

  • Mario Hoops site updated again

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Another week and another lesson at Dunk U has us being schooled in the art of the Paratroopa dunk. With wings spread wide and flying about with the kind of majesty only a Pegasus riding the back of a Luckdragon could, this 44 point dunk is epic. Every week a new dunk is revealed and every week we find ourselves needing a larger bib to suck up the vast amounts of saliva slowly flowing from our mouth and dripping down our chin.

  • Love Mario, win 2 DS Lites

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Do you love those Mario brothers? Do your dreams encapsulate not the sheep languidly springing over an undefined, isolated wooden fence, instead opting to fill your mind with the pleasing sounds of a fat plumber and his skinny brother stomping Goombas to death and riding around in pipes? Are you a sick, obsessed fan with a ridiculous mural of Luigi on your wall? If you've sat there anxiously reading that above paragraph, feverishly biting what little bit of nail you have left on each of your fingers, sweating that someone might find you on a site called DS Fanboy only to out you to your friends and family, then how about signing up for this contest? That way, when people look at you with disgust in the street, you can hold your head high and say "Yeah, well who bought you 2 DS Lites?!" You'll likely then proceed to jump on the person's head.[Via DS-x2]

  • Mario Hoops 3 on 3 preview

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    We have heard quite a bit about this little Mario sports game. It might be the very first Mario sports we try. With no ref's to bust your chops, fatality-like slam dunks (minus blood and guts) and playable moogles, catuars, mages and every other Mario character under the sun, what's not to like? Game Trailers got their hands on a copy of the game (lucky dogs) and provided the rest of us not so fortunate with info regarding the game (dur, its a preview). The environments are awesome, gameplay innovative (but will it lead several to scratching the hell out of their screen?) and graphics great. The only downer thus far is that their is no online play -- as of yet. Hopefully they will find a way to make online play possible. That would make the game ten times sweeter than it already is. We'll let Game Trailers tell you the rest.

  • Mario and Toad toy controllers

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Got 30 bucks to drop on toys? Yes? Well then, this little device is for you! This 17 second video will demonstrate all the joy these Mario and Toad toys will bring you. Or, not bring you. They walk, walk a little faster and turn left and right. Bored yet? If you don't have 30 big ones, laugh at the people who will actually buy this. [Via QJ Net]

  • A look at how Smash Bros. could work online

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Gamedaily has a feature running right now where they look at how Super Smash Bros. Brawl online could work. Dissecting the experience down to three important fields, they discuss what the most important aspects of the title need to make the online roster to ensure the online experience is as endearing as the game is offline.First up are what different game modes will be available for online play. Now, Smash Bros. is such an experience that it can be augmented each and every time you play. There is a core underlying mechanic in just attempting to beat your opponent silly, but there are factors such as stock count, time, locale, as well as the variants such as Coin Battle, that are really going to be tough to bring online. Game Daily thinks that Nintendo really has to leave all of this content in for the online arena, and we're inclined to agree. Really, it's a no-brainer to say that the online multiplayer should very much resemble that of the local multiplayer.Next item of interest is latency issues, or lag. Now, it's no secret that most fighting games rely on speed and intensity to create a great experience, with Smash Bros. being no exception. Other games such as the upcoming Virtua Fighter 5 refuse to take their game online because the lag will take away from the title. Nintendo will have their work cut out for them if they hope to provide a lag-free experience. Tecmo's Dead or Alive 4, however, has managed to remain excellent online, so hopefully Nintendo will be able to look to that title for inspiration in how to ensure that the game remains the same online.Finally, the game will undoubtedly need a ranking system. I mean, what's the point if you can't get into a match and/or lobby with your incredible record and talk smack. The question is exactly how will it be done and what will be the criteria for rewarding players with better ranks.Now, we're still not sure this game will even be online or not yet, so keep that in mind while you mull some of this over. When will we find out if it'll be online or not? Probably next year, sadly.

