

  • Get MacTech Magazine for postage, we'll pick up the subscription fees

    Victor Agreda Jr
    Victor Agreda Jr

    Are you a Mac tech? You should really be reading MacTech Magazine, my friend. We've arranged with our pals at MacTech Magazine to give you a TUAW-sponsored subscription. Basically, we'll take care of your magazine subscription -- you just pay the postage. For US readers, this is $9.95 for six issues (MacTech Magazine normally sells on the newsstand for $8.95 for ONE issue, and this is for six). The TUAW-sponsored subscription deal is offered for one day only, and that day is today, February 8, 2011. The offer ends just before midnight on the West coast, and quantities are limited. Everyone is eligible, and active subscribers will get an extension on their current subscriptions. You'll also be able to take advantage of a special pre-order price for the next MacTech DVD shipping later this month. Get in on the TUAW/MacTech deal at this page. Not familiar with MacTech? MacTech Magazine is a monthly print magazine that tackles technical topics for Apple technologies. Each month, articles specifically target issues for network administrators to programmers, from solution providers to enterprise, and in general, anyone that's interested in the Macintosh beyond the user level. Established in 1984, MacTech is distributed in over 50 countries in print and is read by tens of thousands of Apple techs interested in system administration, networks, solving tech problems and implementing solutions as well as product reviews, opinions and more.

  • Periodicals on App Store must offer in-app subscriptions by March 31

    Chris Rawson
    Chris Rawson

    According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple will require any subscription-based periodical apps on the App Store to offer an in-app purchase option by March 31 or else face rejection. While that may sound like a fairly draconian demand on Apple's part, the Journal also notes (albeit way down in the article) that Apple is still allowing publishers to offer subscription purchasing options outside the App Store so long as in-app purchasing is offered, too. While the Journal says Apple hasn't commented on what this means for e-book apps like Amazon's Kindle reader, I'll go out on a limb and say that Sony's recent "the sky is falling" media frenzy following the rejection of its Reader app was likely much ado about nothing. So long as Apple still allows content purchased outside of the app's in-app purchase mechanism, there doesn't seem to be anything untoward going on here. The road ahead still looks slightly bumpy, however; while in-app subscription purchasing is a potential boon to users, there's no indication that Apple's giving up its 30 percent cut of in-app purchase sales. That might be more than some companies are willing to swallow, Amazon in particular, so it's unclear how certain publishers will react to the mandatory in-app purchasing rules even if off-app purchasing is still allowed. We'll be watching very carefully how Apple's relationship with publishers plays out over the next couple of months [via Engadget]

  • EON Magazine issue 22 tackles Incarna, surviving the EVE fanfest and more

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    These days it seems like every MMO has some form of microtransaction system or merchandising deal. It's clear that players don't seem to mind spending a little extra on their MMO hobbies now and then, whether it's for an in-game item to cut out some of the grind or a geeky T-shirt to show off to friends. Several online games even have their own dedicated magazines, and EVE Online is no exception. Published four times per year, EON magazine by MMM Publishing provides guides, interviews, sneak peeks at upcoming expansions, fan-written chronicles, and big news from across New Eden. Issue 22 of EON popped through my letter-box a few days ago, and I've spent most of today thoroughly absorbed in its pages. This quarter's mag focuses on the Sansha incursions happening across EVE and the upcoming Incarna expansion with its long-awaited walking-in-space feature. Also in this edition is a featured look at the rise and fall of the Band of Brothers alliance, a guide to surviving your first time at the annual Fanfest in Iceland, and all the usual features. This issue will be the first officially released under the name EON -- the previous name of the magazine being E-ON. Skip past the cut for a roundup of what you'll find in EON magazine issue 22 and my impressions of its content.

  • Former Newsweek editor planning iPad magazines

    David Quilty
    David Quilty

    Former Newsweek Magazine President Mark Edmiston is planning to launch a set of magazines formatted for the iPad, according to a report out from Mashable today. Nomad Editions, a new media company launched by Edmiston, started releasing five digital weekly magazines this past fall: Real Eats, Wave Lines, Wide Screen, u+me and BodySmart, with the newest title, u+me, coming in February 2011. Each title is offered as a free trial for four editions/weeks, and after that, the price is US$6.00 per 90 days or $2 per month -- a pretty fair price for a weekly magazine. While Nomad Editions will be in competition with some other high-profile, iPad-centric publications, like Rupert Murdoch's The Daily and Richard Branson's Project, Edmiston has structured his company a little differently with a small staff of freelancers contributing content in exchange for a share of any revenue derived from sales. With some reports saying that iPad magazines aren't faring well over time, this should be a good comparison test to see which model performs better in this new digital marketplace. [via Mashable]

