

  • Sony PlayStation Move Racing Wheel hands-on (video)

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    After Sony's PlayStation keynote last night here at E3, PlayStation.Blog made a sort-of-surprise announcement when it officially detailed the $40 Move Racing Wheel -- something we only caught passing glimpses of during our liveblog. Naturally, we decided to drop by Sony's booth to find out whether the peripheral might potentially pass muster for you serious virtual racers out there. Our verdict after some racing in LittleBigPlanet Karting? Definitely not, but it sure is interesting despite a few quirks. Join us past the break where we'll break it down with text and video. %Gallery-157252%

  • Sony reveals $40 PlayStation Move Racing Wheel for LittleBigPlanet Karting and more

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    We didn't spot it on stage during the pre-E3 2012 press conference, but Sony's PlayStation Blog is showing off a new PS Move Racing Wheel on the way. This framework apparently fits around the Move, featuring different grip styles with twist throttles and paddle shifters depending on what kind of racing you'd like to do. The "precise motion tracking" afforded by the Move appears to be targeted at titles like the upcoming LittleBigPlanet Karting, but it's hard to see how this will be real wheel, or even controller, alternative for serious gamers. It certainly seems to be fair competition for Microsoft's Wireless Speed Wheel that was introduced last year or the Nintendo Wii Wheel, but frankly we're surprised that's a battle anyone else wanted to be in. Either way, we expect to get our hands on it this week before it hits stores this fall for $39.99. %Gallery-156981%

  • Sony's Wonderbook is PS Move-augmented reading, launches with J.K. Rowling's 'Book of Spells'

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    If you were wondering what Sony planned next for the PS Move, the answer is apparently... books. Just displayed at its pre-E3 press conference, Wonderbooks will let users turn physical books into the best pop-up adventure of all time. As seen in the presentation, it could project images onto the book, letting users peer own dark tunnels, cast spells or even dodge a flying dragon that escaped from the pages. On the downside, the task looked a bit complicated for the target audience, requiring them to manipulate the book, look at their TV to see the effects and wave a wand with their other hand. There was a bit of a demo fail during the presentation, we'll see if things work more smoothly when we get some hands-on time tomorrow. The first PlayStation 3 Wonderbook title available is by none other than Harry Potter writer JK Rowling, who brings the Book of Spells for muggles to try their hands at Hogwart's best-known incantations. One other book was also mentioned, Diggs Nightcrawler. Check out our liveblog for all of the details. Update: Check after the break for two new trailers from the PlayStation.Blog, one for Wonderbook in general and another specifically for Book of Spells.

  • HTC officially a maker of PlayStation certified handsets, PlayStation Suite is now PlayStation Mobile

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Thought Sony's E3 2012 presser would be about a next-gen console? Well, sorry to disappoint you, but that doesn't mean there's no news on the PlayStation front, as Sony's just informed the world that the PlayStation Suite has been renamed PlayStation Mobile. Not only that, but it's opening PS Mobile to third-party Android manufacturers, and as was rumored, HTC is the first handset maker not named Sony to get certified -- meaning that you'll soon be able to get your PlayStation on using the Taiwanese outfit's hardware. Unfortunately, we don't know when HTC will debut its first such handset, nor when other Android makers will get in on the action, but it's nice to see Sony finally start to share the gaming love.%Gallery-156968%

  • Sony is bringing Hulu Plus, Crackle to PlayStation Vita

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Sony's pre-E3 press conference is underway and the company just announced the PS Vita would get a couple of new video apps soon in Hulu Plus and Crackle. The Vita YouTube app was announced previously, but it looks like this is just the start of Sony expanding its Entertainment Network from the PS3 to the handheld. There's no word yet on exactly when they will arrive, but keep an eye on our liveblog for all the details as they're revealed.

  • Sports Champions 2 takes a victory lap on PS Move this fall

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    You probably ended up with a copy of Sports Champions if you purchased a PlayStation Move, either because it was bundled or because you're required to own at least one sports minigame collection per motion controller (it's the law).Today, Sony revealed a followup to its obligatory sports game, due this fall. Sports Champions 2 includes skiing, boxing, tennis, golf, bowling, and "a fully updated Archery experience." Sony also promises tweaks like simpler calibration, more opportunities to customize your avatar, and multiple user profiles.The new "Party Play" mode lets users set playlists of matches, then compete for score. "You can create your own match playlist, see photos and voices from each player during the game, and draw something humiliating (or nice!) on the hapless loser," says producer Jeremy Ray. He probably means in the game. You always had the option of drawing on your friends.

