

  • Turbine confirms five new LotRO instances by the end of the year

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    While a new expansion is usually a cause for celebration, some Lord of the Rings Online players have expressed disappointment that September's Rise of Isengard lacks new instances outside of the much-ballyhooed 24-man raid. Between convention appearances, Turbine's Sapience confirmed on the forums that while Isengard players won't be enjoying any additional three-man or six-man dungeons, more will come by the end of the year in Update 5: We are currently preparing five new instances for release post-Isengard. Rise of Isengard will be released on September 27 along with a 24-player raid. There will be 3 three-player, 1 six-player and 1 twelve-player instance released in Update 5, the first update after the release of Rise of Isengard. These instances will be free to any player who has pre-purchased the Rise of Isengard expansion or who purchases after launch via the Turbine web store. Update 5 will be available before the end of the year. Rise of Isengard will be on display at Turbine's booth this weekend at PAX in Seattle.

  • We are the Champions: New LotRO dev diary outlines upcoming Champion changes

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    A new developer diary from Turbine Entertainment was released today, and it outlines the changes coming to Lord of the Rings Online's Champion class with the Rise of Isengard. These changes are "meant to set them further apart from the other martial frontline classes." For instance, no longer will it cost Champions extra fervour in order to wield a two-handed weapon. Champions are also having their ability to use shields removed, though they will still remain a viable tank. The post also goes on to outline each of the Champion's stances and the changes being made to them, which takes up something to the tune of three pages. The diary wraps up with some changes to many of the Champion's skills and legendary traits, such as Second Wind, Seeking Blade, Ferocious Strikes, and more. The diary is incredibly comprehensive, so whether you're a Champion looking to see what's in store for your class, or just someone interested in the design process behind LotRO, head on over and check out the whole post.

  • Gamescom 2011: LotRO's Rise of Isengard screen captures on display

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you're not in Turbine's Rise of Isengard beta, A Casual Stroll to Mordor has some Gamescom screen caps you might be interested in seeing. Even if you are in the testing phase for Lord of the Rings Online's next expansion, it's worth a look-see if only to glimpse a few things you might've missed. The screens were captured on a cell phone camera, so the quality isn't worth writing home about, but they do show off an early version of the Isengard map as well as new wound pots, Forthbrond Village, a portion of the Gap of Rohan, the tower of Orthanc, and Saruman impaled on a giant spike just like in the movies! OK, just kidding about that last part, but it was funny seeing you lore-monkeys twitch.

  • Lord of the Rings Online offers a new design diary on the Captain

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Oh Captain, our Captain, your fearful balancing is done. Well, not quite, but there is a new round of balancing and changes incoming for the captain in Lord of the Rings Online. The release of Rise of Isengard will see a new slew of balance updates, with the chief ones outlined in the new development diary for players to examine. The class presents a unique challenge, as it's one of the most hybrid classes in the entire game, capable of performing a variety of roles as well as providing excellent all-around buffs. As the diary explains, the one aspect of the class that development didn't want to touch was the all-around buffing utility, which properly needed to remain something that the class could access regardless of focus. Instead, the biggest changes to the class come in the Leader of Men trait line, with the Captain's tanking and defensive capabilities being significantly improved for just that purpose. Along with some quality-of-life buffs, it should be a good time to be a Captain once the game's newest expansion touches down.

  • The Burglar steals the show in latest Lord of the Rings Online dev diary

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    All right, all you sneaks and footpads, we've got some news for you. Tim "Raskolnikov" Lang posted a Lord of the Rings Online dev diary today, giving players a look at the changes coming to the Burglar class in the Rise of Isengard expansion. For starters, the Burglar now receives his Melee Offense Rating from Agility rather than Might, putting him more in line with what people expect from the sneaky-sneaky-stabby-stabby character type. Fresh Burglars now begin the game with dual-wield and the ability to equip medium armor, which should make the early levels considerably more enjoyable for new players. The class also has some quality of life changes coming its way as well as a few small adjustments to its traits. Overall, the adjustments seem quite favorable to Middle-earth's pickpockets and thieves, so keep a hand on your purse and watch your back!

