

  • PAL Super Mario 64 signed by Miyamoto

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    If you live in the UK and don't mind tossing some money away, may we suggest you toss your tender at this auction for a signed copy of Super Mario 64? We can't think of anything more fitting for your hard-earned scratch. Food? Psh, don't be a sucker and pay for food when the princess is offering to bake you a cake for free.At the time of this post, the auction was hovering around £33.87. It ends the night of April 17th, so be sure to keep your eyes on it. [Via Gamesniped]

  • April Fools' Alert #15: A potpourri of nonsense

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    As we bid adieu to this All Fools' Day, it's time to take a broom to the leftover balderdash and sweep it out of the house so we can start fresh and clean tomorrow. Straightgamer.net -- OH NO! The boys over at GayGamer.net went to "therapy" and are now devout heterosexuals. Now all they can talk about is boobs, beer and babes. That's so not fierce! Lego Halo -- 1Up reposted EGM's April issue gag for the internets. Wii Want More -- A Wii downloadable content service?! ROFLCOPTERBBQ Brain Age Mobile for iPhone -- The Wiicast does a very subtle trick that any other day of the year might be believable. Reggie talks Earthbound -- Starmen.net spliced together some clips and gets Monsieur Fils-Aime talking frankly about Nintendo's thoughts on Earthbound in America. N64 games ported to DS -- Vooks.net got the scoop on some N64 titles being "retooled & refreshed" for the handheld. Final Fantasy XIII demo and Final Fantasy VII remake -- PSXExtreme didn't even try to be witty, they just went for some painful lies.

  • 2008's April Fools' DS pranks

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Oh man, is that Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime over there, bringing you a giant bag of popcorn? It must be your lucky day!Too bad it's April Fools' Day! You're not getting any popcorn at all! Nope, it's just another bag of the usual stuff -- disappointment, regret, and the simple pain of living.Rather than spend your day weeping over missed opportunities and movie snacks, why not peruse our collection of April Fools' Day DS pranks? We've gathered up all of this year's handheld shenanigans we could find around the internet, providing you a concentrated punch of lulz to counteract Reggie's kick to your head. Click Reggie for popcorn! ->

  • VC Monday Madness video wrap-up 3/31/08

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    This week sees another duo of titles available for play. One of them is N64 title Cruis'n USA, while the other launches a new system on the Virtual Console for North America. Hit up the video above for your usual dose, then head past the break for some added fun.

  • VC Monday Madness: Cruis'n USA and Wonder Boy

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Looks like we've been fooled! If today is going to be any kind of indicator for the future, all Sega Master System games won't be the cheap 400 Wii Points per download we initially thought. Instead, the games will cost the same as NES titles. Eh, what's an extra dollar, right?Today's Virtual Console releases are: Cruis'n USA (N64, 1-2 players, 1,000 Wii Points) Wonder Boy (Sega Master System, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points) As usual, be sure to stop back later for our video wrap-up of this week's Virtual Console games.

  • VC Friday: Commodore 64 hits the ground running

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Ladies and gents, let's make some noise for the latest addition to the PAL European (sorry, Aussies) Virtual Console, the Commodore 64. Woo! Yep, after what feels like an eternity, the fondly remembered platform has made its Virtual Console debut with two of the strongest titles from its vast library: International Karate and Uridium. Both are comfortably worth the entrance fee of 500 Wii points, and begin to look like an even more obscene bargain when you consider this week's other addition: Midway's totally mediocre Cruis'n USA. Hit the break for videos of all three. International Karate -- Commodore 64 -- 500 Wii points Uridium -- Commodore 64 -- 500 Wii points Cruis'n USA -- N64 -- 1000 Wii points

  • New Nebraska Network jacks N64 logo for their own use

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Oh, New Nebraska Network. Did nobody inform you about copyright infringement? Of course not. Otherwise, you wouldn't have co-opted the N64 logo into your own. Naughty naughty!And what is the NNN about? Well, they've been around since March of 2005 and "has been the state's premiere source of progressive online political commentary and community-building." Being gamers, we're a bit wary of political stuff, because politicians often take up the cause that video games are a bad influence. Looks like they may have their first proof of that.[Thanks, Michael!]

