

  • Forum Post of the Day: Your favorite boss quote

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Unlike boring trash mobs, bosses in World of Warcraft all have their interesting catchphrases, some more memorable than others. And over on the EU forums, poster Lindey is looking to figure out what other players think is the best boss quote in the game. At the top, so far? Molten Core's Ragnaros and Blackwing Lair's Vaelazstraz with their classic introductions:Ragnaros: Too soon, you have awakened me to soon Executus! What is the meaning of this intrusion?Vaelastraz: Too late... friends. Nefarius' corruption has taken hold. I cannot... control myself. I beg you Mortals, flee! Flee before I lose all sense of control. The Black Fire rages within my heart. I must release it! FLAME! DEATH! DESTRUCTION! COWER MORTALS BEFORE THE WRATH OF LORD....NO! I MUST FIGHT THIS!But beyond Lindey's list of player favorites, the thread itself is a collection of some of the most entertaining dialog tidbits Blizzard's thrown into the game. Take a look for yourself!

  • Forum Post of the Day: I have never looted an epic

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    I am impressed by EU forumgoer Yippi. Despite having two characters at level 70, one at level 69, two more at 60, and a host of lower levels, Yippi has never even seen a world drop epic. That's enough to make you wonder if the darn things even exist! Even though, in my experience, I have to say that they do -- while leveling, I've gotten Robes of Insight, an Underworld Band, a Jeweled Amulet of Cainwyn, and I've seen (though I didn't win) a Krol Blade. Maybe I'm as lucky as Yippi is unlucky? But, I don't know... like the guys over at Penny Arcade say -- green is the new purple. Maybe missing out on those world drop epics isn't that bad after all.Interested in more forumgoer opinions? Take a look at previous forum posts of the day!

  • Forum Post of the Day: Your "I never want to do this again" quest

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    You know what forum poster Timat is talking about. Those quests that you died a half dozen times attempting to complete. The quests that took hours of travel or multiple dungeon runs to complete. The quest that you completed after it went grey in your quest log simply because you refused to let the quest beat you. Posters in the thread already have some suggestions: the druid sea form quest, the Onyxia key chain (both horde and alliance versions are a nuisance), and, of course, "Vast Ocean, Deep Sea." See more player opinions in previous forum posts of the day.

  • Forum Post of the Day: Levels 1 - 58 need reviewing

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    In comparison to all the excitement to be found leveling from 60 to 70 in Outland -- numerous dungeons, zones, and quests available at every level range, with great quest rewards -- old Azeroth looks awfully pale. And to this end forum poster Colrum suggests that perhaps after the 2.1 patch adds the Black Temple, Blizzard could spend a bit of time polishing Azeroth. And commenters in the post have plenty of suggestions on where Blizzard can start. While there are plenty of places in old Azeroth that I find immensely tedious to level through, I still think that I'd rather look forward rather than backwards. But what do you think -- does Azeroth need some work to bring it up to par with all the new content in Outland?[A full version of the artwork above can be found on Blizzard's site.]

  • Forum Post of the Day: Kiting Gamon

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Ah, the things boredom can drive you to do. But at least in the case of Waffels, it's something that can entertain all of us. One dull day, Waffels decided to take Gamon (a level 12 NPC in Orgrimmar used for the rogue lockpicking quest) for a little walk.To Silithus.It took him about an hour and a half, but Waffels managed to take Gamon all the way to Cenarion Hold before getting into trouble with a shadow priest decided to end the adventure with a mind blast. However, the 10 copper worth of loot made the entire trip worth it, don't you think?

  • Forum post of the day: The "no one else has my name" club

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Oh, but the fun there is to be had with the armory. And if you're bored of using the armory for laughs (trying to find the game's worst players, perhaps?), here's a new use to keep you occupied -- at least for a little while. This thread is a tribute to the game's players who, as proven by the armory tool, have completely unique names. Of course there are some problems with this, as pointed out early in the thread: either they're the only ones with their names because they're lame names to begin with or their formerly unique-and-cool names are about to be copied by every last person reading the thread. So why not go on and take a look? I'm sure you're unique, just like everybody else.

  • Official forums going down for maintenance

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Where will 8 million plus World of Warcraft players go to complain about class balance when the forums are taken down for maintenance tonight (Wednesday, March 14th) at 11:59 PM PDT? While I'm not certain, I'm sure we'll find out during the extended maintenance period, expected to last for about ten hours (until 10:00 AM PDT, Thursday, March 15th). The details of this maintenance are unknown (forum maintenance isn't terribly common), but it's reasonable to assume that, since no specific changes were announced, that the forums will come back online tomorrow just as we left them today. However, Blizzard has surprised me before...

