

  • How 5 minutes AFK cost one WoW player 476,000 gold

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    We've all been there: leaving World of Warcraft running on our computers while we've run off to grab a soda or take a bio break. However, most of us return to find our characters safe and sound just as we left them. Not so for WoW-player 1104, who returned to his desk to find that most of his 476,000 gold was missing in action. The culprit? His 6-year-old son, who went on a pet shopping spree, picking up the rarest -- and priciest -- pets on the auction house. It could have been worse, of course: clearing out gold isn't nearly as bad as clearing out a real life bank account, as kids have done accidentally with in-app purchases in mobile games. But still, getting half-way to the gold cap is nothing to sneeze at -- it represents a lot of time and effort, if nothing else. So what's a WoW-playing parent to do? 1104 couldn't really blame his son, but does think this might be a sign that it's time to walk away from WoW. On the flip side, he could also take up pet collecting: he's bound to be off to a great start!

  • Why head to the Isle of Giants?

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Patch 5.2 introduced the Isle of Thunder, but it also introduced some other things to explore. One of these things has some players absolutely mystified -- the Isle of Giants. Located in the northernmost reaches of Kun Lai, the island is home to a never ending stream of giant dinosaurs and the Zandalari Dinomancers that seek to capture them for their own purposes. Why are the Zandalari so concerned with getting dinosaurs? Well, if you've wandered around on the Isle of Thunder or stepped into the Throne of Thunder, you'll see that the Zandalari are pretty keen on enslaving the dinosaurs and using them as mounts, pets, and even raid bosses. The bigger question on the mind of a lot of players, however, is why we should be concerned with the Isle of Giants at all. With no quests, no portals, no lead-ins and no clear defined purpose besides the world raid boss Oondasta, why would we want to spend any extended amount of time on the island at all?

  • Pierre the craftable cookstove pulled from 5.2

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    Eagle-eyed PTR users might have noticed that Pierre, the Engineering-crafted cookstove and battle pet, has disappeared from the pet journal. Cory Stockton confirmed via Twitter that Pierre was indeed pulled from patch 5.2, to the disappointment of Engineers and pet collectors everywhere. We've written about Pierre on WoW Insider before, and, as silly as I feel admitting this, I'm pretty sad he's not going to be in the patch! Sure there's tons of cool mounts, loot, and delicious lore still to look forward to, but pets, man! Come on! As of yet the reasons for the change are unknown, but I certainly hope that when he does at last appear in the game, he's still as face-meltingly adorable as he is now.

  • Patch 5.2 PTR: Cache loot receives a buff

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    It may seem silly to complain about having more currency to spend, but players have been by and large unhappy with the caches of gold rewarded as an alternative for loot when killing a boss in Mists of Pandaria. The argument does have some weight, however; and it's also been addressed before, in a slightly different fashion. When boxes that dropped from holiday bosses were viewed as disappointing because they contained nothing other than points, those boxes were adjusted to add actual items. And let's face it -- when you're given a box of something, you really expect something to be in that box. Gold just doesn't cut it. Apparently Blizzard agreed with this sentiment, and the caches, deemed "failbags" by some, have been adjusted on the PTR to offer something far more substantial, according to a post by Bashiok on the official forums. Bashiok The change is still in for the failbags to ... not be fail. They'll have a chance to contain things like very valuable grey items (essentially randomizing the gold you get from the bags), LFR versions of non-boss loot, Spirits of Harmony, consumables, pets and mounts, and... maybe some other stuff I forgot. Lots of things! Opening them should have some anticipation and surprise now. :) source Trash drops, consumables, pets, and mounts? Count me in. This change ought to make getting that cache of items a heck of a lot more appealing to players. After all, if you get a surprise box of goodies, it ought to be full of fun!

  • Patch 5.2 PTR: Three new vanity pets introduced

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Several new pets have already been datamined from the 5.2 PTR, but Wowhead has dug up another trio to add to the pile. The Zandalari Anklerender, Zandalari Footslasher, and Zandalari Toenibbler have all been added to the latest list of items to hit the PTR. Although no models appear to be available for the critters just yet, the names suggest that they'll bear a resemblance to the Zandalari Kneebiter datamined just after the PTR files were discovered. Despite not really knowing where the little guys are going to come from, how much they're going to cost, or how exactly they'll hold up in Pet Battles, I want them. I want them all. How can you not love the idea of having a legion of tiny little anklebiters at your beck and call? Honestly, the only thing I'm wondering is how they manage to keep their head held high when they're essentially wearing an eensy little brick as a helmet. For more fun toys, pets, and other datamined items, check out the latest news post over on Wowhead. Edit: The intrepid users over at Wowhead have not only dug up screenshots of the little guys, but more information on where to get them! You can find all four pets on the Isle of Giants, as a random drop from mobs.

