

  • Battle for the high skies: Hands-on with Pirate101

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Her name is Reckless Roslyn Ramsey, and she is a pirate. She sails a ship, loots treasure, hangs out in seedy bars, and fights anyone who stands between her and the fame and fortune she so rightly deserves. You wouldn't be lying to say that young Ms. Ramsey has swashed a fair few buckles in her time, and the pink and white, panda and crossbones flag under which she and her crew sail is feared the world over. Such is life in Pirate101, a family-oriented MMO created by KingsIsle Entertainment and due to launch today. Placing you in the role of a young pirate at the beginning of his or her quest for glory, Pirate101 asks you to carve your own path, gather cunning crewmembers, and discover the hidden mysteries of The Spiral (a fantasy world the game shares with smash hit Wizard101). I hopped in on the Pirate101 head-start over the weekend to get an idea of what this colorful MMO has to offer and to see whether its kid-friendly design hinders its ability to be fun for those of us jaded gamers who expect a little blood with our sword slashes. What I found was an accessible game with a clear slant toward younger players as well as a robust and fun MMO with plenty to offer grown-ups seeking to step away from the grim, dark worlds of more traditional fare.

  • The Road to Mordor: Riders of Rohan pre-launch guide

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The other night in kin chat, I said how I'm just not mentally ready for Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan. My Captain may be prepared to saddle up and venture forth, but the notion that we're on the verge of one of the most significant expansions this game has ever seen is taking me a little while to absorb. Fortunately, many of my friends assured me that I wasn't alone in this. With just two days to go until players can head into Rohan, we're running out of time to prepare, and I'm not just talking about pre-purchasing the game (although that too). Riders of Rohan contains a host of content and changes, not the least of which is the new mounted combat system. I don't know about you, but I hate heading into expansions completely blind, so I decided to spend this week putting together a big roundup of everything you need to know about LotRO's fourth expansion. Read well, my friends, but get your rest as well. You may not get it this coming week.

  • Pirate101 head start begins on October 8th

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    If you're a fan of family-friendly MMO Wizard101 and can't wait to get a taste of KingsIsle's next project, then this is your lucky week because Pirate101 is set to begin its head start on October 8th. While the game doesn't officially hit digital shelves until October 15th, you can hop in and get to pirating beginning on the 8th by picking up specific membership types or snagging a pre-launch game bundle (beta participants are also invited). Additionally, Pirate101 game cards will be available in retail stores as of October 8th. Pirate101 is in many ways the spiritual successor to Wizard101 and marks an ambitious undertaking by KingsIsle to build another engaging and successful MMO that is also family friendly and safe. We talked to producer Jay Gordon and associate producer Mike Stone to get an idea of the challenges the team faced and what may lie in store for those looking to loot and plunder.

  • ASUS Padfone 2 launch event slated for October 16th in both Milan and Tapei

    Sarah Silbert
    Sarah Silbert

    ASUS has sent out invitations for the official launch of the Padfone 2, the follow-up to its hybrid smartphone / laptop / tablet Padfone device. According to an invite nabbed by Notebook Italia, the unveiling will take place simultaneously in Milan and Taipei on October 16th. The picture shows a corner of what is likely the upcoming handset, but we'll have to wait till next month to get a closer look at the full package.

  • Final Fantasy XIV service fees to discontinue on September 29th

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Final Fantasy XIV's current version is approaching its twilight to make way for version 2.0. The servers will go dark, the new version will be tested, and perhaps most importantly, the game will once again discontinue the subscription fee. A recent dispatch from the development team confirms that service fees will be discontinued on September 29th, at which point all billing will stop and cannot be started again until the game relaunches. Players with currently active subscriptions will be able to continue playing from September 30th up until the game shuts down on November 11th. (The last snapshot of character progress will be on November 1st, however, so the last 10 days of play will not be transferred to the new version.) Players whose subscriptions are already cancelled or will be cancelled after September 30th will not be able to play for free during this period, and the last day to reactivate a subscription or redeem any other codes will be the 29th. Read through the full dispatch for all of the details if you're not sure where you'll be after the end of the month, and keep your eyes peeled for more information as the relaunch draws closer.

  • ArenaNet's Regina Buenaobra on Guild Wars 2, Reddit, and community

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    ArenaNet has, understandably, been receiving a whole lot of publicity in the days following the launch of Guild Wars 2, due in large part to notable events such as the "ask why you're banned" thread on the r/GW2 subreddit. Not everyone, however, is thrilled with the idea that ArenaNet is conducting so much of its customer support and community interaction on Reddit and social media sites such as Facebook rather than on official forums or a well-established community site. If you're someone who has been wondering exactly why ArenaNet focuses so much effort on Reddit and social media, then we're here to shed some light on the issue. We reached out to Guild Wars 2's North American Community Team Lead, Regina Buenaobra, to get the official point-of-view. If you'd like to know about ArenaNet's community and customer support teams (and the differences between the two), click on past the cut for the Q&A.

