperia lineup, Sony Ericsson confirms

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Last month, Sony Ericsson hinted, via Facebook, that Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich would soon be making its way to its entire lineup of Xperia handsets. Today, this forthcoming upgrade has become officially official, though details remain equally fuzzy. "We can today confirm that we plan to upgrade the entire 2011 Xperia portfolio to the next version of Android known as Android 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich," the company wrote in a blog post this morning. "We are working on merging our current Xperia experience with the new features in Android 4.0." The update will encompass all Xperia Arc, Play and Pro handsets, as well as the company's Live with Walkman device, though we'll have to wait a little longer for details on release and availability. As always, we'll be sure to keep you up to date.

  • Ice Cream Sandwich source code released, sync pending go-ahead from AOSP

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    If you're champing at the bit waiting to get your hands on a nice cool piece of Android 4.0, your wait may soon be over. Pending a final go-ahead from the Android Open Source Project, you'll be able to sync the now available Ice Cream Sandwich source code. Due to the "large push" (presumably because of all the changes), the roll out is going to take some time to complete -- project members will give the final word when things are good to go. If you try to sync prematurely, be forewarned that you'll get an incomplete copy that will be useless. The available flavor is 4.0.1 which will be the version to ship on the Galaxy Nexus, the first ICS device. This release also includes "the full history of the Android Code," signaling the first time Honeycomb source has seen daylight. Can't wait for a taste? The extremely impatient can hit that coverage link below, but we prefer our frozen treats to be properly chilled before consumption. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Galaxy Nexus headed to Bell and Virgin Mobile in Canada, Three in the UK (update: Rogers too)

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    We expect there will be more to come, but you can now officially add at least three more carriers to the list confirmed to be offering the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Those include Bell and Virgin Mobile in Canada, and Three in the UK, which joins O2 as a confirmed carrier for the flagship Ice Cream Sandwich phone across the pond. The two Canadian carriers aren't offering a firm release date or pricing details just yet -- though they're happy to take your email address and keep you posted -- but Three lists an off-contract price of £499.99 (or just under $800) and is promising "earliest delivery" by November 18th. Update: You can now add one more to that list -- Rogers has confirmed on Twitter that it will be offering the Galaxy Nexus in January. Reservations start tomorrow. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Exclusive: Lenovo to release a 10.1-inch Ice Cream Sandwich tablet with 1.6GHz Tegra 3 by year's end

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    You wouldn't think a giant like Lenovo would stop at just three (or four) Android tablets now, would you? In fact, a little birdie has informed us that said Chinese company will release a new 10.1-inch tablet by the end of the year, and unsurprisingly, Ice Cream Sandwich along with NVIDIA's Tegra 3 T33 are on the menu. Other features include 2GB of speedy 1,600MHz DDR3 RAM, a standard USB host socket (covered by a not-so-elegant pop-out flap), a back-facing camera of unknown resolution, a "Special Fusion-Skin Body" and, most interestingly, a fingerprint scanner that apparently doubles as an optical joystick on the seemingly flat backside -- only time will tell whether this layout makes sense. Our source hasn't spilled any info on the dimensions and weight, but judging by the photos in our gallery, this 1.6GHz quad-core slate should be significantly thinner than the IdeaPad K1 or LePad sitting underneath. As always, you'll hear from us as soon as we find out more. [Thanks, Anonymous] %Gallery-139296%

  • ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime: 10-inch Super IPS+ display, 12-hour battery and quad-core Tegra 3, ships in December for $499

