

  • Capcom releases budget Resident Evil & DMC collections

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    As Capcom prepares to usher in the next-generation, the company has elected to do some last-minute house cleaning, shoeing a pile of its prized current-gen titles out the door. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Resident Evil franchise and the 5th anniversary of the Devil May Cry franchise, Capcom has prepared two budget-priced collections: For GameCube: Resident Evil, Resident Evil Zero & Resident Evil 4 ($40, exclusively at EB Games/GameStop) For PlayStation 2: Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2 & Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition ($30) The two gems of these collections are Resident Evil 4 and the original Devil May Cry. That said, unless you're looking to round out your archives, there are better ways to invest in Capcom product. You tried Okami yet? [Via press releases]

  • Rumor: RE5 to reside solely on 360 [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Perhaps you noticed that there was absolutely no Resident Evil 5 information revealed at TGS -- not even a peep. This has led some to speculate that somebody -- Microsoft -- has secured the exclusive rights to the game. What's more, the head honcho of 360 Japan, Takashi Sensui, gave a tantalizing reply when questioned directly about the issue: "All I can say is we are very good friends with Mr. Inafune." As any good Fanboy already knows, Mr. (Keiji) Inafune is the producer behind Resident Evil 5 as well as the runaway smash hit, Dead Rising. Wait a minute, Scooby. Didn't we run a story last month about Capcom ending PS3 exclusives as a result of Dead Rising's high sales numbers? And Lost Planet looks like it could be pretty big, too. Hmmm, this RE5 exclusivity business just might have some legs after all. If only there were some huge convention where Capcom and Microsoft could reveal such a bombshell, somewhere in Europe. Spain perhaps. [Thanks, The1] Update: It looks like Capcom has officially shot this rumor down. Speaking with CVG, a spokesperson said, "Resident Evil 5 will release on PS3 and Xbox 360 as announced. There a no plans for an exclusive with the game." Oh, well. At least we know it won't be exclusive for that other console either. Thanks to Abraham for the tip.

  • Umbrella Chronicles aptly named [update 1]

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    See, when the Resident Evil for the Wii was announced as the Umbrella Chronicles, we thought, great! An overarching story about everyone's favorite zombie-producing conglomerate. And we're getting that (in a sense), but it turns out that we've been fooled ... here, "umbrella" means "that which covers all" and chronicles seems to stand for "a little rehash of a lot of story."That's right, folks -- the so-exciting ReWii may not be that exciting after all. Instead of an all new game or a straight up remake, Umbrella Chronicles will feature four chapters that recover old ground from games 1-4, and some Wiimote functionality has been tossed in like a drizzle of chocolate atop a subpar sundae.While it will no doubt be interesting to see the long and winding story of Umbrella told in this fashion, it still feels like a copout. Capcom is throwing us a bone so that we remain dedicated to their series. Where's our game? Where's our chance to blast all new zombie heads? If we get it, it won't be soon. For now, we'll cling to the old idea that good things come to those who wait. But if they make us wait too long, we may be storming Capcom ala the torchbearing villagers in RE4. [Via Joystiq][Update: The teaser trailer has hit the net and is after the break.]

  • Capcom's Resident Evil consolation for Wii: 'best of' compilation?

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Games Are Fun has posted a grab bag of new Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles details. As speculated, the Wii exclusive will play out like a "best of," revisiting scenarios from past games, including Resident Evil, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil Zero, and Resident Evil 4. Gameplay will be similar to RE4, but tweaked to complement the Wiimote (Quick Time Events will call for specific motions, etc.).While Umbrella Chronicles will no doubt reveal certain key elements of the series' overarching plot, we can't help but suspect that the game is a cop out -- a chance to make a quick buck on an enhanced remake compilation. In other words, our concern is that Capcom's focus in on Resident Evil 5, which is not currently Wii-bound, and that Umbrella Chronicles will end up a cheap, gimmicky offshoot. Hopefully, Capcom can prove us wrong when it officially unveils the title at TGS in the coming days.

