

  • iHome's AirPlay iW1 wireless speaker system available on September 26th, for $300

    It's been a while since we first got our hands on the iW1 AirPlay, but it won't be too much longer before iHome's wireless speaker system hits the market. Yesterday, the company announced that the iW1 will be available on September 26th, for $300. For that price, you'll be able to stream music from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, using the system's two three-inch woofers and duo of one-inch tweeters with Bongiovi processing. The six-pound iW1 also boasts a rechargeable lithium ion battery, allowing you to easily tote it to your next house party, and can be wirelessly connected using iHome's Home Connect app, available for free on iTunes. Blast past the break for the full press release, or hit up the source link for more detailed information.

    Amar Toor
  • Researchers use graphene and tin sandwich to make better battery electrodes

    Graphene, that microscopic chicken wire made of carbon atoms, has a great many theoretical uses. Among these is to improve Lithium-ion battery technologies, and the big brains at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have created a graphene and tin composite material for use in battery electrodes. When it's baked at 572 degrees Fahrenheit (300 degrees Celsius) the tin turns into nanopillars that widen the gap between the graphene layers. The greater volume of tin provided by these tiny towers improves electrode performance (read: faster charging), and the flexibility of the graphene prevents electrode degradation. Naturally, current prototypes can only maintain capacity over 30 charge cycles -- as opposed to the hundreds required for commercial applications -- so some serious improvement has to happen before we see it strut its stuff in any phones or EVs. This leaves us, once again, extolling the virtues of graphene, but lamenting its exclusively academic application.

    Michael Gorman
  • Soundfreaq unleashes Sound Step wireless speakers for audio-loving multitaskers

    Soundfreaq made quite the first impression last year with its Sound Platform SFQ-01 audio system, which is why our ears perked up when we heard about the company's newest creations -- the Sound Step and Sound Step Recharge compact wireless speakers. Compatible with all iOS, Android and BlackBerry devices, these Bluetooth-enabled docks allow users to remotely stream audio directly to their speakers, which feature a set of 2.75-inch, Kevlar-reinforced balanced drivers, a dedicated sub-woofer and a UQ3 spatial enhancement processor. There's also a 3.5 millimeter line-in jack and a USB charging port, meaning you'll be able to juice up multiple gadgets as you kick out multiple jams. And, since these guys are just 3.6-inches tall, you probably won't have to freaq out about making space for them, either. If your appetite's already whetted, you can grab the Sound Step for $139, or opt for the Recharge (with its six hours of rechargeable battery life) for $159. Otherwise, you can find more details in the full PR, after the break. Update: We've just received a bit of clarification from the company here. A "grey" colored model actually won't be on the docket, and as for the speakers, there's a pair of 2-inch drivers + a single 3-incher.

    Amar Toor
  • SEI creates new porous Aluminum-Celmet, makes rechargeable batteries last longer

    Quick: What costs hundreds of dollars and dies after four hours? If your answer included anything portable and tech-based -- you guessed right. In fact, most of our magical and exciting gadgetry has less-than-stellar means of holding a charge, but a recent breakthrough by Sumitomo Electric Industries could change all that. Employing the same process used to create Celmet (a NiMH component), researchers at the R&D company managed to coax aluminum into being a bit more receptive. The resulting Aluminum-Celmet has a whopping 98 percent porosity rate, leaving the Li-ion gate wide-open for a flood of electrical juice. And unlike its nickel-based brother, this piece de porous non-resistance has a steep corrosive threshold that could soon help power a line of high-capacity, small form rechargeable batteries. Production is already underway at Osaka Works, with SEI hoping to speed adoption of these franken-batts into our mass consuming mitts. Technical-jargony PR release after the break.

