iPod nano


  • Greenpeace likes new iPod nano, congratulates self

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Although they still rate Apple behind Sony Ericsson, Sony, Nokia, Samsung, Dell, Toshiba, Acer... (you get the idea) in its quarterly guide to greener electronics, Greenpeace tossed a bit of love to the boys from Cupertino for the new eco-friendlier iPod nano. In a blog post titled "less toxic iPods rock," Greenpeace praised itself as victorious in its own "Green my Apple campaign" before chiding Apple for not doing more to green all of its products. Hooray, a victory for Greenpeace, shame on you Apple for uh... oh never mind. [Via Pocket-lint]

  • Poll: New iPods vs. new Zunes, what're you buying?

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    It would have been juicier if Microsoft hadn't announced the fall Zune lineup a day early and gone directly head-to-head with Apple's newly refreshed iPod lineup, but the fact is that if you're in the market for a new player the past 48 hours have delivered a slew of new options. Microsoft concentrated on the software side of the equation with Zune 3.0, but Redmond's players themselves got a WiFi music store, some new games, and Buy From FM, while Apple added in new Genius playlists across the board and updated the iPod nano's form factor and UI. At the high end of the capacity scale, the Zune seems to have the win on paper -- both the Zune 120 and the iPod classic frustratingly top out at 120GB, but the classic's stagnated essentially at the level of the 5.5G video iPod while the Zune 120 carries all the features of its smaller siblings. On top of all that, you have the newly-thinner iPod touch, with all of its browsing, media, gaming, and third-party application features -- and the lost purity of purpose adding all features those entails. That's a ton of choices -- so c'mon, kids, what's it going to be? %Poll-19372%

  • Found Footage: New iPod nano ad

    Cory Bohon
    Cory Bohon

    You knew it was coming, right? With every new iPod introduction, a nifty little TV commercial will soon follow. If you haven't heard the news already, Apple updated the iPod nano and also introduced some spiffy new colors to go along. They close the ad with their new marketing word "nano-chromatic." If you are wondering what the song is, it's Bruises by Chairlift. Link to YouTube video.

  • Jobs unveils new iPod nano at "Let's Rock"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The rumors were true on this one, too -- there's a new iPod nano in town, and it's sporting that long, thin, somewhat rounded design that we've seen early on. There's a new widescreen that can be turned horizontally (thanks to a new built-in accelerometer, you can also "shake to shuffle"), and in that mode, it offers a Coverflow-style interface. Features like a stopwatch and even a Voice Recorder (with mic, presumably purchased separately) are available, and the battery life has been slightly updated: you can have 24 hours of music, or four hours of video.The new models are available in blue, purple, orange, green, or pink, and the 8gb version is available right now at Apple stores for $149, with the 16gb version available for $199 as soon as next week. Headphones are sold separately for $29 next month, with an in-ear version available for $79, and both, we're told, include the clicker from the iPhone, where there's a small button you can click or double click to skip songs.Stay tuned for more on the new nano later today, and keep with the TUAW liveblog of Apple's Let's Rock event for more new products and news.

  • Official: iPod nano reaches 4G, looks tall for its age

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Well well. Can't say we're surprised to be telling you about the new 4th generation iPod nano. As we heard, 9 colors, bigger $149 8GB and $199 16GB capacity, and wider 2-inch display under the control of an accelerometer for automatic switching between portrait and landscape modes like those early Canon PowerShots and uh, oh right, the iPod touch and iPhone. Looks just like the spy shots eh? Steve calls it the thinnest iPod ever with new Genius playlist, shake to shuffle feature, and 24-hour battery for music or 4-hours for video. In stores by the weekend, available immediately on-line. A few more pics after the break and the gallery below.%Gallery-31550%

  • iPod nanos set to double capacity, iPod touch likely unchanged in preparation for price cuts? (updated)

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    MacRumors has some last minute leaks en-route to Tuesday's Lets Rock event. Arn's sources claim that the entire iPod lineup will be refreshed and the heavily rumored iPod nanos will make the move from 4GB/8GB capacities and 6 color choices to 8GB/16GB configurations in 9 color variations -- purple, orange, and yellow will be the new choices. Interestingly, the iPod touch will continue to be offered in 8GB/16GB/32GB choices which sets them up for the rumored price cuts we've been expecting ever since Apple kicked out the iPhone 3G for $199.By the way, the Apple store will almost certainly be going down in the next few minutes. Consider us and yourselves, notified.Update: Now AppleInsider has chimed in with leaks from its "longstanding sources." They cite 5 colors of iPod shuffles and an updated black and white silver iPod classic. Elongated iPod nanos are predicted in the same 9 colors with the inclusion of a new accelerometer to switch from portrait to landscape modes.

