

  • Nether gives unique twist to post-apocalyptic survival

    Stop us if you've heard this game before: It's some time after the apocalypse, and you're one of the final survivors scrounging about for parts and gear to carve out a niche of safety. While that might sound like every zombie survival game that's come out in the wake of DayZ, Nether is eschewing zombies for something more insidious -- and interesting. The titular creatures are mutants that hunt by sound and teleport around, requiring players to adopt new strategies as they try to make it. The newly announced Nether is a persistent MMOish (well, 64 players per server) game where players explore West Chicago in the hopes of finding that one weapon or crate of goods that's needed to survive another night. Or you could just go to Chicago right now in real life and do the same thing. Phosphor Games Creative Director Chip Sineni says his title won't be the same-old zombiethon: "Our focus is to veer away from some of the 'traditional' survival-horror offerings in order to provide something new for the genre, with a great urban setting, a different type of story and an experience that excites us as fans and will be something definitely fresh and new for gamers." Nether is in alpha testing with an eye on a fall 2013 release for the PC and is currently accepting beta signups. You can check out its reveal trailer after the jump!

    Justin Olivetti
  • The Perfect Ten: Literal kill 10 rats quests

    Webster's Dictionary describes "kill 10 rats" as "something nerds do, now shut up and read a few intelligent words." I think the editors are getting a little lazy there at Webster's, but that's nothing compared to the OED crowd that routinely slips in paragraphs of cut-and-pasted Hunger Games fan fiction just to pad the volumes. Anyway, we all know that "kill 10 rats" is a derogatory term for those quests that make you slaughter a certain number of things to make life happier for the quest giver. Why that quest giver has a very specific number in mind has always fascinated me, but never mind. It stems from a long-standing RPG tradition by which lowbie characters typically start their career by doing a little rodent culling in the basement of a tavern. That's how all great people got their start, Abraham Lincoln included. With "kill 10 rats" already being a trope, developers have this habit of trying to be coy and meta by actually putting quests in their MMOs where you, yup, kill 10 rats. I get the feeling that they think they're doing something clever and cheeky, even though practically all of their competitors have done the same. So here we go: ten literal "kill 10 rats" quests that you can find in your games today.

    Justin Olivetti
  • Fallen Earth focuses on augmented weapons

    Do you have a pool of unused, long-suffering AP sitting around on your Fallen Earth character? GamersFirst has plans for something to put those points to good use: the upcoming AP augmented weapon system. These augmented weapons are high-end devices that can be tweaked by using players' AP to increase stats and skills. A tricked-out augmented weapon is an awesome thing, as it'll add powerful buffs to players when used. The team said that it'll also be doing a weapons pass with many of the game's deadly instruments to make sure that the damage is balanced and consistent throughout. There were also hints regarding a "rather ambitious plan" coming in the near future: "After looking at the player response to features such as citadel and farms, we want to focus more on the players impact on the world and let everyone drive the action more."

    Justin Olivetti
  • Xsyon sees wildlife population explosion

    If you've ever been killed by a rabid squirrel or a mutant chicken in Xsyon, expect those little critters to be even more menacing the next time you happen across your assailant. With the post-apocalyptic game's newest update, the wildlife population has both grown and grown smarter. With a revamped creature migration system and breeding system, the creatures will be more balanced across the land and dwindling species can see a resurgence. On top of that, the populations have been increased overall. Although the strength of creatures has also been balanced to encourage new players to get in on the hunt, creatures that live to fight another day through by winning their battles for survival or simply aging will gain in power. So if you happen upon a pack of honey badgers, we suggest you run -- just run. [Source: Notorious Games press release]