  • Resident Evil 4 -- the movie... at least it has Leon?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Jensen Ackles is rumored to play Leon Kennedy in the fourth, yes, fourth, Resident Evil movie, scheduled to being filming next year. This isn't to be confused with the third RE movie, "Extinction". The fourth is "Afterlife". The fifth is "Overkill". Just kidding, there's no fifth. Yet. Do we really need a fourth? Do we really need a third? Maybe. Even though the movies horribly destroy everything the games stand for, they must be popular somewhere to be getting a third and fourth iteration. Let's just hope we get Resident Evil 5 to wash the bad taste out of our mouths between these movies.This Ackles guy is supposed to be pretty good. Honestly, we've never seen him in his show "Supernatural". Some say he fits the bill of a Leon Kennedy. But let's be honest -- he won't be a Leon. Leon is way too cool for that. What? Leon's not real? Hogwash. Hey, how about this: in the third and fourth Resident Evil movies, what would you want to see? It can be a scene from one of the games, it can be something you wish was done better (mansion exploration would have been cool)... or it could be Milla Jovovich getting obliterated by a thermonuclear explosion. Hey, we'll need Leon to have the spotlight. Move over, "Alice".

  • ReWii confirmed as Umbrella Chronicles

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    And that's really about all that has been confirmed for Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. Here's what we do know, and it's not much: the game is categorized as "action" (you don't say) and Kawada Masachika, who handled the port of Resident Evil 4 from the 'Cube to the PS2, will be the lead producer. The game also appeared briefly in the Wii preview video that we've been cooing over all day. There are a lot of rumors flying around about the game, naturally. Some people think it's at least a partial remake of the remake of the original Resident Evil (that's a lot of remaking). There's word of an established voice actress lending her pipes to Jill Valentine. And some people say it may even -- wait for it -- have some zombies. Now that's news.Speculate your fanboy hearts out and we'll bring you information as it comes. [Thanks to everyone who sent this one in!]

  • Umbrella Chronicles: Wii's Resident Evil or memoirs of a flying nanny?

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    CVG reports, via Famitsu, that Capcom will name Wii's upcoming Resident Evil title 'Umbrella Chronicles,' suggesting a focus on ruthless biotech company Umbrella Corporation -- or instead, a connection to the flying English nanny known as Mary Poppins. How's it go? 'A spoonful of sugar helps the T-virus go down' ... er ... something ...CVG suggests, with reservation, that Chronicles will trace Umbrella's sordid past leading up to the events of Resident Evil 4 and will attempt to tie together certain elements of previous Resident Evil titles. As such, Chronicles would likely feature key locales from past games -- and perhaps new ones, like #17 Cherry-Tree Lane. Capcom is expected to blow the lid off 'dis sucka at TGS. Stay tuned -- we'll be there.

  • Mysterious Resident Evil video surfaces

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    It's 12:01AM EST... you know what that means! Time for a SUPER-BIG-UPDATE. In fact, it's so big, that I actually have no idea what's going on. This news article shows pictures of Resident Evil on the PSP, but it's written in a complex code that only YOU can break! (It's written in Chinese.) I do see "480x272" so maybe this has something to do with video playback? Did we stumble upon some huge game announcement? Or, did we stumble upon a silly prank?

  • Silent Hill Origins gameplay footage [Update 1]

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    PSP Fanboy once wrote: "So how about a port of Resident Evil 4? The new over-the-shoulder camera style would be perfect for the handheld!"Well, we might not have Resident Evil yet, but it looks like Silent Hill Origins will fit the bill just nicely. This first gameplay video (delivered by Playstation leaked from the floors of the Games Convention in Germany doesn't show off any enemies, but it shows some particularly nice graphics (the fog looks great), atmosphere and familiar controls. Hopefully we'll discover more nuggets of gameplay over the course of the convention, so keep it locked in to the Fanboy.[Update 1: According to PSP World, the game will offer "a cinematic experience comparable to the previous games, but framed within interactive moments." That sounds a lot like Resident Evil 4's button-mashing cutscenes to me.][Via IGN Boards]

  • Capcom hits us with more God Hand

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Capcom has released a third trailer for God Hand, a project that boasts such talent as Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami as director and Viewtiful Joe creator Atsushi Inaba as producer. The new footage features some outrageous ass kicking, including groin assaults, spanking, homerun swings, and an exploding body. Sprinkle a dash of clever, but campy dialogue into the mix and you've got the ingredients for a classic.If God Hand is any indication, the best Sony console to own this holiday season is still gonna be PlayStation 2. Continue on to view the trailer...

