

  • Storyboard: I only have eyes for you

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Welcome back to another edition of Storyboard, wherein I'm going to tackle an issue that is very near and dear to my heart. Matter of fact, it's near and dear to almost everyone's heart, and it's a topic that I'm sure I'm either going to revisit or avoid wholeheartedly in the future, because we're stepping into an emotional minefield. Today, we're going to be talking about romantic relationships in roleplaying. Okay, now that some of the readers have run screaming from the room (which was kind of unnecessary, they could have just closed the browser), let's clarify that we are talking about romantic relationships, not anything else that could fall under the header of romance. That magical night you shared with a Mithra in Bastok Markets is an entirely different topic that I have no real interest in covering here. So we're at least into the realm of just plain emotional awkwardness, and that's for the best, as there's more than enough material there to cover for years.

  • Drama Mamas: Invasion of privacy

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Dodge the drama and become that player everyone wants in their group with the Drama Mamas. Lisa Poisso and Robin Torres are real-life mamas and experienced WoW players -- and just as we don't want our precious babies to be the ones kicking and wailing on the floor of checkout lane next to the candy, neither do we want you to become known as That Guy on your server. We're taking your questions at DramaMamas (at) WoW (dot) com. Captain Obvious says that communication within guilds is a very good thing. But as we've seen before, sometimes too much communication can cause more drama than keeping quiet. It is smart to anticipate problems and make preparations in case they occur. But is thinking the worst of people the same as proactive problem-solving? When thinking ahead to avoid trouble, it is usually a good idea to examine your own motives and see if any prejudices are lurking that color your viewpoint. If it's possible that envy or disapproval are clouding your judgment, it is usually best to keep your mouth closed and your eyes open. I assume the best about this week's letter writer's motives for wanting to prevent drama in his guild. But in this case, motives are irrelevant to the possible drama bomb that would explode from an invasion of privacy.

  • Anti-Aliased: Even virtual relationships are hot button issues

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Before I even begin this column, I need to give a shout out to Interitus. This week's topic was inspired by an e-mail he recently sent me, regarding the ongoing debate on the Star Wars: The Old Republic forums with their "romance" story arcs. So, thanks Interitus for the idea! So, to recap for everyone before we dive into the discussion for the week, here's the deal -- Star Wars: The Old Republic will let you romance your companion NPCs much like Mass Effect. Using dialogue options, you can form a romantic relationship with your chosen follower. However, BioWare has neglected to state how far this system will extend. All we know is that only you'll be able to see your romance storylines and there won't be any explicit sex. Star Wars is all about understated sexual tension, AKA Han Solo and Princess Leia. So what about romances between two characters of the same-sex, like Mass Effect? Well, we're not too sure about that at the moment. BioWare has said nothing confirming or denying their existence. And, because gay romance is a huge hot button issue, the SWTOR forums are aflame regarding the addition of same-sex romances. Should we include same-sex romances? Are they appropriate for the Star Wars universe? Are they appropriate for the target audience? Well come along everyone, and let's discuss.

  • Phat Loot Phriday: Romantic Picnic Basket

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Sometimes, the simplest things in game are the best. As such, I present to you an old favorite of mine: the Romantic Picnic Basket. The Romantic Picnic Basket is neither gear nor drop. Instead, it's part of the Love is in the Air event, and is actually an integral part of the achievement Lonely. (To achieve Lonely, you have to sit under the basket with another person, fall in love, and then eat chocolate. It's a very specific order of events.) Last year, the Romantic Picnic Basket was obtained by randomly opening a Gift of Adoration. But since they've revamped the entire Love is in the Air event this year, you can now just purchase it from a vendor the same way your purchase everything else for the event. (That is to say, at a vendor.) So what does the Romantic Picnic Basket do that's such a big deal? Well, my friends, it does the best thing in the game. It places a basket on the ground, by a wonderful pink umbrella. If you and your loved one sit at the basket and enjoy a bite to eat together you, you will both get little hearts above your heads to show your adoration. Maybe it's just because I'm recently married, but I'm already popping this sucker out before every raid. There could be no better luck when facing new bosses than enjoying a kiss and cuddle with my wife. Take a look behind the jump and let's examine this sweet, sweet item's vital stats:

