

  • The Daily Grind: Would you play a pacifist character if it were compelling?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    I don't know what got my mind on this train of thought the other day, but I got a little incensed that MMO developers constantly equate "hero" with "mass murder of hundreds of sentients," not to mention the fact that as a character, I'm more or less pushed into being a weapon. Yes, I can kill to protect and save, but the killing wears on the virtual soul after a while. My mind then turned to the prospect of being a pacifist in these combat-oriented worlds. Sure, there are always people who go far out of their way to figure out paths to leveling without killing, but what if the game made fighting optional rather than mandatory? I'm not talking about just sitting in a hovel crafting but solving quests through deduction, puzzle-solving, diplomacy, and sheer moxie. How cool would it be to be a mage whose spellbook was full of utility spells instead of fireballs and could use those to help NPCs? Would you play a pacifist character if the game made it compelling enough? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Facebook shutters its unpopular email service

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    After three years, Facebook is killing its email service. When it launched in late 2010, Zuckerberg and Co. touted the system's basic approach to messaging (think: no attachment or CC/BCC features). However, in a statement given to The Verge, the outfit confirmed that barely anyone was using the service. If you did use it, though, don't fret: any incoming mail will now be forwarded to your primary email address. [Image credit: Marco Paköeningrat/Flickr]

  • The Art of Wushu: Getting yourself a bounty

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    We all know what side of the law I fight on in Age of Wushu: the bad guy side. However, there's a marked difference between being a professional criminal and an indiscriminate mass murderer. Being a criminal means that you need to be more discreet in which targets you kill. If I don't have a bounty, a kill that doesn't get me a bounty is pointless. Infamy is a resource, and if I ramp it up too much, I could be looking at jail time without even getting a bounty. Nothing is more frustrating than having to idle for hours in some out of the way place because my infamy shot up over 2000, but it's pretty easy to get there. Being selective in whom I kill helps prevent those kinds of mistakes.

  • MMO Mechanics: Kill 10 rats can be fun!

    Tina Lauro
    Tina Lauro

    Quests are increasingly an MMO enthusiast's bread and butter, often becoming the staple component of a game's typical serving of progressive content. Over the years, developers have tried to serve up this familiar progression mechanic in many different ways: The modern themepark MMO makes us fetch, carry, explore, and investigate our way to the endgame through countless quest types and story arcs. Among the varieties of quest on offer, kill quests seem to cause the most tears and tantrums amongst picky players. No matter what developers do, there just isn't much love for missions that send characters off with a shopping list of mundane creatures to crush. Kill quests have become so common that plenty of MMOs have cheekily referenced the "10 rats" trope by literally making us smash in some rodent skulls, but killing cute, twitchy-nosed creatures is not the real problem. It's the uninspired kill list mechanic that often incites complaints of developer laziness, an argument that I don't think is justified. Kill quests exist to hone your skills through repetition, but they don't have to feel like an arduous grinding task and are actually a very useful mechanic for game designers. In this week's MMO Mechanics, I stand up for the unloved stepchild of questing; I'll show you that killing a list of creatures can be both contextually engaging and mechanistically interesting, depending on how it's presented.

  • The Art of Wushu: Rewarding good and bad deeds

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    Last time, I mentioned that I might talk about the new school instances in Age of Wushu's Infinite Scrolls expansion, but the truth is that very little is known. I haven't done them (I'm guildless and I'm not really looking), and the guilds that have done them are very closed-mouthed about what is in the dungeons. I've heard they're pretty easy, if it's any condolence. However, I do have something more fun to talk about, and that's killing other people. You guys may have noticed, but I like PvP a lot. Infinite Scrolls released a new system called Big Jianghu that rewards people for open-world PvP. I have wanted more consequences for PKing for a long time, so I was really excited about this feature. Unfortunately, as with many things in the new expansion, I was bound to be disappointed.