  • PS2 and PSP SOCOM servers shutting down at the end of August

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    Amazingly, Zipper Interactive servers for SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs have continued to be active since the game's original debut on the PlayStation 2 in 2002, meaning that crazy people dedicated fans with online adapter-equipped PS2s have been able to keep playing for nearly 10 years. Now though, since Zipper Interactive doesn't exist anymore and everything, the servers for four PS2 SOCOM games and four PSP SOCOM titles will be taken offline at the end of August.PlayStation 2 SOCOMs I, II, and III (as well as SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault) will be going dark, as will the PSP various SOCOM titles, Fireteam Bravo (I, II and III) and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Tactical Strke.If this outage affects your regular gaming routine, we offer our most sincere condolences. Also, we'd like to point out that many thousands of games have been released since 2002, some of which you might enjoy. Perhaps this will be a good opportunity to go check some of 'em out?

  • Smattering of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Vita domains registered by Sony

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Hey, in case you didn't know, that Smash Bros.-esque PlayStation 3 game, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, is very likely also heading to PlayStation Vita. How likely? Pretty freakin' likely, especially considering the recently discovered group of domain registrations from Sony Computer Entertainment of America tied to URLs like "," "," and ""As with so many of these discoveries, Superannuation spotted the URLs – URLs that pretty clearly identify a Vita-based version of the brawler. We'll be saying this a lot this week, so get used to it: we've reached out to Sony for more info, but only got "we don't comment on rumor or speculation" in return. We expect more info next week during E3.

  • SCEA patents advertising that interrupts gameplay

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    A patent filed by Sony Computer Entertainment America in 2011 describes an advertising system in which a game would be "suspended" during play, an advertisement would come up, and then the game would continue – much like TV commercials interrupt segments of programming. According to the patent, ads would be preceded by a warning and a slowdown of gameplay, with another warning displayed when gameplay is about to resume. The mere filing of a patent is no indication that this will be implemented, simply that the idea came up. Now, while we primarily work as journalists, we consider ourselves reasonably industry-savvy, and can thus be trusted to provide game industry analysis, pro-bono, in an advisory capacity.It is to that end we present the following advice to Sony: DON'T DO THIS

  • See Sly Cooper run, jump and climb on PS Vita

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The thing about being a raccoon thief is that you need to be nimble. Who wants to lug a PS3 up on the roof when they've forgotten which zip line leads to the eastern window of the jewel room? Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time on the PS Vita is necessary for these situations.

  • Rumor: PlayStation All-Stars coming to PS Vita, SCEA resume says

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We'll be seeing more characters added to the PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale roster soon enough, and perhaps even see it heading to one additional platform. The LinkedIn profile of Robert Krekel – a sound designer at Sony Computer Entertainment America – suggests PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale may be coming to PlayStation Vita as well.Krekel lists PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale as his current project, on both PlayStation 3 and Vita. We've inquired with Sony and will update if we hear more -- but as you might expect, this falls firmly in the "rumors and speculation" category.

  • The Last of Us demo offers a first look at Naughty Dog's direction

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Despite being a huge bummer for everyone involved, the end of the world can at least be counted on as a magnanimous source of drama and spectacle. Naughty Dog's latest game, The Last of Us, aims to leverage the studio's sophisticated technology and credible presentation to forge a more intense connection between players and their on-screen avatars. If it succeeds, your actions will stem from the same paranoia, hesitation and fierce bravery coming from Joel and Ellie, two survivors of modern civilization's mysterious closure.

  • Sorcery's first dev diary gets a Move on

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    All right, fine – we're sorry for the pun in the headline. This inaugural developer diary from Sorcery conjurers The Workshop and SCEA covers the game's extensive Move integration, the design processess involved and the satisfying feeling that comes with creating a tornado made of fire.