  • Forum Post of the Day: Who's your main healer?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Poster Runeolth asks forumgoers whom they'd pick as their main healer: a druid, paladin, priest, or shaman? There seems to be little agreement on the subject, with players answering every option, a few saying that all are viable, and a few answering with options that weren't offered. So what does each healing class bring to the table?DruidPros: Excellent variety of HoTs (especially talented), MotW a very nice all-purpose buff, leather armor (and ability to shapeshift into bear if needed) makes them fairly durableCons: Can only rez once a half hour, no damage shields, group heal on a cooldownPriestPros: Most versatile array of healing abilities (a HoT, direct heals, a damage shield, and group heals), PW:F an excellent stamina buff (great for group survivability)Cons: Squishy, and with no good way to dump aggro if neededPaladinPros: Very mana efficient, excellent variety of buffs (blessings and judgements), very durable (plate!), low threat healsCons: No HoTs, no group heals, short duration buffsShamanPros: Versatile buffs with totems, quite durable (mail), can self-rez to save a corpse run after a wipe, good variety of healing abilities (direct heals, group heals, and some healing over time via totem)Cons: Need to be in range to get totem buffs, can't always give players the buffs they would want because of element restrictions, only damage shield is a 41-point talentWhat's your opinion -- is there anything important left out of this little chart? And do you have a healing class of choice?

  • Forum Post of the Day: The ten commandments of PvP

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    There aren't really any hard and fast rules to PvP success, but there may be some guidelines worth keeping in mind. Like these, a list of ten "commandments" and six etiquette suggestions from Anacin of Thrall. Of course, everyone has their own opinions, but Anacin gives us a good start. If you do not enjoy PvP, play on a PvE server. There are usually several zones to choose from for your level. If one is overrun with the opposing faction, choose another zone to quest, grind. If you get ganked by a high level player, get up, dust off, and keep fighting. If you are getting camped over and over, ghost, and move to a different zone. Travel with friends to keep the ganking to a minimum. Be alert. Players will often attack you in the middle of a fight with a mob. Stand and fight when you can. Some of PvP is human nature and no one likes a pansy. There are always players willing to help if some rogue is having fun at your expense. Use the chat channels to call for some back-up. PvP is war! If it moves and you can kill it, do it! If you find yourself throwing things at your three-hundred dollar monitor, seek immediate psychiatric help. It's only a game! And for general etiquette -- if you're in the mood to be polite? He suggests the following... If an opposing player is grey to me, I leave them be. I avoid enacting revenge. It wastes time, and nets me nothing. I will either wait for a player to finish a battle, or I will help them kill a mob before I attack them. If I beat a player, I move on. I do not 'camp' the corpse. If I am traveling with a high level friend, I ask them to stay out of my PvP battles. If PvP gets aggravating, I log on an alt on a PvE server and take a break from it. And poster Sylviarafael adds in the following simple advice for those playing on a PvE realm who don't wish to involve themselves in PvP at all: Don't type /pvp. When you mouse over something else on the screen, if it says "player", do not attack it. If a player in your own faction is green (not blue), don't heal or buff them. If you somehow manage to screw up 1, 2, or 3, and end up dead. Wait five minutes. Heck, make it six. Go take a facilities break or check the forums or something. Then, go back to your body and rez. You've lost six minutes. Take a deep breath and move on. So, anyone else have helpful PvP advice to add in?

  • Forum Post of the Day: Randomly funny things in Outland

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Have you seen anything in Outland that's just made you stop and laugh? Commenters in this thread are sharing the humorous things they've found in Outland, starting with this random chatter you'll find if you idle in Honor Hold for very long:Magus Filinthus says: A mailbox? Well is that not the salt on the wounds! Twenty years cut-off from the world and now a mailbox! WONDERFUL!Ah, so many funny moments, so little time.

  • Forum Post of the Day: Mr. Trade Channel Price Police Guy

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you've ever tried to sell anything over a public channel, I'm sure you know this guy. As soon as you announce the price, there's always at least one person who's happy to chime in and explain, with a lol or two, how there's no way that item is worth that much and how either you are an idiot or anyone who might buy for you is an idiot. Always a fun conversation -- but, really, you're going to have to read this post by Undertow in order to get a proper appreciation of Mr. Trade Channel Price Police Guy.See previous forum posts of the day.

  • Forum Post of the Day: Will you miss 40-man raids?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Foton over at AFK Gamer pointed me in the direction of this post, which asks how many people out there are going to miss the 40-man raidstravaganzas that we won't be seeing in the Burning Crusade? I sort of agree with Foton, who says, "I'm not missing them even now as we wait around for the expansion to go live." Of course, not everyone agrees on these things -- for various reasons. Sure, such a large group of players gave encounters a great epic feel, but less-so when it's 20 people paying attention and carrying the weight of 20 people idly tapping keys while watching TV.See previous forum posts of the day.

  • Forum Post of the Day: Will Blood Elves be that bad?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Some people have predicted doom and gloom as the result of the introduction of the Blood Elves to the Horde side of the game. A "pretty" race will only bring the worst elements of the Alliance over to the Horde side, some argue. And the flood of rerollers -- Horde and Alliance alike -- will be social outcasts in Horde culture, which has in part defined itself in opposition to such conventional beauty. This poster ponders whether the Blood Elves will end up being something of a third faction, disliked by both Horde and Alliance. Me? I wouldn't be surprised to see some anti-Elf movements in the weeks following the release of the expansion -- but I will be surprised if it's not all but forgotten in a couple months' time.