    MJ Guthrie
  • Jukebox Heroes: Fallen Earth's soundtrack

    How would you score the apocalypse? What would the end of the world sound like if you put it to music? Perhaps it would be wrapped in a Western twang with notes of regret, longing, uncertainty, and struggle playing throughout. Whatever the end result, it wouldn't be your typical sword-and-sorcery anthem. This was the task given to the Fallen Earth team of Lead Composer Enrique Varela and Audio Director Michael Franke: to put the apocalypse to music. In addition to faction themes, the team wanted to create music to compliment the emotions that players would most likely experience while traveling the wasteland. "My intentions were to have a range of moods, playing with dichotomies," Varela said. "You have negative or dark moods such as fear, sadness, suspense, danger, and then you have positive or light moods like triumph, tranquility, security." Franke put it best, not just for Fallen Earth but for all MMO music, when he said, "I really wanted the audio to melt into the game's setting, and become another believable part of the world. For me, the highest compliment is when a player can leave that little check-box for sound alone." It's a Western apocalypse, and it's all ours to listen to in this week's Jukebox Heroes!

    Justin Olivetti
  • Free for All: One Walking Dead MMO, please

    One of the best gaming experiences I've had in recent memory has got to be the time I've spent in The Walking Dead series by Telltale games. OK, OK, so you might not agree that the titles are a series of "games;" they're more like a choose-your-own-adventure that is peppered with the occasional quick-time event, so let me clear the record in order to move on: I don't care what we call them. They are simply a fun experience. I can't believe that there are people who want to argue this point, but then again I had to witness people actually fight about games being art or not. So however you feel about the The Walking Dead, uhm, experiences, you cannot deny their popularity. The series took the market by storm and showed just what a powerful medium gaming can be. Not only that, but Telltale received deserving praise not only for the gameplay and story but for the fact that it produced something that could run on almost any device or setup. (Well, except Android.) How would The Walking Dead translate to an MMO, though? Could it be done? Don't worry; I am going to do my best to avoid any spoilers. So are my readers. Right, readers?

    Beau Hindman
  • Hall considering PS4 version of DayZ

    How would a PlayStation 4 version of DayZ grab you? Mod creator Dean Hall is apparently considering it according to a blurb at Eurogamer. Hall outlines the differences between publishing on Sony's console vs. Microsoft's, the latter of which requires a hefty fee for each update as well as a pre-existing publisher relationship. Hall tells Eurogamer that he's definitely interested in both platforms but his focus is currently on the standalone PC version of his celebrated Arma 2 mod. "That's definitely something we'd look at, but we have to do the PC version first. Once we get the alpha out, that's a good time for us to run it up on a [PS4] dev kit and see what happens," he explained.

    Jef Reahard
  • Choose My Adventure: Firefalling

    Well folks, it was an epic battle. The communities of Firefall and Fallen Earth rolled out in force to support their favorite game in last week's Choose My Adventure poll, and the contest came right down to the wire with thousands of votes pouring in from both sides. Most impressively, despite the efforts of a few bad-apple commenters and forum trolls, it was a war fought with courtesy and genuine respect for the passions of the competing community. Well done. It's true that only one game can win a slot in Choose My Adventure, and this time around Firefall topped the charts. But let's take a moment to recognize the awesome turnout from both groups of fans. Your communities called you to action, and you responded with dedication and enthusiasm. Frankly, that's the type of stuff we love to see.

    Mike Foster
  • Fallen Earth is opening up in June

    While the pace of its updates is a little slower than it used to be, Fallen Earth is still the same basic game -- a post-apocalyptic wasteland with plenty of ways for players to kill or maim one another in a harsh landscape. And the June State of the Game address takes a moment to mention that, reminding players that traveling through PvP areas is supposed to be a dangerous venture. The developers are also adding in The Dome and another open PvP area in the near future, so there will be new places for players to experience that danger. Not interested? That's all right because there are also plans to add a new area to the game's PvE side, which will offer players a chance to explore some of the game's biggest lore mysteries. Ever wondered if anything else is intact outside of the Grand Canyon area? That's something for players to look forward to in the future, and the developers are promising it'll allow you to explore the wasteland in a new fashion. So that's something to look forward to.