  • Pathfinder Online discusses the creed of assassination

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Not everything in Pathfinder Online is meant to be sweetness and light. Your player-run settlement might have all of the people it needs to be built into a great city, but all it takes is an assassin accosting one of those people and suddenly everything can fall apart. And that's not just conjecture -- the latest development blog shows how the assassination system is meant to facilitate precisely that sort of outcome under the right circumstances. Assassination is a system allowing players to put out contracts on other players, whether for long-term gain or just spite. Successful assassins will slowly become better and better at stealth and can prevent targets from resurrecting nearby. They also get access to Disguises, special outfits that change your display name and hide your actual abilities from other players. If you're looking to be the blade in the night that puts down your target, take a look at the official blog for all the details.

  • Dead Rising 2 and Off the Record on sale this week at Capcom Store

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Capcom's deal of the week makes both Dead Rising 2 and the spinoff Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, available for the low price of just $12.99 a piece. Dead Rising 2 OTR is on PSN for the same price as part of the Halloween sale. That's a huge saving on zombie killings: One of the game's achievements asks you to kill 72,000 zombies, so if you finish that achievement, you'll only have paid 1/50th (rounded off, of course) of a cent per kill! It's rare you find zombie killing that cheap these days, especially in this economy.Plus, if you've already played Dead Rising 2, this is your chance to play that Off the Record version, which places the first Dead Rising's Frank West in the protagonist's chair. Being that it's the deal of the week, the offer lasts no more than seven days from now (and probably less, depending on when you're reading this), so if you want to take Capcom up on it, grab away.

  • Adobe abandoning Flash Player for TVs as well

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    And the white-flag waving continues. Shortly after announcing the painful death of Flash Player for mobile devices, Adobe is also stepping back from the platform on another major pedestal: television. In a statement to GigaOM, Adobe said that it would "continue to support existing licensees who are planning on supporting Flash Player for web browsing on digital home devices and are using the Flash Player Porting Kit to do so," but that it felt the "right approach to deliver content on televisions is through applications, not a web browsing experience." The broader efforts to bring Flash to connected HDTVs, Blu-ray players etc. were all part of its Open Screen Project -- something the now-defunct Palm joined in 2009 -- which was established in order to allow developers to craft a single Flash app and distribute it across a number of devices. A perfectly acceptable initiative in theory, but it seems that traction has been hard to come by. One has to wonder what this means for products in the Google TV family, which obviously rely on Flash Player to bring a "complete" browsing experience to the tee-vee screen. In related news, HTML5 could not be reached for comment, but close friends have affirmed that "snickering" and "belly laughs" could be heard coming from his Los Angeles hotel room.

  • TUAW's Daily App: Van Pershing

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    As the App Store has matured, so have the apps on it -- many iOS games today are complicated, deep affairs that require strategy and finesse. But sometimes you just want to kill zombies, and that's what Van Pershing is all about. The title is a straight-up side-scrolling shooter. All you have to do in the game is move along, shoot a variety of weapons forward or backwards at different monsters and collect the loot that drops without dying. That's it. The action's simple, but the graphics are well-done, and there's enough variety and upgrades to the weapons to keep it interesting as a simple arcade game. There is one major issue: later in the game, the upgrades don't quite come fast enough to stay alive, and unfortunately, there's no default weapon or attack to use; once you're out of ammo with your various guns, you basically have to run for it and hope to survive. It'd be nice to introduce a little more skill to the game with some basic attack that you could use to get by enemies, even when you're in trouble. But until that point, the game's fun and well-designed, with 40 different levels and a nice cartoony style. It also has full Game Center integration. There's a free version to try out if you're so inclined, but the full game is just a buck anyway. Give it a look if you just want a little straightforward shooting action.

  • The Daily Grind: What kill gave you the most satisfaction?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    "One day, I swear, you'll be the death of me!" our moms promised. While this never happened (and if it did, we at Massively will not be caught harboring fugitives in the comments section), it turns out that we did become the death of many, many things. MMOs are virtual slaughterhouses, full of bloodthirsty warriors and crazy-eyed mages looking to exterminate the local fauna in exchange for a few pieces of coin and an experience point or two. Killing is what we do, and we do it quite well. In the spirit of rat-murdering sprees, we want to ask you: What kill in an MMO gave you the most satisfaction? Was it a major raid boss that you and 39 of your closest friends finally downed? Was it the final death blow at the end of a super-long grind? Was it even a PvP victory in which you finally got even with an annoying nemesis? Today it's OK to admit that you're a stone-cold killer. In fact, we welcome it. Share with us, so that we may admire your savage strength! Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of our readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's The Daily Grind!

