

  • Comcast to NFL Network: stop coaxing customers away... or else

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's no secret that Comcast and the NFL Network don't have the rosiest of relationships, and now that Comcast won a ruling (that's being appealed, to no one's shock) over what tier the channel was being placed on, the carrier has shot out a cease and desist letter demanding the network stop persuading customers to switch providers. Reportedly, the note contends that the channel's "violates the contract between the network and Comcast," as it coaxes customers to ponder switching with a message reading "Switch to a TV provider that will bring you NFL Network, not hold you hostage." The NFL Network has responded by stating that the arguments are "without merit," and even proclaimed that users dropping Comcast "did not need encouragement from them." Apparently, the cable operator is calling for the network to "confirm in writing" that it has halted its attempts to influence consumers by Friday, but a spokeswomen said she "didn't want to speculate what the company would do if its demands were not met." Ooh, that'll show 'em.[Thanks, Ryan G.]

  • Curses! Madden cover jinx strikes again

    Dan Dormer
    Dan Dormer

    Ah, the best laid plans of game developers and men. Originally selected because of his youth, Vince Young succumbed to the "Madden Curse" this past weekend, suffering a strained right quadriceps muscle in a 13-10 loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (we should have placed that bet!).He's listed as day-to-day by the Titans, but let this be a lesson to any future cover boys out there: the Curse remains. Just ask Garrison Hearst, Barry Sanders, Dorsey Levens, Eddie George, Daunte Culpepper, Marshall Faulk, Michael Vick, Ray Lewis, Donovan McNabb, Shaun Alexander, or of course, Vince Young.

  • (Cheater) Shawne Merriman elected to grace NFL Tour cover

    Dan Dormer
    Dan Dormer

    Congratulations, voters -- you've elected San Diego Chargers linebacker Shawne "They weren't steroids, it was tainted supplement I won't identify" Merriman to the cover of EA's NFL Tour, a relaunch of the NFL Street series. The contest, launched at the official website in September, pitted Merriman against Miami Dolphins defensive end Jason Taylor and Indianapolis Colts defensive end Dwight Freeny. It's almost unfortunate to think that a cheater, suspended for four games last season for violating the National Football League's substance abuse policy, gets to be on the cover of a video game. What a wonderful lesson for kids: "It's okay if you juice, Timmy, you just might go to the Pro Bowl after you serve your suspension. If you're lucky, you might end up on the cover of a video game!"

  • NFL Network cries to the FCC

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    These days just about everyone has their own cable network, from billionaires to NCAA football conferences. But what good is a network if no one can watch it? It only makes sense that you'd want your network to be carried by the largest paid television provider in the country. Of course Comcast knows they're the 800 lb gorilla, so if they say you're going on the sports tier, than so be it. The networks take this personal and after years of bickering, the NFL Network is taking their case to the FCC. They're saying it isn't fair because Comcast has no problem putting the the channels they own on the base tier. As much as we normally hate to side with big cable, we kinda see their point on this one, we mean seriously, who else but big time NFL fans even cares about this channel? It's not like NFL Total Access is presented in HD or anything.

  • HDTV Listings for September 6, 2007

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: Our favorite time of the year is here, NFL regular season football begins tonight with the Colts vs the Saints on NBC.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • NFL 2007 season kicks off in HD on NBC

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    Tonight is finally the night, the night that every NFL fan has been waiting for since February. A new season brings new hope, every fan can wipe away last year's loses and look forward to a fresh start. But, this year the fresh start isn't the only thing new this season, as CBS is moving themselves back towards being the HD sports leader by covering most of their games in HD -- up from 3 a week last year. As you'd probably expect, the NFL will kick off in HD, and that game will be carried on NBC tonight at 7pm. Now, lets just hope they got the MPEG encoder problem from last year resolved, or we'll have to deal with the screen going fuzzy every few minutes.

  • NFL refs to carry Sprint devices on field for weather updates

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Never mind the fact that these guys have to spend sixty-plus minutes every Sunday running up and down 100 yards of Astroturf, risking life and limb standing mere feet away from gigantic men pummeling one another for a little piece of inflated pigskin -- heading over to the sidelines to check the weather is apparently too much trouble for the men in the black and white stripes. Sprint has announced an agreement with the NFL to offer "wireless devices" of some sort to refs preloaded with a WeatherBug-driven alert app to warn them of incoming severe weather during games. You know, tornadoes and the like -- things that are liable to get a game postponed or canceled. That's cool and all, but if they get a Motorola Q9c before we do, we're gonna lose it.

