

  • Raid Rx: Preparing for Firelands

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Every week, Raid Rx will help you quarterback your healers to victory! Your host is Matt Low, the grand poobah of World of Matticus and a founder of No Stock UI, a WoW blog for all things UI-, macro- and addon-related. Catch his weekly podcast on healing, raiding and leading on the Matticast. Now that we sort of have a release date for patch 4.2, the time has come to review everything healers should be aware of in anticipation. The gear "floor" is going to reset. This means you'll now purchase tier 11 items with justice points, so you'll have a chance to step into the new raids without having such a large gear deficiency. The valor vendor now has some new swag available for purchase. Your existing valor emblems will convert to justice points, so you may want to consider planning your item purchases around it (at least, if you still need to). Still worried about the gear gap? Don't worry, as the Avengers of Hyjal have some new faction items you can buy to help in your efforts against Ragnaros and his minions. Certain items that are picked up from the vendor or from raid trash can be upgraded to heroic item levels. At the end of the post, I'm going to list my thoughts on healing in tier 11, and I'd like to hear what you've thought of it.

  • Drama Mamas: The etiquette of loot runs for cash

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Drama Mamas Lisa Poisso and Robin Torres are experienced gamers and real-life mamas -- and just as we don't want our precious babies to be the ones kicking and wailing on the floor of the checkout lane next to the candy, neither do we want you to become known as That Guy on your realm. The whole point of a lullaby is to lull the child to sleep, something Mr. Ricky Gervais loses sight of in the above video. The whole point in building up the guild bank funds is to support guild raids -- but isn't that also the whole point of proper gear distribution? Does the guild in this week's letter miss the point, or did they just improperly handle the situation? Dear Drama Mamas, I am a core raider in a comfortable semi-hardcore 25 raiding guild and I am quite frankly, shocked. Recently our guild has progressed deeply into Hard modes territory here in Cataclysm content, our first Heroic kill being Halfus (and our longest heroic boss on farm). I am grateful that we are finally getting somewhere after going through some rough obstacles, our hard work has rewarded us nicely. However the issue we face now is how much gold our guild bank has, currently we have quite a bit saved up for repairs, flasks, and feasts. The thing that worries me is that our officers are going a little crazy over this. This past week we sold some heroic chest pieces and rotting non-set pieces which drop off Heroic Halfus that people already had. I am OK with this because I am one of those people who gotten their heroic chest and happen to be on a rotting token already.

  • Addon Spotlight: Distribute right with LootCouncil Lite

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Each week, WoW Insider brings you a fresh look at reader-submitted UIs as well as Addon Spotlight, which focuses on the backbone of the WoW gameplay experience: the user interface. Everything from bags to bars, buttons to DPS meters and beyond -- your addons folder will never be the same. This week, loot without the numbers and randomness. One of the areas of addons that I haven't touched on in this column with any real depth is loot addons. It's not because loot addons are not important or necessary but because my past experience with loot addons were never impressive or positive. The first guild that I was a part of that actually used an addon based loot system put their stock in EPGP, a loot system based on effort and gear points. To me, EPGP was a convoluted mess at times; the addon would bug out, and it all just left a nasty taste in my mouth. Plus, I had come from a guild loot culture developed around the famous "don't be a jerk" system, in which people would make judgment calls based on who really needed items over others. This worked 90% of the time. I've steered away from loot addons because of my poor experience with EPGP, much as I originally strayed away from an Addon Spotlight on Tidy Plates because of my bad experience with that addon. Granted, that wasn't Tidy Plate's fault in the least, but my own addon configuration problems. Suffice to say, I'm giving loot addons another shot, mostly because the guild I am currently raiding with uses LootCouncil Lite -- and I've fallen in love.