  • Mario Hoops site updated

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The pre-launch extravaganza for Mario Hoops: 3 on 3 continues with the latest video update centering around another simian slam-dunker in Dixie. The video, which shows Dixie's Barrel Drop maneuver, allows us to enjoy the carnage resulting from the massive alley-oop as Dixie sits atop the giant wooden barrel, blasting the ball to Peach, who then rocks the rim with the kind of authority that could put Shaq to shame. See also: Get schooled at Dunk U

  • WaPo looks at Mario Bros. with doe eyes

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Sure, it's not hard hitting investigative journalism looking into whether or not Mario is a licensed plumbing contractor, but this puff piece on Nintendo's mascots in Sunday's Washington Post is still far more palatable than another misguided mainstream op/eds detailing the vagaries of those darned video games.You'll recognize all sort of familiar names like Wedbush Morgan's omnipresent analyst Michael Pachter, EGM's footwear-homophonous editor Dan Hsu, and the now mythical Seattle landlord Mario is purportedly named after. Alright, so there's really not much here for the Joystiq reader to enjoy, but we can all admire how effortlessly Nintendo seems to get positive mainstream press; full page articles in major metropolitan papers of record about how great your franchise characters are sure ain't bad for business.[Via Evil Avatar]

  • Mario Strikers could be bound for Wii

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    IGN has picked up word from their super-duper secret sources close to Nintendo of Europe that a follow up to last year's Super Mario Strikers on the GameCube could be making its way to the Wii. Further speculation adds that the game could be unveiled at the Leipzig Games Convention later on this month. Citing the reasons why we would see a sequel to the franchise on the Wii, IGN was quick to note that the game has sold 500,000 copies since its December release, making it a prime candidate for the sequel treatment. It currently has a 76% average ratio through Game Rankings.[Thanks Josh!]

  • No Space World, Mario Galaxy could be available at launch

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Over at AMN, Nintendo has confirmed that there will in fact be no Space World event held this year. The person confirming this, Nintendo of America Public Relations Manager Matt Atwood, dashed away speculation that this event would help usher in the launch of the Wii. However, there is good news!I managed to save money on my car insurance! Matt Atwood, the clever PR-type person that he is, said that while Nintendo has yet to officially announce its Wii lineup, in regards to Super Mario Galaxy making the cut for launch, "anything is possible."

  • Luigi's Mansion sequel coming to Wii?

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    A forum poster over at Neo GAF has dropped some tidbits from the EGM Rumor Mill to the inter wubs stating that a sequel to the GameCube launch title Luigi's Mansion is in the works for the Wii. Now, should this be true, we're sure that the game will feature even more sucking than the first installment, with a back pack so big that it can be seen from space, which coincidentally is where we predict Luigi's next adventure to be. In fact, Luigi wanted to go to space first, but you know that show-off brother of his just had to beat him to the punch. It's tough living in the portly plumber's shadow (seriously, Mario could stand to lose a few pounds and Luigi's lactose intolerance means he needs sunlight so he can produce precious vitamin D). All fat jokes aside, this is a no-brainer. With the Wiimote, Luigi's Mansion 2: Electric Boogaloo (working title) can be free to traverse into the first-person realm. That's right, you read it here first: the next game to bear the Luigi's Mansion name will be in the first-person view and will have the thin, mustached man capturing space ghosts...and possibly fighting Jason.Luigi Vs. Jason: Electric Boogaloo anyone?

  • Get schooled at Dunk U

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Nintendo has realized that online marketing campaigns have worked wonders for them in the past (see: New Super Mario Bros.), so it's no surprise that they are doing the same with Mario Hoops: 3 on 3. Of course, televised promotion doesn't hurt either. On the pre-launch site for Mario Hoops: 3 on 3, visitors are welcomed to attend Dunk U and learn the subtle art of creating showers of golden coins through elaborate, devastating dunks. First up is Donkey Kong, throwing down like the crazy ape that he is. Other videos will be available, on a weekly basis, leading up to the game's release.[Thanks Romath!]

  • Accessorize with Nintendo

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    You know, we aren't above wanting to wear clothes bearing the Nintendo logo or building our own NES-shaped beds (with fully-functioning cartridge flap). We're fanboys, it's kind of what we do. We've seen the NES belt buckle and countless different T-shirts featuring Mario and size mattering. So, it was during our daily stalking browsing of the flickr databases that we came across this helpful diagram of a trendy way that you female (or long-haired male) readers could get some more Mario in your life while neglecting to succumb to the masses. We imagine there are other hair styles one could achieve with said stylus, but we're into video games, not so much hair.In what ways do you like to accessorize with Nintendo? Post some pictures or send us your story!

  • Get your game on with Mario Hoops, kupo!

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    The folks over at Siliconera were kind enough to drop us a note about their one-on-one experience with Mario Hoops: 3 on 3, and their glowing praise has us ready to get off the bench and into the game. The simple stylus commands we recently saw are fully elaborated at Siliconera and the game seems easy to pick up. And if the stylus isn't for you? That's cool, just turn it off in the options mode and use a more traditional control scheme instead. Mario Hoops is stuffed with features, from mini-games like dribble races to booby traps on the court. Nothing like a basket that fights back when you roll up for a dunk, eh?And thanks to Square-Enix on the development side, several unlockable characters with roots in the Final Fantasy series turn up. A moogle, a white mage, a black mage, a ninja, and a cactuar are included. Think the black mage's special move will demonstrate his mastery of the dark art of destruction? For now, we can only dream.

