leaked photos


  • Acer's dualscreen laptop leaks out with Core i5 CPU?

    We knew dualscreen laptops were the future after our Toshiba Libretto review, but unfortunately for Toshiba theirs was a future attempted too soon. Acer, however, is apparently testing a rig that might be powerful enough to do the trick -- pictures bequeathed to Tech Review Source purportedly show a 2.67GHz Intel Core i5 processor (likely a Core i5-580M) with dual fifteen-inch multitouch screens, making both the Libretto and MSI's 7-incher look positively dated by comparison. Sadly, the publication's source says this device is "still slow and buggy," so retail availability is probably a long while off, but now you can tell your friends you too saw the future and it looked reasonably good. Peep a couple more shots of the laptop at our source link while you wait for a frameless version to pop out.

    Sean Hollister
  • HTC Vision headed to T-Mobile in new spy shot, dubbed G1 Blaze?

    While high-end QWERTY sliders loaded with Android aren't nearly as uncommon now as when HTC's Vision first leaked onto the scene, it appears this particular handset may be destined for T-Mobile with its (alleged) 1GHz processor, spacious keyboard and 3.7-inch WVGA screen. Of course, we'd heard that the Vision would appear on T-Mobile before, and our worries are the same as then -- there's no telling whether the phone will actually land stateside, or if it's destined for T-Mobile Europe instead. Either way, our tipster tells us it could arrive with a different moniker: T-Mobile may call it the "G1 Blaze."

    Sean Hollister
  • First official Droid 2 pictures spotted in teaser site code?

    Astute reader Dominic was just minding his business, hunting for hints in the Droid Does website source code, when what should he allegedly discover but an entire Droid 2 spread inside a Shockwave Flash file. To our knowledge these may be the first official images of the Motorola A955, though of course we've already seen it a number of times before. We just need Verizon to leak an official announcement with price and release date now -- we're hearing August 23rd -- and perhaps a nice Hollywood trailer to round things out. See a larger version of Dominic's discovery right after the break.

    Sean Hollister
  • Mysterious Motorola MT820 poses for a long, leisurely spy shoot

    Two in one week -- Two leaked Chinese Motorola phones with Android and transparent MOTOMING-like flip covers, that is. However, this one's a little more exciting. Dubbed the Moto MT820, this sleek handset's got a full leaked gallery of nice, clear images courtesy Chinese forum HiAPK, and word has it this might be the first device to make use of the dual-screen 3D patent Motorola applied for early this month. Actual facts are a little more scarce, though spy shots show a front-facing camera, physical home, power, volume and camera buttons, and a microSD slot hidden inside the back cover. Oh, and that spiral G3 logo? That means this particular device is destined for China Mobile's TD-SCDMA network. See all the spicy pics at our more coverage link.

    Sean Hollister
  • Velocity Micro's Cruz Tablet has Android 2.1 with full Flash support

    Some alleged spy shots of a brand-new Android tablet materialized in our inbox this afternoon, and after sending a few e-mails and making a quick phone call, we can confirm they're 100 percent legit: boutique PC retailer Velocity Micro's getting in the tablet game something fierce, with a whole new lineup of touchscreen devices it's dubbed "Cruz." Designed to compete with both e-readers and tablets, Cruz will appear in both 4 x 3 and 16 x 9 configurations over the coming months, with the high-end devices sporting 7-inch capacitive multitouch screens, 800MHz processors and Android 2.1 (complete with Flash 10.1) right out of the box. Best of all, Velocity Micro tells us they'll be relatively affordable -- all will arrive under the $300 line. A company rep couldn't tell us whether Android Market would be included or when exactly the tablets are due, but he hazarded a guess of "late summer." Hit up our gallery to see the first prototype. [Thanks, Kendall]%Gallery-91468%

    Sean Hollister
  • Project Natal spotted in the wild, user manual and all?

    My, how you've grown. Since the day we learned that PrimeSense was behind Microsoft's Project Natal, we've been under the impression that the 3D camera hardware would be a cute little face with three eyes. So why are we staring at another hammerhead shark? Perhaps because this latest leak isn't real -- or perhaps because Microsoft hasn't nailed down (or rightly doesn't trust testers with) the final hardware. Either way, Multiplayer.it has a host of pictures of an alleged Natal test kit, complete with user manual, and if their sources are legit, it seems Natal will have a motorized tilt function and require additional power (via wall wart) as a result. The better to track your body with, we suppose. See more pics at our source link. [Thanks, Skipper]

    Sean Hollister
  • BlackBerry Slider undergoes further undercover inspection, side shots emerge

    We're still no closer to finding out whether this is the next iteration of the Bold, Storm or some other BlackBerry line, but the unofficially coined BlackBerry Slider continues to pique our interest. Here in the third round of spy shots, we're seeing the elusive RIM-branded device from a few new angles, namely a round of side shots and a side-by-side with Curve 8900. You'll notice that the new guys is a bit thicker and longer, and you'll also see a complete lack of labeling beside the camera. There's a fair chance that hitting that Source link will simply lead to increased frustration and stress in your life, but c'mon, anything to keep you from finishing up those 2009 taxes is worth a look.

