

  • Lord of the Rings Online 'currently testing' level boost feature

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    If you're a Lord of the Rings Online fan, you may have heard the rumor that Turbine is considering a feature that would allow players to boost a character to level 50 in exchange for Turbine Points, the game's real-money currency. Well, the rumor appears to be true. We've received confirmation from a Turbine rep stating that level boosting "is a feature that's been requested repeatedly since going free-to-play, and it's something [Turbine is] currently testing." That's all we know so far, but we'll be sure to keep you posted as new information turns up.

  • The Soapbox: Instant leveling and the whining fringe

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Over the weekend at Blizzcon 2013, Blizzard Entertainment announced the fifth World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor. The content add-on brings most of the things one might expect from an expansion -- new zone, new features, new quests, new dungeons -- but perhaps most notably includes the option to instantly raise any one of your characters to WoW's current level cap of 90. While you'll still face 10 levels of Warlords of Draenor questing, killing, and fetching if you opt to take the insta-level, the feature has re-ignited the argument among MMO fans as to whether offering players a maxed-out character somehow violates the core rules of the MMO genre. Should developers really provide high-level characters just to get/keep players in the game? The short answer, of course, is "duh." Here's the long answer.

  • Neverwinter debuts new item refinement system

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Cryptic has taken a long look at Neverwinter's enchanting system, and after listening to feedback from players, is planning major changes to the way fusing, runestones, and other components of the system function. For starters, you'll now be able to upgrade enhancement items while they're still equipped, and you'll no longer need four of the same kind of stone to strengthen an enhancement. The new system, which Cryptic is referring to as "refining" rather than "fusing," enables item enchantments to gain refinement points as you play; once an enchantment has enough refinement points, you can use reagents to rank the enhancement up to the next level. Additionally, unslotting enchantments and runestones now costs gold instead of astral diamonds. Refinement stones, which are effectively large bundles of refinement points, have also been added. They'll drop from skill nodes and bosses, albeit rarely. The changes are live on the Neverwinter test server -- Cryptic is asking all players to check them out and offer feedback before they deploy.

  • Seize an island in NGame's Pockie Pirates

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    NGames knows that a good pirate needs more than just a ship, a parrot, and a spiffy hat; s/he needs a port to call home. And Pockie Pirates Chapter 13 update today gives legions a chance to seize control of an island port and fill its coffers with new income. Owning a port also grants legions new sailing technology (like advanced cannons, new steel, ballistic upgrades, and increased cargo and food storage capacity) and a private military fund to spend on battles and technology upgrades. This new fighting mode opens up at 8:30 p.m. EST every Friday, but registration to participate runs from midnight on Thursdays until 8:00 a.m. Fridays. Only five legions can occupy any one harbor at a time, so if pirates want the advantages of a busy port, they'll have to take it by force in ship vs. ship dogfights as well as sword-to-sword battles on deck. Interested pirates-to-be can enlist on the official site and play for free. [Source: NGames press release]

  • Mingle with monsters as Heva Clonia Online launches today

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    After just two weeks of open beta testing, the anime-styled free-to-play game Heva Clonia Online launched today. Along with the full launch, OGPlanet is introducing new content and features including a new region, more quests, new dungeons, an increase in the level cap (to 49), and new class evolutions. Additionally, the cash shop is now available for use. As Heva Clonia Online's launch coincides with Halloween, it is fitting that there are numerous holiday-themed events for players to participate in and earn prizes from. And what better way to keep that holiday spirit all year round than by cloning and collecting the Halloween monsters? To start your adventures, visit the official site. For more on the game, check out Rise and Shiny and watch the gameplay trailer below. [Source: OGPlanet press release]

  • An interview with 2013 SOE G.I.R.L. Scholarship winner Esther Wu

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Sony Online Entertainment's G.I.R.L. (short for Gamers in Real Life) scholarship was developed to encourage women to pursue careers in game development and design. The winners are selected via an annual competition and receive a $10,000 scholarship in addition to a valuable in-studio internship working on one of SOE's many games. The submissions, which this year consisted of art design pieces and essays on the topic of women in gaming, are reviewed by a panel of judges from SOE. This year's winner, Esther Wu, spent 10 weeks working with the PlanetSide 2 art team at SOE's San Diego headquarters. We sat down with her to learn more about the G.I.R.L. Scholarship, her internship, and where she hopes to go next.

  • Nexon puts millions into Rumble Games

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Rumble Games, founded by former BioWare/Pandemic CEO Greg Richardson, has just received a nice cash boost from Nexon and its investment partners. Rumble announced today that Nexon, Google Ventures, and TriplePoint Capital have invested $17.5 million in the studio, which intends to use the funds to expand its markets and further support its stable of free-to-play and mobile titles. Nexon, the Tokyo-based producer of online games like Mabinogi, Combat Arms, and MapleStory, apparently sees something it likes in Rumble's games, which include KingsRoad, Ballistic, and Nightmare Guardians.