  • LotRO's Draigoch revealed in his full glory

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    While we've previously been treated to concept art of Lord of the Rings Online's new 24-man raid boss, we haven't seen how the dragon Draigoch actually looked in game... until now. Today Turbine released three screenshots showcasing its ginormous dragon, and we have to admit: The dude looks intimidating. Glowy eyes? Check. Fire breath? Check. Squatting on a pile of treasure? Check. Horns, claws and leathery wings? Check. Hipster beard? Uh... check! It is surprising to see a dragon with a beard, although it does lend Draigoch an aura of maturity. Well, that and the possibility that he's planning to audition for ZZ Top. Draigoch is one of the last of the great dragons of Middle-earth, and Turbine has said that he will not only talk but lip-sync his dialogue to players. You can check out Draigoch's photo shoot in the gallery below. %Gallery-9579%

  • [Updated] Get a jump on the LotRO expansion with Rise of Isengard beta access from Massively

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    "Rise of Isengard" is the hottest topic going in the Lord of the Rings Online community. The excitement surrounding the game's upcoming expansion is most likely enhanced by the associated secrecy: Players run a strong risk of losing their closed beta access by even mentioning that they have it. For those of you who wanted in on the closed beta and weren't selected, we might just have a second chance for you. Turbine has given us 10 beta codes for the expansion, and we're sharing them with you! Enter any time in the next 24 hours by leaving a comment here to tell us why we should choose you. We'll select 10 of our favorite entries tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. EDT, and since the beta is open to players every Wednesday through Saturday, you can jump right in! Have fun, be creative, and may the best entry win! (And don't worry: If you win, your secret's safe with us!) [UPDATE: All winners have been contacted. Check those inboxes!]

  • Massively's guide to Gamescom 2011

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    If you've never been to Gamescom before, let's simply put it this way: It's big. Really, really big. Forget most any convention you've attended; this is likely to be even bigger. Billing itself as the world's largest games event, Gamescom sees well over a quarter-million fans, journalists and exhibitors crowd into the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany to check out hundreds of games and companies. Due to its size and worldwide prominence, Gamescom is a significant event for anyone following the MMO genre (and video games in general). There are plenty of MMO studios gearing up to share first looks, exclusive reveals, detailed Q&A sessions, and exciting hands-on demos for attendees. Naturally, Massively will be paying close attention to all of the news coming out of Gamescom this week. For those attending the convention or merely looking to keep abreast of all of the games, studios, and information forthcoming, we've compiled a guide to the hottest tickets at Gamescom as well as a comprehensive exhibitor list of MMO studios after the break.

  • The Road to Mordor: Power to the levelers

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With Rise of Isengard creeping up on us, I've seen an increasing number of people begin to freak out about it, not because they're upset it's coming but because they're not prepared to partake in the expansion on day one. Now, this might not be important to you, but I assure you it's quite important to many -- lots of people like to be in on the excitement from the very beginning, and it's a special kind of torture to contemplate having to sit there and listen to your friends oohing and ahhing over the new zones and content while you're still poking your way through Moria. So because of this, some players really, really want to get a character up to level 65, prepared to do a dive roll right into Dunland when September 27th hits. It's understandable. Even I, a normally laid-back type of guy, am pushing hard to finish up Enedwaith with my Lore-master so that I'll have one character good to go on I-Day (that's Isengard Day). But what about those who don't have a level 65 in their pockets? Is it too late to get your act in gear and get up there before it's too late? Of course it isn't. I'm pretty convinced that you could even roll a fresh toon today and get him or her up to the endgame by I-Day, depending on how much time you can dedicate to it. Today we're going to look at a few leveling tips I've picked up over the years to aid those of you who want to kick in the afterburners of the leveling process so that you can make sure you're where you want to be. It's not even that hard!

  • LotRO displays the true power of Saruman

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    As Lord of the Rings' Rise of Isengard nears, players grow ever more curious about the foe that sits in the middle of his twisted fortress and his plans. Today Turbine released six new screenshots that show Saruman up to no good, and he certainly gives the impression that he's not a wizard with which to be trifled. For an old guy in a bathrobe, that is. Two of the screens show Saruman looking into his palantir and calling down the forces of nature on his enemies, two give a better view of his incredibly detailed Orthanc tower, and the last pair shows the sort of warm welcome we'll be getting from the denizens of Isengard. Rise of Isengard is slated for a September 27th release, and it will bring a number of welcome changes to the game including itemization improvements. You can check out the new screenshots in the gallery below. %Gallery-9579%