    Darren Murph
  • More BlackBerry slider pics appear -- is this the next Bold?

    What looked like a drizzle last night seems to be turning into a full on downpour. The folks over at BlackBerry Leaks have gotten themselves even more facetime with that mysterious BlackBerry slider device -- and it looks a lot better than we thought. Right now the theories are flying about just exactly what kind of phone this is, with BBL suggesting it might be the next phone in the Storm family, while Kevin over at CrackBerry has it on good authority that this new handset will be part of the Bold line. Kevin also says that the rumors he's heard on this device call for a 360 x 480 touchscreen display (sans SurePress) and expectations for BlackBerry OS 6.0 to be onboard. The pictured phone apparently has a battery issue which is keeping it from powering up, but hopefully someone will find a way to spark this thing to life and we can get some more solid info. For now, check out one more pic after the break.

    Joshua Topolsky
  • BlackBerry slider photos leak out!

    You can consider our minds completely and utterly blown tonight, as we've just stumbled upon these photos of what appears to be a new BlackBerry device... a vertical slider. The source (BlackBerry Leaks) doesn't seem to be able to confirm the legitimacy of the photos, but we're mostly convinced that this is some variation of a RIM device. While BB Leaks speculates on the possibility of this being the Storm 3, Kevin Michaluk over at CrackBerry suggests this might not be a device headed to market, rather an early version which has been scrapped, similar to that Magnum handset that floated onto the internet recently (though Kevin suggests that our friends in Canada may very well have plans for something in this form factor). What we can say with assurance, however, is that this device coupled with those new BIS 3.0 Gmail integration upgrades, that forthcoming RIM WebKit browser, and a rumored new OS would help push things into the territory of that dream smartphone we pleaded for back in 2008. Coincidence? We think not.

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Wild and slim PS3 redesign caught on camera?

    Not that the original was any sort of tame, but some new, incredibly grainy leaked shots of a PS3 "slim," if they prove legitimate, point to a pretty wild redesign in store for the console in the near future -- not to mention what would be one of the smallest Blu-ray devices we've seen yet. There seem to be a lot of similarities to the Slimline PS2, while still holding onto that curvature the PS3 is so well known for, and even squeezing in a slot-loading disc drive and 120GB hard drive. Of course, Sony has issued a pretty strong denial of existing PS3 slim rumors, stating that "We currently don't have any plans for a redesigned PS3 at this time," but that's a pretty common way for Sony to deal with rumors, no matter which way they fall. We'll probably have to wait until E3 to learn the real truth, but it's a good bet this won't be the last true or false rumor to hit about a real or fake console in the run-up to the show. At least this one's packing pictures.[Via Engadget Spanish; thanks Jason N.]

    Paul Miller
  • Toshiba TG02 and TG03 shots surface

    We like where this is headed. Toshiba seems poised to capitalize on its incredibly aggressive TG01 form factor, with the TG02 slated for Q4, and the TG03 for some time after that. We already got the skinny on the new handsets, along with the QWERTY-equipped K01 and K02 counter parts, and now we've got a few new shots of the TG series to keep things interesting. It's all a little low-fi at the moment, but while the TG03 looks like the most basic of renders, the TG02 shot (above) seems somewhat photographic in nature -- just think if Mr. Blurrycam had some sort of fixation for dotted lines.Read - TG02 leaked shotsRead - TG03 leaked shots

    Paul Miller
  • LG Prada II shows up in exhaustive photo spread

    We've gotten a few decent looks at the LG Prada II in weeks past, but the Daily Mobile Forum has happened upon a veritable treasure chest of views of the device in glorious detail -- which, if you didn't already know -- is now on sale in Europe. Lucky devils. We've included a few of our favorites after the break, but hit the read link for all 17 (Yes, seventeen!).[Thanks, Daniel]

  • Blurry pics of T-Mobile branded Samsung "Memoir" cameraphone emerge

    We love nothing better than a good blurry photo around here to add a little dose of vague confusion to the rumor mill. These two artistically hazy snaps are purported to be of a US-bound T-Mobile Samsung Behold-style phone with an 8-megapixel camera. Tmo News is also reporting that it's going to run on Touchwiz, the same UI as the Behold, and that it's called the Memoir. We don't have any other details for now, but we'll let you know as soon as we see a fuzzy scan of a semi-redacted press release.

