

  • Couples Wii Sports leads to other couples activities

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    In the linked video (sadly we cannot embed it), we see a couple finding a different use for the Wiimote in Wii Sports. You could consider the video NSFW due to its suggestive nature, but we're going to link it anyway! In all honesty, the video is quite funny and had us chuckling throughout the majority of it. We have to admit, our passion for Wii Sports equals Eric's as we find ourselves zoning out the outside world while playing.[Thanks Tom!]

  • Handcuffs: the ultimate Wii remote strap

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Sure, Nintendo has introduced thicker, reinforced wrist straps to prevent accidental Wii remote slippage, but even that isn't enough for some people. For those who demand the utmost in Wii remote security, may we suggest the wrought-iron construction that only handcuffs can provide.The idea for this odd mod came from an Austrian forum while the cuffs themselves reportedly came from a sex shop complete with a safety switch in case the keys are misplaced. We can't make any guarantees to the actual strength of such a setup, but we've got to say it looks a lot more secure than that thin piece of fabric holding our remotes in place. Plus the handcuffs have the added bonus of introducing a dash of S&M kinkiness into every Wii play session. Hot![Via LooneyGamers]

  • iPod sex toy maker threatened by Apple over use of silhouettes

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Remember the iBuzz we found over a year ago? The supposed iPod sexy toy accessory that can *ahem* buzz along to your favorite tunes? Turns out they started employing some silhouette marketing to the product, which earned them a threat of legal action from Apple over the use of their darling faceless characters.The iBuzz creators posted details of the threat on their site (warning: NSFW. No nudity, but close enough), noting how strange it is that Apple took over a year to go after them. They also point out the creator of another iPod-related sexy toy, called the gPod, whose inventor is obviously having a problem registering a trademark (for obvious pod-related reasons).Not to worry though - towards the end of their page about the legal action, iBuzz states they are about to launch a new site for the upcoming iBuzz 2.0 (no, really), complete with a shiny new silhouette-less animation anyway. Sounds like people are doing a lot more than rocking out with their iPod these days.[via iLounge]

  • Robotic tadpoles emulate evolution

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    Robot tadpole mating. That's what a team of vertebrate physiologists at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. have been using to investigate the evolution of vertebrae. These little robot tadpoles -- lovingly named "Tadros" -- are modeled after the larvae of sea creatures called "sea squirts": each has an electronic eye, motor, computer brain, and gelatinous tail of varying lengths and stiffness. By racing the Tadros towards a light in 8-foot fish tanks and recording the results, the scientists have been able to carry out a simulated form of evolution by electronically mating each Tadros and producing a next-generation that shares the attributes of its two "parents." Over 10 generations of robot tadpole "relations," the scientists found that the tails became stiffer as the swimming performance improved. Apparently this stiffness accounts for only 40% of the improvements in swimming performance: further investigations will ascertain which factors account for the remaining 60%. Next, the team hopes to add a "hunter" to the tank which the Tadros can avoid using infrared sensors, to mimic the pressure sensitive organs of fish. Evolution emulating robot-tadpoles today, giant killer robot-frogs tomorrow?[Thanks, Rod L.]

  • DealSexDuo: homebrew game for adults

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    This might be one of the hottest tips we've ever received. A French homebrew developer by the name of Cau'x has released a game he calls DealSexDuo. According to his website, "DealSexDuo is a sexual preliminaries game for couple on PSP. Make a deal with your mate and sort out the winner with mini games. Humour, Hot pledges, and sexy ambient are announced. Your PSP turns into the most usefull sextoy's for your night of love."This game requires 2 players (of any gender). If you're over 18 and would like to have a scandalous evening with you, your loved one, and your homebrew-ready PSP, visit CauXPROD. (I haven't played this game, so the braver [and less single] individuals can leave a comment!)[Via DCEmu][Update 1: Changed image, as per reader request.]

  • Tekken girls get real... and naked [Update 1]

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Oh no, PSP Fanboy is using sex to promote its site again! It's true... they say that sex sells, and the people behind Tekken know it. For a Maxim photo shoot, they had some models dress up (or down) as Tekken models. Taking some inspiration from Dead or Alive, the photographers then placed those models under running water. The following video won't disappoint you... unless you're at work and your boss realizes what kind of pevert you are. So, I'm giving this an EXTREMELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK notice. Enjoy![Update 2: New PSP-compatible video and newly hosted video after the cut. Sweet, huh? (Streaming video coming soon. Sorenson isn't working, drats!)]

  • Double Vision

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    It took a little while, but reader Carmine finally got to experience the true potential of the Vision Camera. His wife ran across this chick while playing Uno. "Um...Just add her to my friends list, honey."

