

  • Ninja Gaiden II demo hits Xbox Live and it's not what you think ...

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    For the last two days we eagerly clicked refresh on Xbox Live Marketplace to play the fabled Ninja Gaiden II Demo that was teased to gamers all over the world.Right now, the Xbox Live page has been updated and the demo has been launched! The only problem is the demo is actually a video of someone playing the demo.No, we're not kidding. Yes we realize that putting a banner claiming a Ninja Gaiden II Demo was forthcoming and posting a video is a little misleading. So, the demo is up for you to try. If you try and watch it that is! Something tells me this will not go over well with the fans.

  • GDC08: Ninja Gaiden II demo to appear on XBLM

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Microsoft promised that we'd have access to special GDC media from the comforts of our own home thanks to the wondrous service that is the Xbox Live Marketplace. And so far, they've done a pretty fine job releasing trailers, free gamer pictures and videos. But never in our wildest dreams did we expect a Ninja Gaiden II demo, which is exactly what is headed down the GDC XBLM pipeline.According to a GDC content banner that appears on the XBLM, it makes mention that a downloadable Ninja Gaiden II demo will be "Coming Soon". The item is not clickable just yet, so no demo goodness for us, but we have a feeling that Thursday will bring bloody ninja fun for fanboys across the globe. Keep your eyes glued to the XBLM and keep your browser tuned into X3F as we await the demo's release. Ninja-KICK![Thanks, MIKEAWESOME]

  • Video: GDC08 Ninja Gaiden II video

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    This, as you may have guessed, is a video of the Ninja Gaiden II demonstration held at GDC during Microsoft's keynote presentation. We believe it's safe to say that the video is as capable of making eyes bleed as Ryu is of eviscerating demons. Our challenge to you, dear readers, is to come up with the catchiest name for the enemies that have chainsaws for hands. And ... go![Via Joystiq]

  • GDC08: New Ninja Gaiden II screens

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Fresh from the press kit that came out of the Microsoft keynote earlier today, Microsoft Game Studios released five new images of Ninja Gaiden II in all their bloody hi-res glory. In the new screens, Ryu battles various baddies including, dragons, ninjas and a villain that looks like he fell off the cover box of Blizzard's Diablo. Ninja Gaiden II hits the Xbox 360 exclusively in June 2008, we're sharpening our swords in the meantime.%Gallery-11370%

  • GDC08: Ninja Gaiden II's Ninja Cinema and a June release

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Wearing his classy leather jacket, Team Ninja's Tomonobu Itagaki just took Microsoft's keynote stage to do a quick (and very impressive) Ninja Gaiden II demo and revealed a brand new feature that'll be included when the game ships. The new feature is a video sharing service called "Ninja Cinema" that will allow players to record movie clips, save and then share them over Xbox Live with other gamers. The entire system is very similar to Halo 3's file sharing, but much more ... ninja'fied and bloody. It'll be like dismemberment porn. Oh and a little Team Ninja birdy also revealed that Ninja Gaiden II will storm retail this June. Summer can't come soon enough.

  • New Ninja Gaiden II footage, yum

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We understand it's possible that you may be getting tired of us posting every scrap of Ninja Gaiden II info we can lay our grubby little hands on. Really, we do. Having said that, it doesn't mean we're about to stop. Oh no, we just wanted to make sure you knew that we understand. Now, on with even more Ninja Gaiden II footage. This time we have Ryu laying waste to the enemy hordes using both his dual katanas (sort of the ancient Japanese equivalent of dual core processing) and his sweet, sweet ninja claws. Check out the video after the break.

  • X3F TV: X3F Vs. Tomonobu Itagaki

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, squirrels and hamsters, Xbox 360 Fanboy is pleased to announce the first edition of X3F TV. Readers may recall the video interview with Tomonobu Itagaki we featured a couple weeks ago. Our friends at Gamerscore Blog were kind enough to ask Itagaki-san a question about Ninja Gaiden II for us, and they even provided us with video of the event. We slapped our name on the front and uploaded it for all to see. And now, we're super excited to let you know that those who subscribe to our podcast will find a miniaturized version of the video available for your iPod, Zune, or any media player with MP4 playback. You'll find it listed right after episode 50 of the Xbox 360 Fancast.We're hoping to make this a more regular feature as time goes on, so keep your eyes peeled for the next installment of X3F TV.