  • New ship and special items await STO players in 'Sphere of Influence'

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    With Star Trek Online's Season Eight: The Sphere content edging ever-closer to release, it's time for Cryptic to fire up the lore machine and start pushing players toward their destiny. Sphere of Influence, set to go live on October 31st, bridges the gap between current content and the upcoming Sphere additions. Starting Thursday, all players level 10 or above will be able to hail D'Tan from their mission journals and begin a new quest. This quest, which revolves around D'Tan's efforts to restore the Iconian Gateway, will take players into New Romulus to stand present at the gate's reactivation. Players who complete the quest will receive pieces of the ancient obelisk technology set as well as a special Obelisk ship that can be helmed only after the player reaches level 40. The quest will be available from October 31st to December 5th.

  • Masquerade of Liars now live in Neverwinter

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Halloween festivities continue to invade our MMOs, with Neverwinter's Masquerade of Liars festival currently online and set to run until November 4th. The event brings costumes, masks, decorations, and all the other stuff you'd expect to see in an MMO holiday, including special boss encounters with transformed NPCs. Collect Liar's Charms from daily quests and trade them to wandering illusionists for masquerade tokens, which you can then trade for special holiday loot. You'll also find Liar's Charms scattered about the world; they'll drop from skill nodes and slain monsters during the event. There's a fair amount of lore to be discovered by talking to the masquerade loremaster each day of the festival, yet another way to gather a few charms. Speak with the masquerade master in the center of Protector's Enclave for a full introduction to the event.

  • Uncharted Waters makes port at new publisher OGPlanet this fall

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The free-to-play naval game Uncharted Waters Online drops anchor at a new publisher this fall, partnering with OGPlanet. All player accounts will be transferred to OGPlanet and the game will re-launch with a focus on expanding the North American playerbase. Current players will find all information pertaining to the service migration (such as thank you sales and current server shut down date) on the Netmarble site. In UWO, players can relive and rewrite the history of the 15th Century, sailing the world in authentic period ships (like The English Frigate, Baltic Galleon, Spanish Carrack, and Turkish Galley) and participating in strategic battles. Whether starting as an Adventurer, a Merchant, or a Soldier, players amass wealth and power, discover new worlds, and even claim unoccupied islands. Get a taste of the game in the cinematic trailer below. [Source: OGPlanet press release]

  • Exclusive: Aura Kingdom's final reveal showcases ranged classes

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Just because you don't want to go toe-to-toe with your enemies doesn't mean you want to cast magic, and Aura Kingdom has you covered for non-magical ranged classes. The final classes revealed for the upcoming free-to-play fantasy game use gunpowder instead of incantations to inflict damage. Whether you prefer the dual pistols of the Gunslinger or the large cannon of the Grenadier, you can fire from afar and blast your opponents. Check out these final two classes in the gallery and get the full scoop on them in the exclusive dev blogs below. Then watch all seven classes strut their stuff in the trailer at the end.

  • Sharks, skulls, and ships: One year of Pirate101

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Pirate101 is a strange beast. It is a family-friendly, free-to-play, colorful MMO with silly characters, simple design, and quirky environments. Adventuring in Pirate101 sometimes demands that you investigate the secrets of a city that literally sits on top of a flying whale or that you and your friends (a fencing crab, perhaps, or a sharpshooting fox) leap onto a flaming, flying pirate ship in order to punch sharks in the face and steal their treasure. Hidden underneath the silliness, however, is a relatively deep turn-based strategy game designed to engage younger gamers while ensuring their adult counterparts have a good time. KingsIsle Entertainment isn't in the business of making kids games; instead, the studio strives to create titles that kids and parents can play together. The success of Pirate101 in its first year demonstrates that KingsIsle might just be on to something. Let's take a little peek back on the last 12 months of Pirate101 to examine its major milestones.

  • Prime World introduces two witchy heroes with new videos

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Just in time for Halloween, Prime World has introduced two new heroes to the MOBA that fit right into the witching-hour theme: Witch and Moira. While both ride a broom and are accompanied by an iconic black cat familiar, the two couldn't have more different beginnings; Witch had a life of privilege in a castle, whereas Moira had it rough from day one in a small Andornian village. How do these two enchantresses play? Watch these two gameplay videos for a look at each hero's various talents and skills in battle and to glean some hints and tips for playing these newest additions. [Source: Prime World press release]

  • Browser-based Blood and Jade opens beta doors

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Although browser-based Blood and Jade just barely kicked off alpha testing two weeks ago, the free-to-play game is already powering ahead into open beta testing. Starting today, players can get access to the Xianyang server and discover the drama of the Warring States for themselves by signing up on the official site. In Blood and Jade, players determine the fate of ancient China by becoming a master of martial arts, armed with ancient relics and accompanied by legendary Goddesses, and battling the forces of evil. Additionally, guilds can fight for territory and even ascend to the Imperial throne if they prove strong enough. [Source: R2Games press release]

  • World of Tanks named online game of the year at Golden Joysticks

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    World of Tanks, the ever-popular tank-based MMO from Wargaming.net, is 2013's online game of the year according to the Golden Joysticks. The title beat out heavy hitters like League of Legends and Dota 2 to take the crown. Here's Al King on the victory: You have to play together as a team. We're rolling out increasingly aggressively across the world -- we have 70 million active users. It's truly democratic, we have a tremendously loyal community. They just did everything we asked of them, they're phenomenal, and we love them. Other big winners? Assassin's Creed: Liberation (best handheld game, The Last of Us (best storytelling), and Grand Theft Auto V (game of the year).