  • Heirlooms for every slot

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I've been pushing forward on my Paladin lately, and so I've entered the wacky world of Heirlooms. I have already picked up the leather Heirloom shoulders (thinking that even though the Pally wears plate, if I ever want to level a Druid or Rogue, I'll have them), and I'm well on my way to grabbing the new Heirloom chestpiece as well -- 20% bonus XP, combined with a healthy amount of rested XP, should make the leveling curve as easy as it gets (RaF is nice too, I guess, but I'd rather not pay for a second account). So I'm in Heirlooms up to my neck (at least until they give us helms), and I was intrigued by this question over on the Rawrcast forums: do you think Blizzard will eventually provide Heirloom items for every slot?20% is already a significant bonus to killing and questing XP, and rested technically provides a 50% bonus. But with ten Heirlooms in 10 slots (we'll leave out weapons, since those don't have the 10% XP bonus, as well as shirts and tabards, and rings and trinkets for now), you're looking at a 100% XP bonus even without Rest. The current average 80 probably spent about 14 days leveling up, so with an extra 100% bonus, you're looking at seven days /played, or very close to the current record. At that point, Blizzard might as well let us grant levels to each other.

  • Tips for the Wrecking Ball achievement

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This forum thread is full of great advice and tips for the Wrecking Ball achievement, in which you've got to get 20 killing blows without dying in a battleground. The key here seems to be to find a place with lots and lots of folks to kill (a spawn point, like the graveyard in WSG, works great, or you can hide behind the big groups in AV), and then just hanging out there as far out of the way as you can get. Having a pocket healer won't hurt either, and playing fair isn't really part of this one -- you want to duck in when you're sure to win the fight, and run like crazy when things even threaten to go against you.Some people say that doing it at a lower bracket can help, too, because unless you're uber geared, it'll be better to go after lower levels than have everybody in the BG be 80. It actually sounds like it's easier than it seems -- as long as you set yourself up in the right place and be really careful about getting stuck in a fight you can't win, you should be able to walk away with the points. Good luck!

  • The Daily Grind: Does a game need PvP to be successful?

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Player vs. Player combat seems to be a love it or hate it scenario. Players either engage in the behavior with an extreme liking, wondering when their blades will get to silence a screaming newbie or go up against the best of the best in battlegrounds, or players hate the activity with a passion to the point where they'll avoid it as much as possible.In any case, this feature certainly has become a staple of MMOs, even going so far to have a couple games, like Darkfall, EVE Online, and Aion: The Tower of Eternity, making it one of their core focuses. So this leads to today's question: Do you think a game needs to include some form of PvP to be successful? Or can a game go with a purely player vs. environment or cooperative approach and still succeed?Drop your thoughts into the comment box below and sound off.

  • Phat Loot Phriday: Staff of Trickery

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, I'm pretty sure this is the second Feral Druid piece we've done in a row (even though last week was technically a combination of PvP gear). We'll do a Warlock piece next week -- or if there's something you're specifically wondering about, speak up in the comments. But look at that staff -- how could we pass this up?Name: Staff of Trickery (Wowhead, Thottbot, Wowdigger)Type: Epic StaffDamage/Speed: 358-537 / 2.40 (186.5 DPS)Abilities: +89 Agility, +133 Stamina Adds 1843 Feral Attack Power Increases attack power by 180

  • Richard Bartle responds to "torture quest" issue

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    A few days ago we ran a report on Richard Bartle's take on a torture quest in World of Warcraft, the Art of Persuasion. Since then, the discussion has exploded and some have taken Bartle's quotes out of context. Because of this, Bartle has created a follow-up post to clarify some of the points that may have been misinterpreted.First of all, he's not talking about the Death Knight quest entitled, "How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies." Bartle does realize that Death Knights, while under Arthas's control, were horribly evil and he understand that this quest is necessary to make them look as evil as they are. That quest makes a very strong point that resonates with the storyline of the game.He is quite aware that Warcraft involves killing, fireballs, destruction, and more killing. He knows there's a "dismiss quest" button at the bottom of the quest window. He is also aware that the game is not real life, it's only a computer game, and does not contain the Geneva Convention. So then, what's all the fuss?

