sidekick 4g


  • T-Mobile retires Sidekick 4G, but brand will return

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    While the fires that burn inside the hearts of Sidekick fans will probably never go out, the venerable Android slider is being put out to graze. T-Mobile announced last week that the Sidekick 4G was to be discontinued, but it's now added that it's not leaving that pervasive brand behind. In a statement to The Verge, the carrier affirmed that there would be future devices, but didn't reveal anything more substantive on new handsets in the pipeline. We'll keep twiddling our QWERTY-addled thumbs until more details arrive.

  • Sidekick 4G review

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    It's been nearly two years since we last reviewed a T-Mobile Sidekick, and it would be a vast understatement to say things have changed. Then, they were designed by Danger and manufactured by Sharp, and were the messaging phone of choice. Today, following fiasco and failure, the Sidekick empire is in ruins. But good ideas and their originators live on, and several of Danger's brightest wound up in Mountain View, California. Danger's Andy Rubin founded Android, design director Mattias Duarte built Honeycomb (after helping craft the Helio Ocean and webOS for Palm) and now, the Sidekick itself has joined its founders in the house that Google built. In many ways, the Sidekick 4G is a return to form, but in an ecosystem filled with similar Android devices, can it stand out from the crowd? %Gallery-122540%

  • T-Mobile G-Slate and Sidekick 4G now on sale, Android overload imminent

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    That delectable G-Slate we just reviewed is today shaking off the cobwebs from its long journey westward and is making itself available for purchase directly through T-Mobile. The price is still a daunting $530 with a two-year contract and there's a suggested retail price of $750, though we're not seeing any option to obtain it that way. Then again, why would you want to, it's a 4G tablet designed to ride T-Mobile's HSPA+ airwaves anyhow. In more budget-conscious news, the Sidekick 4G is also making its retail debut today, at $99 on contract, bringing all the goods of a Galaxy S handset, combined with a QWERTY slider keyboard and a tricked-out Android UI. Hit the links to learn more about both, though don't blame us if you end up doing damage to your bank balance in the process. Update: Fear not, there is indeed a fine-print option to purchase the tablet off-contract if you really want to spend $750. [Thanks, Charlie]

  • T-Mobile G2x now available online for $200, hitting stores April 20th

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    T-Mobile's Android roster is growing in number and sheer benchmarking virility today with the launch of the LG-produced G2x. This handset runs bone stock Android (Froyo today, Gingerbread in the future) atop a dual-core NVIDIA Tegra 2 system-on-chip, and just like its international twin the Optimus 2X, eschews the physical flair and focuses on being the best damn 4-inch smartphone that it can be. It costs $199.99 on a two-year contract and can be bought online today or in stores starting April 20th. Also scheduled for general availability on that date is the QWERTY slider-equipped Sidekick 4G, though that sleepyhead is missing out on any early web availability -- it's probably too busy adjusting its tricked-out Android skin and checking that its magenta accents are all spotless. Links are below, whether you're feeling inquisitive or acquisitive. [Thanks, Matt]

  • T-Mobile G2x priced at $200, coming April 15th online and April 20th in stores (update: Sidekick 4G date)

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    The official word has been spoken with regard the T-Mobile G2X. LG's dual-core, pure Android handset will be hitting T-Mo's online outlet on April 15th for $200, and the same price will also apply in stores when it lands on April 20th. There's a pesky $50 mail-in rebate to negotiate your way around, but after that you're looking at one of the finest and smoothest Android experiences we've laid our hands on yet. [Thanks, Kyle] Update: The Sidekick 4G has also received its date with T-Mobile destiny: April 20th for $100 on contract.

  • RadioShack to get T-Mobile Sidekick 4G on April 20th

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    While T-Mobile's staying coy about the Sidekick 4G's availability, RadioShack went ahead and gave us the final piece of the puzzle: according to one of its latest tweets, said Android phone is heading to the Shack on April 20th. Oh yes, this just so happens to be the rumored date for the G-Slate and G2X as well. Coincidence? Only time will tell, and let's hope that this doesn't end up being an April Fool's joke -- well, at least the Shack would have something to blame if it actually misheard the information over the phone.

