remote play


  • New firmware enables PS1 games on PSP through Remote Play

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    DivX for the PS3 and internet radio for the PSP weren't the only treats buried in this morning's latest Sony firmware updates. Nope, they've got a little something special for those of you rocking both of Sony's latest consoles: PS1 games are now playable via Remote Play. What does that mean to you, Joe Gamer? You can download PS1 games on your PS3 through the PSN Store but, instead of swapping games on and off your no doubt ballooning Memory Stick, you can stream them straight from the PS3. You can also leave your favorite PS1 game in the drive and Remote Play that, if digitally distributed media ain't your thing. Coupled with the PS3's recently acquired Remote Start capability and the PSP's internet-enabled Remote Play functionality, you can tap into that library of PS1 games at home from anywhere in the world. That's a pretty exciting feature ... but, there is one shortcoming: when's that library of PS1 games coming?[Via PS3F]

  • Play all PS1 games on your PSP ... through Remote Play

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Users have been reporting that Remote Play has been secretly updated in the last firmware revision. With PS3 2.10, PS3 owners that have a Remote Play-ready system will be able to play any PS1 game on their handheld. Yes, that includes both games downloaded from the Store and PS1 game discs. We've personally tried Wild Arms (the downloadable version) and confirmed that it will play via Remote Play. Our tipster tried playing Metal Gear Solid (on disc) and also found that it works. Happy news!We find ourselves using Remote Play more and more with the inclusion of DivX and WMV playback. Now, PS1 support will increase our time spent with this feature.[Thanks, Nick C.!]

  • Play all your PS1 games on your PSP ... through Remote Play

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Users have been reporting that Remote Play has been secretly updated in the last firmware revision. With PS3 2.10, PS3 owners that have a Remote Play-ready system will be able to play any PS1 game on their handheld. Yes, that includes both games downloaded from the Store and PS1 game discs. We've personally tried Wild Arms (the downloadable version) and confirmed that it will play via Remote Play. Our tipster tried playing Metal Gear Solid (on disc) and also found that it works. Happy news!We find ourselves using Remote Play more and more with the inclusion of DivX and WMV playback. Now, PS1 support will increase our time spent with this feature.[Thanks, Nick C.!]

  • Sony CEO expects expansion in PS3 connectivity, PSN

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Last month, an update to the PS3 firmware allowed the PSP Remote Play function to reach across the boundless expanse that we call "the internet" -- but the PS3's connective capabilities aren't going to stop there, according to a recent statement from Sir Howard Stringer, Sony's CEO and resident knight. During a speech in Tokyo, Sir Stringer announced the company's plans to enable connections from the system to a number of electronic devices, including certain mobile phones, as part of their up-and-coming three year plan.Stringer then announced his company's intention to expand the PlayStation Network service over the next fiscal year, putting them "in the direct line of fire with Apple and Microsoft," perhaps heralding a restructuring of their online gaming service, or the addition of some form of an online music market through the PSN service (ala iTunes). Or maybe, he literally meant "in the direct line of fire," meaning the three mega-corporations will establish dominance in a three-way, Old West style gunfight. We heard Steve Jobs puts an ace in his deck every time he kills a man.

  • PixelJunk Monsters joins the Remote Play line-up

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Currently available only in Japan, the upcoming PSN game PixelJunk Monsters, will support Remote Play. This will allow players to play the game on their PSPs from anywhere with a wi-fi signal. According to Q-Games' Dylan Cuthbert, it is one of the best titles on Remote Play, thanks to its ability to play with low bandwidth. "We also support PSP remote play and it is probably one of the first games that supports this really well - ie. it is totally playable through your PSP, even at low bandwidths."We're glad that more developers are adding this oft-forgotten feature to their PS3 games. With Remote Play and new downloadable titles reaching the PLAYSTATION Store, it's clear that PSP fans are getting more and more ways of getting games on their system.[Thanks, Nick C.! Via PlayStation Boards] Update: Video provided by PSP GadgetZ.