  • Patch 5.2 PTR: Kill dinosaurs, get fabulous prizes

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    What's that Isle of Giants all about? Dinosaurs, apparently -- the island is crawling with an assortment of dinos that put Un'goro Crater to shame. But there doesn't appear to be any kind of quest hub on the island as of yet, with one small exception. Hidden in a cave on the western side of the island is a truly monstrous troll who looks like he's seen better days. Dataminers over at Wowhead dug up the details on this strange troll earlier today. Ku'ma is a bone collector. What, exactly, he does with all the bones he collects is unclear -- perhaps he is planning on building one of those fabulous Zandalari boats when he has enough of them. However, you don't really want to ignore Ku'ma or his bone-loving ways, because he has plenty of rewards to offer to those that bring him bones. Lots of bones. What kind of rewards? 10 bones will net you a Mote of Harmony. 100 will net you a Spirit of Harmony. If you get your hands on 1000 bones, you can turn them in for a Spectral Porcupette. And if you have the temerity to gather 9,999 bones ... you're rewarded with a mount. But not just any mount; the Reins of the Bone-White Primal Raptor, which is a dead ringer for the Ivory Raptor from the days of vanilla, long-gone from the game. So just how hard is it to collect these bones? It's not as bad as you'd think. I decided to make a trip to the Isle of Giants to see for myself, and while the larger dinosaurs seem to be pretty daunting, the smaller ones weren't too difficult to solo. Once dead, they dropped four bones -- so gathering isn't quite the painful process that I'd imagined. As it currently stands, getting a mount may take a while. But keep in mind that this is all PTR information, and these amounts may change by the time the patch hits. Regardless of whether or not the amount of bones required is altered, I'm pretty sure I know where I'll be when the patch goes live. Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

  • Breakfast Topic: Are you a sucker for in-game pets and mounts?

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Those cute little in-game pets -- they're not so innocent. Once you allow one of the little buggers to slip past your legs and dash into the house, there's no getting all those muddy little paw prints off the floor (or the couch). Is there anybody out there who can harden their heart after just one? I'm afraid to even dip a toe into those waters, fearful that Lil' Ragnaros will begin bellowing "By PayPal be purged!" as my pet tab ticks inexorably upward. Indeed, I whisked him from my Amazon wish list the morning I realized in horror that should someone ever bestow me with his code, the door would stand wide open to the rest of his irresistible little friends. So how are you fine, upstanding consumers coping with the pressure? Have you snatched up a brand new Swift Windsteed? Do purchasable pets and mounts hold no interest for you? Do you pick and choose? Collect them all? %Poll-79938%

  • Blizzard's official Pet Battle Page now live

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    At last, it's begun. Young heroes, your pet battle page is here, piping hot from Blizzard's oven. My tortured metaphor aside, if you're a pet battle aficionado or a newly interested player wanting to get started then this is the page for you. With tips on how to begin, an explanation of the pet battle system, tutorial videos and more, it's your one stop shop for the pet battle system. Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

  • The Daily Grind: Would you like games to remember your character's birthday?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's a little thing, but I've always been endlessly fond of the fact that Guild Wars keeps track of the day my characters were created and sends them presents. I'm rather attached to my characters, and even though I don't actually collect minis I still like to know that there's a little marker somewhere in the game database. Little unique features like this are common in games, but Guild Wars is the only one that does anything for the birthday of the character or the player to the best of my knowledge. And it's such a little thing that it seems almost strange that more games haven't copied the idea. Of course, it requires tracking date of creation for every single character and it can lead to some issue (some of the birthday presents in GW wound up with exorbitant prices on the secondary market). So what do you think? Would you like to see more games marking your character birthdays? Or do you think it's a cute idea that doesn't need to be revisited? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Where does he get those wonderful toys? Pandaren rares and loot

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    If there is one thing I have perfected in eight years of playing this game, it is filling my bags with useless stuff. I'm not talking about armor bits and pieces for transmog, or weapons with pretty glows, or bags full of crafting material like cloth or leather. No, I'm talking random baubles that will make you look like your neighbor. Or fling you in the air, without worry of what happens when you eventually hit the ground. You know, stuff. Everybody likes stuff. And who has the best stuff in Pandaria? Rare mobs, of course! But which rares have the good stuff? Which ones will let you summon a fleet of angered puppies in party hats to fight at your side? Or inexplicably get you ready for a day at the beach in the middle of a raid? Or turn you into a statue with no apparent purpose other than sitting there pretending to be a statue? You want useless stuff? Oh we've got all kinds of useless stuff for you, sorted by category.

