

  • Lead and Gold, Spyro come to PlayStation Plus in January

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    PlayStation Plus subscribers growing weary of the DC Universe Online beta will be glad to read that a new trio of free games awaits them in the coming calendar year. PSN multiplayer game Lead & Gold: Gangs of the Wild West, PlayStation classic Spyro the Dragon, and PSN Mini Pipe Madness will unlock for free to all PS Plus members as of January 4, 2011. A handful of discounts will also become available, as well as a duo of featured themes and avatars. For those of you not yet enjoying December's PS Plus spoils, you've got until the aforementioned January date to snag 'em -- Dead Nation for $12 instead of $15? Yes, please! That said, at this point, you'll likely be the third or fourth person queuing up to speak with Superman in DCUO, but hopefully it'll be worth the wait.

  • Resistance 3 coming September 6, 2011

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Resistance 3 will be coming out on September 6, 2011 -- nearly three years after the release of Resistance 2. Its predecessor debuted with solid reviews, but fans thought differently. Insomniac Games is spending a lot more time with the next iteration in the PS3-exclusive FPS series, where you play as the man that killed the hero of the first two games. You can see the fruition of their efforts in the VGA trailer, embedded after the break.

  • Ratchet & Clank cut-away sculptures up for auction [update]

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Striking a balance between cute and kinda disturbing, developer Insomniac and artist Jason Freeny have teamed up to auction off some one-of-a-kind Ratchet & Clank sculptures, with a portion of the proceeds going to charity. The set includes a 12" statue of Cpt. Qwark signed by Insomniac staff, a 6" Clank with flip-top head and brain inside, and a 10" quarter-cut sculpture of Ratchet that exposes his skeleton and digestive system. Also, if you're as perplexed (and nerdy) as we are to have noticed Clank has a brain, you'll be pleased the hear an Insomniac representative rationalizing it: "Let's call it artistic interpretation - as Clank is certainly a mechanical character in the series." Now to work on the long process of getting the visions of a skinned Ratchet, laying on some medical student's dissection table, out of our heads. Update: Insomniac framed this auction to us as a "charity auction." We spoke directly with Jason Freeny on the phone, who informed Joystiq these auctions are how he makes his living, that the charity portion was an agreement between he and the developer, but that this is not a "charity auction." We've updated our piece accordingly.

  • Resistance 3 goes cross-country in first screens

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Like Batman: Arkham City before it, Resistance 3's possibly first, very convincing-looking screenshots were found on the Flickr account of user "1337guyzorz2." As seen in the gallery below, they're a melange of concept art and apparent in-engine screens, highlighted by screaming, murderous Chimera and a destroyed St. Louis. Also seen are Resistance 2's Joseph Capelli and who who we believe to be Nathan Hale's sorta-sister Susan Farley (her screens are labeled "Susan," among other things), both of which will seemingly play key roles in the forthcoming game. Insomniac offered "No comment" and Sony hadn't gotten back to us on the authenticity of these images by the time of publishing.%Gallery-103545%

  • Respawn Entertainment 'starting at absolute zero' with EA Partners

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    A recent interview by Eurogamer with EA Partners boss David DeMartini offers some good perspective on the actual state of Respawn Entertainment. For those just joining us, Respawn is the studio created by Jason West and Vince Zampella, former heads of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare studio Infinity Ward, after an uncomfortably public break-up with Activision earlier this year. DeMartini says, "I know everybody is going to say, 'Well what are they working on?' The thing everybody needs to remember is they were starting at absolute zero." DeMartini explains that when EA took the pair on they didn't have a workspace, furniture, HR or any of the basic administration that goes into a development house. The executive claims to have no idea what the duo is working on -- and if the dude fronting the cash doesn't know, it'll be quite a wait before the public finds out. In comparison, Insomniac's multi-platform project with EA seems to be coming along more rapidly, with DeMartini expecting its unveiling much sooner.