  • Hold your breath and rev your chainsaw [Update 1]

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    We've known for quite some time that Capcom would be developing a Wii-exclusive Resident Evil title. Would it be the next game in the main franchise, a true RE5, or perhaps a more direct sequel of the Gamecube and PS2 mega-hit Resident Evil 4? Or would it be one of those Outbreak/Zero/Veronica spin-offs that no one really cares about? According to the most recent issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine (UK), we won't have to wait much longer. Though the news was too fresh to make the August issue, they apparently have some exclusive info on REWii, as evidenced by a rather obvious silhouette of Leon Kennedy. The issue is due for release somewhere around August 6th.[Update 1: Clarified August vs. September issue mix-up.]

  • Third Resident Evil film to be buried in desert

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    And in our wildest dreams, it would be right next to those E.T. The Extra Terrestrial cartridges. Too bad you can't win them all. Or even one, in the case of non-sir Paul W. Anderson. He's the man writing the script (if that's what we call randomly flinging words at a blank page) for Resident Evil Colon Extinction, the third film adaptation of Capcom's survival horror series. Previously, he directed the first Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat (hey, that wasn't so bad!) and Predator castration epic, Alien vs. Predator. Speaking at a recent Hollywood and Video Games summit, in Beverly Hills Mr. Anderson outlined his original vision for the shambling corpse of a trilogy. The first film would act as a prequel to the game, the second as an intersecting companion and third as a post script.Interestingly enough, the third film just happens to be set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, which is either a tired narrative device or some sort of meta-commentary on the series itself. The world's been overrun with undead fellows and the only survivors, which include Milla Jovovich's Alice, Jill Valentine and Code Veronica escapee Claire Redfield, must make a run for it in armored convoys. "So that's where the movie takes place, primarily in the deserts of Nevada and around Las Vegas. But of course, it's a Las Vegas that has kind of fallen now, because what's happened is, with no one to take care of it, the desert has come back in and half-buried Vegas. So... we built all these casinos which are sort of buried in the sand." We'll take a gamble and hold out some vague hope that this will pull a Resident Evil 4 and make the series sparkle.Or not. This Hollywood machine is rigged.[Thanks Killer_Twinkie!]

  • God Hand unites Capcom's elite

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Capcom has confirmed that God Hand is currently in development for the PS2 in Japan. While a company rep declined to give further details about the title and the possibility of its release outside of Japan, claims that God Hand will be an action title crafted under the guidance of Shinji Mikami (director) and Atsushi Inaba (producer).Both Capcom vets have impressive resumes, which could lead to a successful formula. Inaba has produced the Viewtiful Joe series, as well as Okami (due in September). Mikami's work also includes Viewtiful Joe, along with Devil May Cry and Capcom darling, Resident Evil.

  • Top 10 most memorable villains

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    IGN has posted a list that is sure to generate some grumbling. But that's what's to be expected anytime you try to cram the baddest evildoers into a list of ten. Here goes: #10 - Bowser (Super Mario) #9 - Dr. Robotnik (Sonic) #8 - Dracula (Castlevania) #7 - Evil Otto (Berzerk) #6 - Psycho Mantis (MGS) #5 - Kerrigan (Starcraft) #4 - SHODAN (System Shock) #3 - Wesker (Resident Evil) #2 - Sephiroth (FFVII) #1 - The Nazis ("too many games to count") What?! No Ganondorf? Blasphemy. So how does your list compare?

  • Early video of Resident Evil 4; we barely knew ye

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Check out this incredible video of early footage from Resident Evil 4, before they reinvented the series! What is on display here confirms the incredible change the series undertook with the latest version. While the environments are fully 3-dimensional, the puzzle look the same, and the camera is still (mostly) static.Watching the player run from "shot" to "shot" hoping for a decent angle to shoot from not only re-awoke the frustrations of playing earlier games, but highlighted the elegance of the over-the-shoulder approach. In the screen above, you can see they experimented with this approach early, and rightfully reimagined their entire game around it. Resident Evil 4's button-based minigames are here, as well as the title's gorgeous graphics, but the environment and enemies are all different. Good job, Capcom! Instead of releasing the same old game with a fresh coat of paint, you trashed most of what you had, thereby reinventing a stale franchise and reinvigorating a stagnant genre, and you were rewarded for it![Thanks, Timpac]Keep reading for the video.