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    For three weeks now, Android fans have been fidgeting impatiently. Specifically, ever since ASUS chairman Jonney Shih took the stage at last month's AsiaD conference and teased the next-gen Transformer tablet. Though he only gave us a quick glimpse, he recited a laundry list of specs: a 10.1-inch display, 8.3mm-thick body, mini-HDMI output, microSD slot and an update to Ice Cream Sandwich by the end of the year, if not sooner. Not to mention, it'll pack NVIDIA's hot-off-the-presses Tegra 3 SoC, making it the first-ever quad-core tablet. We knew this: we'd learn more on November 9th. Well, that day has come, and so have the juicy details. We just got word that the tablet will go on sale worldwide in December, starting at $499 with a beefy 32GB of storage, moving up to $599 for a 64GB model. (That signature keyboard dock you see up there will cost $149.) In addition to those basic specs Mr. Shih revealed last month, we now know this has a 1280 x 800, Super IPS+ Gorilla Glass display with a 178-degree viewing angle and a max brightness of 600 nits. It also packs 1GB of RAM, GPS, a gyroscope, SonicMaster audio and a 1.2 megapixel front-facing camera. Rounding out the list is an 8MP shooter with an auto-focusing f/2.4 lens and a back-illuminated CMOS sensor that captures 1080p video. Touch-to-focus is also an option here, and ASUS claims a 30 percent boost in color enhancement over competing tabs. As for battery life, we initially heard reports of 14.5-hour runtime, but ASUS is now saying the tablet alone can squeeze out 12 hours thanks to a 22Wh battery, and that the dock will add an additional six hours of juice. In addition, the slimmed-down, 1.2-pound dock brings all the other benefits the last-gen model offered, including a touchpad, USB 2.0 port and full-sized SD slot. Software-wise, it'll ship with Android 3.2 and apps such as SuperNote and Polaris Office, and we're told we'll learn more about that ICS update in "early December." In terms of design, you may have already noticed the Prime sports the same spun aluminum digs as the company's Zenbooks, though this is the first time we're seeing clear, close-up shots of it -- and in two colors, no less! At 8.3mm (0.33 inches) thick and 586 grams (1.29 pounds) without the dock, it's a smidge skinnier than the iPad 2 and Galaxy Tab 10.1, which means, unsurprisingly, that your old Transformer dock won't be compatible. Finally, ASUS coated both the display and metal cover with a hydro-oleophobic coating that makes it more fingerprint-resistant. For now, we've got photos below and if you can wait a few more weeks, we'll most definitely be putting this thing through its paces in a full review. And if you're looking for something a little less expensive, well, the original Transformer should be getting Ice Cream Sandwich soon, and we wouldn't be surprised if Santa brought a few holiday rebates. %Gallery-138833%

  • HTC announces specifics on Ice Cream Sandwich upgrades, includes Rezound

    Myriam Joire
    Myriam Joire

    It's been a little over two weeks since Google unveiled Ice Cream Sandwich along with its first ambassador, the Galaxy Nexus. Since then, a few manufacturers have shared their intent to bring Android 4.0 to specific devices. HTC was initially rather vague about its upgrade plans -- no doubt faced with the daunting task of keeping Sense relevant in light of ICS' vast design improvements -- but tonight the Taiwanese giant issued an official statement on Facebook outlining specifics on its Ice Cream Sandwich upgrades. Basically, it looks like most (if not all) of HTC's high-end phones since the introduction of the Sensation will be getting a taste of Google's latest tasty treat early next year, including the recently announced Rezound. Here's the full statement: HTC knows how excited our fans are to get their hands on Google's latest version of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich, so we're thrilled today to announce the first wave of HTC phones that will receive upgrades: We can confirm the brand new HTC Vivid is upgradeable to Ice Cream Sandwich. In addition, Ice Cream Sandwich is coming in early 2012 to a variety of devices including the HTC Sensation, HTC Sensation XL and HTC Sensation XE, as well as the HTC Rezound, HTC EVO 3D, HTC EVO Design 4G and HTC Amaze 4G through close integration with our carrier partners. We're continuing to assess our product portfolio, so stay tuned for more updates on device upgrades, timing and other details about HTC and Ice Cream Sandwich.

  • Verizon Galaxy Nexus listed in Costco's systems with a $289 price tag

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    If you're still thirsty for any release details of Samsung's upcoming Galaxy Nexus, allow yourself to be ever-so-lightly-moistened by this Costco inventory screenshot from Android Central. It shows the Galaxy Nexus for Verizon priced at $289, a slim $10 discount on the $299 we'd heard in a leak a few weeks ago (that also predicted the price of the HTC Rezound, if you're keeping score). There never was much doubt this Ice Cream Sandwich would be a pricey one, but it's definitely one thing to consider while we await official news on its release and seemingly-inevitable Verizon exclusivity.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Which devices will get Ice Cream Sandwich?

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    <div style="text-align:center;"><a href=""><img src="" style="border-width:1px;border-style:solid;margin:4px;"/> </a></div><div><a href="">Android 4.0</a> is coming, and it's going to be glorious. Now that we know exactly what the Ice Cream Sandwich is <a href="">made of</a>, only one question remains: exactly which phones will get the green light to upgrade to the newest version of Google's mobile OS? Details are beginning to trickle out from the woodwork, and below the break you can check out our list of lucky devices that have been confirmed to get the official refresh at some point in time. We're still awaiting official word from a few companies regarding their upgrade intentions, so we'll continue to add more to the list as they stream in. For now, join us after the break to find out which ones have been given the stamp of approval -- or the cold hard rejection letter.<br /> <br /> <strong>Note</strong>: If you don't see your device listed, don't fret... yet. If it hasn't been confirmed or denied, the OEM's likely still deciding which products will get the upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich. Keep checking back here from time to time, as we'll continue to update the list.</div>