iPod nano


  • Japan investigates exploding first generation iPod nanos, again (update: issues consumer warning)

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Look, it's pretty clear that the lithium-ion battery in the first generation iPod nano has the potential to burst into flames. Seriously, how many more cases do we have to see? Even after giving Apple a stern talking-to and ferocious wag of the finger back in March, Japan's government is once again investigating possible battery defects that caused a pair of Tokyo nanos to burn: nano model MA099 recently singed a piece of nearby paper while a model MA005 nano burned a traditional tatami mat in January (no injuries were reported). Presumably Apple is calculating the cost-of-recall at this very moment. In other words, take the number of 1st gen nanos in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, they don't do one.Update: Japan has issued a warning to iPod nano users saying, "Users need to be careful about overheating of the machines," particularly when charging the players. Japan's government has reported a total of 14 similar incidents to Apple related to models MA004J/A, MA005J/A, MA099J/A and MA107J/A all sold between September '05 and September '06 -- two of which resulted in minor burns. NHK claims that Apple does not plan a recall but is ready to exchange defective parts.

  • Apple to channel partners - stock up now

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    AppleInsider reported today that Apple is advising resellers to stock up on the better-selling iPods and MacBooks, as factory supplies are expected to slow to a trickle in August. There's speculation that this could be due to a release of new models. For 15-inch and 17-inch MacBook Pros and the standard MacBooks, Apple was recommending that channel partners place orders that would give them a 3-week supply. For iPods, a 4-week supply was advised. Apple usually notifies resellers via bulletins like this when they're getting ready to refresh a product line. This points to a product introduction for the new laptops and iPods (most likely the iPod touch and nano) in late August or September. While this is late for the school buying season, it could mark an early entry into the holiday buying season with an agressive launch of new products.

  • Limited edition 90210 iPod nano surfaces, we hardly believe it's real

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Man, it has been quite awhile since we've seen an iPod of any sort get dressed up in limited edition attire. Thinking back to those Harry Potter, Madonna and Tony Hawk editions, we can't help but wonder how this one missed the boat. Coincidentally (or not) enough, the CBS Store has decided to offer up a special run of 8GB Beverly Hills, 90210 iPod nanos just as The CW pushes the all new rendition of the show. Buyers can add up to 30 characters of text and choose black, pink, green, blue or silver hues, but you better hurry -- who knows how fast raving fans will be handing over their $269 in hopes of securing one.[Via ChipChick]

  • DirectVoxx muso voice control accessory is more expensive than the iPod

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    We can't deny the usefulness of a voice controlled iPod at the gym, while running or snowboarding, or when overcome by the fits of extreme sloth more akin to our eXistenZ. Hell, Apple has recognized the importance of hands- and eyes-free text to audio translation and audio navigation in a number of patent applications. But seriously DirectVoxx, the price of the accessory can't cost more than the device it accessorizes. Meet the $159 muso, a voice recognition dongle for the iPod nano (which starts at $149). Muso requires zero initial setup and training yet is said to understand natural language commands like, "play me some Led Zeppelin," or "gimme jazz." While a muso voice control application from Apple's App Store seems like a given, DirectVoxx says that, "the iPhone does not allow programs to access the iPod portion of the iPhone." Shame. The muso is iPod- and English-only for now and expected to ship in December. See it in action after the break. Otherwise check the $100 voice control solution from Accenda expected in September. Update: DirectVoxx responded to our concern with the price. While they won't be offering any discounts they've at least offered an explanation which we've posted in whole after the break.Read -- DirectVoxx muso Read -- Accenda

  • Japan orders Apple to investigate exploding iPod nanos

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Uh oh. Japan's trade and economy ministry is now officially investigating the explosive nature of the iPod nano. The culprit is model MA099J/A -- AKA, the old black and white plastic model already reported to spew "chest high flames," cause bedroom fires, and explode across the floor. The Japan incident occurred in January when an iPod nano reportedly "shot out sparks while recharging." At this point, all odds are with the nano's lithium ion battery. Apple Japan has been ordered to investigate the issue and report back to the ministry with the cause. Kind of like asking the fox what it was doing in the hen house, eh?Update: Apparently, the Japanese ministry "strongly warned" Apple for failing to report the incident (as required by law) when it occurred. Apple's filing with the ministry came on March 7th.

