

  • Ratchet & Clank's primary audience isn't kids, but 20-somethings

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    It probably comes as no surprise to you -- our well-informed and educated audience -- but the Ratchet & Clank series isn't just designed for the kids. Edge spoke with Insomniac writer TJ Fixman, who expressed that the primary audience for the weapon-indulgent platformer is the "male 18-34" demographic. He notes that teens who played the first game back in 2002 are now in their twenties and stayed fans of the series.Fixman notes that males under 18 could be the "interchangeable primary-secondary market," but that the PS3 user base skews older. He compares the Ratchet style to the Shrek series, explaining that Insomniac tries to find the right blend of humor that'll appeal to a large audience. Now the question remains: When will we see Ratchet & Clank again?

  • Dev: 'A Crack in Time will probably be Insomniac's last 60fps game'

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    "We want to give you guys, our fans and players, the best looking games you can buy on a console," Insomniac developer Mike Acton wrote on his company's blog. There's certainly no doubt that the team's latest release, A Crack in Time, is a very good looking game. But how much better could it have looked if Insomniac was willing to sacrifice its 60fps rate? Consoles only offer a finite amount of resources, and developers utilize various tricks to get the results they want. For example, Bungie noted that a drop in vertical resolution in Halo 3 offered them increased bandwidth for improved lighting effects. Dropping the framerate would allow Insomniac -- and other developers -- to increase the amount of detail in each frame, something the studio is seriously considering. "There is virtually no advantage in sales or reviews of a 60 fps game versus a 30 fps game," Acton notes. In fact, in some cases, a lowered framerate actually makes a game look better, Acton explains. "A drop in framerate is interestingly seen by some players as a reward for creating or forcing a complex setup in which a lot of things must happen on the screen at once." We nickname that phenomenon the "Otogi 2 effect." With all of these aspects considered, it seems the studio will no longer focus on locking a 60 fps rate. "It means that framerate is still important to us here at Insomniac, but it's not on the same pedestal it was before. And that Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time will probably be Insomniac's last 60fps game." [Thanks, Marius!]

  • Insomniac says PS3 won't be maxed for at least another two years

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    According to Insomniac's James Stevenson, the developer might not begin maxing out the PlayStation 3's power for at least two or three years. The senior community manager's comments (via CVG) are directed towards how efficient developers have become at using Sony's platform to develop its titles. Since it launched, the PlayStation 3 has been notoriously -- and perhaps erroneously -- described as difficult to develop for, but Stevenson applauds Sony for creating hardware with "really long life spans." "We're using all of the PS3 right now," Stevenson says. "But you can always be more efficient in the way you use it." Insomniac's latest, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time arrives in stores Stateside today and will no doubt include some of the wackiest weaponry gamers have ever been privy to, regardless of how much of the Cell processor is needed to render 'em.

  • Previous Ratchet & Clank saves unlock bonuses in A Crack in Time

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    For dedicated Ratchet & Clank fans, playing the previous two entries in the series is going to reward your devotion with a couple of unlocked bonuses in upcoming Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time. Folks who played Tools of Destruction will receive discounts with weapons merchants and those who played Quest for Booty will be rewarded with a pirate hat, ThatVideoGame Blog reports. [Image Credit: PS Nation]A representative for Insomniac Games clarified for us that "You receive discounts on the returning weapons (Negotiator, Buzz Blades, Mag-Net Launcher, Mr. Zurkon, Groovitron Glove) for a Tools of Destruction save, and the pirate hat for Ratchet on the Community screen for the Quest for Booty save." Though neither bonus will dramatically affect time spent with A Crack in Time, it's always nice to see developers rewarding franchise loyalty.%Gallery-68684%

  • Ratchet & Clank blasting into PAL territories in November

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Insomniac Games noted on its official Twitter page that Ratchet and Clank will get a little help from their PALs when A Crack in Time makes its way to European territories on November 4th . It lands on British shores shortly afterward on November 6th. It also appears that the R&C demo will not be available this week in the EU -- hopefully that'll arrive soon. A Crack in Time launches next week in North America, with one of two demos available later today when the PlayStation Network updates.%Gallery-65017%

  • Dual demo details: Ratchet follows Clank into A Crack in Time

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Sony's Playstation Blog announced today that the two expected Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time demos will hit the PSN over the next couple weeks. The first one, releasing this Thursday, is the Clank demo (he's the robot). Players will take the bucket of bolts with a destiny through the Great Clock, as he learns some "time-based abilities" for puzzle solving.Next week will be Ratchet's turn to shake his money maker so you'll buy the game. Although the details are scarce as to what players will do in the demo, if we know anything about that lombax -- and after seven games, we certainly know plenty -- it'll involve blowing stuff up with crazy weaponry. %Gallery-65017%