  • MacBook / MacBook Pro rumor roundup

    Well the rumoratti has certainly been working overtime today when it comes to Apple, so we've decided to bundle all the news that's currently doing the rounds into one tasty and nutritious post.First up, there are new -- and quite detailed -- pictures out of what appears to be those MacBook and MacBook Pro casings we saw during the week. Again, we can't 100 percent confirm that these are the real deal, but they certainly have that Air-meets-MacBook hybrid quality to them that would suggest we're looking at the next iteration of the line.Secondly, Apple has gone and published a support document for the "MacBook/MacBook Pro (Late 2008)" -- which suggests (gasp!) that there might be some late 2008 refreshes in our future. Oh really? Weird. Rounding out the excitement, AppleInsider "confirms" the rumor that the new MacBooks will jettison the integrated Intel graphics which earlier models have used in favor of NVIDIA's MCP79 platform. The GPUs apparently use a new set of GeForce 9300 and 9400 chips that will make previous performance look archaic by comparison. Additionally, according to hotshot Mac rumor specialist Kevin Rose, the new systems will support Blu-ray drives, thus finally allowing you to watch season 4 of Lost the way the lord intended it.As with all rumors, you can never really know which one of these is going to stick, but luckily we won't have to wait very long to get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, feel free to peruse the various links below and soak in the sweet, sweet gossip.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]Read - Leaked MacBook / MacBook Pro casing photosRead - Apple Document Confirms MacBook/MacBook Pro (Late 2008)Read - Apple dumping Intel chipsets for NVIDIA's in new MacBooksRead - Kevin Rose drops MacBook Blu-Ray Rumor at Live Diggnation event

    Joshua Topolsky
  • More pics of Apple's supposed new laptops surface

    Oh Apple -- release some new laptops so this madness can end. The forums at MacRumors are abuzz over a Taiwanese site that's showing off pictures of what appears to be a very close cousin of that MacBook Pro-esque casing we saw earlier. This isn't the same model, surely, but it does bear a striking similarity in both design and materials -- and after lots of deliberation and comparisons, we're fairly sure this isn't the Air either (the hinge ends in a totally different spot in relation to the keys). That machined quality we noted in the earlier post is present, though as we said previously, the sides of these housings do look like separate pieces. Regardless, if any of this is even remotely true (and not another Photoshop from someone's mother's basement), Apple is indeed taking its laptops in an Air direction, which isn't surprising -- but signs of these being the end-result of new manufacturing process? The jury's still way out. One more pic after the break of that controversial side piece.[Via MacRumors]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • HTC's Android-driven Dream revealed in glorious spy photos

    Sure, we've seen some blurry videos and a few stolen glimpses when Andy Rubin demonstrated this beast, but now we've gotten our hands on a slew of pictures showing off a very real T-Mobile-branded Dream in all its Android-running glory. Not only does this confirm the design spied in those FCC docs as well as show off that nearly-done version of Android, but it seems to confirm the fact that this will be headed to T-Mobile, and sooner rather than later judging from the looks of the above device. Needless to say, our inner-geeks are completely geeking out right now. Hit the gallery below for a handful of other views of the phone. [Warning: read link is a forum, requires registration, and is in Chinese][Thanks, Michael]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Sketchy pictures of new MacBook, MacBook Pro, and 32GB iPhone surface

    Whoops! Apple's gone and leaked its brand new aluminum MacBook and redesigned MacBook Pros to the interblogs. Yeah, it seems old Jobsy has really loosened the binds over in Cupertino -- he doesn't care what gets out these days. No, but seriously, some cats on the internet supposedly discovered a .Mac page which appears to display mockups (or actual product renderings) for a new line of laptops, as well as adverts for iTunes 8 and iPhones in the 32GB variety (for Australia, naturally). Of course, this is wild, crazy, unfounded speculation, and likely has no basis in reality at all. Then again, you never know... stranger things have happened. Steve, we await your takedown requests. See full pages for yourself in the gallery after the break.Update: Looks like MacRumors got duped by its own forum members -- these are fan-made mockups. Oh well, at least we can dream.[Thanks, al and sleuth]%Gallery-20760%

    Joshua Topolsky