  • Rise and Shiny: Taikodom

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    I should have known something was up. I just should have trusted my gut and avoided this game, but no. No, instead I have to be the one who gives into curiosity and says, "Hey, I wrote about that game on my blog almost four years ago... what's it been up to lately?" There's something potentially dangerous about playing a game that has had an identity crisis for so long. Then again, I'm a huge Ryzom fan, and that game has been through the ringer more times than I can remember. Taikodom is now called Taikodom: Living Universe. I'm not sure when things changed without comparing back to that old blog post, but the changes are obvious. No more avatars? OK then. A different UI? That's fine. But -- and this is where my older gamer memory starts to get the best of me -- I distinctly remember Taikodom being sort of fun back then. The version I played this week was anything but fun.

  • Fujitsu's Wandant dog pedometer tracks your pet's moves, uploads them to the cloud

    James Trew
    James Trew

    There's a whole host of techy tools that will let you log your 10k personal best, and break down your splits into minute detail, but what about poor old Rover? Fujistu spotted this gap, and created Wandant -- a sensor-laden neck tag for dogs complete with cloud-based service for tracking your pooch's wellbeing. The hardware will log your pet's footsteps, amount of shivering plus temperature change, and upload it automatically via your smartphone or PC. The software will present you these data over time, with the option of manually inputting further details such as food amount, a diary with photos and -- for those with stronger constitutions -- stool condition. Like human-focused equivalents, there will also be provisions for sharing your dog's efforts, but thankfully only with vets and research institutions. There's no details on hardware pricing just yet, but the online component is free for the first year (JPY 420 / about $5 per month there after). Money no object for your mutt? Sadly only available in Japan for the time being, so you'll need to include a return ticket in that splurge too.

  • 100% of WoW's Cinder Kitten sales to benefit Hurricane Sandy relief

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Blizzard is making a habit out of using its cash shop to benefit the victims of various natural disasters. On the heels of the Cenarion Hatchling pet that raised $1.9 million for Japanese earthquake relief efforts in 2011 comes a new Cinder Kitten critter, the proceeds from which will assist those displaced by Hurricane Sandy. The cuteling isn't for sale in World of Warcraft quite yet, but our sister site WoW Insider says that it will go for $10. Blizzard will be donating 100 percent of the proceeds to the relief effort.

  • Icarus Online's new website and teaser videos show off classes

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Itching to dive-bomb a rival guild's castle from dragon-back? It will be possible in the upcoming fantasy game Icarus Online. And WeMade Entertainment just launched a new website filled with teaser trailers and screenshots to show off the new title and its five playable races: Beserker; Guardian; Priest; Assassin; and Wizard. Icarus Online will also have a political system that allows for guilds to become their own factions as well as own land and castles. Players can capture mobs out in the wilds and train them as fighting companions as well as mounts, then take those pets into battle against their foes during siege warfare. Get a glimpse of what's to come in the teaser trailer after the break, then head to for a look at the gameplay of each of the classes.

  • 12 new pets added to vanilla raids in 5.1

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Just in case you haven't had your fill of pets, Lead Content Designer Cory Stockton dropped some news on Twitter and let us know that there will be more to find in patch 5.1. 12 new pets have been added to all four vanilla raids -- Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj, and Naxxramas. These pets will drop from bosses in the zones, and according to Stockton, the drop rates aren't bad at all, either. And for those of you perking up at the mention of Naxxramas, you have every right to be excited. One of the pets offered is none other than Mr. Bigglesworth, Kel'Thuzad's beloved cat. Wowhead dug up the information on the rest of the pets, which included a Stitched Pup, Chrominius, and an Anubisath Idol among many others. Not only is this a cool way to get some more pets out there in the mix, it's also a great reason to go run those old vanilla raids. Although Naxxramas moved to Northrend with Wrath, it was one of the original 40-man raids available back in vanilla. And despite its new location, Naxxramas is still soloable by most classes at level 90, although you can take a few friends along to make the jaunt a little easier. For a full list of available pets, check out Wowhead's list -- and if you aren't following Cory Stockton on Twitter, you're missing out on cool updates!

