

  • The DS holiday buyer's guide part 1: the new adopter

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    In an attempt to aid you in assimilating new life forms into our collective showing someone the wonder of gaming, we've come up with a three part holiday buyer's guide to aid you in acquiring gifts for every type of gamer. Our first installment looks into those who, traditionally, aren't a gamer and might have just gotten into the hobby (or curious about it, at least). Continue into the post, where some thoughtful gift ideas will be presented past the jump.

  • Nokia re-entering handheld gaming arena, looks to beat Sony and Nintendo

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Nokia, those folks responsible for the near-useless N-Gage system, have apparently learned from their mistakes and are looking to take consumers away from Sony's PSP and Nintendo's DS. According to the company, publishers and developers have already signed on with their next-gen wave of mobile phones. According to Nokia's head of games for UK and Ireland Martin O'Driscoll, gamers will be forced to choose between Nokia, Sony's PSP, or Nintendo's DS:"The consumer will have to make a decision: does he wants a standalone gaming device with a limited browsing capability or a phone with an MP3 player, a camera and a bloody good games platform? I think consumers will be prepared to spend £300 on a phone that offers all those different things rather than £100 to £150 for a standalone games machine."So how do you feel? Given the DS' library of excellent games, something we've always thought made the platform, should it really feel threatened by a company's second attempt at creating a viable handheld platform? Even one that will, supposedly, have twice the amount of features for almost twice the money?

  • WRUP: bored edition

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    With a pretty lackluster week of releases, what will you be playing over the weekend? Revisiting a past favorite, or will you be playing something that has long sat neglected on your shelf? Or did you actually pick up one of those games and plan on playing some this weekend? Plan on playing nothing and sitting around, bored out of your skull?For us, we plan on getting some practice in so that we may be less embarrassed come Tuesday night's Game Night. Looks like we better get some time in Metroid Prime Hunters as, of right now, it is leading in the poll. Remember, you can vote every day, not just once!Read - Past What are you Playing? posts.

  • Inuyasha: Secret of the Divine Jewels screens

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    QJ has got a slew of new screenshots from the upcoming Inuyasha game Inuyasha: Secret of the Divine Jewel, a RPG game based on the popular anime. While we can't say we've watched the show with any kind of regularity, we can't get enough of those RPGs and the prospect of a new tickles our fancy something fierce. Join us in drooling over the screens, won't you?

  • Japanese study shows increased demand in DS despite next-gen systems

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Despite all the hubbub about these new consoles, the Japanese public has still grown in their desire for the DS. Given an increase in DS owners by almost 27% since last year, the handheld has managed to sway 6% more of the DS-lacking public into wanting one. This proves that despite all the high-tech wizardry that these new consoles are capable of, the great games and portability of Nintendo's DS is still valued highly by the Japanese public.This, of course, doesn't mean the same is destined for other territories. How about you, though? Now that the Wii is out, has your DS been neglected?

  • Nintendo: the Game Boy has one more holiday left in it

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Even with the DS selling with the consistency of those hotcakes people seem to love, Nintendo thinks the Game Boy has at least one holiday left in it. In speaking with Reuters, Nintendo head honcho Reggie Fils-Aime lays it all on the table, revealing that the GBA is still selling well and is a great first handheld system for young gamers."We think that Game Boy Advance certainly has at least one more holiday season left in it. For us, it continues to be a great stepping stone for five-, six-, seven-year-old consumers to have their first great handheld gaming experience and then transition right into DS. For as great a Black Friday weekend that we had on DS, we had just as good a selling season so far on Game Boy Advance."This is all confusing, making us wonder just how long of a life the handheld really has left. Reggie isn't willing to divulge anything on its future or a successor to its throne, obviously, instead leaving us to jump to our own conclusions. Considering the wild popularity of the DS, is there even a future for a new Game Boy?

  • 3D model of a real handheld

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Done in Maya by flickr user ageofinnosense, with some added images from Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, it's really an uncanny model of a real DS Lite (his bills are paid with those kind of skills!). Created for his DAAP class, the above model shows that gamers with a passion can never let it go, no matter what the scenario. We commend his love for the system we catch ourselves fondling, in a most creepy way, on a daily basis.

  • New hospital-based game headed to the DS

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Following in the footsteps of the incredibly fun Trauma Center: Under the Knife, LifeSigns: Hospital Affairs from JoWood is a "hospital drama soap" with "dramatic human interactions." Screenshots of the game also show surgery segments, so in utilizing the touch-screen, you'll be aiding in the medical treatment of patients. The localized version of Tendo Dokuta, it revolves around a young doctor who, much like the hospital-based soap operas of the past and present, must both help patients with their physical ailments as well as their emotional ones. Starting as a lowly assistant doctor, you'll move up the ranks until you finally obtain your desired position of chief physician in the hospital. The game is currently set for a Q1 2007 release.[Via DS-x2]

  • DS Fanboy Tony Hawk contest: and the winner is ...

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    After having shown the honorable mentions of our contest, we're now ready to reveal the winner and the runner-up. Remember, the winner will receive a copy of Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam on the DS, while the runner-up will be gifted with Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam on the GBA. So, without further delay, let us get right to it ...

  • DS Fanboy Tony Hawk contest: honorable mentions

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Our contest has concluded and as we literally sift through all of the entries, attempting to find pockets of air in order to keep from suffocating as we do so, we've come up with a pair of winners and several honorable mentions. We've done the appropriate inclusion of the honorable mentions into the post, past the jump, so check them out and be sure to keep your eyes here for the announcement of our winner and runner-up later on today.