  • Wondering what to do with Remote Play?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    We know there's stuff on our PS3's compatible with remote play. But sometimes Sony sneaks an update behind our backs that sort of takes us by surprise, adding functionality with a game or option that we didn't catch. So, someone, user StalkingSilence, at the PlayStation Forums decided to keep a comprehensive list of all things possible with remote play so we never have to worry again.That's not entirely true. While it's a comprehensive list, a lot of it is speculation and often times drawn from our very own PSP Fanboy site. Still, we're a good crowd, so we could probably help out the list by confirming or denying some of the less concrete listings. We are glad to see someone is keeping up with remote play functionality though, as a lot of people probably have been curious about what they can do to show it off.[via Digg]

  • Do stuff with Remote Play -- here's a comprehensive list

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    For those of us with the console, we know there's stuff on our PS3's compatible with the remote play option on our PSP handhelds. But sometimes Sony sneaks an update behind our backs that sort of takes us by surprise, adding functionality with a game or option that we didn't catch. So, someone, user StalkingSilence, at the PlayStation Forums decided to keep a comprehensive list of all things possible with remote play so we never have to worry again. That's not entirely true. While it's a comprehensive list, a lot of it is speculation and often times drawn from our very own site. Still, we're a good crowd, so we could probably help out the list by confirming or denying some of the less concrete listings. We are glad to see someone is keeping up with remote play functionality though, as a lot of people probably have been curious about what they can do to show it off. Now we know. [via Digg]

  • High Stakes Poker gains Remote Play function

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The SOE developed PSN game, High Stakes on the Vegas Strip was recently updated. The patch allows players to play the game on their PSPs through Remote Play. Currently, the list of games playable through the feature is quite small, with Lair being the most notable of all the releases so far. A poker game is ideal for Remote Play, as the lag players may experience will feel quite insignificant compared to action-intense games. Now, bored employees can simply turn on their PSPs and play poker from anywhere with a wi-fi signal.[Thanks, Scott S.!]

  • Imabikisou goes to PSP ... through Remote Play

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Long-awaited Japanese horror game Imabikisou is playable on the PSP ... so long as you have a PS3, a wireless connection and Remote Play enabled. This makes the Sega-published visual novel game the third PS3 game that's playable on the PSP (Lair being the biggest game to use the feature so far).Calling the game text-heavy would be an understatement. Considering the lack of action sequences in the game, the slow pace and engrossing atmosphere of Imabikisou make it perfect for those that have the equipment (and language skills) necessary to play on the go.[Via Siliconera]

  • PlayStation Underground survey hints at PSP-PS3 possibilities

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    This one's coming from user sqrtlsqd7 over at the PS3Forums. We've all gotten those e-mails from PlayStation Underground about new releases on the PS Store, or little announcements about games coming out, just released, or off in the distance. What sqrtlsqd7 brings to our attention is something we had nearly forgotten about -- surveys. When we first signed up for the PlayStation Network, we took a survey. But these questions were not found there.If you can't read the screenshot above, Sony is asking about what you'd like to see with PSP/PS3 connectivity. The ideas highlighted are: Side missions or unlockables for PS3 games on the PSP, Transferring media wirelessly to the PSP (not just what we've got now, we mean broadcast television and new levels for games), Using your PSP while playing the PS3 as additional weapon or utility (radar, 2nd controller, etc), Recording your gameplay for boasting abilities later on in life. These ideas are interesting. It sort of reminds us of the connectivity between the GameCube and GameBoy Advance, specifically in regards to Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and the Game Boy Fire Emblem games. Except, you know, with a lot more options available. What do you guys think? Would more advanced connectivity options with the PSP get your juices flowing? Would you snag a slim PSP if these proposed ideas came to fruition?

  • Japanese PS3 game available via Remote Play

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    If you haven't gotten the newest update for your PSP's firmware to get Remote Play cranking out worldwide awesomeness, you aren't alone. Media streaming and Remote Play seem to be creating frustration with a lot of people. We've got ours working and we can assure you that if you get everything connected ... wow. To add icing to the already sickeningly sweet cake, Sony is making a Japanese PS3 title available for everyone via the Remote Play function.The game is Mainichi Issyo, some crazy title about a cat doing whatever you tell it to. The game, available as a free download exclusively on the Japanese PS Store, can be played via remote play on your PSP and even access microtransactions in-game for added content. That means there is in-game PlayStation Store support via Remote Play. Even though we've got no idea what's happening in the game, that's an impressive feat and indicative of the potential of this feature. Perhaps someday we'll get Super Stardust HD or other titles available for play wherever we are in the world (assuming there's a wireless access point nearby). Perhaps.