  • Insomniac shares more details on Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One (can you believe they didn't go with Four-play as the subtitle?) feels like a whimsical, cartoon version of Gauntlet. Using a more distant automatic camera, instead of the standard behind-the-back perspective used throughout the series, this Ratchet game introduces four-player cooperation to the franchise -- and that also means crazy four-player destruction, given Insomniac's flair for futuristic weaponry. Announced at Gamescom this week, the game features series regulars Ratchet, Clank, Qwark and Dr. Nefarious in a new story that still fits within the loose continuity built over the years. If you think it's a little too loose, you'll be pleased to learn that Insomniac will release a series of comics that bridges the gap between Ratchet & Clank Future and All 4 One.

  • Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One coming to PS3 in Fall 2011

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Insomniac has announced a new Ratchet & Clank game for the PlayStation 3. Yeah, we know you've heard that one before, but this time it's a four-player, online co-op platformer. Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One features drop-in / drop-out play between four characters -- Ratchet, Clank, Qwark and Dr. Nefarious -- and blatantly discourages space diplomacy by equipping everyone with absurd weaponry. Thankfully, that part of the franchise hasn't changed. Look for Ratchet and Clank and those two other guys in stores during Fall 2011. (Dibs on Qwark!) %Gallery-99656%

  • Resistance 3 officially announced

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Insomniac Games has announced not one, but two games at Gamescom. Resistance 3 is described as the company's "Worst. Secret. Ever." The Burbank studio is working on the "cruel and brutal" PS3-exclusive sequel. Based on the logo, it appears that the Chimera are taking the fight to NYC. (Aliens seem to love the place!) A live action teaser trailer was shown at the PlayStation press conference at Gamescom. We hope to have the video available on the site shortly. Update: Now embedded after the break!

  • Insomniac to announce new game before PAX, demo it there

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    In the latest Insomniac Games newsletter, the company hints that it will be releasing news about a brand new title in the coming weeks, specifically for the PlayStation 3, ruling out its multi-platform project with EA. "Sometime between now and the Penny-Arcade Expo over Labor Day weekend," says the newsletter, the Burbank-based studio will pull the curtain off of the project. And during PAX 2010 there will be a panel in the Serpent Theater on September 4 at 6:30 p.m., moderated by G4's Adam Sessler, that will see Insomniac "discuss (and demo!) our upcoming PlayStation 3 project." So we can all agree that it's Resistance 3, right?

  • Ratchet & Clank comics coming September 8

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    This will be the first year since the start of the Ratchet & Clank Future series that the franchise will be quiet on the PS3. Fans of Insomniac's space-venturing duo need not fret too much, though. DC Comics' WildStorm imprint is releasing a brand new Ratchet & Clank comic series this September, written by Insomniac's TJ Fixman. The new series will follow the events of the last game, A Crack in Time, and should satiate fans' appetites for the series' continuation. The comic will be available in retail stores and on the PSP Digital Comics service.

  • Insomniac details canceled 'Girl With a Stick' project

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    There are still many questions surrounding Insomniac's mysterious new multiplatform game with EA Partners. Perhaps that's why Insomniac Games released a new episode of the Full Moon Show podcast all about its canceled game, code-named I:5, or Girl With a Stick. (Embedded after the break.) Comparisons can be drawn between the company then and now. Company head Ted Price explained that after "several years of just making sequels" the opportunity to work on something new was quite exciting. "I think we were all looking for something different, because we've been working on Spyro for years, and we were thinking 'we got to branch out,'" he explained in the show. Making "a brand new IP on a new platform was a big challenge, especially since we made the decision to try and avoid platformers." Insomniac clearly had some ambitious ideas for Girl With a Stick, described most succinctly as "Tomb Raider meets Zelda." Even now, the concept sounds very different from any game Insomniac has released. "I think we had a very conscious line we drew where they couldn't have technology," John Fiorito explained. "Very different from Ratchet and away from Spyro, which had castles and other fantastic things. This was much more primitive." But why didn't it end up seeing the light of day? "It wasn't fun." [Thanks, djpenny]

