James Cameron


  • Caption Contest: 3D is a mind blow, everyone can agree on that

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What do b-boys, random celebrities like Mark Sanchez, Andy Samberg and Hillary Duff, and the Black Eyed Peas have to do with 3DTV? We're not sure either, but that didn't stop Samsung from mixing them up during its "worldwide launch event" yesterday in NYC. Check the video (embedded after the break) for the above revelation about 3D from the JIMP troubador himself, but what was going through the heads of our friend Jimmy C and the BEP when this picture was taken? Chris: "And see, just by turning this knob to the right, we can give Avatar a plot." Richard Lawler: "If everyone starts wearing these, we're going to need new outfits." Nilay: "Fascinating. You say this is called a 'lady lump?'" Joe: "What? Bono beat us to it?" Joanna: "That Neytiri, she's a handful..." Paul: "I've gotta feeling that nothing of intellectual importance is happening here."

  • Kojima says Peace Walker is a 'test' for Metal Gear Solid series

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Metal Gear series creator Hideo Kojima's recently-opened Twitter account has likely been a roller coaster of emotions for those among you who can read Japanese. Unfortunately for us, not speaking the developer's native language almost caused us to nearly miss out on all of his 140-character thoughts, not to mention a few recent Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker infobombs. Kojima said about the upcoming game (as translated by Andriasang) that "It's difficult to show the interest and freshness of PW [Peace Walker] through video. [James] Cameron's Avatar was a huge hit because of the 3D video. That can't be communicated through text and a trailer. It's something you won't understand unless you experience it for yourself in the theater." Kojima further posits that Peace Walker is a "horizontal expansion" for the studio (read: gameplay) rather than a vertical one (read: graphics), all the while reiterating that the PSP isn't the "main platform" for the series going forward. He also says that the roast beef sandwich he had for lunch yesterday was positively delightful. (Okay, okay, we made up that last part.) He does, however, show some Duran Duran love. (And no, we're not kidding about that part.)

  • James Cameron sees Avatar on Blu-ray 3D in November, HDTV manufacturers mark their calendars

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Fox has been slow to show its hand concerning the Avatar home video release schedule, but that didn't stop director James Cameron from spilling assorted dates and SKUs in a Wall Street Journal interview. He's pegged a standard DVD & Blu-ray release for April 22, with a special edition DVD and Blu-ray 3D version arriving in November. Considering how much electronics companies have invested in bringing 3D to market this year and specifically Panasonic's push to make Avatar a box office smash the timing seems right on target. Whether you love the Na'vi just a little or far, far too much, budgeting for a 3D related Black Friday upgrade to go along with blue body paint for Halloween is seeming like a more sensible option every day. Update: Fox has responded, simply stating that 3D is in the conceptual stage, and that Avatar will not be out on Blu-ray 3D in November. Should we believe them or the guy with an executive producer credit on Point Break... is that even a question?

  • The Sea Monkey experience of avatars

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    So, as you may recall last week Linden Lab responded about what appeared to be Second Life advertisements that capitalized on the recently-released James Cameron film, Avatar. Linden Lab implied (though didn't actually state plainly) that the advertisements were not intended to cause confusion between Second Life and Avatar. Since about Christmas (just after previews showing the blue-skinned Na'vi began to become available to the general public) IMVU started running some blue-skinned ads of its own. It was when we saw the blue-avatared IMVU advertisement that sprung up during the same period that we inevitably started thinking about Sea Monkeys. There's more similarities going on here than just the visible, so let's rummage around and see if we can't find one of the old advertisements in our files.

  • Avatars blue, Second Life concurrency and transactions rise

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    The Second Life user-concurrency and user-to-user transaction figures took a bit of an unexpected jump this week, rising sharply after a year of relatively little motion. Through 2009, user-concurrency has been on a slight, though not terribly significant decline, while user-to-user transactions remained flat and rather unexciting. The sudden rise coincided with an advertising campaign by Linden Lab, where James Cameron's Avatar and Second Life were rather strongly linked in a series of banner advertisements run on YouTube and as a part of Linden Lab's affiliate program.

  • Cameron entertaining possibility of doing more games with Ubisoft

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Though it sounds intriguing and exciting on the outside, there's something about the X-Play interview with James Cameron we put after the break that kind of bums us out. The director recently told the show, "I've got a lot of stories and I don't have time to make them all as movies. That's something I'm exploring with Ubisoft, to see if there's maybe a relationship around just getting some of these story and world ideas into games." It's good news if you're a fan of Ubisoft or Cameron, but bad news if you're not a fan of watching a man entering his twilight years, fully aware that his own mortality may keep him from sharing all the stories he wants to with mankind. That's kind of a total bummer. Look for James Cameron's Grim Realization and Acceptance of the Inevitability of His Own Death coming to PS3 and 360 in 2011.