  • iPod nano sparks bedroom fire, no humans harmed

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Oddly enough, this isn't the first time we've seen a product proudly designed in Cupertino erupt, but it's pretty safe to say this story could have had a much more tragic ending. Reportedly, an iPod nano owner recently awoke to a blaring fire alarm around 2:00AM, only to find his beloved PMP wrapped in flames on the bedroom floor. Thankfully, the fire was tiny enough to be extinguished without any major trouble, and no substantial damage of property or human flesh was tallied. As of now, we've no idea if the unit simply exploded or if surrounding circumstances are at least partly to blame, but you can bet your bottom dollar that be sleeping with one eye open (and on our media players) tonight.[Thanks, Sandy]

  • iPod nano coming in purple? Probably not.

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    We've gotten a tip that there could be a new iPod nano color on the way -- purple to be exact -- due to a Circuit City circular ad distributed in Minneapolis this weekend. As far as exciting or even remotely interesting rumors go, this one falls about one space after dead last, and is most likely some kind of funkdafied CMYK mishap, or worse yet -- the most boring Photoshop job in the world. Still, for all you serious iPod aficionados who simply must have the latest shade, perhaps your player will soon be awash in Grimace-colored tones that only the Hamburgler and Prince could truly love.Update: Well you can rule out printing errors, thanks to tipsters Jack and Joe [but not necessarily photoshops, thanks to Eliav]. Check it out after the break -- you can make the call for yourself, For now we're placing this one back on the table.[Thanks, Tony T.]

  • 35mm slide viewer hacked to enhance iPod nano viewing

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you just so happen to have a spare 35mm slide viewer gathering all sorts of dust in your basement and one of Apple's latest nanos, we've discovered a perfect way to spend your weekend and exercise your DIY muscle. Granted, the Nanoscope has been around the block a time or two, but that doesn't weaken its geek factor one iota. Essentially, you simply modify said viewer to accommodate the nano, add in a set of speakers and kick back to enjoy your stored movie files in larger-than-originally-intended fashion. Really, it's way cooler than it sounds -- check out the video after the jump.[Via RetroThing]

  • iPod nano + slide viewer = bigger screen

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Retro Thing, one of my favorite blogs, points out this clever hack. The iPod nano is great, but that screen is a little small for watching movies. How do you solve that problem? Well, if you have some time, a 35mm slider viewer, and some small speakers you can hack together a solution (as seen in the video).The movie looks pretty good, though this solution does make the iPod just a little less portable. That's the great thing about hacks, though, they don't need to be practical to be awesome.

  • New iPod game: Bubble Bash

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    iPod gamers (there's an odd phrase) have got something new to try out. Apple released Bubble Bash this week [iTunes link], a new game for iPod (5th generation) and iPod nano (3rd generation). I played it on my nano and it's fun. Basically, you've got to toss bubbles into bunches of balloons, knocking out three or more of the same color. The graphics are nice for an iPod game and the music is only mildly annoying. It doesn't beat my favorite iPod game, Mini Golf, but it's still fun. Check it out if you like puzzle games.

  • Pink iPod nano now available

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    After spending a brief time off line (in the US and Canada), the Apple Store is back up with something new to show for it -- pink iPod nanos.It's available in 8GB only, costs $199US (just like its 8GB siblings) and is shipping for free. We thought it might be tied to a charity -- perhaps Breast Cancer Awareness -- as the RED nano is, but it's simply pink for pink's sake. Just in time for Valentine's Day.

  • iPod nano in the pink

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    There it is, just as we thought. The 8GB iPod nano now in pink anodized aluminum. A fitting new member to bear the third-generation nano's pastel palette. The perfect color to celebrate Valentines Day or uh, cancer. Two hours of downtime for this? Check the business-side, front, after the break while waiting for the official announcement.Update: It's official. Still $199 with free engraving and 24 hours shipping. Yes, starting from right now.[Thanks, mark-el]

  • Nanoscope, the DIY ipod nano fatty A/V dock

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    You've got to hand it to modder Mark Irwin, who did his fellow tinkerers proud by assembling a bunch of found objects into a very handy audio / video dock for the squat new iPod nano. The project is brilliant in its simplicity: Irwin just carved a nano-sized slot in an old slide magnifier, embedded some discarded speakers, and ended up with a super-handy viewing station on the cheap. Check out the video after the break for inspiration on how you, too, can help put an end to this national Made for iPod nightmare perpetrated by Griffin, Belkin, Monster, and their evil cohorts.