  • The Road to Mordor: What to do with Destiny Points?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    To say that Lord of the Rings Online has many types of currencies is like saying that Firefly has a couple fans out there. My characters' homes are like those houses you see on Hoarders, except that instead of collecting used newspapers and bobbleheads, I've stuffed every nook and cranny with tokens, barter chips, gold, and the odd Orc head. Yet there's one type of currency that always seems to fly under the radar in my gaming experience: Destiny Points. I'm forever forgetting they're there and I almost never use them. To be honest, I'm not quite sure why they're in the game in the first place. Destiny Points are a shared currency between your characters that seem to be vitally important to PvMPers (monster play) and vastly less pertinent to your average PvE adventurer. Still, as they exist and offer you an opportunity to get an edge -- however slight -- in the game, I figured it was about time to dive into the subject and see if they're worthwhile or just more junk for the closet.

  • Get creepy with new Lord of the Rings: Rise of Isengard Monster Play screens

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Today we've got a few new screenshots for you Lord of the Rings Online fans out there. The focus of said screenshots is on the creeps of Middle Earth as Turbine shows off the upcoming updates and changes being made to Monster Play in the Rise of Isengard expansion. On top of the new Monster Play enhancements, Rise of Isengard brings much more along with it. Three new regions will be at the players' beck and call as they traverse the forests and foothills of Dunland, the Gap of Rohan, and of course the eponymous Isengard. In the process of doing this, players will be able to advance all the way to level 75, after which point they can attempt to ford the dangers of Draigoch in a brand-new 24-player raid. Players will be able to take the Hobbits to Isengard on September 27th. %Gallery-9579%

  • New LotRO dev diary outlines future itemization improvements

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Some days we feel like Paul Revere, riding our 120% mounts through towns and shouting announcements like "Rise of Isengard is coming! Rise of Isengard is coming!" It's OK, people probably prefer to get their news shouted at them by cyber equestrian newsies than any other method, right? And in the case of Lord of the Rings Online's latest expansion, it's good we do so, because a whole host of itemization improvements is coming to the game. In a new dev diary, the LotRO systems team lays out the path for itemization improvements, including where we've been in the game and where we're going with gear. Two of the biggest concerns that the team identified to fix were minute increments between gear upgrades and the inability to predict what combination of equipment players would use to hit the stat caps. Therefore, the caps will be removed and players should see more substantial gear upgrades with the expansion. The diary goes on to share how different segments of the player community will be able to access top-of-the-line gear in the future, including solo players, crafters, casual groupers, and raiders. Other interesting tidbits include desirable yellow gear, gear dropping in instance chests, and the addition of a non-gating stat called Finesse.

  • LotRO rides through the Gap of Rohan and into Orthanc with new screenies

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The long wait for Lord of the Rings Onine's third expansion is coming to a middle, but it seems even longer every time Turbine teases us with a few inside glimpses of Saruman's zip code. Today we've been treated to six new pictures from Rise of Isengard: three from the Gap of Rohan, and three from the tower of Orthanc (spoiler alert, it's one of the titular "Two Towers"). The Gap of Rohan shots primarily show off the various types of camps in the zone, whether they be friend or foe, whereas the Orthanc pictures demonstrate the twisted grandeur of the white wizard. These pictures come hot on the heels of another trio of screenshots showing off the expansion's third zone, Dunland. Rise of Isengard is slated for a September 27th release, but the closed beta begins today! %Gallery-9579%

  • LotRO's Rise of Isengard beta begins July 27th

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Feel like the road trip to Mordor isn't getting there as fast as you'd like? Good news, everyone -- Turbine's about ready to pull out of the gas station and truck toward Isengard! Today the studio announced that the beta program for Lord of the Rings Online's Rise of Isengard expansion will begin next Wednesday, July 27th. Invites will be going out to select players across North America and Europe, although the NDA forbids participants from even mentioning that they're part of the program. Those who have pre-ordered the digital expansion will have "preferred access" to the beta, so that seems like your best bet if you're interested. Rise of Isengard will release on September 27th, and contains a level cap increase to 75, three new zones and a 24-person raid against the dragon Draigoch. The expansion heads deep into the territory mentioned in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Two Towers.