  • Playboy Magazine coming to iPad in its uncensored form in March, including full back catalog

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    From its very first issue in 1953 to its latest incarnation, the full catalog of Playboy Magazine is coming to the iPad this March. And not only that, it'll be faithful to its original form by arriving to your Apple slate uncensored. Such is the word direct from the man responsible for that first copy, one Mr. Hugh Hefner. Anyone who's followed Apple's App Store rulings and Steve Jobs' forthright comments on the subject of keeping adult material off mobile devices will surely find this a bemusing, if not entirely inconsistent, decision. The details of how this slice of software will be delivered to the iPad (and what restrictions it may come with) will be most intriguing indeed. Update: Turns out Hugh forgot to mention a pretty important detail: Playboy's iPad version won't actually be encased within an app. It will be a web-based subscription service, which will serve up the uncensored content through a tailor-made website, thereby entirely bypassing the App Store censors.

  • Don't panic about those WoW Magazine subscription renewal notices

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    We got some reports through Twitter and the tip line that current subscribers to the World of Warcraft Official Magazine had received notices asking them to resubscribe. Several people, especially those who ordered subscriptions and haven't yet received their four issues, took this to mean that their subscription had lapsed and that they wouldn't be receiving any more issues unless they resubscribed. This is not the case! We contacted Andy Salisbury, editor at the mag, and he had this to say: The email is just a reminder. Those that paid for 1 and 2 year subscriptions will get their 4 and 8 issues (respectively), regardless of timing. We're not going to hold anyone's issues hostage or anything of the sort, it's just meant to let subscribers know about renewal! So don't panic. The email was just intended as an "if you like the WoW magazine, resubscribe to it!" notice, not as a notification that you won't be getting what you paid for. Thanks to Andy for getting back to us so promptly.

  • Tribune's Mosaic app brings elegant media aggregation to Windows 7 tablets, soon to Windows Phone 7

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Tribune is hardly the first media monolith to try something like this, but the more the merrier, right? And for once, a company's out to provide an elegant, useful news aggregator for a platform not named iOS. Mosaic is a fresh piece of software, designed to pull together news and information from all sorts of sources onto Windows 7-based tablets. At least, that's what we're guessing. According to the official press release, it'll be available for use "with Microsoft's Windows 7 Mobile-based tablets" starting on January 31st, and unless the folks in Redmond have yet another OS up their sleeve, we're guessing they simply mean Win7 slates. Furthermore, a companion app for Windows Phone 7, iPad and Android will be following shortly, and it sure sounds as if both versions will be completely gratis.

  • Get issues of E-ON Magazine for half price this Christmas

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    EVE Online is one of the few MMOs with its own dedicated paper-based magazine. With its high production values, the quarterly E-ON Magazine by MMM Publishing is a great example of how to do a game magazine right. Each issue contains featured articles, guides, fiction, interviews, sneak peeks at future expansions and more. Even the advertisements in it are for exclusively in-game corporations and services, making it pure EVE from cover to cover. Here at Massively, we've reviewed the past three issues of the magazine and found them all to be well worth reading. If you'd like to give E-ON Magazine a go or fill in some holes in your collection, now's the perfect time to do it. All this month, issues of E-ON are better than half price at the EVE Online store. Each issue is reduced from $14.95 US down to only $7 if you apply the code EONDEC1050 to your purchase, making the magazine a great Christmas gift for any big EVE Online fan. If you're a big fan of the magazine, you'll also be pleased to know that last month's contest has been extended until EVE's daily downtime tomorrow. To be in with a chance to win, just mail with your name, your EVE character name and an explanation of why you think you deserve free swag. The best entry will win a pile of EVE goodies, with winners to be announced in E-ON issue 22. Enter quickly, as the contest ends tomorrow at 11AM GMT.

