

  • Engadget giveaway: win one of five Nexus S 4G phones with $1,000 Google Wallet credit!

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    We're pretty excited about Google Wallet, but the service is currently only available for Nexus S 4G phone owners, leaving most of you waiting for broader implementation. Well, how would you like to skip the line, getting to test it out on a Nexus S 4G of your very own? Google has supplied us with five phones to give away -- the company is even throwing in $1,000 (yes, one THOUSAND dollars) of prepaid credit to help fund those first few dozen taps. There's one catch: you'll need to use your Nexus S 4G with a Sprint plan, though the carrier is throwing in one month of demo service to get you started. Check out our in-depth preview for a detailed look at the service, and simply leave a comment after the break to be entered to win -- after checking that you meet the entry requirements, of course.

  • A week with Google Wallet (video)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Contactless payments have been something of a curiosity in the credit card industry. MasterCard's PayPass has been around for the better part of a decade, but merchants and banks alike seem hesitant to adopt the technology required to make the system work, and inconsistent implementation adds to the confusion -- particularly for customers. Google's new mobile phone-based Wallet service has the potential to transform the technology from its current status as a transaction turkey, to a future as a checkout champion. But will it work? We spent a week with a Wallet-enabled Nexus S 4G, using the device to pay whenever we encountered a MasterCard PayPass terminal. Unfortunately, that wasn't often enough, limiting us to just a handful of transactions in the first week. Still, with Google just beginning to roll out the service and only a limited selection of launch partners ready to go, it's impossible to deliver a complete verdict just yet. Jump past the break for an inside look at Google Wallet, including a video of the service in action, and a brief look at what the world of contactless payments may look like in the future.%Gallery-130759%

  • PayPal to add mobile payment features, hopes to redefine how we shop (till we drop)

    Lydia Leavitt
    Lydia Leavitt

    Like the side ponytail craze of the '80s, the newest trend is turning out to be the mobile wallet -- especially as major players like Google, MasterCard, Verizon, Discover and now PayPal board the bandwagon. Our old buddy -- best known for its love affair with eBay (and ripping our own Darren Murph off a solid two large) -- has plans to implement new payment features primarily for (but not limited to) mobile. On the to-do list are things like QR / barcode scans, hyper local deals, fast checkout via NFC, etc. The company is adamant that it's not "just shoving a credit card on a phone," but rather planning to change the whole shopping experience. We'll know more when PayPal releases more details in early October, and when it launches the pilot product sometime later this year. Until then, check out the semi-cryptic video while brushing up on old episodes of SuperMarket Sweep after the break.

  • AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon give Isis mobile payment network a $100 million boost

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    How do you compete with Google's new Wallet mobile payment system? Well, a $100 million cash infusion certainly couldn't hurt. AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon have plans to invest just that amount in Isis, sources told Businessweek. That sum is likely to grow, since taking on Google is no small feat, especially considering Wallet is already off the ground, with nationwide retail partners and support for MasterCard PayPass. Though Isis first made its debut last year, Google Wallet, which was announced in May, has clearly taken the lead. Isis is little more than a top-level website at this point, though with three of the nation's largest carriers providing support, it could have a chance to catch up -- especially if the carriers elect not to partner with Google, leaving Sprint as the sole wireless provider. We're glad to see some potential healthy competition for Wallet, especially considering that it was looking like Google was poised to create a monopoly. We expect much more to come on the Isis front, but in the meantime, hold on to those wallets -- cell phone payments may be in your future, but for now, paper and plastic are where it's at.

  • Verizon to offer Intuit's GoPayment in retail stores, free after rebate

    Lydia Leavitt
    Lydia Leavitt

    There's nothing worse than missing out on your favorite street meat because you've only got plastic. But even smaller vendors may soon be able to process that dollar hot dog with a credit card, as Verizon Wireless is making Intuit's GoPayment card reader available in its 2,300 retail stores. The small business-friendly machine plugs into a BlackBerry, Android or iOS device to transform the smartphone or tablet into a credit card processing machine using a free app. After a $30 mail-in rebate, the hardware is free with no monthly fees and a 2.7-percent fee per transaction. Merchants who upgrade to the premium version for $12.95 per month will only have to fork over 1.7-percent fee per swipe, bringing the net income on that dollar tube of processed meat to just over 98 cents. Plus, Intuit is throwing in two months gratis for the paid version. Check out the full PR after the break, and don't forget the ketchup and mustard.