  • Arithmetic trainer for the mathematically challenged

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Japanese folk, both young and old, who lack the foundations of a healthy mathematics knowledge may partake in rigorous exercises allowing one to confront their demons (with impeccable Algebra skills) and, ultimately defeat them with math skills of their own. It's a war where the sevens eat nines (ynuck ynuck) ...With various schools of math being present, the game looks like (and we're going on Google translation here) it takes you through all of math's different problems such as subtraction and division, progressing on to more difficult exercises as the player solves them.

  • Animal Crossing mafia makes an offer you can't refuse

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    While upon playing Animal Crossing: Wild World, one might feel indebted to a Mafioso in Tom Nook as you work off a debt, running errands for him and perhaps fearing the impending doom that awaits you at the bottom of a deep river should you neglect those duties, the reality is that Animal Crossing is very much without that 'old world mob' flavor. Leave it up to folks to try and reverse that, though. With a slogan like "you hit me, we hit you," one would feel that performing the general run-of-the-mill mob tasks demanded from such a criminal organization could very well be performed in the game, however due to the nature of the game, we feel that waking with a horse's decapitated head is far worse than the likely scenario of decimated trees and hole-filled lawns throughout the town that one would suffer should they cross this mafia. Still, it's an original idea and for a game like Animal Crossing: Wild World, we're glad for every, and any, excuse we get to play it on a regular basis.

  • Japanese Club Nintendo DS swag

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Joystiq recently received some killer Japanese swag for their DS, including that Game & Watch Collection we saw awhile back and the above DS Lite case. Sure, the case may be lacking any kind of ability to protect your DS Lite from damage, but you have to admit that it is one sweet looking case. A classy ride for your classy handheld, if you will.

  • DS Fanboy presents: Game Night (11/28/06 aftermath)

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Another night and another most fun time had by all! While Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connect service was acting up something fierce last night, we still managed to make the best of it and get a few games in and chat for awhile. All in all it was great fun, however most felt that Mario Kart would be best left on the bench this coming Tuesday for the next Game Night. So, you'll see it missing from the poll below. So what will it be next week? What will we play on 12/5/06? Animal Crossing: let's all hang out and fish! Star Fox Command: Arwing combat for me please! Clubhouse Games: anyone up for a game of cards or somesuch? Tetris DS: my falling blocks will CRUSH YOU! Metroid Prime Hunters: let's all frag the hell out of each other! Free polls from

  • A DS game for the emotional

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Known as EQ Trainer (through Google translation), the game's goal is not to measure how smart you are, but to measure your emotions and how you feel. How does the game measure your emotions, you ask? Well, apparently there are 3 game modes by which this is done. Solving problems is one method, with another, loosely-translated explanation for the second being "[the player] can forge four fields such as identifying and understanding the feeling respectively." The third way seems to be a kind of progressive chart, which has measured, and will measure, all of your emotions and forms a consistent reading.A quirky title, but for such a dynamic platform as the DS, as well as previous titles taking full advantage of the system to offer non-conventional games, are we that surprised to see something of this nature crop up? Honestly, no, and for us here at DS Fanboy, we're kind of peeved we do not know Japanese and the odds of this title being localized are so slim as to be invisible.[Via Go Nintendo]

  • DS Lite magnet stand for a healthier you

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Nintendo is releasing a magnetic stand for their DS Lite in Japan next week for the small sum of ¥1200 (about US$10). Essentially allowing one to prop the DS Lite against the refrigerator, it allows those utilizing the newest cooking title, a sequel to Shaberu! Oryouri Navi, or Down Home Cooking to us English-speaking folk, to produce meals taught from the DS without actually having to handle the unit. We knew this accessory was coming before, however we wondered if it would be bundled with DS Kondate Zenshu. Turns out, it won't be.[Via Joystiq]

  • Turtles emerging from manholes in March

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Ubisoft, who've got the rights to the upcoming CG movie about some teenage turtles with both mutant, and ninja, tendencies, says the games based on these sewer-dwelling, rat-led turtles will release along side the film in March 2007. That means every port of the game, including DS and Wii, will be released at the same time.Not much else is known about the game, but for the curious, Eurogamer has a behind-the-scenes look at the game here.[Note: Behind-the-scenes video focuses on the console versions of the game.]

  • Zoo Keeper every day, for 7 months, causes massive damage to DS Phat

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Reader James sent us a link to his flickr account, which now showcases the sad tale of a DS Phat that has been the result of rampant games of Zoo Keeper every day, for 7 months, by his girlfriend. He makes no mention of how she generally treats his DS, but by the looks of the pictures, we'd have to say she's not all that delicate a touch.It's beyond time he upgraded to a DS Lite anyway, so maybe she unintentionally did him a favor?

  • DS Fanboy presents: Game Night (11/28/06)

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The votes are in and our Game Night game has been chosen. We'll be meeting up in the same room as last week, at the same time. All of the details, including the results of the poll determining what game we'll be playing tonight, are after the break.

  • THQ exec and his dedication to the DS

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Brian Farrell, THQ hot-shot, recently sat down with and spoke about his company and its future. More important to all of us, however, is his views on both of Nintendo's platforms. Seeing them both as the major focal points for his business, Farrell said:"We said we were going to bring all our core franchises to the DS and we're now the largest independent, second only to Nintendo, on the DS. We feel the same way about Wii because we're real strong on the mass market. We love the Wii, we jumped on it. The company has four Wii titles available."So, with a dedication to both of Nintendo's consoles, THQ is one of Nintendo's strongest third-party supporters. The majority of the piece covers THQ on a whole, but it's always nice to hear someone take time and salute Nintendo.