  • Teen runs away to meet older WoW soulmate [Updated]

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    digg_url = ''; Before we delve into this story, I just want to say that everything turned out alright. No Canadian laws were broken. No authority figures taking advantage of underage people in their care. The teenager is home safe and his online lover is allowed to return home whenever she likes. Here are the facts: A 16 year old boy in Ontario had an online affair with a 42 year old mother of four in Texas. They met in WoW, but much of the affair took place in MSN chat. The parents knew of the relationship for over a year. The boy told the woman that he was 20. The consenting age in Ontario, Canada is 16. The boy had a history of addiction to WoW, had seen a counselor and was given computer privileges again as a reward for good behavior. She came to visit him for the Christmas holidays and asked him to meet her in a hotel. He asked his parents for permission. They said no. He snuck out at 2 am and went to her anyway. The parents and local authorities made a plea to the public for his safe return. The boy and woman were spotted together in public two days later and brought in. Again, the boy is home safe and the woman is not being charged with anything in Canada.

  • Teen found safe after running away to meet "WoW Soulmate"

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    We all know that online gaming can strike up a romance between players, but sometimes romance can be taken a bit too far. Over the holidays, 16-year-old Andrew Kane of Barrie in Ontario, Canada, decided that he had to meet his 42-year-old online lover, Lauri Price from Texas. Price had taken a trip up to Canada to meet Kane, but when Kane had asked for a ride from his parents to a nearby hotel to meet Price, his parents returned with the pretty much expected, "No." This lead Kane to run away from his house at the early morning hour of 2 A.M. on an awkward quest to meet his "World of Warcraft soulmate." Kane went missing for two days until he and Price were found at a Future Shop in Orilla, Ontario on December 31st via a tip from the public. Kane had apparently lied about his age to Price, saying he was 20. The legal age of consent in Canada is currently 16. Police have said that Price will not be receiving any criminal charges and is free to travel back to the United States. Kane had been "seeing" Price for over a year via their relationship on World of Warcraft. [Thanks for the tip, Eric!]

  • Scandalous! Buzz and Sackboy romantic rendezvous in Vienna!

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    It looks like some romance may be happening at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Two popular PlayStation mascots were seen on a date in Vienna. In this shocking video (after the break), you'll see Sackboy and Buzz shamelessly holding hands, eating lunch together, and riding the wiener risenrad. We're disgusted by Buzz's actions here. Yes, Sackboy is adorable -- but he's only one year old. Just because you're a video game celebrity doesn't mean you can get away with this kind of sickening pedophilia. [Via @Media_Molecule; design inspired by]

  • Drama Mamas: Couples counseling

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Dodge the drama and become that player everyone wants in their group with the Drama Mamas. Lisa Poisso and Robin Torres are real-life mamas and experienced WoW players -- and just as we don't want our precious babies to be the ones kicking and wailing on the floor of checkout lane next to the candy, neither do we want you to become known as That Guy on your server. We're taking your questions at DramaMamas (at) WoW (dot) com. Usually couples counseling is for the problems that come with being a couple, not dealing with them. But this week we encounter two situations that involve drama caused by someone else's romance. One may (or may not) be a case of wedding envy. The other letter concerns the awkward public displays of affection from a couple separated by distance, but not by a need to exhibit. On to the counseling...

  • Runes of Magic introduces Lair of the Demon Dragon

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The Naga have settled around Aotulia Volcano, and they have a fancy new weapon at their disposal. They've captured Gestaro, a renegade Flame Dragon possessed by demons. Flame dragons are the most powerful of the five ancient dragon races, and the Naga plan to use this one to help suppress the free people. That's the story in the brand new 12 player raid dungeon from Runes of Magic -- Lair of the Demon Dragon. Your job is to set Gestaro free, by venturing into the Autulia Volcano territory and fighting your way through elite Naga who aren't too keen on losing their new pet. If you can make it through the waves of Naga and break the magical dragon seal, as well as the general that the Naga send in as a last resort, Gestaro will appear and finish off the Naga for you. This is an elite dungeon, and Runes of Magic warns that "Only the bravest Taborean heroes should choose this encounter," so visit the official for more of the story, and good luck!