  • Blizzard unveils launch events for World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you're a fan of World of Warcraft, you're buying Mists of Pandaria. We all know that. But are you just going to buy the game, or do you want to be part of an entire event surrounding the launch? If it's the latter, you'll be happy to know that the official launch event for the game's fourth expansion release has been confirmed for the 24th near the Blizzard Entertainment offices in Irvine, California. The event starts at 9:00 p.m. PDT and will include stage presentations, special guests, and giveaways for fans in attendance. As with previous launches, even if you can't get out to California for the launch event, several retailers are opening at midnight for retail release of the game as soon as it's possible. It's all heady stuff for the new expansion, and fans will definitely want to take a look at what's going on and attend if possible.

  • Massively's launch guide to Guild Wars 2

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Oh, 2007: Those heady days when Guild Wars 2 was set to feature a beta in... 2008! It took a few more years than initially expected, but the wait was worth it because now, it's ready -- Guild Wars 2 officially launches tonight at midnight PDT! But how ready are you? Jump past the break (jumping joke!), where we've organized Massively's many years of GW2 coverage to help catch you up on the game, its systems and features, its races and classes, and its lore. Excelsior! %Gallery-159080%

  • Gamescom 2012: Neverwinter shows off lore trailer and prepares for 2013 launch

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Neverwinter, the upcoming action-based free-to-play title from Cryptic Studios, will be making an appearance at Gamescom 2012 as well as GenCon Indy 2012 and PAX Prime 2012. It will not be making an appearance as a launched game, however, as the official launch date has been pushed back from late 2012 to early 2013. Attendees to these conventions will be able to play an early build of the game, and press members will also be given a tour of the game's player-generated content tool, the Foundry. For those not able to attend the conventions, the team behind the game has put together a new lore trailer for Ebon Downs, one of the game's many dungeon areas. The short story is that a necromancer is using an artifact to raise an army of undead, but there are more details to be unearthed about the artifact in question and the perils within the barrows. Check out the trailer past the break and new screenshots in our gallery below. [Source: Perfect World Entertainment press release] %Gallery-152607%

  • Funcom's CEO steps down on the day of The Secret World's launch

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you were the CEO of a major MMO developer and your studio had just finished a major game project, what would you do to celebrate? Buy some drinks? Throw a party? Resign from your position and step into a new advisory role? Apparently Funcom's former CEO Trond Arne Aas opted for the last one, as he has officially ceded the CEO post to former COO Ole Schreiner on the same day that The Secret World has launched. Aas himself is remaining with the company as a chief strategy officer, working on the company's newly announced LEGO game as well as undisclosed other projects. His direct statements indicated that he feels the company is in a solid position on all fronts, meaning that now is the perfect time for him to step into a freer advisory position while still remaining involved with the future of Funcom. It's a surprising move, but we hope it's one that will benefit both Aas and Schreiner in the long run.

  • Everything you need to know about The Secret World, part deux

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Er, well, apparently it's launch day for The Secret World. Funcom has officially opened the floodgates, according to its Twitter feed. A few weeks ago, we put together a news roundup feature focused on TSW. We do this for every major MMO launch, but this one was a bit, well, early, since early access was still a month away at the time. We did it as a public service for our friends at Joystiq (and their heathen what's-an-MMO readership that had never heard of TSW). Just kidding, guys -- we love you, and we know there's some crossover too. In any event, it's time for the real Secret World roundup because a lot has happened since the warmup. Oh, and today is actually launch day, so it kind of makes sense. Join us after the cut for everything you need to know about Funcom's new horror-conspiracy MMO.

  • The Daily Grind: What game have you waited past launch to play?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    I'd be lying if I said I'm not interested in The Secret World. What little time I got with the game on the floor at PAX East was promising, and I do like the ideas on display. But I haven't taken part in the betas, and I haven't focused on getting into the game right now. As interested as I am, I'd prefer to see how the game shakes out after launch and then make that decision. There are a lot of games that I've wanted to play on launch day if not sooner, but I'm sure I'm not alone in having waited on some titles so that I could see what the launch and subsequent support looks like. So what about you? Are there games that you have waited on in the past, even if you were interested in them before launch? Did they meet your expectations, exceed them, or fall short? Or are there games on the horizon now that meet these criteria? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • NASA's black hole-hunting NuSTAR mission launched today

    Sarah Silbert
    Sarah Silbert

    The black hole-hunting telescope NASA announced last month launched from Kwajalein Atoll in the central Pacific Ocean today. The $165 million NuSTAR mission will spend two years scouring the universe for black holes by scanning X-ray light at higher energies than its predecessors. According to, NuSTAR will especially target high-energy regions of the universe where "matter is falling onto black holes, as well as the leftovers from dead stars after they've exploded in supernovas." Head on past the break for a video of the launch and click through to the source link for more details and images.

  • Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliance browser title launches today

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Command & Conquer fans, today's a banner day. The latest entry in the long-running franchise is Tiberium Alliances, a free-to-play browser-based title that's now available. You can pick from either the Global Defense Initiative or Nod factions, then harvest resources, build giant armies, and foster strategic alliances as you will your side to ultimate victory. Players can take on the AI or each other, and TA's integrated status and news feeds makes it easier than ever to keep abreast of both in-game happenings and development rumblings. The game can be played on your desktop, your smartphone, or your tablet. Head to the official website to sign up and get started. Don't forget to check out the launch trailer after the break, and look for Massively's impressions on the game later this week in MMObility. [Source: Electronic Arts press release]

  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 lands at UK's Carphone Warehouse

    Sarah Silbert
    Sarah Silbert

    Brits left unaffected by last month's US launch of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 can now get in on the Ice Cream Sandwich action: the silver version of the tablet recently landed at Carphone Warehouse in the UK, and the white model is reportedly coming on May 18th. The retailer is offering the 8GB, WiFi-only flavor for £199. Though the Tab 2 7.0 didn't top the charts when it crossed our reviewer's desk, its solid performance and decent battery life make it one of the best value-priced Android 4.0 slates out there. Click through to the source link to reserve this 7-incher, but if it's the silver model you're after, it looks like you'll have to pick up the phone to make the purchase (at least for now).

  • Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E430 and E530 go on sale, starting at $459

    Sarah Silbert
    Sarah Silbert

    Lenovo announced a slew of notebooks back at CES in January, so you'll be forgiven if the ThinkPad Edge E430 and E530 don't ring a bell. Those names are about to hit closer to home, though, because both models are finally on sale in the US and Asia with a base price of $459. To jog your memory, the 14-inch Edge E430 and 15-inch E530 run Intel Core i3-2350M Sandy Bridge CPUs clocked at 2.3GHz and feature 4GB of RAM, a 320GB hard drives, Intel HD Graphics and a 1366 x 768 displays. Of course, Lenovo lets you customize the processor, storage space and more on its website. Click through to the source links below for the full configuration options.

  • TERA ramps up for launch with a video, an offer, and an address

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    TERA's launch is just around the corner, and if you're not excited yet, En Masse Entertainment is going to throw as much new stuff at you as possible to get you psyched up. That starts with a developer journal by Senior Producer Brian Knox, who talks about the road to launch and the growth of the studio. As you'd expect of a producer bringing a game to market, he's quite excited to see what players will do with the game once it's live. Not interested? Perhaps you'll be more interested to know that the studio has extended the inaugural subscription rate deal; have an active subscription to the game by May 31st and you'll wind up with long-term discounts on the subscription price. Or perhaps you'd rather kick back and watch the final installment of the race videos, this one highlighting the familiar human race. It's a variety of updates to keep your energy up for the launch next Tuesday, assuming it wasn't up already.

  • Torchlight 2 available for pre-purchase on Steam

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    With all the buzz around a certain well-known third installment of a franchise, you could be forgiven for momentarily forgetting about Torchlight 2. However, the game is now available for pre-purchase on Steam, which should serve as something of a reminder. The game doesn't yet have a firm release date other than this summer, but you can still drop your $20 and have the game ready to play on launch day. The original Torchlight was hailed by many as the spiritual sequel to Diablo II (and some assumed it would also be the closest we'd ever get to an actual sequel). Torchlight 2 boasts more character customization, more pet customization, improved fishing and pet management, a new set of classes, and of course all of the same hack-and-slash gameplay that the first game featured. If you're a fan of the genre, that third installment likely has your eye for the moment, but you might want to see how the other half lives as well.

  • Aeria Games launches Crystal Saga and Roll n Rock in North America

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Aeria Games has been a busy little bee. The free-to-play company has just announced the release of not one but two new browser-based MMOs to the North American market. Crystal Saga is an open-world game built for competitive PvP. There are five different PvP modes plus an array of traditional fantasy classes like the Rogue, Priest, and Mage. The game also allows players to tame a variety of pets, unlock special soul abilities, and "equip their character with elaborate wings." For an in-depth look at Crystal Saga, check out our impressions in Rise and Shiny. Roll n Rock is an altogether different experience. For one thing, the title features a huge number of clothing and customization options. In fact, Aeria says that no two characters will ever look alike. For another, "players will find a fully-realized world of weddings, malls, game halls, and more," according to a company press release. Roll n Rock also boasts multiplayer puzzles, quests, guilds, crafting, and combat. More info on both titles is available via the links below. [Source: Aeria Games press release]

  • TERA announces open beta and head start schedules

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    TERA's May 1st launch date is just around the corner, and we all know what that means: open beta testing and head start events ahoy! En Masse Entertainment has released a full schedule for the events leading up to the game's launch, so players can go ahead and plan when to call in sick to work. Players who have pre-ordered the game will be able to log in between April 13th and April 17th in order to create their first characters, thereby ensuring that they get the names they want. The game's open beta test will begin shortly after, and pre-order customers will once again get a one-day jump on the competition as they will be able to log in beginning on April 19th. On April 20th, the beta will open to the public, and it will run for three days until April 23rd. And finally, pre-order customers will get one final head start on April 28th, allowing them three days to explore the world of Arborea before the floodgates open to everyone on May 1st. So hone your blades, string your bows, and ready your spells, Arboreans. We'll see you on the other side.