  • Ninja Gaiden II needs your achievement help

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    After cornering Tomonobu Itagaki and forcing him to answer questions regarding Ninja Gaiden II, the Gamerscore Blog crew then took it upon themselves to convince Team Ninja that Ninja Gaiden II's achievements needed a gamer's touch. And well, they actually listened.Team Ninja is requesting your gaming experience, your creative genius and your achievement knowledge to help them with the task of generating achievements for the 360 exclusive Ninja Gaiden II. If you have an idea for the best achievement evar, simply make your way over to the GSB and comment on their post with your idea. Team Ninja will then pick some of the best ideas and use them to create Ninja Gaiden II's achievements. Who knows, if they use your idea they could go as far as to make you an honorary ninja complete with your gamertag laser engraved on a samurai sword. One can only dream.

  • X3F vs. Tomonobu Itagaki: Ninja Gaiden II difficulty concerns

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Gamerscore Blog recently extended us the offer to ask Tomonobu Itagaki, the outspoken head of Team Ninja, one question about Ninja Gaiden II. We thought long and hard about the question, and this is what we came up with: some changes have been made to Ninja Gaiden II to make it more accessible to the gaming community at large, most notably the regenerating health system. What do you say to gamers who are worried that Ninja Gaiden II will be less challenging as a result? You may behold the detailed answer to that question (in video form) after the break.

  • Ninja Gaiden II video madness continues

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    You know, at this point it seems like we're really being spoiled with direct feed Ninja Gaiden II footage. We're doing our best to feel guilty about it, but it's just not happening. Here, we'll try again ... nope, not guilty. This latest video (which we've seen snippets of before) features everyone's favorite super ninja Ryu laying waste to his foes with two katanas. Think of it as a special episode of "Will It Blend" with ninjas. For the record, yes, ninjas blend. Find the video embedded after the break.

  • 4 minutes in Ninja Gaiden II heaven

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's no secret that we are gaga for Ninja Gaiden II. In the event that it is a secret, we can assure you that it will not remain so for long. Remember the many calls for us to cease the constant coverage of Halo 3 / Gears of War / etc? You ain't seen nothing yet. We shall cover Ninja Gaiden II for all it is worth and more. With that little tidbit out of the way, on to the purpose of this post: to fill your eyeballs with four minutes of gory ninja goodness. Some of the footage has been seen before, but plenty of the video is new, and all of it is scrumptious. In particular, we like watching one of Ryu's maimed opponents priming a grenade in an attempt to take the super ninja with him. The video also features Ryu's trademark Izuna Drop -- think spinning piledriver on steroids -- which makes us happy fanboys. Check out the video after the break.

  • Happy Day of the Ninja: new NG2 video and screens

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Today, if you don't know, is the Day of the Ninja. In celebration of this wonderful, pirate pwning fact, Tecmo and Microsoft have seen fit to unleash a new trailer and some new screenshots of Ninja Gaiden II. The screenshots are surprisingly tame, considering the flood of blood-soaked, severed-limb-littered shots that we've seen before. The trailer, on the other hand, is positively rife with gore. The video shows off some of Ryu's handy fighting skills and his talent for pointlessly eviscerating enemies well after they're dead. So, sit back and glory in its raw beauty. All forty-seconds of it.%Gallery-11370%

  • More Ninja Gaiden II goodness, demo incoming

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    In our endless quest for every possible bit on Ninja Gaiden II info, IGN steps in with a new video interview with Tomonobu Itagaki, the outspoken head of Tecmo's Team Ninja. The interview is peppered with new gameplay footage, over which Itagaki discusses the changes being made to Ninja Gaiden II compared the first iteration, particularly the blood effects, weapons, and AI behavior. The blood is apparently more "viscous" and he gore is more detailed than before. That's good, considering the new dismemberment system. Speaking of dismemberment, don't expect enemies to stop attacking just because you've lopped off one of their legs either. Perhaps the most intriguing part of the interview is when Itagaki mentions that he doesn't want to boast about his game, noting that the game will speak for itself through trailers and demos. Yes, demos. Specifically, he said (through a translator), "That's why we have things like downloadable demos out there ... that will be coming at some point."With the game scheduled for a release early next year, maybe we'll get lucky and see that demo before Christmas. Please ....[Thanks, DarkStar]

  • 1UP previews Ninja Gaiden II, tons of video

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The unruly bunch at 1UP managed to get their hands on Ninja Gaiden II and posted a nice preview feature on GameVideos. In short, the game looks very nice. Judging from some of the comments from the 1UP crew, the game looks to satisfy the wildest dreams of the hordes of wannabe super ninjas out there. Our favorite bit of info in the preview: enemies that have lost limbs don't quit. In other words, don't assume that an enemy is now harmless just because you've lopped off both of his legs. That enemy can and will continue in his attempts to kill you. He might, for instance, prime a grenade and try to take you out with him. Awesome. Along with the video preview (embedded above) are three new gameplay videos for you to enjoy after the break. So enjoy them, or pay the price.