  • Cover design contest announced for Branson's iPad magazine 'Project'

    David Quilty
    David Quilty

    Last week, we wrote about the release of Richard Branson's iPad-only magazine Project, and this week brings us a contest to design the publication's cover. Interested designers were to participate in a scavenger hunt held in both New York and San Francisco, where they had to locate one of four paper mannequins containing coordinates of USB drives holding the information on how to enter the contest. If it sounds to you like a rather convoluted way to run a contest, I would agree -- but since it's coming from a company trying to launch its own space program, it shouldn't be too surprising. For those of you who weren't able to scour NY or SF to look for the drives, Mashable's Lauren Indvik has gotten hold of a .zip file containing the information for those looking to enter the contest. She has made it available for download via her personal Dropbox account, and once you have come up with your own design for the cover, you can enter it over at There is no prize money for winning the contest and entries are due by December 15th, but just being able to design a cover for Branson's new iPad-based magazine seems like it would be worth it for the bragging rights. Click Read More to watch a video about the challenge. [via DigitalTrends]

  • Virgin officially announces Project magazine for iPad (and iPhone soon)

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    We're here at Virgin's press event for Project magazine, which Sir Richard Branson just called the "first all-digital magazine." It's launching on iPad first, then on the iPhone, but we also snuck a peek at the app last night and noticed a line about Android tablet support coming soon. Branson says the content will change constantly -- there'll even be comments, and sharing features are said to be "coming soon." Mapping features will be introduced in the iPhone version, which the Project editor-in-chief describes only as "all the coolest places in the world mapped by our users." Pricing for the iPad version is set at $2.99 per month, with the app updating throughout the period with new content and features. When asked about Rupert Murdoch's The Daily, Branson responded that "this is not a battle, not a war, but the future of publishing," while his chief editor had this to say: "We're not similar ... they're a daily newspaper, we're a monthly style magazine ... we wish them nothing but luck."

  • Richard Branson's 'Project' iPad magazine now hitting European iTunes stores

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    He just had to beat Rupert Murdoch, didn't he? Project, Richard Branson's iPad magazine, is now available in the iTunes store -- at least in Italy and the United Kingdom, since it's past midnight there. App is free, cost per issue is $2.99 for "a full month's worth of updating content." We suspect it'll hit US, too, the next few hours, but for now, those across the pond can read up on Jeff Bridges (audio and video interview), Earth 2.0, and a "well-informed Godzilla." Take that, yet-to-be-released The Daily.

  • Richard Branson's iPad-only Project magazine to debut Tuesday

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Mega entrepreneur Richard Branson is set to release his iPad-only magazine, Project, tomorrow. That's Jeff Bridges on the cover, no doubt talking Tron inside. This issue seems to focus on pop culture, with articles about a French record label and a new super car from Jaguar teased on the front cover. Plus, the official blog has stories about gadgets, clothing, internet culture and movies. That's about all we know, really. There's no word on pricing, navigation, business model, etc. We'll find out soon enough. One can only assume that the super-competitive Branson is thrilled to have delivered an iPad-only publication before Rupert Murdoch. You can watch a brief (and we mean brief) teaser video after the break. [Via 9to5Mac]

  • Playboy releases not-so-discreet 250GB 'cover to cover' hard drive

    Ben Bowers
    Ben Bowers

    Well, you can finally throw out that trunk in your grandfather's garage. Hugh Heffner's legacy has taken a cue from National Geographic -- in an arguably non-horrifying way -- and partnered with publisher Bondi Digital to release a (presumably Seagate-branded) 250GB external hard drive packed with every issue of Playboy released since 1953. Its $300 asking price is roughly four times what you'd pay for a fresh G-rated 250GB drive today, but compared to a 57-year subscription, the digital vault is certainly a bargain. In contrast to their trail blazin' efforts with the iBod though, thanks to the prominent placement of the brand's iconic bow tie-wearing bunny and name, there's no chance of using this device for practical tasks such as backing up TPS reports at the office. Like the decision to phase out DVDs in favor of VOD however, the move does prove the magazine isn't afraid of staying abreast of today's content consumption trends. Next stop, Nook Color?

  • Special Black Friday offer: Free MacTech subscriptions for 100 TUAW readers

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    If you feel like extending your Mac savvy with solid reporting and top technical insight, we gladly recommend the work of our friends over at MacTech magazine. Neil Ticktin and his team focus on the interests and concerns of expert Mac users and administrators, developers and IT professionals. We are happy to be among the media sponsors for the recent MacTech Conference and the upcoming MacTech Boot Camp; now we have a great offer from MacTech to share on this shopper's weekend. Follow this link to sign up, and the first 100 registrants get a free six month subscription to MacTech. Don't worry if you aren't among the early birds; subsequent entries merit a free single copy of MacTech. Supplies are limited, and the offer is only good through this Sunday night. The fine print: Offer only available while supply is available and cannot be combined with other offers. Supplies are limited, and offer may terminate early if supplies are exhausted. Offer only valid for U.S. delivery addresses, and not valid for current subscribers. MacTech are not responsible for typographical errors. MacTech is a registered trademark of Xplain Corporation. This offer is wholly controlled by MacTech and TUAW/Aol Weblogs is not responsible for fulfillment or management in any way.