  • NFL and DirecTV partner on streaming games

    Steven Kim
    Steven Kim

    You can now watch NFL football over the interwebs, free from regional restrictions! Excited? We thought so -- here's what you'll need. First, sign up for DirecTV's Sunday Ticket ($269/year). Second, add in the "SuperFan" program (an additional $99/year). Third, you'll need a Windows PC (sorry Mac users). Once all that is squared away, you can enjoy watching live games webwide in Internet Explorer. Meh, says we, especially when you look at MLB.TV. Admittedly, the SuperFan package is required for HD delivery of the games on DirecTV anyways (which the internet feed definitely won't be), so chances are that football nuts may already have these packages lined up. The NFL is keeping tight control over their content, but this is a step in the right direction. Meanwhile, "misplacing" a Slingbox at your buddy's place in another region is looking better and better.

  • Five widgets for football junkies

    Lisa Hoover
    Lisa Hoover

    As I write this, there are 12 excruciatingly long days until the start of the 2007 NFL football season. This year, the best-dressed Macs will have spiffy new dashboard widgets to help us follow our fantasy picks, favorite teams, league stats, and every game nuance we can think of. Here are the top five widgets every football fan needs to have: NFL Kickoff 2007 Countdown 4.0 - If you need to know right down to the nanosecond how long it is before kickoff, this widget is for you. Okay, it doesn't offer quite that much detail, but it will get you within the minute range. The rest you can figure out on your own. WagerWidget - If you like a friendly bet to go with your game, the WagerWidget gives you point spreads, odds updates, and other tips you might need to know before you make that call to Johnny NoFingers. Apple's widget directory - There's all sorts of goodies lurking here, like news feeds for the Cowboys and Raiders. Fantasy Control - If you've got a fantasy football team of your own, than this you need this. It offers real-time news and analysis for teams all across the league. (NOTE: Requires the Yahoo Widget installer for Mac) Football Widget 1.1.2 - The granddaddy of all widgets, this cool tool keeps you up to date on everything you need to know: Current scores, previous weeks' results, conference standings and more. Sky Sports Football News Widget - In the interest of fairness, this one's for the Brits among us. I hear your teams play football with their actual feet. What's up with that?

  • SportsCast Wireless Football Scoreboard keeps you informed on gameday

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Sure, baseball season is far from over, but here in the US of A, the onset of September directs all eyes to one sport. Thankfully, the SportsCast Wireless Football Scoreboard has made a timely entrance onto the scene, allowing NFL fans everywhere to see updates of scores across the league. The device requires no subscription to operate, and enables you to choose a "feature game" to highlight while the matches of lesser importance are shown below. Interestingly, the unit claims to receive updates every 15 minutes "via satellite signal (Ambient?)," and also sports a clock that sets itself. Sadly, the $99 wireless scoreboard won't be shipping out to pigskin fans for another month, so you'll have to keep track of the first few weeks the old fashioned way.[Via CNET]

  • DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket SuperFan subscribers to get mobile games

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Those so desperate for football that they're watching preseason showdowns should certainly enjoy this one. Reportedly, subscribers to DirecTV's Sunday Ticket SuperFan package will be able to access NFL games on their mobile for the first time this season. Users who plunk down the necessary coinage will soon be able to view "the entire weekly lineup of live NFL Sunday Ticket games" via the internet, which can be accessed through a computer or one's handset. Additionally, customers can even look forward to in-progress highlights, scores, and clock updates, which means that you'll never miss a moment of pigskin action so long as you've got a signal on Sundays.[Via MultiChannel]

  • MOTO techs out NFL coaches with RAZR-inspired headsets

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Motorola has just announced plans to upgrade the NFL's current communication systems with two new technologies aimed at coaches and sideline crews as part of an ongoing collaboration between the football league and electronics-maker. The first upgrade is a coaches headset that takes its design cues from the company's RAZR2 phones, and is a lighter, thinner and more ergonomically advanced model -- so when the boss-man is screaming down the line for a new defensive strategy, an uncomfortable or awkward headset won't interfere with his rage. Additionally, Motorola is replacing the decades-old "phone tables" with its Sideline Communication Center, which will standardize communication throughout the league, and should vastly improve coordination of Gatorade dumping.

  • The NFL kicks off Sunday in HD on the NFL Network

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    It seems like so long ago that we got to enjoy an HD football game and the wait is almost over. Sure it's only pre-season, but at this point in the year, we'll take whatever football we can get. Plus, in another month the regular season gets underway and it promises to be the best season yet for HD fans. The Hall of Fame game kicks off the season on the NFL Network in HD, which is the first of nine live games carried by them this year. As great as the NFL Network is, the real problem is that many people don't get it, 'cause their cable co' can't get the deal done -- just another reason for NFL fans to switch to DirecTV. Unfortunatly not all the NFL games will be presented in HD this year, so if you want to see which games will be, head over to to find out who the lucky ones are.

  • EA reveals NFL Tour, arcade football for casual gamers

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Electronic Arts is launching a second football franchise with the NFL license. NFL Tour is being billed as more of an arcade-style sports game and "will bring the spectacle of a traveling NFL road show alive" for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Both "intuitive controls" and an appeal to "casual gamers" are mentioned in the press release, indicating EA sees this game as intended for a different audience not wanting the detail of Madden (or maybe even Blitz). The game's site is set up to show a teaser trailer featuring the logo and ... well, not much else, really.NFL Tour is scheduled for release January 2008.