    Joseph Volpe
  • Sanyo expands Eneloop battery offerings with Pro for more power, Plus for less heat

    If you love Sanyo's ever-so-practical Eneloop rechargeable batteries, you'll be smitten with its two latest AA additions. First into the battery compartment is the 2400mAh Eneloop Pro; it's loaded with twenty-five percent more juice than the standard model, and is a perfect match for your power-draining Nikon Speedlight -- not quite as formidable as the 2,500mAh XX series, though. Moving onto the next slot is the Eneloop Plus, which adds a positive temperature coefficient thermistor -- a resistor that prevents the batts from reaching skin-scorching heat levels in kids' toys. Blazing Hello Kitty anyone? Both will come in packs of two or four, and also as bundles with a charger. Residents of Japan will be able to pick up the batteries at varying points this year, but aside from the ¥1,260 (about $15) Pro two-pack, pricing remains open. If your heart's beating like the pink bunny's drum, check out the source link below for the details and some fancy infographics.

    Joe Pollicino
  • Turtle Beach announces PX3 and Z6A gaming headsets, set to debut at E3

    Turtle Beach impressed the pants off of us last month with its Ear Force PX5 headset, which is why our mouths began watering when we found out that the company has two new gaming products on the way -- the Ear Force PX3 and Z6A. Much like the PX5, the wireless PX3 (pictured above) boasts 18 interchangeable audio settings and supports additional presets that users can download directly from Turtle Beach. Though it was designed with PS3 users in mind, the PX3 can also run on an Xbox 360 and is the first Turtle Beach headset to feature a rechargeable, ten-hour battery. The PC and Xbox-friendly, surround sound Z6A, meanwhile, rocks eight amplified speakers (including two subwoofers) and is juiced by a 5.1 channel amp that promises to bathe your head with booming bass. The USB-powered device may leave you tethered to your console, but at least it will house your ears in an oversized mesh cushion, which may make those late-night gaming marathons a little more bearable. The PX3 will retail for about $150, with the Z6A set at around $100, and both headsets will be on display at E3 next week in Los Angeles, so we'll be sure to give you our feedback once we get our paws on them. For now, you can sate your appetite with the full PR and an image of the Z6A -- both of which are waiting for you after the break. Updated: The Z6A is designed for both PC and Xbox platforms.

    Amar Toor
  • Paralyzed student uses robotic exoskeleton to walk at college graduation (video)

    Austin Whitney hasn't been able to walk since a 2007 car crash left him paralyzed, but on Saturday the 22-year-old triumphantly strode across the stage to accept his degree from UC Berkeley. He had a little help, in the form of a specially crafted robotic exoskeleton developed by Berkeley engineering professor Homayoon Kazerooni. Kazerooni and his team designed the exoskeleton with lightness and affordability in mind, resisting the urge to load it up with expensive hardware and tethering the mechanized walker to a backpack that houses a computer and a rechargeable, eight-hour battery. As a result, the Austin walker won't enable the kind of acrobatic leaps that would make Lt. Rasczak proud, but its reduced mobility comes at a reduced cost of just $15,000. That's certainly not an impulse buy, though it's a welcomed alternative to other exoskeletons that retail for $100,000 or more. Walk past the break for a video of Whitney's momentous steps, along with a clip of Kazerooni describing his creation.

    Amar Toor
  • Third Rail iPhone case has detachable battery, probably won't electrocute you

    For humans, coming into contact with the third rail will likely void your personal lifetime warranty, but one accessory manufacturer hopes to apply a similar concept to your iPhone -- in much smaller doses, of course. For $90, the Third Rail System includes an iPhone 4 Slim Case, which always surrounds your device, and a 1250 mAh Smart Battery that you can slide into place whenever you need a boost. The removable batteries can charge other devices over micro USB, and can be stacked up to four deep for charging multiple gadgets at once (at $60 a pop). It's also designed to be compatible with future cases, negating the need to purchase another complete solution each time you upgrade your phone. We'd love to see a similar device that includes inductive charging as well, but for now, this is one of the most intuitive external battery solutions we've seen.