  • VC Friday: The puffball returns

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Just the one game on today's update, though that doesn't mean your Wii points will have it easy. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards has become the twelfth Nintendo 64 game on the European and Aussie Virtual Consoles, and as such comes in at 1000 Wii points. It's not the lengthiest of titles, but it's still a worthy purchase. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards -- N64 -- 1000 Wii points As usual, skip past the break for footage.

  • Friday Video: Nintendo mascots 'so happy together'

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Oh, the good old days when we spent more time playing games and less time getting whipped bloody while we furiously tapped away on a rented laptop. That's what this commercial reminds us of, back when we'd stay home from school, pretending to be sick so we could get more time in with the game. And when we'd host all of the neighborhood riffraff in one big Super Smash Bros. 64 tournament on Saturday afternoons. But most importantly, it reminds us of everyone ganging up on that cheap bastard Pikachu.[Via SmashBrawlRankings]

  • The VC Advantage: Finding a way to spoil Kirby 64

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The Internet has made it easy to find cheats for games, but we miss the tips pages from game magazines, when the discovery of a new code could inspire you to go back to an old game. These codes aren't exactly new, but oldness is the essence of the Virtual Console! We're bringing back the classic codes every week on The VC Advantage.It can be hard work figuring out how to totally ruin surprises in games, as we like to do in the VC Advantage. Case in point: this week's highest-profile release, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, which is notable for being a good game on the Nintendo 64. Kirby games don't really have stories anyone cares about, and there aren't really any huge secrets to reveal. But there is one aspect of the game that invites experimentation and discovery and, thus, revealing Internet posts: the ability system.What makes Kirby 64 great is that Kirby can inhale two abilities: if he inhales two of the same power, it's amplified, and two different powers creates a new power. It's really fun to go through the game mixing powers to see what kind of crazy stuff Kirby can do -- or you can just watch this video from YouTube user Cloud8745, which reveals every ability in sequence. Also it has some very excited narration.In case you're wondering (and you aren't!) our favorite ability in terms of utility is Bomb + Cutter, and our favorite in terms of hilarity is Fire + Electricity.

  • VC Monday Madness video wrap-up 2/25/08

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's good to be back in the saddle. I've finished the video and placed it above for your viewing pleasure, checking out the duo of this week's Virtual Console releases. Hopefully, in failing to provide you guys with a video last week, I haven't lost my touch. And, by "my touch," I mean the ability to produce a video that only makes you want to vomit mildly.Head past the break for the usual follow-up coverage.

  • VC Monday Madness: Psychosis and Kirby64

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's Monday, which means that the Virtual Console provides us with downloadable entertainment. It's been awhile since we've gotten a N64 game, so color us excited about that. As for the other title up for for grabs, well ... we don't really have any experience with that one. So, we're looking forward to trying that out.This week's Virtual Console releases include: Kirby64: The Crystal Shards (Nintendo 64, 1 - 4 players, 1,000 Wii Points) Psychosis (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, 600 Wii Points) And, unlike last week, you can definitely expect a VC Monday Madness video wrap-up later on today.

  • British mag to unveil Xbox Live Goldeneye info. Wednesday

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    After being endlessly rumored and then sort-of-confirmed, we were pretty sure the currently-in-limbo XBLA version of Goldeneye 007 would remain in hiding for quite a while (questionable videos notwithstanding). Apparently not, as British mag Xbox World 360 announced via its blog today that next Wednesday's issue will include the world's first hands-on impressions of the port.The short announcement, which was slowly leaked via a screenshot jigsaw puzzle throughout the week, promises "never-seen shots and hands-on details" about the game's differences, improvements, and information on how we can "make sure this incredible remake does see the light of day." That last bit is a little worrying to us, as it implies there's still a chance the game won't see the light of day. What can we do to help? Circulate a petition? Protest at Rare headquarters? Sacrifice our pets to Satan? FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY TELL US!