  • Yet another iPod nano 4G case leaks out

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Yep, there's another 4G iPod Nano case, this time apparently accompanied by official-looking PR -- we think it's probably safe to assume we'll be seeing this bad boy make its debut tomorrow. We're also hearing that current-gen iPod touches are being pulled from store shelves with instructions not to sell them, anyone else hear or see anything similar?[Via Gearlog]

  • Supposed iPod nano 4G really unboxed

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    There you have it, more supposed iPod nano 4G love, unboxed and wearing a distinctive iPod nano 2G lime-colored coat. Must be cold in the house that fruit built from all these leaks.Update: As noted in the comments, that 2G-style coloring is matched with an old-style squeeze-connector iPod cable, making this leak, at least, highly suspect.

  • iPod nano 4G leaked in actual, factual, really-real spy photo

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Look, you know the drill here. This may be the painstaking result of some CAD-school-dropout's nights home alone, or the latest in cheapo knock-offs from the Far East. You may be looking at a Photoshop spackled together from newspaper clippings, puppy dog tears, and Steve Jobs' fever-dreams. Or, this could be a really crappy, actual photo of the iPod nano 4G in its packaging. It sure looks enough like what we've been seeing lately to be any / all of the above. Regardless, we'll know the truth real, real soon.[Thanks, anonymous tipster]

  • Yet another iPod nano 4G render? Sure, why not

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Hey, what's one more leaked OEM/ODM image of the iPod nano 4G between friends. While usually we'd be highly suspect of an image like this from Alibaba.com (peddlers of the Mac G6), the stars have certainly aligned around the next-generation iPod nano form factor show beneath the "Screen Guard for iPod Nano 4th Gen." Besides, it's the first clean render we've seen from below. Five more days and we'll know for sure.[Thanks, Chris W.]

  • New iPod nano and iPod touch dimensions revealed?

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    So, iLounge has a hot tip on dimensions for the hotly-rumored, upcoming iPod nano and iPod touch refreshes. The diagrams appear to the type of thing provided to case manufacturers so they launch their player-hugging wares on day one, but could just as easily be faked, so we'll take 'em with a grain of salt. Of note, the new fourth-gen iPod nano has supposedly slimmed down to a mere 6.08mm thick, compared to the 2nd gen's 6.5mm, while the second-gen iPod touch got all curvy on us like big brother 3G, and similarly adds thickness: 8.4mm thick, instead of 8mm on the original. More exciting than the design tweak is the addition of volume control buttons to the side of the iPod touch, though the headphone port has stuck to the base of the device. Hopefully we'll know more soon, the mock-suspense is just killing us.Update: A couple have people have pointed out that XSKN has also made a nano 4G case to these dimensions. Hooray for them!

  • Hands-on with Hama's iPod nano 4G case at IFA

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Our spicy, siesta loving friends over at Engadget Spanish just nabbed a hands-on with Hama's "iPod nano 4G" case on the floor of IFA. The tip came in anonymously about an hour ago and sure enough, there it is, buried in a mountain of iPod accessories and sharing the same smooth arc of the Kevin Rose nano -- as it will from henceforth be known. Hit the read link for all the pics, or check a couple more after the break.

  • The iPod mount for your 'magnetic' personality

    Robert Palmer
    Robert Palmer

    See what I did there? Eh? Eh? Magnetic! As in this product from iStik (warning: annoying loud background music) which uses neodymium magnets that let you attach it to workout shirts, jacket pockets, or your backpack. Of course, neodymium magnets are very strong, and can damage hard disks. It works fine with the iPod nano's flash memory, however. You also might want to avoid wearing the iStik on your shirt front if you have a pacemaker or other cardiac device. iStik is $25 for the second-generation iPod nano, and $27 for the third-generation "fat" nano. Terrible magnet jokes sold separately. [Via productdose and Gearfuse.]

  • New iPod nano and touch revealed by case manufacturers?

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Man, Apple's lockdown on product leaks just isn't as tight as it used to be -- remember when having new iPod designs leaked by case manufacturers seemed totally unthinkable? Yeah, those times are over -- check out these silicone cases for a fourth-gen iPod nano and second-gen iPod touch that just appeared on Alibaba. We're not totally sold on the touch cases, but the nanos look way more legit, especially since we've seen some others matching this general look before; while nano KIRFs in this form factor aren't uncommon, we'd say it's pretty unlikely that anyone's making several different types of silicone cases for them. We're not calling this anywhere near 100 percent yet, but let's just say we're hoping Apple's press photographers can make the new nano look a whole lot better than our pal Mr. Blurrycam by the time September 9th rolls around. More case photos after the break.[Thanks, Samm]Read - iPod nano caseRead - iPod nano caseRead - iPod touch caseRead - iPod touch case

  • Apple introducing new iPods on September 9th?

