kindle fire


  • Kindle now at GameStop, purchase includes $25 Amazon card

    Amazon's Kindle Fire, which uses the Android operating system, is available now through GameStop in the States. The game retailer will have the Kindle Fire HD 7" for $199.99 in "all 4,400" US GameStop shops. The Kindle Fire HD 8.9" and Kindle Fire 7", which cost $299.99 and $159.99, respectively, are available in select stores."And with customers able to trade old video games, devices and more toward the purchase of new products, including Kindle Fire, we're making it easier than ever for customers to get the holiday gifts they want," said Joe Gorman, vice president of mobile at GameStop. Trading in an original Kindle Fire can net customers up to $100 of in-store credit.To entice you to purchase a Kindle from GameStop, rather than straight from Amazon, the retailer is offering a $25 gift card with Kindle Fire purchase through January 31, 2013. And with that you can purchase a GameStop gift card off Amazon and get right back to what you should have been given in the first place. Circuit complete.

  • iPad, iPad mini win battery life shootout among tablets

    UK consumer watchdog site Which? has tested the world's leading tablets to see how their battery life compares and both the iPad with Retina display and the iPad mini came out on top by a large margin. To be fair to all tablets, Which? took into account the screen size and brightness of each one. First, testers divided the tablets into two categories: those with screen sizes of 9.4-inches and larger and those with screen sizes of 7.9-inches and smaller. Then the company used a light meter to set the screen brightness of each tablet to 200 nits. For its tests, Which? measured the battery life of the tablets while using WiFi and 3G connections (if applicable) for web browsing and while watching videos. Out of the seven tablets tested in the 10-inch category for WiFi browsing, the iPad with Retina display handily beat out the rest of the competition. It tallied up a total of 811 minutes of WiFi browsing (that's 13.5 hours). The iPad 2 came in a distant second place at 590 minutes (9.8 hours). By comparison, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 came in at 532 minutes (8.8 hours) and the Microsoft Surface RT came in at 501 minutes (8.3 hours). The Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime came in at the bottom with a mere 335 minutes (5.5 hours). Of the five tablets tested in the 7-inch category the iPad mini was the big winner -- and by a wide margin. It came in at 783 minutes (13 hours) while the runner up, the Amazon Kindle Fire HD, came in at 591 minutes (9.8 hours). The Nexus 7 scored third at 550 minutes (9.1 hours) while the Amazon Kindle Fire came in at 437 minutes (7.2 hours) and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 came in last at 425 minutes (seven hours).

  • The Daily Roundup for 11.20.2012

    You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 24 hours -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy.

    David Fishman
  • Editorial: Amazon and Google are undermining mobile pricing, and that may hurt everyone

    When Google unveiled the Nexus 4, Nexus 10 and a refreshed Nexus 7 in October, the moment was arguably the crescendo of a change in the Android ecosystem that had been building ever since Amazon's Kindle Fire first braved the marketplace in 2011. Along with a widely expanded Amazon lineup that includes multiple Kindle Fire HD models and a price-cut tweak to the original Fire, two of the largest players in the mobile world now have top-to-bottom device businesses built around selling at break-even prices and recouping their money through content. That might sound good on the surface, but it's a bad omen for competitors that genuinely can't respond in kind -- and it could erode some of the values of diversity and innovation that we're supposed to hold dear as technology fans.

    Jon Fingas
  • Strategy Analytics claims Android reached 41 percent of tablets in Q3, iPad may have felt the heat

    Three months can make all the difference, at least if you're drafting estimates at Strategy Analytics. Now that we know 14 million iPads shipped in the third quarter, the analyst group believes that Apple's tablet market share dropped from 68.3 percent in the spring to 56.7 percent in the summer. All of the shift is attributed to Android -- researchers think that shipments of Google-based tablets surged from 7.3 million to 10.2 million, handing the platform 41 percent of an increasingly crowded space. It's the "collective weight" of so many Android-reliant companies leaping into the market rather than any one of them pulling ahead, Strategy Analytics says. We wouldn't be shocked if a few Kindle Fire HD sales played a part. More than a few wildcards still surround the figures and their long-term impact. First is that these are estimates, not concrete results: companies like Amazon steadfastly refuse to provide shipment numbers and leave most of the final tally beyond Apple to educated guesswork. It's also an understatement to say that the market will change dramatically before 2012 is over. Between Windows 8's launch, possible Nexus 7 upgrades and two new iPads, there are a lot of pieces moving on the chessboard.