  • Richard Branson launching Project magazine for iPad

    David Quilty
    David Quilty

    It must be "iPad publishing by billionaires" week but I think they forgot to notify me so I could prepare my own app. British entrepreneur Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Atlantic airlines and the burgeoning commercial space travel program Virgin Galactic, will formally announce next Tuesday that he is releasing an iPad-specific digital magazine named "Project." Just the other day media magnate Rupert Murdoch announced his plans for a News Corp iPad app, "The Daily," which is rumored to have a press event introduction on December 9th featuring Mr. Murdoch and Steve Jobs himself. Could the announcement of these two major publications be a foreshadowing of Apple announcing newspaper subscription plans for the iPad? While Virgin has dipped its toes into the app creation business before with Flying Without Fear, "Project" will cover entertainment, travel, business, design, and international culture. Will Virgin Atlantic now replace their seat-back media centers with iPads? Velcro the iPads to passengers to avoid any zero-G incidents during space flight? We'll find out soon enough. [via Engadget]

  • Richard Branson launching 'Project' magazine for iPad next week

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Is there something in the air? Hot on the heels of Rupert Murdoch's impending The Daily newspaper for the iPad, we're getting word of a Richard Branson-funded, iPad-specific magazine dubbed Project. The magazine will cover entertainment, travel, business, design, and international culture. It's hard to tell if these two announcements are somehow related to each other, or if they imply some sort of shift in Apple's treatment of publications, but either way they do indeed seem to be happening. The full announcement of Project is due for Tuesday next week.

  • E-ON Magazine issue 21 round-up

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    We regularly spend money on our favourite MMOs, be it in the form of a monthly subscription fee or a microtransaction purchase. We often spend more time and money on our favourite online retreats than we spend on other hobbies, and yet few MMOs have their own dedicated magazine the way other hobbies do. EVE Online players are fortunate enough to have the quarterly EVE magazine E-ON to spread out across their coffee tables. Produced by MMM Publishing, E-ON is guaranteed to be 100% EVE from cover to cover. Even the advertisements in it are for EVE corporations and services rather than paid ads for other games. I've been slowly reading my way through Issue 21 since it popped through my letterbox and have definitely enjoyed it. This issue focuses on live events and the upcoming Incursion expansion, with a special feature on EVE's annual fanfest event in Iceland. The issue also contains guides to faction warfare militia fleets, EVE's various communication tools and the first of a series on Drones. Interviews this time around include CCP's video producer Stevie Ward and Technical Director in the fight against lag, Derek Wise. As usual, the magazine contains the latest war reports from nullsec, an awesome new piece of EVE fiction and the impressive layouts and graphics that readers have come to expect. Skip past the cut for a breakdown of what you can expect from E-ON issue 21 and my impressions of the issue.

  • Amazon to enact 70 percent revenue share for Kindle newspaper and magazine publishers

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Magazine and newspaper publishers are about to get a larger piece of the Kindle pie -- 70 percent, to be exact. That's what Amazon's now offering, in an effort that's clearly aimed to attract more periodicals to the service. Only catch is, all versions of the periodical have to work for all version of Kindle, in all geographical regions where the publishers has the rights to distribute -- a small price to pay, especially since it keeps the customer base pretty wide open. Interested parties, you probably already know where to look.

  • BlizzCon 2010: WoW Magazine issue 3 revealed

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    I managed to have a quick chat with Andy Salisbury of the World of Warcraft magazine. The big thing, though, is that issue 3 shipped Thursday the 21st. Subscribers will have many articles to look forward to in regards to Cataclysm. Some highlights right after the jump.

  • Dead Rising 2's ZQ magazine lets you 'stay sharp, die smart'

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Reviewer's guides are not uncommon for new games, but Capcom gets an A+ for the effort put into the guide for Dead Rising 2. "ZQ" is a magazine that not only offers hints and tips for a trek through Fortune City, but goes the extra mile with flavor text and advertisements that make the zombie-infested world feel entirely real.