  • Remote Play reveals unique features for Mainichi Issyo [Update]

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    For PSP owners itching to test out the game-playing capabilities of Remote Play (made possible from the last firmware upgrade), you'll want to go here for a walkthrough on setting up a Japan PlayStation Network account for your PS3. Mainichi Issyo has been (and still is) only available through the Japanese PlayStation Store. As reported during the firmware 3.50 release, the Remote Play functionality will allow Mainichi Issyo gamers to "interact with Toro the cat" through any available internet access point. New details unveil the game's unique ability to complete microtransactions through the PlayStation Store in-game, instead of dumping you out to the PSP built-in browser. Feel free to have yourself a look-see. We'll be sure to update you with our in-depth impressions on Remote Play, as promised.[Update: Changed the wording of the post to reflect the newly unveiled features within Mainichi Issyo, using Remote Play. The post title changed to reflect the description of these new in-game features.]

  • Firmware 3.50 now available on Network Update

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    We told you it was coming, and here it is. Firmware 3.50 has a woefully short feature list. Along with the much-anticipated Remote Play improvement comes a single other addition. The 'full' feature list, then, is as follows. Support has been added to allow remote play over the internet in [Remote Play] [RSS Channel Guide] has been added as a feature under [RSS Channel] While the expansion of Remote Play and its new ability to be used to connect to your PS3 from anywhere in the world is excellent, the lack of any real accompanying features leaves us a bit cold. Perhaps it's the idea of a list consisting of just two items. Is a list really a list if it has less than three? That's something for you to ponder on while the update downloads and installs.No doubt we'll be posting our thoughts on the new firmware later today, after we've had a chance to test it out. In the meantime, why don't you try it yourselves and get back to us with what you think? It's a two way thing, you know.[Thanks, Lucas]Download the update from PSP Fanboy. Include file in directory PSP/GAME/UPDATE.

  • PSP 3.50 firmware available: "Remote Play" over the Internet

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Just released in Japan, Sony's 3.50 firmware for the PSP should making the global rounds soon enough. That, coupled with the latest PS3 firmware update, means you've just scored "Remote Play" functionality -- access to videos, music, and pictures on your home PS3 running 1.80 -- over the Internet. In other words, you can stream media but can't actually play games remotely. The update also includes an RSS Channel Guide but we know it's the remote play you want. The new firmware should already be available via your PSP's Network Update option even though many of Sony's download sites are still pegged at version 3.40.[Via Impress and CVG]Read -- Japan releaseRead -- US release

  • Upcoming firmware 3.50 fixes Remote Play

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    PS3 is receiving a significant firmware upgrade tomorrow. 1.80 allows PS3 users to playback DVD movies and PlayStation 1 and 2 games in full 1080p resolution. Another feature added to the upgrade is Advanced Remote Play: it was supposedly added in a previous update, but many frustrated gamers were unable to get it running.With Advanced Remote Play, PSP owners can access content stored on the PS3 from any wi-fi connection in the world. Not only will the new PS3 1.80 firmware be necessary for Remote Play to properly function, but according new press materials, PSP firmware 3.50 will also be required. According to Sony, firmware 3.50 will be available "at the end of May," although more specifics were not provided. Additional enhancements to be found on the firmware were not made available, but we're thinking it might have something to do with PSP's newfound VoIP functionality.[Via PS3 Fanboy]

  • Sony's 1.80 PS3 firmware enables 1080p upscaling for games and movies

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Hot on the heels of an 80GB Korean-bound (and US, too?) PlayStation 3 comes news that Sony is planning on seriously upping the abilities of the PS3 with a forthcoming firmware update. Compared to minor changes that have occurred in the past, this one looks to be fairly substantial, so we'll cut to the chase and give you the skinny. First off, firmware v1.80 will enable "upscaling of PlayStation / PlayStation 2 games and DVD movies up to a full 1080p when viewed on a compatible HDTV set." Of course, that "up to" bit frightens us a bit, but we'll take any progress we can get. Moving on, PSP users will enjoy Remote Play on their PSP across the internet, which will allow them to "access their PS3 anywhere in the world where a broadband internet connection is available." Additionally, owners can now view multimedia stored on a DLNA-enabled media center PC "seamlessly," and there will even be an option to print images stored on the console's HDD or inserted media to a "selection of Epson printers." The best part: it's out tomorrow.[Via PS3Fanboy]