  • Safe sex UCONN video game up for bids

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The University of Connecticut has opened up bidding for developers to produce a Safer Sex Video Game. Although there was a mandatory pre-proposal teleconference to begin the process last week, we're talking about academia here, so everything is negotiable. To start, there is a 43-page document to download, which includes all the requirements for the project and qualifications for bidding.Safe sex games are nothing new, especially as educators look for other outlets to communicate sexual education messages in countries with strict sex education policies, like the U.S.'s "abstinence only" programs.The Europeans have taken a far more in-your-face approach to getting out safe sex messages with advertisements -- like the one seen above (minus our puritanical black bars) -- and games like Iffy Stiffy, Scratch My Box and Catch the Sperm.[Additional info from IGDA Sex SIG]

  • Vision Camera: Uno uncensored

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    I picked up a Vision Camera a few days early thanks to the stock first, ask questions later policy at the local Toys R Us. After a weekend spent playing Uno under the watchful gaze of complete strangers (at the expense of this blog I'm afraid), I can report that the camera is a worthy purchase based on that cool watery dashboard effect alone. Webcams have been around forever, but it still feels strange to have to check your boxers for complete scrotal coverage while playing a console. Just pray the guy on the other side does the same. I talked to a couple girl gamers who had already witnessed Uno hands that devolved into a sordid game-within-a-game of "show me yours, I'll show you mine" to the shrieking glee of the zit-faced participants (and presumably, the horror of the ESRB). Wild Cards never had so much economic clout. Expect this type of seedy peep show bartering to take off as the Vision makes its way into more sweaty palms this week. It will probably take a couple months before the novelty of pimping out your girlfriend for color changes wears off, or at least settles to a tolerable level. In the mean time, YouTube should prepare for a flood of poorly lit softcore with the same soundtrack.

  • Heads up: Saints Row luke-warm coffee

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    This proudly immature Saints Row footage should be enough to get Monica Lewinsky excited, if not Hillary Clinton. Warning: Not safe for work, clueless government regulators, or uptight post nannies.[Blame Drew]

  • The PSP Fanboy video sandwich

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    I present to you, late-night PSP Fanboy reader, my Fan-made PSP video sandwich. A video on top and a video on bottom, with some tasty commentary by me in the middle. And, I can guarantee that this sandwich has no trans fat. These videos have been unearthed from the depths of the internet. They would've been posted earlier, but they're not really too funny. They are, however, an interesting testament of the PSP fanboy spirit. The video on top is a great tutorial on the various functions of the PSP, marred only by the constant use of immature sex jokes. I like to be a bit more subtle in my efforts.The video on the bottom successfully recreates the Hackers Versus Sony story from earlier, but now with Star Wars music and Really Awkward And Random Capitalization! Enjoy, and expect some real PSP news in the morning.

  • How to pass a violent games bill the industry won't fight [update 1]

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It's simple: don't address violence. That's what happened in Maryland, where a bill recently passed prohibiting the sale (or display) of obscene games to minors. However, the definition of obscenity is restricted only to sexual content. This follows the trend of films, where you can be as violent as you want and still be on Wal-Mart shelves, while skinemax films are relegated to seedy porn shops. So it goes. As the video game industry more or less abstains from making sexually explicit content, they will not fight the law. Legislators from other states should take the hint and avoid writing sensationalist bills.[update 1: fixed a broken link]

  • Overheard at E3: We're your props

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Booth babe # 1: "We're your props. We'll do anything you want."Booth babe # 2: "Should we get on our knees?"Attendee: "No. For God's sake, where's your self respect?"Actually, I didn't hear that last part.

  • Text sex: the naughty MUD that wasn't

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    In this week's Escapist, MUD legend Richard Bartle takes a look at a project that was never released -- an erotic, text-based massively multiplayer game. According to Bartle, sex via text has the advantage of being completely freeform, allowing anything and everything, and holds a greater appeal for women.An interesting design twist means that the act of intercourse itself was implemented "using a modification of the classic MUD combat system". Instead of getting points yourself, however, you gained points based on your partner's prowess. Sadly, the game was not to be -- the company behind it ran out of money -- but comparing it to today's heavily graphically-oriented sex games, we have to wonder whether 3D is the answer to everything sex-wise.

  • Verizon and Cingular go censor crazy with mobile content

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    You might want to look elsewhere if you were hoping that snazzy new 3G handset of yours with a large screen was going to be conveying any spicy content, or really much of anything some suit might label "controversial." Turns out Verizon and Cingular are really putting the FCC to shame in their clampdown of vulgarities and what not in mobile content. Cingular, for example, has banned the words "lesbian," "condom," "pee pee," (that was getting out of hand, but what about "Wii Wii"?), and all Mature and Adult gaming content. Teen-rated content doesn't even get a free pass, so developers will have to really watch it if they want to be promoted to the largest mobile subscriber base in the country. Verizon is similarly conservative, even though they have taken to some risque advertising methods, featuring the sexy Joanna Dark (pictured at right, censors courtesy of our friends at Joystiq). But they'll have none of it from content providers. Along with the standard sex and vulgarity bans, they don't allow the "glorification or promotion of tobacco, alcohol or drug use," and ban derogatory references to Verizon, Verizon Wireless, or Vodafone. We'd better stop talking about this before we get banned as well.[Via Joystiq]