  • Preview Alert: Resident Evil DS

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    For all the innovation that's present on the platform, it's somewhat unusual to find DS owners getting so fervent about the remake of a 10 year old game that's already been remade once before. Then again, the game in question just so happens to be Resident Evil: Deadly Silence, a title crammed to the brim with, silly plot developments, Jill sandwiches, puzzle-solving amulets and, most importantly, grotesque zombies. What's not to like, right?1up has posted a nice little preview of Capcom's portable evil, confirming some of the things we were wondering about and detailing some of the differences between the DS version and the original. With a touch-controlled menu, first-person slashing sequences, cooperative wireless play and the ability to literally blow poison back into an attacker's face, it seems like the game makes pretty good use of the DS' abilities. After all, it could have been very easy for Capcom to just slap a map on the top screen, call it a day and watch the franchise rake in the cash.Now if only we could get a version of Resident Evil 4...[Update: Corrected a "wi-ly" typo.]

  • Capcom and Ubisoft partner to port to PC

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    As suspected, Capcom's mega-hit Resident Evil 4 will be making its way, from its roots on the Gamecube and subsequently the PS2, to the PC. It's not going alone though: Capcom's Onimusha 3 and Devil May Cry 3 will be along for the ride, and Ubisoft will be handling the distribution of all three titles. Hopefully the games will enjoy a high-res makeover before their release, instead of standard-definition ports with PS2 textures. Here's the part where both companies gush about how thrilled -- errr, apologies, it appears they are both excited, not thrilled -- to be working with one another on this historic event. Ubisoft: "Ubisoft is excited to be bringing three of the industry's most innovative titles, including Resident Evil 4... to PC gamers around the world." Capcom: "Capcom is excited to be taking advantage of Ubisoft's global distribution network to deliver our hottest titles for gamers around the world to play and enjoy," This can be roughly translated the following way: A corporate boardroom. Afternoon. Two anthropomorphised corporations sit across a meeting table; their hands almost touching, their eyes locked. UBISOFT: I'm so excited! Think about it: your games, my distribution. We're perfect for each other. CAPCOM: No, I'm way more excited to be working with you! You're French... and sophisticated. UBISOFT: You're sweet, but really, I'm soooo excited. I can't wait to get your games out to gamers to game with all around the world. CAPCOM: I'm excited infinity plus one! [Thanks, JamesO]

  • Resident Evil 4 heading to PC?

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    After sweeping up enough game of the year awards to keep the franchise around for another decade, Resident Evil 4 may be heading to PCs to finish what it's started. According to European retailer Play's website, Resident Evil 4 is scheduled to hit PCs on March 31st. We all know how unreliable retailers websites can be, but Blue's News is reporting that Capcom Germany delivered an unofficial confirmation (whatever that means). It seems plausible enough; they've already made a fortune off both the PS2 and GCN versions, and they'd be in good company. Condemned, another console creeper, is heading to the PC as well. Now PC gamers can grab a Windows Xbox 360 controller and sit back on their couch in their computer chair and wait until late March. [Via Blue's News]

  • New Resident Evil screenies

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    After watching the video trailer of Capcom's re-REmake of Resident Evil earlier this month, it  became apparent that Capcom was making every effort to appease survival-horror fans...well, at least the ones that enjoyed the series before Resident Evil 4 fixed revitalized it. Yes, the static camera angles, obtuse "place the magical obsidian gem into the fish statue" puzzles and robotic aiming have all returned, but the allure of slashing zombies in first-person view and an apparent multiplayer mode will undoubtedly prove much too hard to resist.Still, it would have been far better to see the game drop the fixed camera angles and adopt an over-the-shoulder view with precise, stylus-driven aiming. The environments are all real-time now, so why not? Why can't you use the guns in first-person mode? And how about a Nintendogs-esque mini-game where you attempt to train a chained zombie, only to have him nibble your arm off at unexpected intervals? Ponder these questions while you absorb the new and very bloody screenshots of the game.[Correction: Upon closer scrutiny (thanks el pero de nate), it seems we gave this remake a bit too much credit. The environments aren't real-time, but we still stand by our ideas for making the game better.]