    Zach Honig
  • B-Squares bring portable solar energy and Arduino compatibility to toy blocks (video)

    We've seen plenty of portable solar chargers in our time, but few have looked quite as versatile as B-Squares -- a new collection of 3D modular energy storage devices that can be arranged in various configurations, according to the kind of gadget you're looking to juice. Developed by MIT grads Jordan McRae and Shawn Frayne, each solar-powered B-Square features a sticky microsuction surface, along with magnetic and electric contacts at each corner, making it easy to connect and arrange them in different formations. Rotating a single square will change its electrical circuit, depending on its adjacent connection. Some B-Squares, for example, feature LED surfaces, allowing you to create solar-powered lanterns, while others have solar panels, or simply serve as rechargeable battery sources. There's even a square devoted to Arduino boards, along with another surface designed to dock and charge iPhones. McRae and Frayne have already put together a full "recipe book" of different configurations, though the DIY route seems a lot more enticing to us. Their B-Squares are set to leave the prototype phase on May 1st, at an as yet unspecified price. Check them out in video action after the break. [Thanks, Ryan]

    Amar Toor
  • Mobee's Magic Bar brings inductive charging to your Apple bluetooth keyboard and Magic Trackpad

    The wise folks who brought us the inductive Magic Charger for the Magic Mouse are now back with a new trick up their sleeves. This time we have the Mobee Magic Bar, which can energise either an Apple Wireless Keyboard or a Magic Trackpad thanks to their identical dual AA battery compartment. To get some wireless charging action, simply install the supplied battery cylinder to either device (presumably extra cylinders will also be available for purchasing), and then slide the protruding part into the charging dock. Of course, the nature of this setup limits the number of compatible devices (unlike the flat Magic Charger), but this is still more convenient than unscrewing the lid every time you run out of juice. If this Magic Bar tickles your fancy, you can pick one up around end of June for $59.90 -- pre-order starts on May 15th.

    Richard Lai
  • Flexible batteries get the graphene treatment, could be cheaper than other bendy batts

    We've been talking about flexible batteries for years now, but a team of Korean researchers have presented a new solution to bendable energy sources that is not only more powerful than standard lithium-ion batteries, but also potentially cheaper to produce than its malleable predecessors -- and unsurprisingly, everyone's favorite wonder material, graphene, is at the heart of the innovation. The rechargeable battery contains a vanadium-oxide cathode, grown on a sheet of graphene paper, an unidentified separator, and an anode made of lithium-coated graphene. According to the folks behind the new power source, it sports higher energy and power density, as well as a better cycle life than the literally stiff competition. Similar advances have also out-performed rigid lithium-ion batteries, but have enlisted carbon nanotubes, a material more expensive to produce than graphene. Of course, like all technological advances, we won't be seeing these things for years, if not decades, so you might as well get used to ye olde standard bearer.

  • Sanyo Eneloop Pedal Juice battery pack preview

    It's Christmas Day, which probably means that at least one toy that you received (or gave) won't be fully functional until Monday. Why? Batteries. It's an age-old problem, that "batteries not included" thing, and it's one of the reasons we've fell so in love with Sanyo's Eneloop line. Without question, the Eneloop rechargeable AA batteries are amongst the best and most reliable that money can buy, so whenever another Eneloop product pops out, it obviously catches our eye. Sanyo's branching out pretty severely with its latest device, and being that at least 3.5 members of the Engadget staff have strummed a six-string once or twice, we had to take a closer look at the Pedal Juice when given the chance. For those that missed last month's introduction, this pedal-sized block of energy is designed to provide 9V power to six or seven effects pedals, miniature amplifiers or electric drum pads (amongst other musical doodads). So, does this thing live up to the Eneloop reputation? Find out after the break. %Gallery-111994%

    Darren Murph
  • Sanyo glams up Eneloop batteries for fifth anniversary

    How do you celebrate half a decade as the world's best loved and most efficient rechargeable battery? You throw a party, of course, which is exactly what Sanyo is doing with its Eneloop Tones Glitter limited edition set. Packs of eight technicolored AA and AAA Eneloops will go on sale in Japan on November 14, augmenting the brand's signature longevity with a dash (hell, make it a heaping) of glamorous style. For the functionalists out there seeking an excuse to jump on board, each box contains one of each color, meaning you can claim you bought them to color-code your battery management operation. Yeah, we'll believe you.