  • Insomniac Games joins EA Partners for new PS3 and Xbox 360 project

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Insomniac Games' Ted Price has announced a new direction for the company: a multi-platform one. Best known for their PlayStation exclusives (Resistance, Ratchet and Clank), the company has announced a "brand new universe and franchise ... to experience in the coming years." With the goal of providing an "awesome experience for as many players as possible," the game will appear on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, courtesy of Insomniac's new partnership with EA Partners. While PlayStation fans may be stunned by the team's decision to work with a new publisher, Price reassured fans in a blog post that Insomniac's "relationship with Sony Computer Entertainment is still very strong" with "additional projects" planned "exclusively for PlayStation 3." It appears Insomniac's relationship can be considered analogous to that of Bungie's with Microsoft -- Bungie recently signed with Activision to develop multi-platform titles, while still working on the Xbox-exclusive Halo: Reach. Working on Xbox 360 games isn't the only planned change for Insomniac games. While famous for its ability to produce games on an annual cycle, Price says that Insomniac will give focus on spending "more development time to iterate and polish our games." According to Price, "all future Insomniac titles will benefit from longer development cycles, which will directly benefit you, our fans."

  • Swag Sunday: PlayStation Toy Bundle [update]

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Update: We've closed the comments and will pick a winner shortly. Keep an eye out! We're picky and choosy about which video game-themed "action figures" make their way onto the empty spaces at Joystiq HQ, but we'd happily add this week's Swag Sunday prize: the Ratchet & Clank "Series 1 Ratchet with Transforming Clank" (seen above). For a chance to adorn your abode with the pair, all you have to is tell us in the comments below what your favorite Ratchet & Clank game is and, more importantly, why. You see, we've got this ModNation Racers papercraft we've been itching to give to someone. Someone who's really eloquent, though. The kind of person who would thoughtfully explain their choice for favorite R&C game. But who do we know like that? Hmmm ... Leave a comment telling us what your favorite Ratchet & Clank game is and why. You must be 13 years or older and a resident of the US or Canada (excluding Quebec). Limit one entry per person. This entry period ends at 5:31PM ET on Monday, May 24. At that time, we'll randomly select one winner to receive one package containing one Ratchet & Clank "Series 1 Ratchet with Transforming Clank" (ARV $19.99) and one winner to receive one ModNation Racers papercraft; check your emails! For a list of complete rules, click here. What is Joyswag? Since we don't keep the games and merchandise we receive for review or promotional purposes, it becomes "Joyswag," which is passed along to our readers. Please note that Joyswag may be in "used" condition. For more info on our policy, click here.

  • Finding a new dimension for gaming at the 3D Gaming Summit

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    A small crowd of movie and game producers met this week at Universal City in Los Angeles for the first-ever 3D Gaming Summit, to sit down and discuss the trend of 3D imaging in gaming and film. Much of the talk at the summit was speculative -- with almost no actual consumer devices on the market and nearly none within price range of the average consumer anyway, gaming in 3D isn't much more than an idea at this point. Most of the technology companies in attendance are still working to get content producers to use their systems to create games and films rather than selling hardware directly to consumers. Still, the panels and discussions at the summit offered an interesting look at what many believe to be the eventual future of the industry. From a lunchtime interview with Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil director Paul W.S. Anderson to a Playstation Move demo (and a panel moderated by a Joystiq editor), the 3D Gaming Summit showed off a lot of guesswork, a few interesting demos, and a few big holes that will need to be filled if 3D gaming is going to ever take off.

  • Insomniac CEO creates Ratchet & Clank girlfriends in ModNation Racers

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Sorry to disappoint you, Ratchet & Clank yaoi fans (warning: link NSFW). But what if Insomniac's famed duo had girlfriends? Insomniac CEO Ted Price brings that concept to life through the character creator featured in ModNation Racers. To showcase the creator's versatility, Price created female companions for Ratchet and Clank (like the bikini-clad lombax pictured above). "I think over the next few years, we'll see more and more examples of really great player tools appearing in games," Price says in the video demonstration (embedded after the break). "I certainly hope that happens. I know that we're inspired by what [United Front Games has] done."