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    There's been a lot of iPod chatter in the air lately and now MacRumors and Ars Technica say that we'll be seeing El Steve boom-boom some new gear on September 9th. No specifics on what's in store, but new nanos are obviously on the table, as is that rumored subscription service and possibly a new iPod touch at a lower price. Anything you guys hoping for?Read - MacRumorsRead - Ars Technica

  • Supposed 4th gen iPod nano case designs slip out

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Sure, magic man and all-around seer Kevin Rose delivered the "news" that a refreshed iPod nano is coming in the form that slimmed up, tapered in, longish tube of a device -- but you might be looking for harder evidence. We've just come across two case-related designs supposedly destined for Apple's next PMP, but both raise as many questions as they answer. Chinese accessory-maker Beelan apparently has a silicon sleeve ready to drop ship to a location of your choice via Alibaba, and iDealsChina is showing off renders of the 4th gen nano and another case from "some unknown Canadian company." Unfortunately, neither design can really be verified, and as they've just appeared on the heels of last night's Rose rumor, the timing seems a touch suspect. We're wondering what the Engadget hive-mind thinks -- any meat on these bones?Update: As many commenters have pointed out, that's a mini-USB port on that render. It's essentially inconceivable that Apple would use anything other than its dock connector here, which makes this rumor seem even more dubious than before, if you can believe such a thing.[Via PMPToday; Thanks Joel]Read - for iPod nano 4G Silicon Skin CaseRead - New! iPod Nano 4TH Gen Touch Screen

  • Kevin Rose unearths redesigned iPod nano, digs for more?

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Kevin Rose of Digg origins claims to have the scoop on the latest iPod nano. Mind you, this is the same Kevin Rose who notoriously claimed that a generation one iPhone would launch in both CDMA and GSM versions with a pair of batteries and slide-out keyboard. Uh hem. This time however, he backs up his claims with this picture of a skinnier, longer, and curvier nano -- credible because it just happens to be consistent with other rumors we've seen floating around and certainly makes sense for an Apple obsessed with tapering edges and video playback. Kev also claims that the iPod lineup will undergo "fairly large" price cuts to avoid the market cannibalization assumed by the lower $199 iPhone 3G purchase price. The iPod touch, which currently starts at $299 for 8GB, will see some slight cosmetic changes as well as a new 2.1 firmware update (which will obviously make its way to the iPhone). Tagging along with the iPod refresh is a new iTunes 8.0 which, according to Rose's sources, deserves the full point upgrade based on all the new features and functionality it brings. All this, "in the next 2-3 weeks." He then adds that OS X 10.5.6 is rumored to include Blu-ray support which could point to future Blu-ray options in Apple's lineup of Macs -- oh, and ponies, lots of ponies. Listen to the man say it in his own words in the video after the break.[Thanks, Matt and Alexis F.]

  • Apple's next-gen iPods just around the corner, full of rainbows?

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Sure, you could dismiss this round of iPod rumors -- so carefully culled by the fine folks at 9 to 5 Mac and AppleInsider -- as baseless speculation, but we'll have none of your dowdy skepticism. We're talking about rainbows here, people. AppleInsider claims that retailers are seeing current iPod models being switched to "discontinued" in inventory systems, Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster says to expect iPod refreshes across the board, including a slightly redesigned $200 iPod touch, and meanwhile 9 to 5 Mac has it from an unnamed source that the new iPod nanos will have enhanced features, double the storage and rainbow color schemes. It's almost like somebody in Cupertino is reading our mind! We'll know for sure when new iPods arrive mid-September filled to the brim with "Run's House" episodes and bedecked in rainbow-hued gummy bears. It's going to rock.[Thanks, Kiwi616]Read - AppleInsiderRead - 9 to 5 Mac

  • Apple admits to iPod nano smoking and sparks, will replace faulty devices

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    It's only taken a number of years and some seriously ruined pants -- but Apple has finally come clean on the flammable nature of the first-generation iPod nano, and is now offering to replace the faulty devices. After reports today that two more of the media players had lit up without warning in Japan, the company issued a statement admitting that the nanos do -- in fact -- have battery problems which cause them to smoke or spark and generally burn the hell out of things. In the company's words: "Apple has determined that in very rare cases batteries in first generation iPod nanos sold between September 2005 and December 2006 can overheat causing failure and deformation of the iPod nano. Apple has received very few reports of such incidents (less than 0.001 percent of first generation iPod nano units), which have been traced back to a single battery supplier. There have been no reports of serious injuries or property damage, and no reports of incidents for any other iPod nano model. Any first generation iPod nano customers who have experienced their battery overheating should contact AppleCare for a replacement. Any other customers who have concerns about their first generation iPod nano battery should also contact AppleCare." Well, thanks guys... at least we didn't die.

  • Japanese Gov't: iPod nano batteries caused fires

    Robert Palmer
    Robert Palmer

    A brief report from Reuters this morning said Japan's trade ministry claimed three fires had been caused by defectively hot iPod nano batteries. Nobody was injured in the fires. The government said in a statement that Apple had two other reported cases where people were burned by their iPod nanos. The defective nanos, they said, were sold between September 2005 and September 2006. Japan's quasi-governmental product safety commission will investigate the incidents with Apple's cooperation, the trade ministry said.