  • Sex talk: conference agenda released

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    The agenda for the Sex in Videogames conference has been published, and there are some interesting topics up for debate in San Fran this June. From the cultural to the technological, the conference will cover such diverse topics as cybersex, emergent behaviour, technology for realistic simulation and MMOEGs.This will definitely be one to watch; sex is becoming part of gaming as a specialist genre, as well as becoming integrated into our everyday gaming lives with emergent behaviour. As with other media before it, the human interest in sex is likely to fuel some interesting developments in games -- and not just in the field of "jiggle physics".[Via Sex & Games]

  • Virtual prostitutes make real cash

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    Sex sells in Second Life, as it does in real life, and this article by Computer Gaming World delves into the story of prostitution within Linden Labs' virtual world. While Second Life prides itself on being driven by user-created content, including user-driven entertainments at nightclubs and gaming plazas, it's no secret that cybersex is amongst the entertainments on offer for the discerning punter.According to the article, escorts can earn up to L$10,000 a week from a few hours' work -- approximately $30, although the exchange rate fluctuates. It's not something that a brand-new character would be able to pull off, though; an expensive wardrobe of realistic avatar clothing, skins and animations is an asset, as are gender verification and a location in which to practice. The industry supporting the sale of these items, and arrranging escort encounters, seems more profitable than actual on-the-street work.Does this render sex-based MMOs redundant? No; there's room in the market for more than the offerings from Second Life residents. But as the recent suspension of Spend the Night shows, creating an erotic MMOs isn't plain sailing; Second Life's exploration of the genre, with or without endorsement from its creators, is a useful first for any developers that wish to follow.[via /.]

  • Eidos cools coffee, de-nipples Tomb Raider

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    The left half of the above pic is a nipple-licious stripper skin from the European PC version of Tomb Raider: Legend that Xboxic (post not entirely safe from work) speculates might be responsible for possibly delaying the April 11 U.S. release of the game. The right half is the same skin after applying an areola-erasing patch. Eidos denies that the  U.S game has been delayed, but our fellow bloggers have provided pretty solid proof that Legend was indeed smuggling raisins overseas. Is Eidos performing a last minute emergency nipplectomy on the U.S. PC and 360 versions to spare American kids the horror of seeing something  they used to suck on everyday—narrowly avoiding the next Hot Coffee scandal? Will Senator Cankles and her Fundie bedfellows be able to sleep at night knowing they missed an opportunity to further demagogue games as pixelated pornography? Only Lara knows for sure, and she's keeping her shirt on.(I swear this is the last breast-related post for a while.)

  • In defense of Rumble Roses XX

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Is it just me, or does Alex Navarro's joyless video review of Rumble Roses XX (6.6 out of 10) sound like it was delivered with the knowledge that his Mom would be tuning in:It creates the same unseemly vibe as [the previous PS2 game]. The girls in the game are very much objects of affection. They don't have any personality to speak of. They don't say much...They're there to dance for you, to shake their asses, to jiggle their chests in front of you and they've gone so far in this game to let you dress them up in outfits and have them pose in sexy ways and take photos of them and trade them with people online. It's gone to that next level of softcore porn where, you know,adolescent boys, they're gonna love it, but if the whole idea of dressing up polygonal women and having them jiggle their parts in front of you makes you at all uncomfortable, you're gonna hate this game.Oy, next he'll start complaining about the booth babes at E3.If I want to be told that dressing up digital dolls in schoolgirl outfits and forcing them to do jumping jacks is "unseemly,"  there are plenty of sources I can turn to for that sentiment. Like say, every woman on the planet. This review is sort of like listening to your girlfriend whine about the lack of plot in Buttman Goes to Rio. Gameplay issues aside, I think the developers accomplished exactly what they set out to do with RRXX: create a fetish-friendly female wrestling title with great graphics that oozes sex appeal and bizarre Japanese kink. Give them some credit for staying true to that vision.And if somebody tells you you're a perv for getting your sick thrills from a pixelated girl in a leather thong, remind them that staring at John Cena's perfectly rendered nipples as he crotch locks a sweaty Rey Mysterio isn't an improvement—at least if you're straight.

  • Tantalising Spend the Night screenshots

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    Spend the Night is a game that plans to combine MMOs and virtual dating (a mixture that's becoming quite popular). These new gameplay screenshots are among the first we've seen, and help to clarify how the final product will fit into the emerging MMOEG market. The incongruity of typing pleasantries while your avatar engages in some quasi-3D lovin' is interesting--though it may work.[Via Sex & Games]