    Eliot Lefebvre
  • Vostok gearing up for Survarium alpha invites

    Vostok's Survarium, a spiritual sequel to the STALKER series, is getting ready to send out alpha invites. A dev diary posted yesterday on the game's official forums says that the first wave will welcome 1,000 testers into the post-apocalyptic MMO shooter's fold. Vostok says that of those 1,000 testers, no less than 200 of them will be stressing the game's servers around the clock. The dev diary also outlines what testers can expect from the early stages of the project. The alpha, for example, is "team-based PvP combat mode only," and even this is necessarily scaled down in order to ensure that key components like shooting, movement, and synchronization are working properly. You can register for the Survarium alpha at the game's official website.

    Jef Reahard
  • Fallen Earth recruiting for high-level arena testing

    Calling all high-level Fallen Earth players! GamersFirst is looking for some level 55 wastelanders to help alpha-test the new Dome arena. The Dome is a PvE challenge that was previewed in the March State of the Game, and it's now ready for the next step of development with your help. If you're interested, send your forum name, typical hours of play, build, and PvE vs. PvP ratio to for review. Take note that involvement in this test doesn't mean you're in the elite Decon testing team, as this is more of a one-off event. Check out the Fallen Earth May State of the Game for more details.

    Shawn Schuster
  • New Earthrise: First Impact screenshots unveiled

    We're sure many sci-fi sandbox fans have been looking forward to the (re)launch of Earthrise: First Impact since German studio SilentFuture took the helm in May of last year. Unfortunately, those fans are going to have to wait a bit longer before they can get their hands on the game in earnest, but in the meantime, SilentFuture has released a new bevy of screenshots to help satiate their hunger. And we've gotta say, they look pretty darn spiffy. The screens include an arid desert outpost, mysterious ruins admist a lush, verdant jungle, and what appears to be an absurdly oversized artillery gun, amongst other things. It would certainly appear that the folks at SilentFuture have been hard at work, and although screenshots are no substitute for actual gameplay, they're still a feast for the eyes nonetheless. So how about checking them out in the gallery below? [Source: SilentFuture press release] %Gallery-186841%

    Matt Daniel
  • Grimlands' Kickstarter cancelled, devs in talks with investors

    Would you like the good Grimlands news first or the bad Grimlands news first? That's nice, but you're getting the bad news first because this isn't a democracy. The post-apocalyptic shooter's Kickstarter campaign has been cancelled. The good news is that DRAGO is apparently in talks to secure more substantial funding from an unnamed group of backers. Grimlands' project page updated this morning with the following announcement: "We have been contacted by several investors and are in active discussions to finish the game with them. This would not have been possible without this campaign and without your support! Of course we will keep you up to date on any development!" [Thanks Zach!]

    Jef Reahard
  • Xsyon update focuses on in-game economy

    Although it's been a while since the post-apocalyptic sandbox Xsyon has seen a patch, today's update looks to make up for that. With a focus on developing the in-game economy, this update introduces a number of new features, including new resources and materials, new Artisan and Master armor sets, a tribal upkeep system that offers bonuses, special trade totems, alliance and family group formation, and more. Trade will be bolstered through the new totems; the new trade and quest versions allow tribes to place additional totems that will serve as a marketplace and quest hub. Even better, besides the ones placed in the tribe's own land, additional quest and trade totems can be placed on allied land. For more details on this and the other new systems, check out the full patch notes. [Source: Notorious Games press release]

    MJ Guthrie
  • Hall takes a break from DayZ, pursues dream of climbing Everest

    If you're anxiously waiting for Dean "Rocket" Hall's standalone version of his ultra-popular Arma 2 mod DayZ, you'll have to wait a little bit longer. Hall is currently climbing Mount Everest as part of a two-month vacation from his development duties on Bohemia Interactive's zombie-themed post-apocalyptic sandbox. "Although the timing is poor for my sabbatical, it is not something planned on a whim and involves non-refundable costs of up to $100k," Hall writes on the DayZ website. "This is going to take as long as it needs to," he continues. "We want to release our initial alpha under the architecture it needs to avoid hacking and security issues -- this is the only remaining task stopping us from releasing the alpha."