  • Avatar uses smoking as a metaphor for (online) gaming obsession

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    For all of you who saw Avatar (and we're pretty sure that's a lot of you) we imagine the analogy between James Cameron's sci-fi techno masterpiece and our beloved genre of gaming didn't fully escape many of you. So, when anti-smoking outfits began to boil over about Sigourney Weaver's character lighting up after "logging off" from her big blue cat woman for the evening, Cameron took to the defense. According to the mastermind behind Avatar, the character of Grace was never meant to be a role model. "We were showing that Grace doesn't care about her human body, only her avatar body." Cameron continued by saying her destructive behavior "is a negative comment about people in our real world living too much in their avatars, meaning online and in video games." The message is clear, although not too overbearing. We love our online games, there's no doubt about that, but getting the occasional exercise routine or two in doesn't hurt, either. It's all very interesting given the ending to Avatar, which we won't spoil for those of you who somehow haven't yet seen it. Still, regardless of whatever "anti" sentiment you think Cameron was sending, there's no doubt plenty more MMO metaphor to be found within Avatar -- a movie ostensibly about a real life fantasy world and avatars to play within it. [via Wired]

  • James Cameron says Sigourney Weaver is smoking to criticize you

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We know you don't remember any of the parts in Avatar that weren't blue giants riding luckdragons, but take our word for it when we say that Sigourney Weaver's character Grace smoked in the movie. Director James Cameron told the New York Times that the character (who spends much of her day motionless and controlling her giant blue avatar) sports a disregard for her body as "a negative comment about people in our real world living too much in their avatars, meaning online and in video games." We're assuming he means video games other than Avatar: The Video Game of The Movie That, Let's Be Honest, Is Pretty Much Already A Video Game and Not a Particularly Well-Written One At That. Naturally. [Via Wired]

  • Avatar: Why does this movie look so familiar?

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    If you're one of the few people who has not heard the buzz about Avatar yet, we'll catch you up by saying that the film's beauty is all anyone can talk about. MMO players discussing the movie will follow that observation up almost immediately with "...and did you notice how much it looks like [insert game of choice here]?" Quite a few comparisons have been drawn, with World of Warcraft and Guild Wars being the two most frequently mentioned. Film and music review site In Review Online was quick to point out that James Cameron is a big fan of WoW, and Guild Wars fans noticed the similarities as soon as trailers showed up way back in August. So James Cameron is stealing all of his ideas from MMOs, right? Of course not. Magically floating rocks, mountains in the distance, and lush, green landscaping have been a part of the fantasy genre for some time now, and anyone involved in a creative process is bound to be influenced by the things encountered in daily life. While (we hope) nobody seriously thinks that Cameron looked at a game load screen and said "Yeah, I'll use that," there is certainly a strong influence there. Whether he was influenced by games or everyone has the same general underlying theme of a fantasy world is anyone's guess. In the end, we'll just enjoy the movie and its strange sense of familiarity.

  • So are you headed to the theater to see Avatar?

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    It should come as absolutely no surprise that big time HD lovers like us prefer to enjoy our movies in the comfort of our own home theater, but even we get out to the movies on occasion and of course it would take a movie just like Avatar to get us off the couch. Part of the reason is because we've bought into the latest 3D technology hook line and sinker, and really want to see if it holds up during a 3 hour epic. And since we figured this is just the type of thing we love to get some social confirmation on. We want to know: are we the only ones planning on throwing down $10 to see Avatar in 3D this weekend? %Poll-38954%

  • James Cameron thinks he can get viewers asking to wear 3D glasses

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    The promotional hype train for Avatar is just getting started, one of the more recent stops was on 60 Minutes for an interview with director James Cameron. Of course one of the segments focused on was the film's potential to push 3D at home and in theaters, with Cameron dropping this interesting line on all the glasses-haters (video embedded after the break) "my goal has been, over the last few years to get people from a point of say "Do I have to wear the glasses?" to a point of saying "Do I get to wear the glasses?" because the glasses must then become associated the sense of a heightened experience, of a journey." Our trip took a turn towards believing in 3D after checking out the BCS National Championship game last year, we'll have to wait for the launch December 18 to see if this very Pocahontas / Dances with Wolves style sci fi tale is a similar turning point for others.

  • Avatar's third dev diary is all about choices

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Okay, okay – we'll admit that the transparent dry erase board thing is a bit on the "too much" side of things, but Avatar's third dev diary contains enough interesting information about the game in it otherwise that we feel okay forgiving the clip's director. The emphasis here is on the game's many choices, and, more specifically, the one major choice which mirrors the movie's plot. Will you choose the path of the human and murder a tall blue alien ... thing, or stand up for all that is righteous and good in the world? The choice is yours (you monster!). %Gallery-70590%

  • Avatar gameplay trailer shows off blue guy's athleticism

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We finally understand why James Cameron spoke for nine-and-a-half hours about his upcoming film/game, Avatar, during Ubisoft's E3 press conference earlier this year. Without the context provided during his lengthy diatribe, we'd have absolutely no idea what was going on in the above gameplay trailer for his long overdue film's video game adaptation. However, now we understand perfectly: A blue alien guy is murdering humans with primitive weapons. Now wait just a second. Let's forget the fact that when one brings a knife (or in this case, a long, spiked club) to a gun fight, one rarely claims victory. Instead, let's focus on the fact that Mr. Cameron wants us to root against humanity. "Oh, but they're polluting their planet," you might cry. No, they're doing their job. That's a thing humans have to do from time to time. They don't have the freedom to skip around lush jungles all day, riding around on pterodactyls. They have responsibilities, and we're not really comfortable with playing as the turquoise-toned authors of their eradication for that reason alone.