  • Insomniac hints at end of Ratchet and Clank

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time may be the titular duo's last adventure -- at least, for a while. Speaking with CNN, Insomniac's creative director for the game, Brian Allgeier, stated, "Never say never, but people need that closure. ... We hope to be wrapping things up with a bow."It seems unclear, from the comments Allgeier gave to CNN, whether he's referring to the franchise or just the storyline started in the Ratchet and Clank Future series. With 16 million copies of R&C games sold across seven installments since 2002, sales obviously have a lot to say when it comes to sequels. If A Crack in Time does well, we wouldn't be surprised to see the Lombax and his metal companion return within a couple years -- well rested and with some fresh ideas.%Gallery-68684%

  • Amazon cuts Quest for Booty price down to $10

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We've never really understood the attraction of adding a middleman to the digital distribution sales model. Why would anyone want to purchase a download code for a PSN or XBLA title through a third party, when they could just as easily purchase the same title directly through those services? Now we know the answer to that question -- because occasionally, those vendors will undercut the price of those services' first-party offerings. (Does this qualify as a scenario deserving of an "oh, snap?" We believe so. Oh, snap.) Amazon recently lowered the price of a download code for Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty to $10 -- which is a $5 discount off the game's current price on PSN. We're sure Sony doesn't appreciate being undersold, but Amazon's cheapening of one of the PSN's most robust titles -- and the predecessor to the swiftly approaching A Crack in Time -- is definitely okay in our book. [Via Cheap College Gamers]

  • Resistance 3 billboard appears way ahead of its time

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    A keen-eyed NeoGAF user by the name of goldsoundz noticed a startling billboard in his home town of Shreveport, Louisiana -- splayed out on the massive overhead placard is the logo for the heretofore unannounced next installment in Insomniac Games' PS3 shooter franchise, Resistance 3. Goldsoundz explained that Shreveport is a popular spot for film shoots, and that the ad was to be incorporated in a film titled Battle: Los Angeles, which is due out in early 2011. By that timeline, it makes sense that Insomniac could slap another game together by the film's theatrical debut -- still, seeing gargantuan promotions for a game that hasn't been formally announced (or discussed) is a bit surprising. Certainly more surprising than a potential announcement for Resistance 3, because, come on, of course there's gonna be a Resistance 3. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

  • A familiar trek through Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Insomniac Games has a winning formula with its Ratchet & Clank franchise. Problem is? They're almost too reliably good. The franchise has been known for its mix of platforming and sci-fi gunplay, and the latest, A Crack in Time, is no different. The requisite improvements necessary for a sequel are all in play: better (and more stylized) graphics, more explosions, and even more powerful weapons. However, A Crack in Time has a genuine chance of being the best Ratchet & Clank ever, thanks to its increased focus on challenging platform stages.The weapons have always been the stars of the franchise, but A Crack in Time's time-bending theme makes for some interesting and ingenious moments that are, put simply, fun. You've already read about the unique Clank stages, in which players must record copies of themselves to solve puzzles. These interludes make for a far more thoughtful game than previous iterations in the franchise and emphasize the kind of depth Insomniac is trying to add to the experience.%Gallery-65017%

  • Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time box art multiplayer listing simply 'placeholder'

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Click to embiggen. The PlayStation.Blog has announced the release date for Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time. But wait -- isn't that, as commenters like to point out, old news? Thankfully, more can be gleamed from the box art included with the post.In addition to touting the redesigned PS3 logo, the box art for A Crack in Time features the now-standard PlayStation Network banner on the back. The various PSN features include Trophies, PlayStation Home support, leaderboards and ... multiplayer? That's certainly new to us.Unfortunately, a SCEA representative confirmed to us that the box art posted on the web was constructed from a template and that all information listed in the PSN banner is simply placeholder. That doesn't mean A Crack in Time won't have multiplayer -- but it means that this is far from the "omg confirmationz!!!!1" that many have been hoping for. Update: SCEA's Jefferson Dong puts it more directly: "There is no multiplayer."[Thanks, tmacairjordan87]

  • Exploring space exploration in Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Click to embiggen. It's time for the dynamic duo to go into space! No, we're not talking about Batman and Robin. Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time will expand the space exploration elements of Tools of Destruction by replacing the on-rails shooter sequences with an open universe to traverse through. Players will be able to stop on various moons and small planets and partake in spherical platforming sequences inspired by Super Mario Galaxy er, Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando.We're not entirely sure how big the explorable galaxy will be, but we're sure platforming freaks are excited of the prospect of a universe's worth of fetch quests. With battles scattered throughout space, we're hopeful that Insomniac has the insight to make the universe a tad more exciting than the oceans of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.%Gallery-68684%

  • Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time arrives no later than Oct. 27

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The mechanically savvy Lombax and his just-plain-mechanical companion -- the duo known as Ratchet and Clank -- begin their latest adventure, A Crack in Time, on October 27. The Ratchet and Clank series continues its familiar (yet enjoyable) gameplay in the latest incarnation: exploring strange new worlds, solving some puzzles and blasting everything that moves with an array of kooky weaponry. There's still time to get in on the various pre-order bonuses available from retailers -- it's just all about picking the one that's right for you. %Gallery-70397%