  • LotRO gives us a glimpse into Isengard's Dunland

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Dunland, one of Lord of the Rings Online: Rise of Isengard's three new zones, promises to be a treat for bold Hobbits and nebbish Elves alike. Today we've gotten a better picture of what Dunland will look like as Turbine's released six screenshots giving us a feel for the wide range of vistas we'll be encountering. Dunland is located at the southern reaches of the Misty Mountains, with hilly, swampy and woodsy areas awaiting our discovery. The zone is dominated by the many clans of the Dunland peoples who are being tempted by Saruman into joining the forces of the Enemy. We've got a little over two months to go until LotRO's latest expansion hits the streets, so take your time to peruse all six of these new screenshots in the gallery below: %Gallery-9579%

  • Meet LotRO's latest Big Bad: The dragon Draigoch

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Lord of the Rings Online's Rise of Isengard expansion is still a couple months away, but that doesn't mean we should be saving up our collective drool for that moment. Instead, let us lavish our eyes on a brand-new piece of concept art and feel our mouths go slack with anticipation! This piece of art depicts Draigoch, the giant dragon who will be the big bad boss of the expansion's 24-man raid. Turbine says that Draigoch is one of the most powerful creatures in Middle-earth, and after getting a look at him, we're inclined to agree. Reportedly, he'll be so big that players will only be able to fight his head. Rise of Isengard is slated for a September 27th release, and can be pre-ordered now to gain spiffy bonuses and cosmetic gear. %Gallery-9579%

  • The Road to Mordor: Class graduation

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Amid all of the hubbabaloo of E3, Rise of Isengard reveals, and pre-order madness, something equally as significant has been taking place on the Lord of the Rings Online scene: proposed class changes. Turbine's been fairly good giving each of the classes a pass over this last year, but it looks as though something even more significant is in the offering when the expansion hits this fall. As we all know, the level cap is going up to 75, virtues will increase to a new cap of 12, and stats will be expanded in several ways. But there's even more on top of that: Orion and Zombie Columbus have been posting a steady stream of proposed class changes on the forums. These aren't all tiny tuning measures, either. In many cases, weak elements of classes and class builds will be radically revamped, and how you play these classes will change forever. As with any prospect of change, these proposed notes are both exciting and scary to behold. I felt it was high past time we at least chew on the reveals thus far and see how our classes will be graduating to the next level when Isengard arrives. Of course, these are all proposed and highly subject to change between now and whenever they're implemented. As Orion said, "Blogs are coming out before the major changes so that we can get your feedback early, often and when we are still agile enough to respond to the valid reasoning behind concerns or true issues that are found." Read with a grain of salt (if you like, perch the salt on your shoulder so it can view the screen better).

  • DDO and LotRO prep bonus weekends for all

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    We're not even at the dog days of summer -- more like the puppy days -- and Turbine is already throwing players a bone with special bonus weekends in both Dungeons & Dragons Online and Lord of the Rings Online. And thus we hit our canine pun limit for the day. DDO is bumping the experience factor up by a respectable 25% across the board and throwing in a +1 loot bonus (meaning better loot in chests) for good measure. It's a great time to come back to the game, too, as players can enjoy the recently released Update 10. Meanwhile, LotRO is encouraging you to farm mobs like crazy, as monster kill XP is going up by 50% (which can stack with the 25% XP trinket from the Rise of Isengard pre-order). Currently, the game is hosting its annual Summer Festival. The four-day bonus weekend for both games runs from today through Sunday, June 26th.

  • Lord of the Rings Online bringing in major stat changes

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you've played Lord of the Rings Online extensively, odds are good that you're familiar with the concept of stat caps. Functionally, stat caps are that certain point at which further increases to the stat in question will be wasted -- useful for balance purposes, but rather frustrating when players find new abilities and equipment useless due to the stat caps. So it's probably going to be a good thing when Rise of Isengard makes stat caps largely a thing of the past. That's not the only useful takeaway from the new developer diary, however, as the game's statistics are also undergoing further revision to make the game easier to understand at a glance. A new stat, Finesse, will be added to specifically reduce your target's ability to evade or resist attacks. Resistance, Mitigation, and Critical Hit will all be merged from their current state (so melee, ranged, and tactical critical hit will all become simply Critical Hit). Finally, there are some changes incoming in terms of interactions with primary stats. It's a short diary, to be sure, but the implications for Lord of the Rings Online players should be far-reaching.