    Vlad Savov
  • Logitech S715i and Z515 portable speakers hands-on (video)

    You're sick of audio docks, we know. So are we. But as much as we wanted to skip merrily along beyond Logitech's S715i set, we couldn't help but note that it's something of a rarity. Whereas most other iDevice speakers tend to keep themselves safely tethered to the nearest wall plug, this unit claims it can get an ambitious eight hours of music playback from its battery, while boasting a whopping eight drivers (two rear-firing ones on the back) in total, including a pair of "laser-tuned" neodymium 3-inchers for midrange delivery. We could hardly gauge audio quality in our noisy environment, but we'll say this much: Logitech isn't fooling around with the volume the S715i can put out. Even our video after the break doesn't do justice to the surprising roar you can generate from this otherwise compact package. A standard 3.5mm audio input will let you stray outside of the Apple product family if you wish, and there's a bundled remote too. Yet, in spite of all these goodies, we still can't recommend this as a sage purchase at Logitech's lofty $150 price. Don't get us wrong, the S715i looks neat, just not that neat. We also managed to grab a few images of its family mate, the Z515 Bluetooth speaker, which similarly rolls on its own power (for up to 10 hours, it's claimed) and captures tunes from your nearest Bluetooth-equipped device. It's another well built and easily portable little thing, priced at $60 $100 by Logitech. %Gallery-102488%%Gallery-102492%

    Vlad Savov
  • Sanyo waist warmer does almost irreparable damage to Eneloop's good name

    Oh Sanyo, you do like to flirt with our Crapgadget label, don't you? Having already given the world battery-powered neck and hand warmers it never asked for, Sanyo is today expanding the Eneloop warmer family with a slinky new waist furnace. Thin film heaters are embedded inside that dashing-looking velcro belt above and power is drawn from the Eneloop mobile booster on the side, perhaps the most useful thing about the entire setup. It'll share its juice with iPhones and portable media players, while recharging can be done via USB. Sadly, that aforementioned neck warmer is getting a new 2010 version thanks to excellent consumer interest over in the key target market of Japan, so it's looking like these body warmers are going to be with us for a while.

    Vlad Savov
  • Sanyo's Eneloop Stick and Mobile Boosters will juice your gadgets on the go

    Make no mistake, we're unabashed Eneloop rechargeable battery fanboys around here. How could we not be given our mobile lifestyle and obsessive need to keep all our toys juiced. As such, we're stoked by the announcement of a pair of Sanyo power packs: the Eneloop Mobile Booster (model KBC-L2BS) and Eneloop Stick Booster (KBC-D1BS). The Mobile Booster is a rechargeable slab of lithium-ion with a pair of built-in USB terminals (and microUSB adapter) capable of pushing a relatively hefty 1 Amp charge for about 2 hours (or 500mA for 4 hours if charging two device) to gear that requires that kind of suck... like the iPad. The battery pack can then be recharged over AC or a USB connection on your PC. The highly portable Stick Booster, meanwhile, ships with a pair of AA Eneloops -- so when the electrons cease to flow you can just swap out the dead batteries for a pair of fresh rechargeables. The Stick Booster is also an official Nintendo licensee so you can be sure that it'll charge your DSLite, DSi, or DSi LL (no mention of the 3DS). Look for these to ship October 21st in Japan.%Gallery-100758%

    Thomas Ricker
  • Apple's rechargeable AA batteries are rebranded Sanyo Eneloops?