  • Age of Conan's Morrison talks Savage Coast dungeons and gear

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Interested in learning more about Age of Conan's newly minted Savage Coast of Turan adventure pack? Eurogamer recently talked to Funcom game director Craig "Silirrion" Morrison about everything from the marketing opportunities represented by the upcoming Conan film to specifics on the new tie-in content. Morrison riffs on new instances, both the solo and group variety, including an encounter with pirates called Dead Man's Hand and another tryst based on the Island of Iron Statues from the original Robert E. Howard lore. There's also a new raid in the Temple of Elric that features Ela-Shan, a master thief whom Jason Momoa's Conan encounters in the new film. Still want more? How about a new epic quest line and various loot upgrades? The drops from the team instances will be "slightly more powerful than the rewards we give for max-level content in Godslayer," Morrison explains. He also drops a hint about the adventure pack's new armor. "You can't go into an area like Turan and have that magnificent Persian theme without bringing in new armor sets." Despite the high-level nature of some of the drops, it appears that much of the Savage Coast content is aimed at players around level 50. Head to Eurogamer for more.

  • Wings Over Atreia: This is only a test...

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    BEEEEP! The message you are about to hear is from your local public test server. This is only a test. Had this been an actual server, your XP would have been sliced, your loot drops diced, and your AP slashed. In the event of an actual server, the message you would receive would assure you that your characters would be safe from wipes and safer from bugs and glitches. This is the Aion PTS. Remember, this is only a test... server. BEEEEP! Public test servers. Just three small words. What thoughts and feelings do these words invoke in MMO gamers? Much like the words "open beta," PTS seems to represent more of a sneak-peek playground for upcoming gaming goodness instead of a place to test and tweak said upcoming features before they go live. Come on, let's admit it: In an age when the philosophy of instant gratification seduces new acolytes by the hour, who can truly deny that desire to see all that is new and shiny? Who doesn't want to take a stroll through new instances, test out new weapons, and try on new gear? New equals exciting. And we test-drive cars, so why not games? And if we test-drive games, then why not game patches? With this in mind, I think it would not be far-fetched to believe that Daevas flocked to New Atreia (as I have dubbed it, seeing as this world certainly could not be confused with the Atreia I already know) when NCsoft opened Aion's test server to the public on May 12th. After all, many players are eagerly anticipating the features offered in the 2.5 patch. So in order to bring you a taste of what's to come, yours truly ventured forth onto the realm of the PTS. What I found was exciting, fun... and a bit surprising. Vicariously live the crazy whirlwind life of a PTSian after the break.

  • Officers' Quarters: Wrath of the orange stick

    Scott Andrews
    Scott Andrews

    Every Monday, Scott Andrews contributes Officers' Quarters, a column about the ins and outs of guild leadership. He is the author of The Guild Leader's Handbook, available now from No Starch Press. WoW has had a fairly limited number of legendary items over the years. Some took a monumental effort (and a bit of luck) to put together; others just fell into our hands. Either way, obtaining one has always been a big deal. Patch 4.2 is rectifying a longstanding omission by offering caster DPSers their own, exclusive legendary weapon: Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest. Sure, you could count Atiesh, but only a handful of guilds around the world ever assembled one, and it could be used by healers as well. Needless to say, casters are hyped, and every caster wants one. Cue the drama: Hi Scott, I just wanted to suggest a topic for the next Officers' Quarters: How to choose who gets Dragonwrath. The casters in our group all want and think they deserve the staff, but we're having trouble agreeing on how to decide. Raw DPS, seniority, voting amongst the group, and even chance have been suggested. Thanks for any help! Unfortunately, only one caster in your guild will have the thrill of being the first to complete the quest line. Your guild might be able to assemble more than one down the road, but that's irrelevant right now. Everyone wants to be first. How can we single out one player for this amazing reward?