  • Going out on an in-game date

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I thought this was a really cute idea: an in-game date, sharing some of the best locations and activities around Azeroth with someone you love (or just happen to be courting). There are lots of great ideas in that thread -- I agree that the Twin Colossals is one of the more scenic (and out of the way) vistas to visit, but there are plenty more to go to: The Grim Guzzler, a floating island in Nagrand, the Darkmoon Faire, inside the bio-domes in Netherstorm. Personally, I think the best date would be a picnic on the deck of the ship in Deadmines -- sure, you'd have to fight off ninjas every once in a while, but what is a date without a little ninja fighting, right?If you do head out on a date, make sure you bring some roses and a bottle of wine (depending on how well you expect the date to go). If you've really thought ahead, you can bring a Romantic Picnic Basket, or you can shell out for a regular Picnic Basket, but otherwise, it's probably just best to have a snack of Delicious Chocolate Cake (it's guaranteed to make your date Very Happy). Like I said, cute. Spending the time together with friends is what the game is all about anyway, and there's nothing wrong with taking some time to experience the world and hang out with each other. And if that's a little too boring for your tastes, maybe you can have your date tag along with you to some 2v2 Arena matches afterwards. Nothing gets the romance going like a little bloodshed.

  • The distance of romance: Is online romance possible?

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Newsweek's story this week, about two Second Life users who met and fell in love without a nasty breakup, divorce, murder or any other sort of common human drama has sparked a lot of talk among users of virtual environments about love and romance over a distance. Opinions are divided of course. Some feel that it's impossible to fall in love with someone who is out of range of a slap in the face, while others see it as completely natural. Are human relationships like electro-magnetism, where they cannot exist beyond a certain small physical radius?

  • Forum post of the day: You and me against the World ... of Warcraft

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    Gotnerf of Vashj is facing a not-entirely-uncommon dilemma. His fiancé is has shown no interest in playing WoW. He believes that once she spends some time seeing him enjoy the game she will want to join in. Gotnerf asked other guys how they got their wives to play. While some suggestions were entirely unhelpful, many seemed encouraging. Leadfoot of Feathermoon suggested a direct approach "You know how you're always saying we should spend more time together? We can share this together, honey." That's more or less how it worked for me. Zelkari of Spirestone recommended something most ladies can't resist, "Show her druids and their flight form." Strumpet of Eldre'thalas had some very grounding advice from experience:

  • Hunting for love in MMOs

    Adrian Bott
    Adrian Bott

    For some reason best known to himself, Tom Francis over at decided to set himself the task of finding love in a MMO. While that sort of thing does happen, and more often than is suspected, it probably wasn't a very good idea to expect anything to blossom in a mere week - any more than if he'd been trying to find love in the big blue room with the bright yellow light. Perhaps if was still running he'd have had more luck?Tom's first foray is into Eve Online, where - as freshly created roguish pilot Cad Dashing - he meets a lady by the name of Kasteen Hawkeye. While he doesn't progress beyond flirting, he does at least congratulate himself that he's found 'a cheerful, friendly girl-gamer who genuinely did want to be a spaceship'. Tom has less luck in City of Heroes, where he opts to play a Defender. Sadly, he makes a mistake here, assuming that Defenders: 'have access to Heal Other: the closest superpowers get to flirting.' All characters have access to Aid Other as a pool power, and as anyone knows who's stood by Ms Liberty while a noobsauce Empath dishes out unneeded heals, healing can be a lot more like spamming than flirting.The final, and most rewarding, venture is into World of Warcraft. It's probably best to let Tom's experiences here speak for themselves.

  • Love is in the Air (in RL and ingame)

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I'm probably the wrong person to be writing about this (I've never been one for romance or the woo-ing game, and this year is no exception), but the fact remains that love is in the air in Azeroth-- the game is full of people aiming to get Kwee Q. Peddlefeet (and getting lovely black dresses and romantic picnic baskets instead).If you want a quick rundown of how to play through Blizzard's Valentine's Day quests, you can check out our Sex in the Undercity feature from last year, or hit up WoWWiki's great guide to the holiday. Today's the big day-- are you getting something nice for your sweetie, ingame or in RL? Call me a grump (and put me in the same column as J. Geils), but even I can see that love is in the air. Have a happy Valentine's Day! Love is in the Air and on WoW Insider. Check out our continuing coverage of the event and our guide to earning the achievement. And you better hurry; the holiday only lasts five days!