  • Darkmoon Faire updates in store for patch 5.1

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Those patiently waiting for additional updates to the Darkmoon Faire will only have to wait until patch 5.1 for more to do and items to collect! Wowhead dug up the latest details on the Darkmoon Faire, including several new pets as well as a new attraction. The Darkmoon Carousel can be ridden with tickets, and it has an added bonus for leveling players -- you'll receive a buff simply titled WHEE! that increases experience and reputation gain by 10% for an hour. The Darkmoon Faire also gets its own Master Pet Trainer for players to defeat. Jeremy Feasel will be available on the island with a monkey, a tonk, and a Darkmoon Eye for players to defeat. What's that Darkmoon Eye all about? Apparently it's a new pet that's available from Darkmoon Pet Supplies -- something that may be obtained from beating Jeremy Feasel. If you haven't been doing any Darkmoon Faire dailies recently, now would be a good time to start, as there's a new pet available for tickets. The Darkmoon Hatchling is an adorable mini version of the Swift Forest Strider already available at the Faire. It'll set you back 90 tickets, but it's completely adorable -- and who doesn't like a pet that matches a favorite mount? Visit Wowhead for more details on the new items and sites from the Darkmoon Faire. Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

  • ArcheAge's pet system turns cute baby wolves into fearsome battle wargs

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Did you know that ArcheAge features a battle pet system? As of the recently completed CBT5, XLGAMES added a wolf pet that's different from the title's normal mount critters. While all ArcheAge mounts may be used in combat, battle pets are significantly stronger. Both pet types have their own character screens and equipment, but battle pets feature more active skills. You'll also need to be level 25 to obtain the battle pet quest (as opposed to level 5 for basic mounts). Also like mounts, battle pets have their own levels which are advanced through hunting mobs (gathering, crafting, and quest turn-in XP does not affect either pet type). Finally, battle pets can die and will lose XP when they do. Head to ArcheAge Source for a lengthy system breakdown, and check out the baby wolf video after the cut. [Thanks to Dengar for the tip!]

  • The Daily Grind: Do you want the option to have a pet?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    There are some people who really love the heck out of pet classes in MMOs. I am not one of those people. That's why I'm always happy about classes like the Guild Wars 2 Necromancer or all of the RIFT classes, which allow you to have a pet but just as easily allow you to never use one. Usually pet classes will have builds that focus less on your pet, but a Warlock in World of Warcraft always uses one even if he doesn't focus on it. Skill-based games usually don't restrict you from having a pet if you want one, but most class-based games have certain classes with pets and others without. Given the option, even if your class or build wouldn't make heavy use of it, would you like to be able to have an in-combat pet along with you? Or would you prefer to have some pet classes/builds in a sea of petlessness? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • How to choose between the same pets, but different stats

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Something I was surprised to notice when I began collecting battle pets was that the stats were not always consistent within the same pet type. While Mr. Wiggles is always Mr. Wiggles, a rare Mouse does not necessarily have the same stats as another rare Mouse. The inconsistency of stats applies to both purchased pets, like Undercity Cockroaches, as well as wild pets, such as a Cheetah Cub. (Have you killed a cheetah so that you could capture her baby? I have. We are bad people.) At this time, many of us have more than three of quite a few battle pets. Extra quest pets, like Winter's Little Helper, can just be caged and sold (when cageable, of course), since they all have the same stats. but how do you choose which purchased pet you should keep? And what about the wild pets? I'll show you my favorite stat, and you can show me yours.

  • How to get a Hopling pet

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    No, I still don't care about pet battles. But I do still think the Virmen are the second coolest race in Mists of Pandaria (just behind mogu, just ahead of mantid) and when I found out that it was possible to get a little virmen pet, I leapt on the chance. Above you see me standing with my new hopling pet. How did I get him? By completing the Stormstout Brewery achievement Ling-Ting's Herbal Journey, with help from both Wow Insider and Wowhead commenters. First off, commenter loopnotdefined tipped me off that you could complete the achievement after the dungeon had been cleared in yesterday's Stormstout Brewery tanking post. From there, I went to Wowhead, which had a guide to the location of the Golden Hoplings posted by Shirah2003, which was very helpful. Then I noticed commenter Savagekrosa had a handy macro for helping to find the hoplings, which I modified by making the hoplings my focus target, which puts a dot on my map giving me their exact location. So after a clear of the Brewery, I ran back to Auntie Stormstout, bought 5 of Ling-Ting's Favorite Tea, and went back through the place using the macro from Savagekrosa to find the hoplings. And now I'm the proud companion to a little virmen hopling of my very own. Thanks to everyone involved in making it possible, and whether you just want a new friend or are a pet battle fanatic, the hopling is waiting for you to come find him. Or her. Looks more like a her to me. It's open warfare between Alliance and Horde in Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft's next expansion. Jump into five new levels with new talents and class mechanics, try the new monk class, and create a pandaren character to ally with either Horde or Alliance. Look for expansion basics in our Mists FAQ, or dig into our spring press event coverage for more details!