  • Who we'd like to see in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, a crazy, mashed-up spin on Smash Bros. starring several characters from Sony platforms, was announced last week. We've got six confirmed participants so far: God of War's Kratos, Sly Cooper, Twisted Metal's Sweet Tooth, Killzone 2's Colonel Radec, Parappa the Rapper, and Fat Princess.We can name a few more that we'd love to see appear in the game, and we've gathered them for your consideration just beyond the break.

  • Uncharted lead Lemarchand exits Naughty Dog to become more like Indiana Jones

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Uncharted series lead Richard Lemarchand has apparently had enough with crafting an Indiana Jones-esque protagonist, and is now taking steps toward becoming that hero himself. Speaking with Gamasutra, Lemarchand said he's leaving his current job (of eight years) at Naughty Dog – creators of Crash Bandicoot, Uncharted, and The Last of Us – in order to take on new challenges at the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California."In other words, I'll be surrounded by awesome people, talking craft and philosophy, and building strange new things," Lemarchand said of his new role as professor at the Interactive Media Division at UC. "It seems like a natural transition point," he added. "I was involved with the development of the Uncharted series not quite from the beginning, but almost ... and even though the Uncharted series isn't intended to be viewed as a trilogy, maybe there's something about the number three that felt ... there is a certain amount of completeness for me."But when will the next transition happen, from daring professor to daring professor slash extreme archaeologist? Sooner than we imagined, it seems. Lemarchand's first order of business is a three-month backpacking excursion that'll take him around the globe. After that, he'll begin work on a "series of experiment games," aimed at exploring "procedural narrative," among other things. After that, we're hoping he takes on the Nazis in their own zeppelin.

  • Watch the first God of War: Ascension gameplay right here

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Wondering what that just-announced multiplayer focus will look like in God of War: Ascension? The game's creative lead, Todd Papy, is currently setting up shop with the US PlayStation Blog's Jeff Rubenstein and will be broadcasting footage of the game across the interwebs any minute now.What's that, you wanna ask questions too? Thanks to the power of the internet, you can do just that via Twitter with Sony's synergistic hashtag, "#GodofWarAscension."But don't ask if Kratos is still gonna be super upset in this one. We've got that news for you right here: he totally will be.

  • 'Resistance: The Trilogy' pops up on Amazon France with May 16 launch

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Normally when we report on retail listings outing a game, said retail listing is quickly pulled down to avoid embarrassment. In the case of Resistance: The Trilogy, well, apparently Amazon France isn't too concerned. A listing – one that's still live as of this writing – for just such a game popped up on Amazon France, spotted by UK site CVG.The listing puts a May 16 launch date and a €59.99 ($79.99) price tag on the unannounced bundle, which we're guessing means a May 15 launch here in North America (and a likely $59.99 pricing). You've probably already guessed as much, but the product listing confirms the trilogy as a repackaging of the three Resistance titles already available for the PlayStation 3. With such a revealing product page, we expect to hear something more official from Sony as the day goes on. We've reached out regardless in the meantime.

  • Sony registers domain for 'PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale'

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    Back in November of last year, rumors swirled over Title Fight, which was reportedly an unannounced brawler/fighting game staring characters from various Sony and PlayStation-exclusive franchises, like Heavenly Sword and God of War.The game was said to be in development at SuperBot Entertainment, and that's about all that ever came of it, since the rumor died off almost as quickly as it had flared into life. Now though, new life has been injected into its whimpering husk with the registration of an extremely longwinded URL: http://www.playstationallstarsbattleroyale.comIf we follow the rumor train's logic tracks, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is Title Fight's actual name, and the game is set to be officially announced on Spike TV this Thursday. The URL does belong to "Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC," according to the its whois information, so that much at least has been verified as totes legit. As for whether this thing is what became of Title Fight, however, we'll have to wait and see. One thing's for sure, though: That URL is way too long.

  • Resistance: Burning Skies has a disease for your Vita

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    When Resistance: Burning Skies arrives later this year on the PlayStation Vita, it brings with it a virulent infection. Moreover, said infection passes easily via the Vita's Near functionality, as explained in a recent interview featured on the US PlayStation Blog.

  • New Sorcery trailer uncovers a plot

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    For our next trick, we will make the next two and a half minutes of your day disappear.