  • Square app update lets iOS users buy cookies on credit, sans signature

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Heads up, card swipers, because Square has just issued an update to its iOS credit card app. Version 2.1 brings enhanced transaction speeds and a streamlined tipping interface to iPhone and iPad users, along with added support for $0.00 price points. Plus, any purchases below $25 will no longer require a signature, meaning you can safely buy that latte while keeping human interaction to a bare minimum. If you're interested in making the jump, hit up the source link below. [Thanks, Chris]

  • ERPLY's mobile credit card reader handles NFC payments on an iPad, obliterates the check-out line

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    It may look like nothing more than a glorified chip clip, but that dongle at the bottom of this guy's iPad is actually ERPLY's new credit card reader -- the latest addition to a growing field of NFC and mobile payment devices designed for small and large businesses. Once attached to an iPad's charging port, the peripheral will send a user's encrypted credit card information to ERPLY's point-of-sale and inventory management software, allowing customers to purchase products on the store room floor and giving retailers the ability to monitor transactions and stock flows in real time. Available for $50 (with a transaction fee of 1.9 percent), the reader is also equipped to handle both NFC and traditional card payments and, after processing a purchase, will automatically send a receipt to consumers via text or e-mail. At the moment, it's only available for the iPad, though iPhone users should be able to get their own version within the next three months. Swipe past the break for more information, in the full press release.

  • NYC to trial mobile payment parking system, Lovely Rita looks for a new gig

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Tired of burning your hard earned cash on parking fines? You might wanna move to New York City, where the Department of Transportation will soon begin testing a "pay by phone" parking system. The mobile payment technology, which has already been introduced in cities like Washington, DC and Atlanta, essentially allows drivers to pay for their parking spots without ever having to interact with those menacing, metallic meters. After registering online, users would be able to pay for curbside real estate by entering the number of the nearest meter and the amount of time they'd like to purchase into a customized app, or by texting it to the city's Department of Transportation. The system would also alert users whenever their allotted time is about to expire, allowing them to add more money directly from their handsets, rather than trudge back their cars. At this point, the plan is to roll out the pilot program to some 300 parking spots over the next few months, most likely in outer borough neighborhoods with plenty of commercial outlets and, presumably, automobiles.

  • Viatag NFC system pays parking lot fees with an RFID tag, saves lives

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Paying for parking isn't exactly a fun experience, but Germany's Fraunhofer Institute is doing its best to make it slightly less painful, with Viatag -- an NFC system that allows you shell out your hard earned cash without even reaching for your wallet. The setup is relatively simple, consisting of a small RFID tag, compatible transceivers and a centralized database. Once attached to your car's windshield, the tag communicates with the transceivers installed within a given parking lot, alerting the system whenever your vehicle enters or leaves. An application running on the central server, meanwhile, keeps track of how much time you spend in the lot, and charges your debit card accordingly. Researchers have already installed Viatag at car parks in Essen, Duisburg and Munich, and are hoping to expand it to other locations. It might not be as sophisticated as some of the other automotive communications systems we've seen, but it could come in handy during those moments when you really don't feel like swearing at a parking meter. Cruise past the break for the full PR.