  • Pathfinder Online dev blog explores outpost raiding

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Goblinworks celebrated its third major Pathfinder Online milestone with a detailed blog centered on the game's PvP raiding system. While the company was careful to note that raids are still in deep development and may change in scope and design, the blog dives into the rewards and risks of raiding along with the consequences to other players. Raids are short, small skirmishes initiated against player outposts. Since every outpost produces goods, there is always something worth stealing at any given outpost. To challenge an outpost, raiders must kill NPC guards in addition to any defending players. Raiders can stock up on an outpost's goods after its defenders have been bested. According to Goblinworks, NPC guards for outposts are "few and far between." Stealing items from outposts disrupts supply chains to local settlements. If raiders hold an outpost for over 10 minutes, they can then strip mine it. Strip mining increases the output of goods but deals damage to the outpost until it is destroyed. You can read more about raiding, strip mining, and how each affects your hostility rating over on the official post.

  • Albion Online trailer dives into cross-platform design

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Sandbox Interactive today released a new trailer for Albion Online, a game the studio refers to as the "first true cross-platform sandbox MMO." In the trailer, employees of Sandbox offer details regarding the development of the game and the challenges of cross-platform design. Information revealed in the trailer includes the reason the team got rid of player leveling, notes on how the economy will function, an explanation of Sandbox Interactive's focus on social interaction as a gameplay requirement, and a brief glimpse of PvP. There's also plenty of gameplay footage on display in between snippets of various dev interviews. Check out the full video after the jump. Albion Online is due for release in 2014 and will feature territory control, corpse-looting, and other "hardcore" conceits along with crafting and class customization. [Source: Sandbox Interactive press release]

  • Bravely Default: For The Sequel adds time-saving microtransactions

    Earnest Cavalli
    Earnest Cavalli

    When Bravely Default: For The Sequel makes its debut, one of the new features it includes will be the ability to stop time during battles - assuming you're either very patient or willing to shell out cash for the privilege. This new system, dubbed "Bravely Second," allows for the aforementioned time-stopping antics, but relies on your current level of "SP." Once you've used your special power, your SP decreases. You can gain more SP by putting your 3DS into sleep mode, though as Siliconera points out, this is a slow process, with one SP point being added for every eight hours of idle time. If you'd rather not wait however, there's always the option to purchase potions from the Nintendo 3DS eShop that refill your SP. It's currently unclear how expensive these potions will be, but producer Tomoya Asano assures fans that this system is a boon, rather than a hindrance. "Bravely Second isn't a de-merit, but a system that gives players an advantage. It's convenient, and very powerful," Asano told Siliconera. Bravely Default: For The Second is slated for release in Japan this December. Currently there is no word on when or if the handheld roleplaying game will hit Western territories.

  • Exclusive: Aura Kingdom reveals caster classes

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last week you got a glimpse of the melee classes coming to the anime world of Aura Kingdom. But what if you eschew the face-to-face fighting style of melee and prefer to fling fireballs at your foes or offer friends succor instead? Then this week's caster class reveal is for you! If you enjoy raining magical mayhem down on the heads of your enemies, the Wizard class is right up your alley. On the other hand, if you'd rather be the one to save the day with your healing aid, you can delve into the role of the Bard. Can't quite decide between the two roles? Then become a Sorcerer and do a little of both! Have a look at these three classes in the gallery and then delve into even more details in the dev blogs below.

  • The Soapbox: Free-to-play wasn't our idea

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Free-to-play is surging. In just a few short years, free-to-play has become the go-to mechanism through which studios broaden audiences, entice players, and build revenue. No other method of monetization has proven to be so lucrative and effective with such consistency, whether it be a monthly subscription fee, a one-time purchase price, or some combination of the two. Free-to-play's growth has created a world in which non-free games are the exception, not the rule. Of the most popular MMOs and online games as of my typing these words, the vast majority are free-to-play. Games that are bold enough to buck the trend and launch with a sub fee are met with derision and suspicion from the online gaming community; the many thousands of words dedicated to ZeniMax Online's decision to require a subscription for The Elder Scrolls Online are likely the most recent and high-profile examples of this trend in action. When players complain about a game launching with a subscription, their opinions are often countered by a self-appointed gaming elite who believe that things were better in the good old days, when games cost money and poor people didn't ruin everything by demanding free stuff. The argument summarized is something like, "I am sick and tired of lazy, entitled gamers wanting everything for free." There's just one problem: Lazy, entitled gamers didn't invent free-to-play. Studios did.