  • Mario Hoops import previewed

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    A gentleman, calling himself Zombie, yet we believe to actually be the kid brother to ring-bearing Frodo, shows us some tutorial action as well as full-fledged in-game action on an import copy of Mario Hoops: 3 on 3. The controls may not be so smooth, but what this blogger finds most disturbing is right around the 1:30 mark. Seriously, we know the competition between Donkey Kong and Mario is heated, but we never thought the Italian plumber would play so dirty. [Via Go Nintendo]

  • Could Mario do for the Wii what he did for the DS?

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    There's an interesting article up over at Yahoo where the debate as to whether Mario can work his magic for the Wii, as he did on the DS. The fact is yes, while maybe not to the extent that New Super Mario Bros. has done wonders for the DS, on the Wii the Mario brand is a guaranteed way to push units. While Super Mario Galaxy not being available at launch, or during the battle to come this Christmas when all 3 consoles are available on retail shelves, is sure to be a fairly-sized detriment to Nintendo, other first-party titles such as Metroid Prime 3 Corruption and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess should help to carry that load. Honestly, who doesn't like Mario?[Via Joystiq]

  • Mario Hoops special shots videos

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The Japanese web site for Mario Hoops: 3 on 3 has put up some videos depicting various characters laying the smack down with their specialized shots. The available videos of Mario, Luigi, Peach, Wario, and Diddy Kong getting nasty on the court may take a bit to load, but they are very much worth the wait. The Nintendo sports titles may not be the most grounded-in-reality interpretation of whichever sport they're based on, but they have consistently been fun throughout each iteration. As such, we're dying to get our hands on this game and have our own DS Fanboy playoffs.

  • Nintendo and DS in full force at Comic-Con

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Nintendo is not without love for the comic geek, it would seem, as they plan to be out in full force at San Diego's Comic-Con 06 later on this month. While you would think they'd be on-hand with the Wii, attempting to get it as much exposure as possible before its launch later on this year, instead the company is looking to strengthen its already huge grip on gaming with the DS.That's right, no Wii and nothing but DS will be available to cosplaying comic fans in the southern California area during the ultimate show for comics. Those cosplaying as Nintendo characters will also get a chance to win prizes such as DS Lites, software, and other junk. Some of the titles available at Nintendo's booth are Mario Hoops: 3 on 3, Elite Beat Agents, Starfox Command, and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. If you're a DS Fanboy reader attending the show and would like to send us some pictures, we guarantee you'll be *handsomely rewarded.*We're good at making people disappear.

  • Mario Hoops commercial reveals more characters

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    This Japanese commercial, starring those awesome Hot Mario Bros. dudes, reveals a handful of characters we had not previously known of. During the clip, keen eyes will spot none other than a Koopa Troopa, Boo (although he could just be some kind of power up), Dixie Kong, Shy Guy, and some small yellow thing (could also be a power up of sorts).

  • More Final Fantasy characters in Mario Hoops

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We already know of the Moogle making the cut in Mario Hoops: 3 on 3, but what we didn't know was that several other characters from the Final Fantasy universe would be making their way into the game. Nintendo's Japanese website not only lists the Moogle, but also shows a cactuar called Sabotender, Black Mage, White Mage, and Ninja as playable characters. We hope they give Black Mage some sort of hadoken dunk...[Thanks Probot!]

  • Nintendo's top 10 games of 2006 (so far)

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    With the year half-way over, Nintendo of America's Rufus has seen fit to put out his list of top 10 games so far this year. What's surprising is that Big Brain Academy comes in at the number one spot, a place which we're fairly sure should be given to New Super Mario Bros. instead. What isn't surprising, however, is that the list is dominated by DS titles. Big Brain Academy (DS) New Super Mario Bros. (DS) True Swing Golf (DS) Drill Dozer (GBA) Super Princess Peach (DS) Chibi Robo (GCN) Super Monkey Ball Touch & Roll (DS) Tetris DS (DS) Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day (DS) Odama (GCN) What would your own personal list look like?[Via Infendo][Note: This has nothing to do with sales numbers. This is a list purely based on personal opinion of one Nintendo of America employee.]