  • James Cameron's Avatar launches for everything Dec. 1

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Ubisoft's website lists James Cameron's Avatar as launching across all platforms -- Xbox 360, PS3, PC, DS, Wii, PSP, Wifi-enabled Toilets and Toasters that also cook hot dogs -- for December 1. As we're often skeptical with what we read on the Internet, we decided to find out if the listing was accurate. According to Ubisoft, the game will indeed launch in North America on December 1. The date thrusts gamers into the Avatar universe more than two weeks before the film hits theaters on December 16. Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 players -- with the proper set up -- will also be able to experience the game in 3D. Whether or not James Cameron will record what seems like an hours-long video introduction outlining every detail of the game and movie experience to accompany the launch is unclear. %Gallery-70590%

  • Avatar: The Game: The Developer Diary

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Ubisoft has released the first of its developer diaries for Avatar: The Game. This video mainly covers the Avatar universe and how the game will be directly related to the film. Avatar: The Game is not your typical licensed game -- at least in respect to its story, by being officially recognized as canon in a larger universe.Those of you looking to see some gameplay will notice some snippets above, though the video is mainly developers and Cameron talking about the game. Don't worry, though: Cameron doesn't pull another Cameron.

  • James Cameron's Avatar gets PSP incarnation with PS3 connectivity

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Not much is known about the upcoming PSP version of Avatar: The Game. Heck, we didn't even know it existed until just now. According to PlayStation: The Official Magazine (via IGN), the handheld game has you taking up arms as the film's blue-skinned Na'vi aliens after their village is destroyed by the human RDA force. Based on the plot similarities, it's likely that the PSP game is based on the Wii version and not the PS3/360 game.Like Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines, the two PlayStation Avatar games will be able to communicate with each other. One feature revealed so far is the ability to transfer "Effort Points" from the PSP game to the PS3. That's not immediately exciting stuff, but we're hoping that more interesting connectivity features will be revealed at a later stage.

  • Avatar's first gameplay trailer unsurprisingly full of blue people

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    We imagine you're just as excited for James Cameron's upcoming film, Avatar, as we are. How can you go wrong with blue people, right? The game's first trailer though -- it unfortunately lives up to our expectations for games based on licensed properties, including cheesy rock music right on cue at the one minute mark. We're hoping a demo lands before the game's planned December release window.As pointed out in our hands-on with the game, the visuals certainly do pop with color, but the action itself seems to lean toward the generic side of things. That being said, we hear the blue giants are playable in the game. That's something different, right? Right?!... where are you going?

  • Impressions: James Cameron's Avatar

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Today being "Avatar Day" (what, didn't your calendar tell you?), we figured it's the perfect time to fill you in on what we've seen of the gaming side of James Cameron's much-talked-about mega-project, James Cameron's Avatar. The Game, as it's subtitled, is split into two distinct products on consoles. (Additionally, there will be portable versions for DS and PSP.) The games aren't typical movie-license rehashes and tell their own stories, separate in plot from the movie, in turn contributing unique elements to the Avatar universe.Ubisoft likens Avatar to Harry Potter, "an incredible entertainment phenomenon." Understandably, you might not have made the same connection, but then, the marketing push is only now beginning to rev up (did you catch the movie trailer yet?). Excuse us then, if we prematurely deflate some air out of the tires: Xbox 360(PS3/PC) Wii Jump to a platform-specific preview above or read both after the break.

  • Panasonic taking 3D, Avatar on world tour this fall

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Instead of offering a tour of its 3D lab as we hoped, Panasonic is bringing 103-inch plasmas and 3D capable Blu-ray players to you, planning to send around tractor trailers to promote its technology and the new James Cameron flick, Avatar. IFA and CES will also get the full 3D experience, with the company still planning to put hardware on shelves in 2010. It expects HDMI 1.4 and Blu-ray 3D spec standardization to have the market primed and ready, and while 3D may not be for everyone, we're sure those interested are just waiting to toss those silly two-color glasses in the trash to get with this stereoscopic solution.

  • Ubisoft sees Avatar as 'world-changing,' compares to Harry Potter

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Having left EA and joined Ubisoft, Murray Pannell is finally getting out and about to promote Ubisoft's upcoming titles. One of its biggest is the tie-in to James Cameron's upcoming movie, Avatar. Pannell recently spoke about the IP to MCV, commenting, "Avatar looks set to be a world-changing kind of cinema given its pedigree and elements like the 3D." Pannell also compared work on the game to his time spent working on the first Harry Potter game for EA, which he described as "an incredible entertainment phenomenon." Obviously, Ubisoft hopes to attain the same success with Avatar as EA did with the Harry Potter games, which have become a staple for the games giant. If that's going to happen, we have one suggestion: don't give James Cameron any monologues.