  • T-Mobile hails Direct Carrier Billing to fulfill your digital shopping desires

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    T-Mobile doesn't seem too wild about playing with Google Wallet, but for its part, the Bellevue-based carrier keeps dipping its toes into the mobile payment pond. As you're probably aware, its customers have been able to apply Android Market purchases to their wireless bills for a couple years, and later this month, they'll be able to do the same with digital content such as music, movies, and videos. Shopping online without needing a credit card is an obvious benefit, and the company is hoping its two-step authentication process will keep customers feeling secure. All Magenta subscribers will see the option at the time of checkout on T-Mobile's partner websites -- regardless of the device they connect with -- and they'll receive an itemized statement of purchases with their monthly bills. The feature can be disabled if you'd rather not participate, and if you're not sold yet, read the full story in the PR just past the break.

  • Verizon Wireless to tie American Express' Serve into mobile numbers, keep your credit card holstered

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Good news online shopaholics, your tchotchke-buying ways are getting a couple of enablers in the form of American Express and Verizon Wireless. The two titans of industry have teamed up to integrate AMEX's PayPal-like Serve platform into the operator's phones and tablets in the next few months. The service will work by linking your existing mobile number to a Serve account, speeding up the checkout process and ensuring you never second-guess that impulse buy. Sure, this isn't the NFC-chipped, Isis future Big Red promised, but it's a good stopgap for virtual spendthrifts.

  • Apple forced to cough up cash over iPhone location tracking in South Korea

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    You probably thought all the drama surrounding the iPhone location tracking fiasco was over. Oh, how wrong you were. In fact, the controversy seems ripe for a resurgence after a Korean court ordered that country's Apple arm to pay 1 million won (about $946) to Kim Hyung-suk. The payment was awarded last month, but now Kim's law firm is prepping a class action suit that could put further pressure on the Cupertino crew -- especially in the home of Samsung. This could just be the first in a series of pay outs, as even American courts may look to the decision when considering the fate of other plaintiffs looking to ring a few bucks out of iDevice purveyors. Hit up the source link for a few more details and a host of non sequiturs. [Thanks, Wesley]

  • PayPal announces phone-to-phone NFC support, cuts eyes at Google (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Still eager to do business with a company that'll lock your account on a whim and side with the buyer regardless of the facts? Splendid! If that's you, PayPal would love for you to know that it has announced a new phone-to-phone NFC payment application at MobileBeat 2011, offering Nexus S owners the ability to request and transfer funds between handsets. As of now, the functionality is quite limited -- there's just a single smartphone with the hardware capabilities to take advantage, and there's no phone-to-anything not a phone supported as of now. In other words, this isn't exactly a Square killer just yet, but it's definitely something for the sued folks at Google to pay attention to. We're also hearing that P2P transactions through PayPal are gratis "if using a bank account or existing balance in the customer's PayPal account," but no one's coughing up details on what'll be deducted in the form of fees when using a different method of payment. A video demo of the 48 second transaction awaits you after the break, but sadly, there's no details on how soon it'll be made available to the public. Update: It'll be available in the Android Market "this summer."

  • Isis mobile payments coming to Austin in 2012

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    Certain to "Keep Austin Weird," Isis has selected the home of SXSW as its second market for a mobile payment tryout. The joint-venture backed by AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless (with help from MasterCard and Visa), will work with local merchants and the Chamber of Commerce to deliver what it calls a "comprehensive mobile experience" by mid-2012. Isis' latest metropolitan recruit joins Salt Lake City in this experiment that will compete with Google Wallet (which is endorsed by Sprint). Quick advice to Austinites: when out-of-towners begin gawking at you for getting "free" lattes and concert tickets by waving your phone about, be sure to explain the wonders of NFC -- it'd be a shame for them to attempt the same -- only to be taken into custody by the Austin PD. Jump the break for the PR.

  • SDK takes swipe at competition with camera-enabled mobile payments (video)

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    In an attempt to edge its way into the crowded mobile payments market, a new credit card scanning system is saying "ah, hell no!" to typing and swiping. is billed as an SDK that takes advantage of smartphone cameras to let devs accept credit, because, as its creators point out, "typing on mobile phones is slow, and most consumers don't have a separate hardware attachment." When it's time to pull out the plastic, gets your phone's camera going, and up pops a little green rectangle, in which you frame your card and snap a pic. Your credit card info is then processed by a third-party merchant, and the details are subsequently deleted from your phone. Can you hear that? That's the sound of our chubby thumbs breathing a sigh of relief. The SDK for iOS is now available at the source link below, and an Android version should be close behind. For now, hop on past the break for a video demo.