    Jon Fingas
  • New Kindles start shipping today in Europe, Lovefilm launches on Kindle Fire

    As promised, Amazon has started shipping its latest Kindles on the other side of the Atlantic, with the Kindle Paperwhite as well as the Kindle Fire and Kindle Fire HD making the trip. Amazon's branded video services did not make the trip, so Lovefilm is filling in, offering a free month to buyers of either Fire tablet. Despite the switch in names, the Kindle Fire / Fire HD Lovefilm app will support features owners have gotten used to in the US like Whispersync pause / resume across devices, watch list and X-Ray for Movies that brings in extra info about any actors or scenes that are being watched. The Kindle Fire 8GB is available for £129/€159, while the Fire HD in 16GB or 32GB editions costs £159/€199 and £199/€249, respectively. The Kindle Paperwhite isn't invited to the video party, but it starts at £109 for the basic model or £169 with 3G.

    Richard Lawler
  • Kindle Paperwhite and two Fires up for pre-order in Japan, Kindle Store opens there tomorrow

    Amazon's just announced that it's bringing the entire Kindle family to Japan. The basic Paperwhite is now available to pre-order for 8,480 yen (around $106) from the online retailer, with the 3G version arriving at a slightly pricier 12,980 yen (approximately $162) -- both will start shipping November 19th. Obviously you're going to need stuff to read, so the Kindle Store is opening its doors tomorrow and shelves are stocked with over 50,000 Japanese language books (including 10,000 for free) and more than 15,000 manga titles. Amazon's tablet range is heading to Japan as well, with the Fire costing 12,800 yen (approximately $160) and the 7-inch Fire HD setting wallets back 15,800 yen (almost $200). You'll have to wait a bit longer for these two, however, as shipping is slated to begin December 19th -- hopefully arriving in time to fill those stockings.

    Jamie Rigg
  • Lovefilm to start letting users log in with their Amazon info, Kindle owners are up first

    Amazon purchased UK movie streaming site Lovefilm nearly two years ago and only now are the two showing some sign of integration. In order to make the app work on Kindle Fire and Kindle HD devices users have to link their Amazon and Lovefilm accounts, and from then on they can sign in with their Amazon credentials on the web or other devices. According to the FAQ posted to announce the switch, anyone that isn't rocking a Kindle but wants to login with their Amazon info anyway will be able to eventually, just not yet. Of course, this is all just a bit premature since the Amazon tablets are still a few days away from launching in Blighty, but if you're carrying around a US import you should see Lovefilm's service pop up in the next week. What this means for Lovefilm as a standalone brand in the future -- as the streaming wars continue to heat up -- remains to be seen, but one less password to remember is a a movement we can easily get behind.

    Richard Lawler
  • Amazon debuts Whispercast service, lets organizations manage Kindles and Kindle content

    Individual Kindle users already have Whispernet, and Amazon has now announced another free service designed to make Kindles easier to manage for large organizations. Dubbed Whispercast, the service will let schools, businesses and other groups both distribute and manage the Kindles themselves and also distribute content to the devices. That includes the ability to control internet access on the devices (blocking the Twitter and Facebook integration, for instance), and the ability to distribute Kindle books and other documents to specific groups or classes. Amazon also says that it will "soon" include the ability to distribute apps to Kindle Fire tablets, as well an option for folks to bring their own device and add it to the network. Those interested can sign up for the service immediately at the source link below.

    Donald Melanson
  • Amazon eyeing up TI's smartphone chip business, according to Israeli newspaper

    Remember when Texas Instruments revealed it was planning to dump its mobile processor business in favor of embedded systems? Israeli business sheet Calcalist is reporting that Amazon is in "advanced negotiations" to snap up that part of TI's OMAP division, which currently supplies processors for the Kindle Fire and the Nook HD. The paper suggests the company is emulating Apple's purchases of chip designers in order to lower the price of future hardware -- which it currently sells at cost.