  • Patch 4.2 PTR: First look at the Encounter Journal

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Recognize the little guy in the top left corner? Yup, that's Crabby! He's back to help guide you and your party through the various encounters found in Azeroth. Who would have guessed a simple crustacean had so much to offer? If you don't want to spoil yourself for any specific lore reasons, you may wish to avoid using the encounter journal until you at least get to the encounter itself. A recent patch 4.2 build had enabled it, and already I can see this being a huge asset to players who wish to dive into dungeons or raids. The encounter journal effectively tells you three things: Loot drops Boss abilities Notable phases Some of the journal entries also provide a little lore background into the areas you're invading. If you're a person like me who doesn't read quest text much and just hits "Next" on everything, you might sometimes wonder why you're going into some dark part of the world to take down some villain. At least now we have some idea as to why. What the journal won't tell you is how to take down bosses. You get a full list of boss abilities and mechanics, but it's entirely up to the raid to determine what tactics should be used to respond to said boss abilities. Warning: Partial encounter spoiler ahead.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Drop -n- shop

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Hot topic! Hot topic! Fresh outta the community oven! In a much-hyped announcement a while back, NCsoft proclaimed that drop rates in Aion were being significantly increased in the 2.1 patch. The company even employed a certain wide-eyed Shugo named Victor to outline his experiments and prove that drops now rained from the skies. For a while, there was much rejoicing in the lands of Atreia. *cue Monty Python soundtrack* Oh, there were some naysayers who cried that an end to the economy as we knew it was at hand (not totally incorrect), but for the most part, Elyos and Asmodians alike flocked back to Aion with the promise of more wealth and gold loot. I even found that my bags could not hold everything that dropped during Taloc's Hollow runs, forcing me to to delete items in order to pick more up. Alas -- that was then, and this is now. The pendulum has quietly swung back the other way to the what-exactly-does-a-loot-drop-look-like side. From personal experience, I can attest that getting drops now is about like pulling Stormwing's teeth... with only your bare hands and maybe some dental floss. The change is obvious, so why all the hush-hush? Currently it feels like a classic bait and switch: Market an enticing feature loudly to get players then remove it with equal secrecy and stealth. And to top that off, there are murmurs that the devs plan to implement changes that put a halt to the popular selling of loot rights. Aw, don't kick us while we are down! Make sure you aren't on cool-down and zone past the cut to explore this bane of many a Daeva's life (drop rates) as well as the practice of selling loot rights within Aion.

  • Cryptozoic announces WoW TCG Twilight of the Dragons expansion

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    WoW Trading Card Game fans are about to get really excited, as Cryptozoic has just released details on the third installment of the Worldbreaker set, Twilight of the Dragons. From the details released, this set will be Deathwing's break into Azeroth, releasing the Twilight dragonflight upon us all. Hit the jump for all the details and an awesome artwork gallery. %Gallery-122227%

  • Lichborne: New death knight gear coming in patch 4.1

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Lichborne for blood, frost, and unholy death knights. In the post-Cataclysm era, death knights are no longer the new kids on the block. Let's show the other classes how a hero class gets things done. Patch 4.1 looks likely to drop any week now, so now's a good time to find out what the patch can do for you, gear-wise. The two new dungeons, Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub, appear to have been completely itemized, so we can probably feel relatively safe in looking at the gear that drops from them. The gear is all ilevel 353, which puts it below raid and valor point gear but above most current heroic dungeon drops. Therefore, casual raiders, non-raiders, and new level 85 death knights will probably find a lot to like in the stuff coming out of this dungeon. Let's take a look at the gear. For the most part, these will be clear upgrades over your ilevel 346 heroic options, but in cases where there's a better or competitive old heroic option, I will mention it. Note that this information is from the patch 4.1 PTR and may therefore change when the dungeons go live.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Boss world tour -- Inggison

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Back in January, Wings Over Atreia brought you the first installment of a series highlighting the who, where, what, and even some how of Aion's world bosses. At that time, we took a tour around the land of Heiron and met up with those tough (and some not-so-tough) bosses who taunt players with their juicy, coveted loot. But Heiron is for youngins; this week, we will focus our tour on the playground of the highest levels, the lands of Balaurea -- specifically, Inggison. It never fails -- the best goodies are never the easy-to-get goodies. As much as Daevas may want to get their hot little hands on some of the weapons, armor, and crafting materials dropped by these world bosses, they have to first find these giants and second actually defeat them. So much easier said than done. On the bright side, some of the mobs are easier to kill and can even be soloed (although they are also well-camped). On the not-bright side, others don't seem to show their faces as often as hungry loot-hunters would like, or they take a friend or 20 to take down. So what's a Daeva to do? Soar past the cut for some tips, tricks, and a handy map for seeking out those Inggison bosses and convincing them to give up their loot.