  • DS Phat mod pays homage to the N64

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    eBay user luckey92 knows what to do with an old DS Phat: mod it! The second part of auctioning it off online and donating 20% of the sale to Child's Play isn't something that we'd probably do ourselves, however. It's not that we're horrible people who don't care about good organizations that bring fun and hope to sick children all over, it's that we're horrible people who love the DS and would hold onto this sucker forever. We'd probably sit it next to our N64 and take pictures, then conduct a mock wedding between two N64s, with this DS being their offspring. We'd then name them the Pac-Mans.

  • VC Monday Madness video wrap-up 1/28/08

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Well, we only got one game this week and luckily it's a good one. If you're looking to check out all the different fun stuff there is to do on the mountain, hit up the video above. If you need to study up some more before strapping your boots into a board, head past the break for our other usual coverage. But, most importantly, we hope you find the game as fun as we do.

  • VC Monday Madness: 1080 Snowboarding

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    There is but one single Virtual Console release today, allowing some of you who've been waiting for it over the past few weeks some relief, while the rest of you who were waiting on other titles or perhaps looked forward to more than one game to play are going to be left without satisfaction. You shouldn't be unhappy, though, as this game is one of the best to grace the N64.This week's Virtual Console game is: 1080° Snowboarding (N64, 1-2 Players, 1000 Wii Points) And, as always, be sure to stop back later for our video wrap-up of this week's Virtual Console release.

  • VC Friday: Remember the N64?

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    You do? Great! And do you also recall how N64 games would occasionally pop up on the Virtual Console? No?Well, we can't blame you if it slipped your mind. It's been almost three months since PAL gamers last saw an N64 game on the VC (for the record, it was Yoshi's Story), but this week sees the fuzz-tacular console make a return. And, despite our snarky tone, 1080° Snowboarding is actually an ace reminder of the console. This blogger still has fresh memories of shaving milliseconds from his best Time Trial performances with Dion Blaster. Never did pull off a 1080°, mind.Streets of Rage imitator Riot Zone makes the leap from the Turbografx-16 to complete this week's PAL platter of retro goodness. 1080° Snowboarding -- N64 -- 1000 Wii points Riot Zone -- Turbografx -- 800 Wii points

  • Rumor: Super Smash Bros. to hit VC when Brawl releases

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/nintendo/Rumor_Super_Smash_Bros_N64_Hits_VC_When_Brawl_Launches'; Because Super Smash Bros. Brawl won't consume enough time on its own, rumor has it that the game's release will be accompanied by the appearance of Super Smash Bros. on the Virtual Console. We're not sure where you stand on purchasing a fuzzier, arguably inferior fighting game on the very same day you get to take home your shiny new copy of Brawl, but we imagine that very few of you will need your arm twisting.This particularly juicy slice of speculation first appeared in Nintendo Power, and we wouldn't bet against it being true, especially as the Virtual Console debuts of Metroid and Super Mario Bros. 3 more or less coincided with the releases of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Super Mario Galaxy respectively.On an entirely separate note, how much has that original boxart aged? Day-um.

  • Because playing Shadows of the Empire on the go is a necessity

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We love mods as much as the next person, but this unit above actually lacks one important feature: being able to use it. We wonder how one could actually go about setting the controller above the display, as we can only picture ourselves trying to play this and seeing nothing but forearm. Unless the game we're playing is Forearm Explosion: The Jupiter Exchange Incident, we're not sure we could get through any game on this console.[Via MAXCONSOLE]

  • Representin' the N64

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Okay, so maybe the N64 wasn't the best console Nintendo ever put out, but we have some fond memories of hours poured into the system's best games. Ocarina of Time, GoldenEye, Super Smash Bros. ... ah, yes. How we loved you all. In fact, when we noticed this controller charm, we couldn't help but sniffle a little. Sure, it's ... um ... plasticky, but it's hell of 90s, and it still evokes those happy memories. Our controllers were never that shiny, though.