  • Sprint discontinuing Voice Command on July 1st

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Sprint's not going out of its way to make a big fuss about it, but its long-standing Voice Command service will soon be no more. The service, which allowed Sprint-Nextel phones to dial two buttons and then give voice commands to place calls, will be discontinued on July 1st, 2008, meaning that all your server-based contacts will soon be inaccessible. Aside from removing the VC fee from your monthly bill, Sprint's advising users to download and print their contact lists, and better still, it's encouraging users to rely on handset-based voice-activated dialing (or pick up a new phone if their current one can't pass muster). So long, Voice Command -- we can't imagine too many folks actually missing you.[Via Phone Scoop]

  • TiVo killing off the Series3, focusing on TiVo HD?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    When we forced the TiVo HD and Series3 to go mano-a-mano back in October of last year, we had a sneaking suspicion that the latter was actually no longer being produced. Fast forward (har) three months, and sure enough, it seems that the end really is nigh for the Series3. According to TiVo Lovers (who heard directly from DVRupgrade), TiVo is accelerating the EOL (end of life) of the Series3 and "focusing all efforts on the recently launched, lower cost TiVo HD." Apparently, the firm managed to sell through oodles of Series3 boxes over the holidays (thanks in large part to a sizable rebate-based promotion), and rather than searching for creative ways to solve the "continued component shortage," TiVo is reportedly choosing to nudge potential customers in the direction of the TiVo HD. Granted, we'd still take this with a (light) dose of salt for the time being, but don't be shocked to see Series3 stock start dwindling in the coming weeks.[Via TVSquad, thanks Brad L.]

  • Sony killing 80GB PS3, introducing 120GB or 160GB model with Dual Shock 3?

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    According to Ars Technica, Sony has some big plans for a PlayStation 3 refresh, starting with a phase-out of the 80GB model. According to an "inside source" -- which Ars claims has been consistently right on video game-related predictions -- the console-maker's new plot is starting to take shape, holding fast to a two-SKU approach on packages, upping the hard drive capacity on systems, and including the Dual Shock 3 controller. The new bundles will take the high / low road, with the source stating that the 40GB model will remain on shelves, while the 80GB, Spider-Man 3-inclusive system will disappear, only to be replaced with a 120GB or 160GB configuration. Of course, right now these are just words on a screen, though in light of Best Buy's recent stock changes, there certainly is an air of movement over at Sony.[Thanks, Khattab]

  • Church shooter kept away from video games

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    As has become standard practice now when a kid goes on a killing rampage, it's time to examine the life of Matthew Murray and see if video games had anything to do with the weekend's shootings in Colorado. Murray, who killed four people over the weekend in a couple of church shootings, was apparently not permitted to play video games growing up.The Denver Post reports Murray was rebelling against an upbringing that didn't allow for "rock music, video games and popular DVDs." In online postings Murray said that his mother would give him a "pat down" to check for music, DVDs and video games when he came out of electronic stores. As GamePolitics puts it, "In the final analysis, Murray seems like a very depressed, very angry, very disturbed young man who had access to weapons."

  • Critic blames video games for cop killing increase

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Cop killings are on the rise in the US and Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, a law enforcement trainer and author of On Combat and On Violence, blames video games. Some quick stats before we go into Grossman's statements. There have been 54 officer killings this year, a 60% increase from last year and the worst since 1975 when there were 99. Too bad they couldn't blame video games back then. Or could they have?There's some more reasonable assessment of why there's a cop killing increase in the Time article, but the most controversial is certainly Grossman's comments. He believes criminals have become desensitized to opening fire on a police officer due to the "cop-killer, criminal simulators." He says that in meth labs and gang houses they'll always find video games. He says, "The video games are their newspaper, their television, their all-consuming narrative. And their video games are all cop-killer, criminal simulators." But wouldn't criminals be more inclined to play games like that in the first place? Anyway, like we pointed out before, rates were still higher in 1975. Then again, 1975 was apparently the first year Pong was introduced to homes.[Via GamePolitics]