    Daniel Cooper
  • Switched On: Android's tablet troubles

    Each week Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, a column about consumer technology. If Google had to pick a device category in which it wanted Android to dominate, it would certainly be mobile phones for many reasons. Indeed, the original band of Android backers was dubbed the Open Handset Alliance. However, a strong position in tablets would not only have helped to round out the Android ecosystem, it would also have created a beachhead from which to take on Microsoft prior to the launch of its tablet strategy. Alas for Google, sales of Android tablets have been lackluster and several PC-centric licensees -- including Acer, Dell, Lenovo, Sony, Toshiba and even Android standard-bearer Samsung -- are hoping to improve their standing in the tablet market with imminent products based on Windows.

    Ross Rubin
  • You're the Pundit: How low will the mini go?

    When it comes to evaluating the next big thing, we turn to our secret weapon: the TUAW braintrust. We put the question to you and let you have your go at it. Today's topic is the iPad mini's price. The low end Kindle Fire retails at $159 and the HD at $199. (Bezos recently confirmed that their devices sell at cost, with no profit.) The Google Nexus 7 is $249. The re-engineered iPod touch starts at $299 for a 32GB unit. The lowest-end new iPads (not the "new iPad", but new 16GB "iPad 2" units) start at $399. Assuming Apple does launch a 7.85" iPad mini unit in a few weeks, how will it price it into this existing marketplace? Does it have to leave room for the iPod touch with its 4" Retina screen, enhanced cameras, and groovy colors? Or can it sell itself at the same price point or lower with its bigger screen and bargain features? (Groovy colors remain welcome, however.) Could Apple launch the mini at $299 or even $199 without undercutting their product line? Or should even the littlest-iPad-that-could bring enough features to the table to match the performance and price of the iPad 2? You tell us. Place your vote in this poll and then join in the comments with all your analysis. %Poll-78245%

    Erica Sadun
  • Bezos: Amazon breaks even on Kindle devices, not trying to make money on hardware

    Amazon makes a pretty good case for its Kindle Fire HD and Paperwhite with prices as low as $199 and $119 respectively, but it turns out there's more at work than just special offers to keep them affordable. In an interview with the BBC, the company's head honcho Jeff Bezos revealed that they can keep the price tags reasonable since they don't turn a profit on the devices. "Basically, we sell the hardware at our cost, so it is break even on the hardware," Bezos said. "We're not trying to make money on the hardware." Instead, Amazon banks on making a buck when owners of the slates and e-readers purchase books, movies, games and other content through their digital storefront. This doesn't exactly come as a surprise, but we're glad that Jeff's confirmed our suspicions.

    Alexis Santos
  • Feel the Force: Angry Birds Star Wars coming November 8th to iOS, Android, WP, Kindle Fire and computers

    Rovio teased a certain film-inspired Angry Birds picture a long, long last week, and as expected, it's another new game -- Angry Birds Star Wars. Our furious feathered friends are assuming the likenesses of characters from the epic saga, with the trusty Red Bird taking on Luke Skywalker's role. It wouldn't be the Rebel Alliance without a dark side to fight, which is where the Pigs fit into the storyline; even the music and levels for gravity-based play will hark back to the film franchise. In addition to the software, details of related merchandise have also been uncovered, including table games, toys and costumes. The game is out on November 8th for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Kindle Fire and computers, and if it follows the original storyline, we wonder how Red Bird's going to feel about his porcine family history.

    Jamie Rigg
  • Amazon Cloud Drive comes to Spain and Italy, users get new features

    Amazon's Cloud Drive has rounded out its European tour with releases in the remaining major markets: Spain and Italy. Pricing in these regions matches that of the UK, Germany and France, with 8 euros (around $10) netting you 20GB of storage for a year, on top of the complimentary 5GB you get for signing up. You'll be able to access this space through your browser, desktop apps, or any of the new Kindle Fires when they start hitting Euro doorsteps at the end of the month. Plus, Amazon's giving US customers the ability to share files with whomever they choose, and Mac users worldwide can now upload their iPhoto library hassle-free. With Cloud Drive now available, the Appstore ready to roll, and Fire hardware making its way to the Continent, we're starting to think Amazon quite likes it there.