    Jef Reahard
  • Grimlands heralds Linux and Mac announcement with second video

    If the post-apocalyptic wastelands of Grimlands caught your eye but you didn't think you could play on Linux or Mac systems, think again; DRAGO Entertainment has just announced that the shooter will be developed on both platforms. And players needn't worry about which version they are playing from, as everyone will be on the same servers together. The studio doesn't intend to stop there either: DRAGO's Lucjan Mikociak added, "And there are even more versions planned down the road." Along with this announcement, DRAGO has released the second installment of the three-part Making Of series. In the video, Wiktoryn Zerebecki details the importance of crafting and the player-driven economy and Krystian Kofin expounds on vehicles. Watch the full video after the break. [Source: DRAGO press release]

    MJ Guthrie
  • New Grimlands video talks free-form progression, huge open world

    DRAGO Entertainment is making a case for its Grimlands MMO on Kickstarter, and the company has released the first part of a behind-the-scenes video that takes viewers through various aspects of the development process. The post-apocalyptic MMO mixes first- and third-person shooting action with a deep crafting system, a variety of vehicles, and RPG progression set against a large open-world backdrop. The video features plenty of in-game footage as well as narration by DRAGO's Lucjan Mikociak, who talks at length about Grimlands' free-form character progression. Have a look at the clip, and a list of key Grimlands features, after the cut.

    Jef Reahard
  • Earthrise: First Impact shows off new alpha footage

    When Earthrise closed down in early 2012, many MMO fans chalked it up to another failure in a growing heap of MMO ideas. German publisher SilentFuture snatched the IP and assets up a few months later and are happily chugging along with the game's alpha as we speak. But this still left many of us skeptical about the potential success of something that's already failed once. Earlier today, the devs released two alpha-footage videos showing off the Earthrise: First Impact's improved character creator and a bit of running around in the game world. You can see both videos after the jump below and be sure to head on over to the game's Facebook page to let the devs know what you think of the footage. [Thanks to David for the tip!]

    Shawn Schuster
  • Grimlands developer turns to Kickstarter to finish post-apoc shooter

    Post-apocalyptic shooter Grimlands may have been canceled by publisher gamigo, but development studio DRAGO isn't giving up on the title just yet. The firm has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise the funds necessary to finish the project and keep it "true to its original vision." A press release says that Grimlands was canceled because of gamigo's "strategy shift from development to distribution" in spite of the title's five-year development cycle. DRAGO's Lucjan Mikociak says that Kickstarter is necessary to save the game. "There is no way around it: Big games need big money. Since gamigo stopped funding us in January, we have survived thanks to friends and family support," Mikociak explains. "However, in order to properly finish the game by year's end, we need further funding of $650,000. After talking to several publishers and investors we feel only Kickstarter allows this without compromising our vision." Grimlands marries shooter gameplay with stealth and cover mechanics as well as character progression and customization. It also features an extensive crafting system wherein nearly every in-game item is made by players. Gameplay includes an open world, dungeons, PvE and PVP options, and upgradeable vehicles.

    Jef Reahard
  • The Daily Grind: What's the funniest MMO?

    Humor is in the funnybone of the owner, so today's topic will most likely lead to a wide range of responses. That's cool. Some of us like slapstick, some like horrible puns, some get a kick out of corny pop culture references, and some enjoy a smattering of witty dialogue. In the end, it comes down to what lightens our hearts and makes us laugh, doesn't it? So what's the funniest MMO out there? I'm going to cast my vote for, oddly enough, Fallen Earth. There's a bizarre streak of black humor that you only seem to get with a post-apocalyptic setting. The massively ugly mutated prairie chickens always make me smile, as does the weird-as-crap quotes that the wasteland inhabitants spout. But my opinion doesn't stand alone; I want to hear yours! What MMO makes with the funny the best? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

    Justin Olivetti