    You do realize that Apple doesn't manufacture its own batteries, right? Apple, like most consumer electronics companies, doesn't actually make anything. So where do Apple's new AA rechargeable NiMH batteries comes from then? We had a suspicion early on that Apple's "new" AAs were actually Eneloops, long one of our favorite brands of modern rechargeables due to their ability to maintain a 75% charge even after three years inside the kitchen utility drawer. Now our Czech friends over at Superapple seem to have confirmed this after an exhaustive teardown and analysis of Apple's little power cells. Specifically, Apple's AA batteries appear to be none other than the 1.2V Sanyo Eneloop HR-3UTG rated at 1,900mAh (minimum). While Superapple couldn't find any physical evidence linking the two, the measured performance characteristics of Apple's AA batteries matched the Eneloops perfectly. Knowing this, are you really going to spend $29 for the Apple charger and 6x AA batteries when you get 8x AA Eneloops and charger for the same price? Now mosey on past the break if you want to see a AA unrolled. Fascinating stuff. [Thanks, Roman K.]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Logitech S715i rechargeable iPod / iPhone speaker unleashes next generation hyperbole

    We know what you're thinking: not another iPod / iPhone speaker dock. Maybe, but it's way more than that if you listen to Logitech describe it. According to the boys from Cali, the $149.99 S715i "sounds like a beast" with 8 custom-designed, laser-tuned speaker drivers that deliver "next generation," "professionally tuned acoustics" capable of "filling a room" with "bold sound." So yeah, it's just another iPod speaker dock, although that 8-hour rechargeable battery is nice. Full PR and video overview after the break.

    Thomas Ricker
  • Apple Battery Charger gets official: a battery charger, only you know, better (update: hands-on)

    Apple's just slipped something into its iMac update press release that we didn't want to go unnoticed: a battery charger. Apple's AA battery-powered lineup now includes the wireless keyboard, the Magic Mouse (which seriously burns through the juice) and the Magic Trackpad, and for $29 you can score a dedicated charger for all that gear. The Apple Battery Charger comes with six long-lived NiMH rechargeable batteries which apparently have a lifetime of up to 10 years. Update: We just had a chance to get a quick hands-on with the little guy, and well, it's a battery charger. Apple tells us the charger has the lowest vampire power draw of any charger on the market -- the idea is for users to keep two batteries in each of their peripherals and two in the charger, so they can quickly swap out as the cells run out. Interestingly, the batteries are some of the only Apple products in recent memory that don't have an Apple logo on them -- they're just plain silver with "Rechargeable" printed on them. The charger itself has slightly nicer charging contacts than the usual spring-and-flap arrangement, and it features the same removable flippy-prong AC plug as Apple's laptop and iPad power adapters, so you can theoretically swap it for a longer power cord if you like. %Gallery-98293%

  • Panasonic adds Blu-ray 3D/HDD all-in-one plasmas; redesigned, rechargeable 3D glasses in Japan

    Panasonic Japan's push to bring 3D to wider audiences means more than just offering it in smaller HDTVs. The RT2B series plasmas announced today can record TV broadcasts onto their hard discs or Blu-ray drives, and are the first all-in-ones that play Blu-ray 3D movies as well. Available in 42- and 46-inch versions, it's unlikely we'll see them on this side of the Pacific, but much more likely to make the jump are some new 3D glasses (pictures after the break.) Now available in different sizes for the whole family, they also include sealed batteries rechargeable by USB, as opposed to the current one-size-fits-all design that relies on a replaceable watch battery. Two hours charging via USB should equal 30 hours of watching, and at 38g, Panasonic's claiming the small kid-sized TY-EW3D2SW active shutter glasses are the lightest around. What hasn't changed yet is the price -- ¥13,000 ($149.) Barring bundle deals, outfitting the family for some festival viewing will still be an expensive proposition when all of these start shipping August 27.

    Richard Lawler