    Jamie Rigg
  • Pew Research finds 22 percent of adults in US own tablets, low-cost Android on the rise

    It shouldn't come as much of a surprise that more Americans than ever now own tablets, but if you'd ever wanted some quantifiable data to go along with that homespun wisdom, then the Pew Research Center is glad to help. According to its latest report, 22 percent of US adults now own a tablet of some form. While the iPad remains the dominant player in the space with a 52 percent market share, this figure starkly contrasts the 81 percent share that Pew reported in 2011. As you might expect, Android tablets have made significant inroads and now account for 48 percent of the overall tablet space. Leading the Android charge is the Kindle Fire, which alone accounts for 21 percent of all tablets sold. It's worth pointing out that Pew's survey was conducted before the release of either the Nexus 7 or the Kindle Fire HD, which means that even the most recent information is a bit behind the curve. You'll find a press release after the break that provides a much broader take on Pew's latest findings in the mobile space, but those who want to go straight to the meat should hit up the source link below.

    Zachary Lutz
  • Texas Instruments wants to ditch smartphones, switch focus to embedded processors

    Texas Instruments has made the startling announcement that it's going to wind down its wildly successful smartphone and tablet business in favor of embedded systems. VP Greg Delagi told investors that the switch would create a more "stable" and "long-term business" than the cutthroat battles it's faced in mobile. While, currently the world's third biggest semiconductor company, it's concerned about losing ground to players like Qualcomm, Samsung and Apple -- despite its latest OMAP CPUs powering tablets like the Nook HD and Kindle Fire. We're scratching our heads as to why a major player would drop such a strong position like this, but perhaps they know something that we don't.

    Daniel Cooper
  • Amazon intros Device Targeting to help developers with new Kindle Fires

    Amazon's celebrating its new line of Kindle Fires with the announcement of Device Targeting, a feature aimed at helping developers create apps across its tablet line. Using the new program, app makers can offers up APKs for specific devices like the old Kindle Fire and Kindle Fire HD (different screen sizes included), without displaying "confusing" multiple versions of the app for consumers. The new feature ensures that customers who download an app get the proper version delivered to the right devices. More info on the program -- including an FAQ for curious parties -- can be found in the source link below.

    Brian Heater
  • Amazon Maps API enters beta as retailer weans itself off Google

    Well, that's one more option to Google's mapping service and one less company paying data dividends into the Mountain View system. Apple has already left Big G to develop its own platform and now Amazon is going the same root with Amazon Maps API. With the debut of the Kindle Fire HD, the dot-com bubble survivor is working hard to build out its own ecosystem with as little reliance on others as possible. While it will continue to count on Google, at least indirectly, for its tablet OS, most other traces of the Brin and Page powerhouse have been erased. The new, in-house developed map service is still young and may lack some of the more advanced features Google customers enjoy, but it does provide the basics -- interactive maps and customized overlays. The API is designed to play nice with Android's existing location-based API, but it's unclear if the ease of transition will be enough to convince devs to take a chance on Amazon's offering. Those who remember A9, the online retailer's doomed search portal, will be forgiven for wondering if the Fire maker can really compete with Google on its home turf. If you're a curious dev you can sign up for beta access at the source link.

  • Amazon Kindle Fire HD torn down, proves an easy fix

    Interested in what makes your new Kindle Fire HD 7-inch tick? The crew at iFixit certainly is. As is the repair shop's custom, it just tore down Amazon's new reader tablet to gauge its repairability as well as look for any surprises. In the case of the revamped Kindle Fire, the fixable design is the main surprise -- despite being skinnier than its ancestor, the tablet is easy to open and its components (usually) easy to replace. We're not as shocked by the choice of hardware makers, which include an LG Display LCD, the expected 1.2GHz TI OMAP 4460 processor and Samsung flash memory. Head on over to the source if you'd like to see the nitty gritty of Amazon's Android slab and possibly save the trouble of a replacement unit down the road.

    Jon Fingas