  • Firmware 1.80 to include 1080p upscaling for games and movies

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Sony has officially unveiled plans for PS3 firmware 1.80. This update looks to be the most significant yet. Here's a breakdown of what to expect: Full 1080p upscaling for DVDs, PS2 and PS1 games. With upscaling, there's no need to throw away your old DVDs and PlayStation 2 games. The content will be converted to resolutions as high as 1080p, and will breathe new visual life into your old discs. DVD movies can only be upconverted using an HDMI connection. PSP Remote Play via internet. Although this feature was supposedly included in a previous update, many were unable to have it properly run. This hopefully corrected feature will allow PSP users to watch and listen to content stored on the PS3 from any wi-fi connection in the world. PSP firmware 3.50 will be required. DLNA media center connectivity. Media content stored on DLNA-enabled PCs and laptops can be shared and viewed on PS3 systems. Print photos with Epson printers. Images stored on the PS3 hard drive can be printed using compatible printers. Transfer PS1/2 save files from PS3 using Memory Card Adaptor. Previously, users could only transfer save files to the PS3. Now, gamers will be able to transfer data to and from the PS3. This update hits European PS3s on May 24th. A worldwide release should arrive on or near that date.[Update: SCEA has contacted us with confirmation that the update will also hit American PS3s on May 24th as well. See past the break to see pictures of the newest firmware update in action.]

  • Remote Play not enhanced in latest firmware? [Update 1]

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    We were told to expect Advanced Remote Play functionality in today's big PS3 update (version 1.6). Looks like we were played the fool: you will not be able to access your PS3's content from any wi-fi point: once again, you must be in wireless range of your PS3. Until they correct this, the Remote Play functionality loses a lot of its purpose: what's the point of being tethered so close to the system? Update 1: It looks like Sony has delivered, but in a very unreliable fashion. Personal tests show that a "PS3 is not detected" error message is given more often than not. A variety of factors may be causing this glitch: firstly, your PS3 may lose its internet connection, especially if it's not wired. Secondly, Folding@home seemingly activates even when your PS3 is in Remote Play mode, which can cause some glitches. Personally, I've been able to successfully connect to my PS3 from an external wi-fi source less than 1 in 10 times. We shall investigate further.There are some additional improvements made in this firmware revision, but they are very subtle. You'll be able to easily register a PSP for Remote Play use by accessing Remote Play from System Settings on PS3. Also, you'll be able to connect a wi-fi bridge to 20GB PS3s, allowing them to interface with PSP like the 60GB versions do.[Thanks, Ryan!]

  • Advanced Remote Play available next week

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    According to Tom Kiss, the PLAYSTATION 3 is getting updated next week. Why should you care? It finally introduces the Advanced Remote Play functionality that we've been dreaming about. The 1.6 firmware revision for the PS3 will allow you to access your PS3's media content from any wi-fi point in the world. For example, let's say you have an episode of Death Note saved on your PS3. By having Remote Play enabled, you'll be able to stream that video to your PSP whilst at work.The connectivity opens a lot of potential. "If I have my MP3 Walkman or my iPod, or digital camera connected to PS3 then I can access those devices too," a spokesman for Sony said less than a month ago. However, don't expect to play back your DVDs or Blu-Ray movies on the go: Remote Play hasn't been able to access disc content, and that probably won't change for a while.[Via PS3 Fanboy]

  • Sony's "global" connectivity plans within 6 months

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The BBC is continuing their coverage of Sony's portable wonder. "The rise of the handheld console" talks about Sony's currently failed ambitions to market the PSP as "the Walkman for the 21st century." With nearly 25 million consoles shipped, the PSP has "impressive figures, but still not enough to reverse Nintendo's market dominance."It appears that Sony's future with the device is connectivity with anything and everything, by using the PLAYSTATION 3 as the PSP's media hub. "We're hoping to incorporate that functionality [Remote Play] in the very near future - from a local level at the moment to a global level probably within the next six months," said Jonathan Fargher, a spokesman for Sony. "If I have my MP3 Walkman or my iPod, or digital camera connected to PS3 then I can access those devices too."And the timeline for these plans? "We're hoping to incorporate that functionality in the very near future - from a local level at the moment to a global level probably within the next six months."See also:BBC talks to famed homebrewers Fanjita and Dark_Alex