  • Breakfast Topic: Gnome noses are red, Draenei are blue...

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    Happy Valentine's Day! Even in WoW, love is in the air. The heart of this unexplained in-game phenomenon is a popularity contest between the faction leaders. Players can vote for their choice by turning in a Horde or Alliance Gift Collection near their favorite leader. The winner of the contest gets the pleasure of having Kwee Q. Peddlefeet around for a week of hit point buffs for anyone audacious enough to /kiss him. Many of us will be forgoing our Azeroth adventures in favor of spending time with the objects of our affections. Some couples will share special in-game moments with their significant others. May I suggest a Bouquet of Red Roses and some Delicious Chocolate Cake for your sweetheart? We would love to hear your stories of love and romance in WoW.%Poll-9469% Love is in the Air and on WoW Insider. Check out our continuing coverage of the event and our guide to earning the achievement. And you better hurry; the holiday only lasts five days!

  • WoW Moviewatch: A Blizzard Valentine

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    Valentine's Day is coming on February 14th, and I'm in the mood for love -- machinima love, that is! Over the next few days, I'll be showcasing Valentines and love-themed machinima. If you've created a video ode to that special NPC in your life, let us know!The first video, released on Valentine's Day in 2007, actually comes from the World of Warcraft staff. It is a parody of those cheesy jewelry commercials on television. Ladies of WoW, what is your ideal gift? Men, what do you plan on getting your significant other?[Via Blizzard]Previously on Moviewatch ...

  • Love is in the Air

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    It's that time of year again: Love is in the Air in the capital cities of Azeroth. From now until the 15th, that sweet and sinister holiday where you show your affection to your fellow citizens and your faction leaders is upon us. Be sure to visit your local Innkeeper for a supply of perfume, cologne, and Love Tokens, and see if you can finally capture Qwee Q. Peddlefeet this year, or at least get that dress you've always wanted. Be on the lookout for new things as well, such as the Love Rocket and the Romantic Picnic Basket, which World of Raids already sniffed out for us back in November. Go out, enjoy, and share the season -- at least until you find out who's behind this whole strange mess of amore! %Gallery-15723% Love is in the Air and on WoW Insider. Check out our continuing coverage of the event and our guide to earning the achievement. And you better hurry; the holiday only lasts five days!

  • iPhone marriage proposal warms even the cynical heart

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    Maybe we just turn a bit sentimental during the holiday season, but damn it, we'll admit to getting a little choked up over reader Claude M's well-planned, uber-geeky proposal to his girlfriend -- even if his method of choice did happen to employ the totally overexposed iPhone. Being the romantic fellow that he is, Claude spent what must have been numerous hours producing a video proposal in the style of those ubiquitous commercials -- as you can see after the break -- and then screened it for his sweetheart (probably on his or her you-know-what) while they were strolling around the area where they'd first met in college. We'd like to congratulate the happy couple -- she said yes, duh -- and encourage them to race over to our Christmas contest post, where they have decent odds of scoring a pair of round trip tickets for the honeymoon.

  • BF and GF love their DSes

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It might just be some skins slapped onto a DS Lite, but seeing the "his and her" units fills us with so much joy. Mainly, because each person can't stand to be away from their DS long enough to let their significant other enjoy the handheld. Their desire to play is so strong that each of them has to own their very own system. Yoshi-themed for her and Star Wars-themed for him. Nice.Read - Her DS LiteRead - His DS Lite

  • DS Daily: Romantic entanglements

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We happened across this article a while back and have been thinking about it ever since. We hear -- and talk -- a lot about romance and gaming, and this piece on couples who meet in virtual worlds was intriguing. After all, Nintendo's online service is probably the only one that makes this sort of hook-up close to impossible. The other consoles have not just games with immersive worlds, but also more flexible meet-and-message systems. Heck, even the lowly PS2 plays host to Vana'diel for many FFXI players (as do other consoles). Nintendo can certainly bring people together through a common love of something great, but it probably won't be online, at least for now. But are any of you lucky enough to have found someone who loves Nintendo as much as you do? Sure, maybe we have to meet our significant others in meatspace, but we can still share something in our mutual love of great games.