  • Official WoW TCG War of the Elements card, loot information released

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    We've seen the leaks and the datamined information, but it's all official now -- Cryptozoic has released the WoW TCG card and loot information for the next expansion to the Worldbreaker set, War of the Elements.

  • Breakfast Topic: Design your fantasy vanity loot

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the AOL guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. We have all seen a Spectral Tiger mount in game, and I am sure most of you have heard of it going on eBay for upwards of $500 -- not exactly affordable. Now while I suspect almost everyone would love a tiger mount, we probably won't get it. But what if you could get a piece of loot, some cool, neat, awesome item from a loot card ... What would it be? Now, I am not talking about existing loot, but if you could design something neat -- either as a mount or as a charged item -- what would you design? What do you think would have people asking you, "Hey, how did you do that?" Personally, I want a loot card with 50 charges that forcibly lifts other players up about 10 feet, above the NCP I need to talk to. The ability to move people out of my way when turning in a quest, especially those on mounts, would be so worth it. Loot: "Irresistible Force." If I can't have that, I want my genie bottle. What is that, you say? Well, I loved I Dream of Jeannie as a kid and always thought that would be cool. So I want a bottle that will turn me into smoke, suck me into the bottle, then burble me back out at the city of my choosing. I am okay with only getting two bottles, one I place anywhere in Azeroth or Outlands and one I keep on me. Then when I activate my bottle, I will be sucked in and burbled out where my other bottle is, and I can move it when I am done with that area. I just think that would be so cool! Loot: "RBT: Rapid Bottle Transport." What vanity item would you design?

  • Cryptozoic invites you to Darkmoon Faire Chicago this weekend, April 1-3

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Cryptozoic invites all WoW and TCG players out to Darkmoon Faire Chicago this weekend, April 1-3, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. This is Cryptozoic's first Epic Con, their new traveling gaming convention for all games, not just the trading card games. There is going to be plenty of fun awaiting attendees, so hit the jump for all of the activities planned this weekend.

  • WoW TCG: War of the Elements worldwide release April 26

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Cryptozoic has just announced that War of the Elements, the first WoW TCG Worldbreaker expansion, will be released worldwide on April 26, 2011. The expansion is being released in four languages at the same time around the world, a first for the trading card game. War of the Elements also features loot cards, as usual, for WoW players to redeem cool pets, mounts, and other in-game items from WoW TCG cards. War of the Elements will include Landros' Lichling, Fool's Gold, and the Savage Raptor mount. War of the Elements will also feature two new dragonflights: the bronze and blue flights, with respective leaders Nozdormu and Kalecgos. What is interesting is that the TCG has solidified Metzen's statement that Kalecgos would become the new leader of the Blue Dragonflight and plays up the importance of these two flights in the coming patches and content in Cataclysm. %Gallery-119621%

  • Torchlight's Schaefer: MMO subscriptions aren't the way to go

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Runic Games CEO and Torchlight developer Max Schaefer knows a thing or two about addictive, loot-driven dungeon crawlers. After all, he was a founding member of Blizzard North and instrumental in the development of Diablo and Diablo II. So, when Schaefer talks about game design, people generally listen. Whether Schaefer's expertise extends to MMO business models is up for debate, though, which makes a recent interview at Charge-Shot.com an interesting read. "I don't think really anyone can do [subscriptions] anymore because pretty much everyone that does subscriptions has one for World of Warcraft," Schaefer posits, while speaking of his plans for the upcoming Torchlight MMO. While the majority of the interview focuses on the new Xbox Live incarnation of the original Torchlight -- as well as the forthcoming Torchlight II -- it's also a window into Schaefer's design sensibilities and therefore a possible barometer for the type of gameplay that fans might expect from a Torchlight MMO. "[Torchlight] is the kind of game you can play for 20 minutes before you got to go out to dinner, but it's also one that you can geek out on all night. It's just a very accessible format that gives people a chance to enjoy a game rather than work at a game," Schaefer explains. [Thanks to Craig for the tip!]