  • Forum Post of the Day: 12 Nights of Raiding

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Since it's clearly impossible to go through the holiday season without at least a few dozen parodies of The Twelve Days of Christmas, I offer this thread, courtesy of Rhelk from Maelstrom. In which we see a raider's perspective on the holiday's festivities. And if you don't like the original poster's take on the subject? Join the sing-a-long and add your own verses!Here, I'll get you started off:On the first day of Raiding, my GM gave to me...

  • Forum Post of the Day: I rolled a healing class because...

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    As a priest, I can relate. I rolled a healing class because I wanted to feel like I was making a serious contribution to any group I was in -- a contribution that you couldn't start the instance run without. Maybe it was a long history of being unable to find healers for groups when playing characters. But I've had my share of rough times at the healing game, and seem to get yelled at for not healing in Alterac Valley as often when I am healing as when I'm not. So why did you roll a healing class? This thread delves into the mysteries of why healers roll healers -- and why not all of them did it to heal. And, hey, if nothing else, it's worth a few giggles.

  • Forum Post of the Day: Single player instances?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you've been playing (and trolling the forums) for any amount of time, you'll know that the argument made here -- for challenging, instanced, single-player content -- is not a new one. This thread has all the usual responses, ranging from definitions of "massively multiplayer" to suggestions that solo instances would be impossible to create to suggestions that class-specific solo instances would be perfect. However, there's a lot of good discussion in the thread -- highlighted by a post by Tseric attempting to explain why this type of content is not feasible. If it requires too much healing to complete, pure melee or casters are impeded. If it requires significant amounts of dps, you either have to spec and gear properly for one, single dungeon or pure dps classes simply have a leg up. If you can't tank or mitigate damage effectively...well, you're dead at the first pull. Therefore, if you reduce group size and composition to a single participant, the more generic and easy you have to make the dungeon. And of balancing nine class specific dungeons? Tseric quips, "Do you realize how much time that would take?" And you have to admit -- he's got a point. Would you rather see Blizzard spending their development time working on nine different variations of the same dungeon, or working on nine new dungeons everyone can see?Of course, as painful as my last PuG was, I might prefer the solo content anyway.

  • Forum Post of the Day: Pay to play

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Oh, sure, we all pay our $15 a month to play, and I'm not referring to that. No, what I'm talking about is something a bit beyond that -- paying people in-game to play with you. Poster Cruc on the general forums complains of an inability to find priests for groups -- and that the last time he was looking for a healer, the only thing he got was an offer to heal the group in exchange for 2 gold per player. As a priest myself, I've occasionally been offered gold in order to heal people -- as if an offer of gold will suddenly make me forget that I have to log off in 10 minutes. So is this just supply and demand at work? Or is requiring more than a standard share of the loot in order to participate just being greedy?

  • Forum Post of the Day: Is this against the ToS?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Poster Gnipgnop claims he's taught his pet cat to play World of Warcraft -- and wants to know whether or not this is a violation of the terms of service. Tseric responds to the thread with a cop out answer -- but inquiring minds really want to know! I've chatted with a guildmate recently about teaching a cat to play World of Warcraft, and we feel that a hunter would be the best class. You'd just have to do some heavy keyboard remapping: bind a fourth of the keys to autoshoot, another fourth to pet attack, another fourth to tab targeting, and the rest to assorted directional movements -- combined with some cats' natural fascination with keyboards, and it could work! (Of course, you would have to take over the controls to tame new pets, sell phat lewts, etc.) So, Blizzard, intelligent people everywhere demand an answer -- is it against the terms of service to teach my cat to play?

  • Forum Post of the Day: Guild halls

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Though many MMOs do have some type of guild housing available, World of Warcraft doesn't have any such option, nor are there (to my knowledge) any officially acknowledged plans to create them. However, there are players out there who would very much like to see some sort of guild housing in the game -- and some of them have hit up the suggestion forums with incredibly detailed proposals. Poster Kinn presents us with an in-depth (too in-depth to be succinctly summarized) look at what guild halls could be like, and the thread has garnered over 20 pages of mostly positive responses. So what do you think? Would such a system benefit the game? Would another type of system be better? Or is guild housing a silly idea in the first place?

  • Forum Post of the Day: Guilds and the constitution...

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Maybe this is just a very sad attempt to troll. Maybe the person posting it is actually trying to be funny. At least I hope so -- because it's very difficult for me to understand how someone could really be this dense. After all, this is America and we all have a constitutional right to be a member of a raiding guild -- and have our choice of phat loots, of course. If you wonder -- like I do -- which constitution the original poster is referencing, poster Mikey makes a good guess:Congress shall make no law obliging any class to spec a certain way, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom to whine, or to make forum posts; or the right of the people peaceably to raid, and to petition the guild master for a redress of grievances. Furthermore Congress shall not make any law mandating the use of ventrilo, nor shall the burdensome system of Dragonkill Points be applied to any resident, be they citizen or foreigner.Giggle.[Thanks, ChrisM]