  • Insomniac not backing down from crowded pre-holiday release

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    If we were game developers, we'd be appropriately terrified of dropping our precious labors of love into the pre-holiday retail arena -- a battlefield filled with two-ton gorillas like Assassin's Creed 2 and Modern Warfare 2. Still, Insomniac Games hasn't thought twice about the late 2009 release date of Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time -- nearly all of the company's titles hit store shelves in late fall, after all.In an interview with GamesIndustry, Insomniac director of marketing and communications Ryan Schneider explained the company has "had a lot of success" dropping its games around November. He went on to declare, "The Holiday season is still a great time to release a title." You know what else is a great time to release a title? Right now. The dust on our gaming consoles has actually started to collect its own dust.

  • 'Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time' pre-order bonuses vary per retailer

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The pre-order incentives for Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time are now ready for perusal on the PlayStation Blog. The bonuses reportedly start today at, Best Buy, Game Crazy, GameStop and other participating retailers. Each retailer has its own thing going, so explore before you plunk down the pre-order cash. Check out the four different programs after the break.

  • Meet the characters of Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Click to embiggen. Did you know that Ratchet & Clank, like Madden, is an annual franchise -- having only missed the year 2006? The third Ratchet & Clank Future game on PS3 in as many years is coming this fall as A Crack in Time.A Crack in Time promises to deliver more story than ever before. We'll find out more about Ratchet and the Lombax race thanks to the revelation of Alister Azimuth, another member of what was thought to be an extinct species. We'll finally find out what happened to Clank -- and we'll probably discover how he got that badass staff. See all the major players of the upcoming R&C by browsing our gallery here:%Gallery-66523%

  • Rumor: GTTV taping reveals Uncharted 2 beta deets, other E3 tidbits

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    According to Kotaku, a recent live taping of a GameTrailers TV E3 special revealed a veritable bounty of E3 information. First and foremost, a spokesmen reportedly confirmed that the upcoming Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta will begin on the first day of E3. For all the Nathan Drake fans out there, that would be June 2, so mark your calendars.The special is also rumored to reveal new details about Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time, specifically that the game will include time travel as well as new hover boots for Ratchet. Throw in some Modern Warfare 2 footage, a new title from Bethesda and news about loads of games including Mass Effect 2, Madden, Need For Speed: Shift, Dante's Inferno, Lost Planet 2 and Aliens vs Predator, and you've got quite a show.Granted, some of this could easily be revealed prior to the episode's May 28 premier (11:00pm ET/PT), but given the program's penchant for WORLD EXCLUSIVE reveals, it's probably worth checking out.[Via @geoffkeighley]

  • European Resistance 2 Home space available ... now?

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    The Resistance 2 Home space is now available to visit in Europe, according to an SCEE press release. However, we've checked and the content doesn't yet seem to be available. Clearly, this press release must have been sent from the future. While our timeline attempts to converge with SCEE's, at least you can check out the gallery full of screenshots below and the video above.You'll need to be over 18 to access the Resistance Home space, but once inside you can take part in a minigame which tasks you with fending off waves of Chimeran aerial forces from the Chicago Railway Station with a "four-barrelled quick-repeating turret gun." It's no 12-guage double-barrelled Remington, but it'll do. Additionally, the first 3,000 visitors to find and input a hidden promotional code in the space will obtain a Resistance 2 in-Home t-shirt. Once the space actually goes live, that is ...Update: The PlayStation Blog has updated with some more information about the space, as well as to state that it will be available in America on May 21. It will also feature Resistance 2 game-launching.%Gallery-63785%

  • Insomniac tweet hints at upcoming Ratchet & Clank LBP pack

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    A tweet sent from the official Insomniac Games twitter account seems to indicate that Media Molecule is currently working on a large Ratchet & Clank pack for LittleBigPlanet. The tweet itself is quite hard to decipher, but it does say that "R&C content" is done and that it is "coming soon hopefully." There's also a mention of more levels, which are coming, and talk of a "big pack, bigger than MGS even," which is "up next for Mm."Whether this big pack is separate from the Ratchet & Clank content is hard to tell. Either way, it's going to have to be pretty awesome if it intends to be bigger than the Metal Gear Solid pack that was released in December. We're looking forward to hearing clarification on whether this tweet is talking about one piece of DLC or not, not to mention the details of the pack itself. Hopefully we'll hear more soon.[Thanks, Daniel!]

  • Insomniac reveals top 10 favorite Ratchet & Clank weapons

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The Ratchet & Clank series is known for its wacky weapons. But what do the people that created the franchise think about them? What are their favorites?Well, here you go. Insomniac Games have revealed their top 10 favorite weapons from the entire Ratchet & Clank franchise. What will make number one? You'll just have to watch to find out.Insomniac's fan-made weapons contest is also drawing to a close. The PlayStation.Blog reveals more information on the finalists, and how you can vote for your top pick. The finalist will be revealed at San Diego Comic-Con later this year.