  • Review: WoW TCG Assault on Icecrown Citadel Four-Player Game

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    Ever since acquiring the license to the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, Cryptozoic Entertainment has been making a huge push to make the game even more accessible. This doesn't mean just accessible for people familiar with hobby games -- it also means accessible to someone who's a huge World of Warcraft fan, but never got into hobby games. One of the steps in this process was the release of the Assault on Icecrown Citadel Four-Player Game. You might be familiar with the "raid deck" format (utilized previously with Molten Core, Onyxia's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Black Temple, and Naxxramas), wherein a group of players play cooperatively against one of their friends, who's controlling the boss(es) of the dungeon. But there's a stumbling block for those who want to just jump right in and play a raid: you have to buy your own cards and construct your own deck if you want to play as anyone but the bad guy. Assault on Icecrown Citadel changes up the format slightly, instead putting players in the roles of Tirion Fordring, Jaina Proudmoore, and Sylvanas Windrunner as they battle the Lich King. Each hero has their own themed deck included in the box, along with Arthas' boss deck, meaning that the moment you pick up the game, you can crack it open and play. I'm not a huge hobby gamer. I played Magic: The Gathering in middle school, but the WoW TCG is pretty much the only card or board game I play with any regularity. And I have to tell you: Assault on Icecrown Citadel is an absolute blast.

  • WoW TCG Assault on Icecrown Citadel 4-player game now available

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    Grab three friends and roll the dice to see who gets to be the Lich King -- Cryptozoic Entertainment just released the Assault on Icecrown Citadel four-player game! The game is built on the WoW Trading Card Game, but rather than having to build and use your own deck, you take control of decks themed around Icecrown's biggest heroes: Tirion Fordring, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Jaina Proudmoore. Each hero plays differently, and you'll need all of their unique abilities and weapons to defeat the Lich King, also controlled by a player. To top it off, it's packaged with a special Treasure Pack containing cards unique to the set and Worldbreaker loot cards. I was lucky enough to get to play the game before its release, and I can vouch for its fun factor. Being able to play as a lore hero instead of an average Joe gives the game a really epic feeling. The Assault on Icecrown Citadel game retails for $39.99 and is available at retailers now.

  • The Guild Counsel: Power Couples

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Last week, in honor of Valentine's Day, The Guild Counsel took a look at the challenges and uniqueness of online relationships in MMOs and the role guilds have (and don't have) in the equation. It might seem a little strange to some, but there are many who can vouch for the fact that these relationships are indeed strong and can turn into successful marriages. Thanks to those who shared their stories! This week, we're shifting gears a bit to look at spouses in guilds. Whether they met online or not, married couples can affect a guild differently from individual members. And when one spouse is in a position of power, things can get even more complicated. Read on for a look at how to avoid having the MMO version of Heidi and Spencer in your guild.

  • Cryptozoic announces Assault on Icecrown Citadel raid deck for March 1

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Coming soon to a store near you is the latest offering from Cryptozoic's World of Warcraft Trading Card Game: Assault on Icecrown Citadel. This new raid deck pits players taking the part of Tirion Fordring, Jaina Proudmoore, or Sylvanas Windrunner against the Lich King. Complete out of the box, the four-player game features loads of new art and allows players to take the part as one of the three heroes or as the Lich King himself. The best part? Each deck comes with that hero's legendary weapon, from Ashbringer to Frostmourne. And of course, there are other perks to be had -- each Treasure Pack holds the chance of getting a nifty loot card that can be used in game. The Icecrown Citadel Raid Deck and Treasure Packs are scheduled for a release date of March 1. Check out the official WoW TCG site for more information about the game, galleries of TCG artwork and tutorials on gameplay, as well as information on where you can pick up the game for yourself! Follow after the break for the full press release from Cryptozoic Entertainment.