  • T-Mobile Sidekick 4G by Samsung priced at $99.99 with a two-year contract, we go hands-on

    Joanna Stern
    Joanna Stern

    Ready for some serious Sidekick 4G news? We thought so. First up, we've finally got the official pricing details from T-Mobile. That's right, come this spring the revived Sidekick will be hitting the likely-to-be-acquired carrier for $99.99 after a $50 mail-in-rebate and two-year contract with unlimited data -- those that opt for the two-year contract but go with a lower-end data plan will have to pay $149.99 for the Android 2.2 handset. Sure, the pricing doesn't sound all that shabby, but how's the actual phone? There was no stopping us from getting our hands all over the first ever touchscreen-equipped Sidekick here at CTIA Wireless -- hit the break for our impressions and a hands-on video. %Gallery-119432%

  • T-Mobile demos new Sidekick opening mechanism, promises mobile hotspot and tethering support

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    So what do you think of the first touchscreen Sidekick? A desperate attempt to keep an archaic brand alive with unrelated hardware or a modern retelling of a successful retail story? Either way, T-Mobile's keeping the popular name alive, albeit with an Android 2.2 foundation and Samsung-built guts. The new slider mechanism, which replaces the popular 180-degree swivel that was the hallmark of Sidekick devices, has now been treated to a neat video demo, where it's assured upwards thrust gives us cause to be cautiously optimistic. Phone Scoop has also received confirmation that Android's built-in mobile hotspot and USB tethering functions will be supported on the new device, along with MicroSD memory expansion -- 1GB of storage on board will be supplemented with a 2GB card in the box -- WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS. Video follows after the break. [Thanks, Brandon and Timothy]

  • T-Mobile Sidekick 4G from Samsung announced, coming 'later this spring'

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Sure, Danger's servers are going away, but the Sidekick brand belongs to T-Mobile -- and that particular component of the teen-friendly smartphone ecosystem pioneer isn't going anywhere. Of course, the carrier's been saying for a couple months now that it'd be relaunching Sidekick on Android, but they're making the device very official today with the unveiling of the Samsung-sourced Sidekick 4G. Though it lacks a swiveling display, T-Mobile is quick to note that the phone's got a "pop-tilt" mechanism that should still be pretty unique in the market -- and this is the first Sidekick with a touchscreen (3.5 inch WVGA, to be exact). The Android 2.2-based unit has a 1GHz Hummingbird processor, 3 megapixel primary cam, and a pretty fierce-looking user interface (dare we say a tad Kin-like?) that comes loaded with a couple Samsung staples -- Samsung Media Hub, notably -- along with Qik video calling, DriveSmart texting-while-driving lockout functionality, and Sidekick Group Text and Cloud Text, which together form some manner of cross-platform messaging tool. Pricing and availability are a little murky at this point, but we can expect it "later this spring" in your choice of black or "pearl magenta." Follow the break for the full press release.

  • T-Mobile Sidekick 4G in the wild, made by Samsung?

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    If these first in-the-wild shots of T-Mobile's upcoming Android-powered Sidekick 4G turn out to be legit -- and we've no reason to doubt them, especially considering TmoNews' track record -- then we'd say the carrier has done a reasonably good job porting the classic Sidekick design and pulling it into the modern age off the strength of a big display... and, of course, a modern operating system. Interestingly, word on the street is that the new model is made by Samsung, not Sharp; historically, Sharp has made all of the Sidekicks with the exception of the forgettable Slide, which was a Motorola one-off. Looks like the swivel display has been replaced by a tilt-slide, but most importantly, the device looks the same when open and closed, which should put a warm, fuzzy feeling in the hearts of old-school Sidekick users. Who's excited?

  • T-Mobile confirms Galaxy S with 4G, Android-based Sidekick 4G are coming (update: pic)

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Whoa, this is kind of out of the blue: on top of the Vibrant 4G that we've already had leaked ad nauseam (though he refers to it as a "Galaxy S 4G"), T-Mobile USA CEO Philipp Humm mentioned at an event this morning that the company is preparing an HSPA+ Sidekick -- yes, a Sidekick -- albeit with Android slotted in place of the defunct Danger Hiptop operating system. For the record, T-Mobile hasn't had any Sidekicks in its lineup since the middle of last year, though it does own the Sidekick brand -- not Danger / Microsoft -- and would undoubtedly love to bring it back to relevance. Coincidentally, Mister Android himself, Andy Rubin, came from Danger -- so the Sidekick's starting to follow him around. Kind of like... you know, a sidekick. Both products are said to be "coming soon." Update: After the break, spot a picture of what the Sidekick might look like, likely courtesy of HTC -- there's no mistaking that QWERTY keyboard layout.