  • Madden 08 pulls out its weaponry

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    One of the new features of Electronic Arts' Madden 08 is the use of weapons -- special medals associated with certain players to signify their strengths. These aren't real weapons, mind you, but O, how we long for the days of Mutant League Football. These are more like situation-specific special moves. A player with the Big Foot Kicker weapon, for example, can kick the ball "farther than anyone in the game."IGN is outlining the 24 weapons featured in the game, so that enthusiasts can start planning and dreaming up their weapon combinations. Cannon Arm QB with a Quick Receiver? Let's hope one of their defenders doesn't have the Speed weapon.%Gallery-4322%

  • CBS to offer more HD NFL, all games in HD by 2008

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    When glancing through last year's HD NFL schedule, there were still quite a few games that sadly didn't get the HD treatment it rightfully deserved, but in news that's sure to make those who just endured the painstaking NFL Draft a bit more jovial, that won't be the case in 2007 (or beyond). According to a snippet at SignOnSanDiego, CBS will reportedly be offering up "five or six games per week this season in high-definition, up from three a year ago." Additionally, the NFL has also declared that "all games must be shown in HD starting in 2008," which means that you can finally stop biting your nails about whether your team's matchup will be shot in HD. Four months and counting, folks.

  • John Facenda pitching Madden today, condoms tomorrow?

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Seeking "damages" when using someone's voice in an honorable way which doesn't hurt their image seems a bit off -- but it's a great way to make some easy money. The family of John "Voice of God" Facenda is doing just that by seeking damages for the use of his voice in the Making of Madden 2006, a promotional video created by the National Football League for the video game. EA is not included in the suit. Facenda gave the NFL unlimited use of his recorded voice in everything except product endoresment. The Facenda family claims that the 22-minute promotional video, which uses Facenda's voice for 13 seconds, is a violation of that agreement. A judge agrees and the issue is going in front of a jury.Today, Facenda is endorsing Madden, what's next? Facenda family attorney Paul Lauricella has an idea, saying, "[Facenda's son] does not want to wake up one day hearing his father's voice advertising condoms... The Madden game's a great game. We just think if it's going to be advertised [with his voice], it deserves to be compensated."NFL brand condoms pitched by a man who died in 1984, that's ridiculous. That's almost as ludicrous as thinking screen legend Fred Astaire would be used to sell Dirt Devils -- oh, wait. Proceed Facenda family, carry on.

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup: Draft edition

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It's that one Saturday where we sit around the TV not to watch (American) football but to watch people talk about football for well over four hours. So far, the Razors have picked JaMario Rockman and the Lions took Koopa Johnso ... oh, sorry, we're mixing up interests in our head.Here are our picks for best game-related webcomics; be sure to vote for your favorite! Time to retire Generating adjectives Kill it with fire Safety guide Cool Winter breeze See the light Dynamism Animal Control What if ... [Bonus: name the image graphic.]

  • Harris to hook 31 NFL stadiums up with HD instant replay

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Although instant replay has its fair share of supporters and critics, it's here to stay in the NFL, and if you're hoping that the grainy SD playback that refs have to review might lead to a beneficial miscue, don't count on it. The NFL has teamed with Harris Corporation to install 33 NEXIO HD servers (plus 33 more for redundancy), an HD version of FORCE (Football Officiating Replay Challenge Expeditor) software, and routing / distribution gear that will enable officials to look back at questionable plays in "stunning high-definition." Every NFL stadium but three -- the ones "being replaced" in Irving, TX, Indianapolis, IN, and East Rutherford, NJ -- will be equipped with high-definition equipment and recabled "before the upcoming season." As expected, such (potentially superfluous) upgrades won't come without selling quite a few grossly overpriced sodas and soft pretzels, as it's estimated to cost each club around $300,000.Read - NFL Instant Replay becomes permanentRead - Harris to provide HD equipment to NFL

  • Chargers' Tomlinson turned down Madden cover; not curse, but cash

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It turns out Vince Young might not have been the first choice for the Madden 2008 cover. According to CNBC Sports Business reporter Darren Rovell, multiple industry sources have told him that Electronic Arts asked San Diego Chargers running back LaDainian Tomlinson of his interest and presented him an offer. Tomlinson turned it down.The reason purportedly has nothing to do with the oft-cited "Madden curse," but that Tomlinson was not happy with EA's financial offer. Electronic Arts, according to Rovell, understands their cover to be what he calls the "Wheaties box endorsement," which means that EA will offer the cover athlete less than his market value. Tomlinson opted against it.Young, afraid of no curse, is now the cover athlete. But as Rovell justly observes, Madden titles sell well regardless of who graces the cover.