  • Apple gives free iPods to kids affected by California wildfires

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    It's a small, small consolation, but Apple has donated free iPod nanos to over 100 kids in a California school district who lost their homes in the recent wildfires. Affected high school students in Poway, California, received the devices after Steve Boyack, husband of a Poway city councilwoman, noticed that fundraising and gift drives organized by the city targeted mainly young children and older folks and decided to write Steve Jobs an email at his famously public email address. Steve didn't write back, but Michael Foulkes, Apple's senior manager for state and local government affairs, soon had the iPods on their way. Apple being Apple, it's declined to comment on the story, and Boyack says the company didn't want any publicity to begin with, saying, "It was strictly from the heart and just wanting to help." Love or hate Apple, you've got to respect them for trying to provide at least a little holiday cheer.

  • Radius' noise-canceling earbuds for your iPod nano

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Got a third-generation iPod nano? Looking for a new set of earbuds, preferably with noise-canceling abilities? If so, look no further than Radius' new set, which plug right into the dock in order to extract all the juice they need to block out extraneous clamor. The radStrap canalphones are expected to ship in black, green and silver, and feature a neck strap, on / off switch for the noise-cancellation, an aluminum housing and frequency response of 20Hz to 20kHz. Check 'em out next month for ¥8,980 ($82), but don't get your hopes up for a bonafide US release.

  • Shimura's full metal iPod jacket is born to kill

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Practical? No. Still, there's something about this Shimura full metal iPod jacket which makes us want to love it long time. It ships direct from Japan for something like ¥17,900 (about $165). Yeah, that's bit fubar.[Via Akihabara News]

  • Apple and Sony, like peas in an iPod

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Funny huh? We knew something was a tad too familiar with those Sony DSC-T2 Cyber-shot cameras announced yesterday. Now, Engadget Japanese reveals why. Those pictures are official, un-doctored press shots from both Apple and Sony. The former (and we mean former) comes courtesy of archive.org since it's been supplanted by Apple's new nano. Of course, Apple's no saint in these matters either. Flattery at its finest, eh? Sony, like.no.other.[Via Engadget Japanese]Read -- Sony press shot Read -- Apple press shot

  • A field guide to iPods

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Apple has produced 33 different kinds of iPods (if one counts the various capacities in each type as a unique iPod) and sometimes it can be hard to tell which iPod is which. That's why I thought it would be useful to, once again, point out this Apple Knowledge Base article which gives you tips on how to tell which iPod you have.You'll never confuse your first gen shuffle for an iPod Classic again!

  • ColorWare adds Apple's latest offerings to its lineup

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Not that it comes as much of a surprise (or any, really), but ColorWare has now brought all of Apple's latest offerings under its brightly-colored fold, with the new iMac, iPod touch, iPod nano, and iPod classic each available in "nearly 30 different colors." That, of course, means 29 colors, including such eye-catching options as blush pink, caution yellow, candy apple red, and crush orange, all of which can also be mixed and matched if you choose. As with ColorWare's other offerings, you can either purchase your colorized product of choice directly from ColorWare (for a premium price, of course) or send in your existing gear for a bit of sprucing up, which also doesn't exactly come cheap.

  • iPod classic and nano update fixes performance niggles

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    Apparently that 1.0.1 iPod update the other week didn't do much to fix the iPod classic and nano's Coverflow performance, with a new update fixing low framerates and jerky animations once and for all. Overall faster menu performance is also part of the package, with TV Out functionality getting the fix it should have had in the first place, with a third "ask" option for selecting TV out mode when a cable is plugged in. These cases of release now, fix later are really becoming a bore.[Thanks, Billy. Via MacRumors]