  • Unlockable Bancho Ratchet is one bad mother... shut your mouth!

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    We're just talkin' about Ratchet. Insomniac is sending some pre-Valentine's love by giving players the unlock code for the Bancho Ratchet skin. Already hidden inside A Crack in Time, the bad boy costume can be unlocked by inputting this elaborate series of buttons and directions on the pause screen: Up, Right, Down, Left, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, R3. It's called a "cheat." Bancho Ratchet was the winning entry in a Japan-only contest for CoroCoro Magazine. As for what a Bancho is, the best explanation we can figure is a "delinquent," especially with Ratchet's resemblance to John Travolta's character in Grease. Well, if you ignore the flippin' huge ears. [Thanks, Solace]

  • Marble Madness creator Mark Cerny to be inducted into AIAS Hall of Fame

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    It may have been a quarter century since Mark Cerny's groundbreaking arcade game Marble Madness was first developed, but this year the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences will give the influential developer an induction into its Hall of Fame. On February 18 in Las Vegas, Cerny will become the 13th member of the AIAS' small club -- a club that includes development bigwigs like Will Wright and Shigeru Miyamoto, among others. For those of you who don't know, Cerny's been hard at work behind the scenes of some of our favorite games throughout the years. The developer's had a hand in everything from Sonic 2 through God of War 3, with his influential "Cerny Method" of tenacious development being passed down to modern day big boys like Insomniac's Ted Price and Naughty Dog's Evan Wells. "Mark has left an indelible mark on all of the games he's been a part of, the developers that he's collaborated with, and most importantly the individuals that he's worked along-side of," Wells said in the press release (warning: PDF link). For Cerny's part, he said he's "thrilled to accept this award" and humbly offloaded some respect to past colleagues that he's "had the pleasure to work with over the years." We're looking forward to witnessing the "Cerny Method" in action during his acceptance speech, wherein he only allows himself 30 seconds to catch our interest before reevaluating the entire thing.

  • Ratchet and Clank, Resistance figures now on sale

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Six-inch tall news now, as DC Comics has released a line of figures based on Insomniac properties Ratchet and Clank and Resistance. As you can see above, the gang's pretty much all here -- the titular duo of Ratchet and Clank, along with Dr. Nefarious and Captain Qwark. Oh, then there's the Resistance guys, like hero Nathan Hale and Chimera A and Chimera B and (our personal favorite) Chimera C! We kid, but if you're interested in plunking down some green on these bath-time buddies (where do you play with your action figures?), you can find them at most retailers. [Via PlayStation Blog]

  • Five features you may have missed in Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Ratchet and Clank games usually have a little extra for true series fans who want to dig deeper, and A Crack in Time isn't looking to break that trend. Developer Insomniac wants to make sure that those who have played the game are getting out of it all that's in there, pointing out five things for fans not to miss: Space Radio Dynamo of Doom Community Profile Insomniac Museum Return to the Great Clock What does it all mean? Check out the video after the break for the full details.

  • Artist's resume lists work on 'R3' for Insomniac Games

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    If you're impressed by the works of artist Ben Mauro -- featured on his blog, "Perpetual Motion" -- you may soon be seeing more of it in the next game from Resistance developer Insomniac Games. According to Mauro's LinkedIn profile, he spent three sleepless months from March until May 2009 crafting content for several projects, including "RCF2" (presumably Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time), "R3" and some unannounced items. [Note: Mentions of "R3" and "unannounced projects" have mysteriously vanished since we contacted the parties concerned.] Though Insomniac's PlayStation 3 release pattern -- oh, and a massive billboard -- would seem to unfurl "R3" as Resistance 3, a third outing for Chimera crusher Nathan Hale has not been officially announced. A bigger, better sequel would undoubtedly provide a good opportunity to counter the negative feedback that the previous game incurred in hardcore fans. [Via Game Guru]