  • Zoosh does mobile payments using ultrasound, no NFC chip required

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Zoosh. That may or may not be what an ultrasonic payment sounds like to a dolphin, but it is definitely the name of a new mobile wallet technology developed by Silicon Valley start-up, Naratte. While Google and other major players have focused on traditional radio-based NFC, Naratte has been quietly testing its ultrasound system instead, motivated by the fact that it can work on ordinary handsets without the need for specialized NFC circuitry. Two phones can "zoosh" each other using nothing but their built-in microphones and speakers, so long as they're both running the necessary app. Moreover, Naratte claims that cash tills can be upgraded to hear the sweet jangle of ultrasonic cash for just $30 -- around a third of the cost of installing radio-based NFC hardware. So who knows? The last time you came this close to ultrasound was probably just before you were born, but one day you might find yourself using it to buy diapers. Scary.

  • The Daily Grind: Do you like the idea of monetizing third-party utilities?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Between licensing issues and the general way of the internet, we've gotten used to the idea that MMO services outside of the company don't cost anything. World of Warcraft players might rely on Wowhead's database services, but that's free to anyone who knows where to look. But with the recent EVE Online move to allow third parties to make money on applications and services, there are some interesting questions to be asked about the way things work now. On the one hand, charging money for services means that it's possible for good services and databases to go professional, helping to ensure a higher level of quality. On the other hand, no one likes paying money for something that used to be free, and the idea that said free services may not always be free is a bitter pill to swallow. So what do you think? Are you happy with the idea that independent developers can make money off of a game, or does the EVE Online change fill you with apprehension? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Third-party development acquiring monetization options from EVE Online

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you're running a service in EVE Online at the moment, you're running it for free. If you're developing an application for the game, you're doing it for free. This isn't unusual, really -- pretty much any fan-developed application or service is done free of charge. But that's soon to change for fans of CCP's cutthroat game, as a new developer blog outlines upcoming changes that will allow developers to charge for services, applications, and website access. For a $99 license fee, developers and service providers will be able to sign up and start charging money for their products while having full access to the EVE Online API. The entry itself goes into more details on the restrictions of the program and what it will mean for non-commercial sites (which will not be required to pay any sort of fee). It's an interesting move, one that means that the game will be able to develop a more robust real-world economy to complement the in-game activities.

  • Starbucks rolls out mobile payment app for Android users, java junkies

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    After having already introduced its own iOS app, Starbucks has now decided to bring mobile mocha payments to Android users, as well. With the free Starbucks for Android app, all you have to do is add credit to your mobile Starbucks Card, scan the app's barcode at the cash register, and that triple shot skinny latte will be yours to pound. Available on devices running Android 2.1 or above, the service will also locate all outlets within your immediate vicinity, while offering even more coffee-based incentives, via Starbucks' rewards program. Thus far, there are about 6,800 stores that support mobile payments, though the company is planning to add an additional 1,000 locations, this July. Coffeeholics can find more information in the PR after the break, and can download the app from the source link, below.

  • Verizon teams with Payfone for one-click mobile web purchases (Update: Official)

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    Verizon's already partnered with AT&T and T-Mobile on the Isis network, but it has fingers in another mobile payment pie -- the Wall Street Journal reports that the carrier's working with Payfone to let you put internet purchases right on your cell phone bill. Mind you, a previous partnership with BilltoMobile already did much the same thing, but Payfone should add more purchase possibilities and generally expand the potential offerings. Yes, perhaps direct carrier billing isn't quite as exciting as Google Wallet's brand of full-on NFC, but while you're waiting for the world to catch up with the latest in payment technology, it's something. Update: We just received a press release from Verizon detailing its partnership with Payfone. Look past the break to read it in full.