

  • Four Grammy Awards renamed to include 'video games music,' underline its growing importance

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Video games have never had a problem sitting alongside movie DVDs and music CDs (back when such things were distributed physically) in stores, so it's frankly overdue to see them pop up in a mainstream awards show like the Grammys. The US Recording Academy has finally deigned to address video games and their aural landscapes as a separate class of entertainment, and has now amended four of its awards to spell that out. What was formerly known as "Motion, Television, or Other Visual Media" is now reclassified as "Motion, Television, Video Games Music, or Other Visual Media," leading to there now being four awards that explicitly recognize excellence in video game music scores. Guess that was inevitable after Christopher Tin's Baba Yetu won a Grammy this February, ostensibly because of its inclusion as one of the marquee songs on Civilization 4, but in a category entirely unrelated to gaming. Skip past the break to hear it for yourself, along with a couple of other favorites of ours.

  • Full-on electric drum kit shoved within a pair of jeans, subway musicians celebrate (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's a natural progression, really. Way back in the heyday that was 2008, we saw a fully-functional keyboard worked into a pair of jeans. Three years later, those characters have morphed into something far more raucous. The University of Hull's own Aseem Mishra has just nabbed an prized engineering award for his recent musical work -- specifically, for integrating eight sensors into an otherwise ordinary set of trousers. For now, the wearer has to connect their legs into a speaker-filled backpack in order to be heard, but he's working on a wireless version that'll transmit to far larger sound systems. There's also hope that version 2.0 will include more sensors for more sounds, and if a manufacturer decides to start shoving these into your local Hot Topic, we're guessing they'll be available in a rainbow's worth of hues. Vid's below for those who'd fancy having a listen themselves.

  • Lasers let deaf ears pick up what the sonic world is putting down

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Not going to front: we've a soft spot in our heart for focused beams of light. We've seen 'em rid the world of its space junk and set the pace of human hearts, and now, they're taking a leading role in aural advancement. As improbable as it sounds, a research team from the University of Utah led by Richard Rabbitt has found that lasers may be able to give deaf people the ability to hear. Using a low-power infrared diode -- similar to those in laser-pointers tormenting cats the world over -- Professor Rabbitt found that exposing oyster toadfish hair cells (analogous to the cells found in humans' inner ears) to infrared light caused them to release neurotransmitters and activate adjacent neurons. This could lead to laser-based ear implants able to stimulate focused areas of cells with thousands of sound wavelengths, as opposed to today's electrode implants whose electrical current spreads through human tissue and limits the deliverable sonic range. Smaller, more efficient power supplies and light sources are needed before optical hearing aids become a reality, but if these newfangled lasers ever get their act together, we should be able to hear version two (and three) coming down the pike.

  • A day with deadmau5: LEDs, Super Mario, and techno

    Jacob Schulman
    Jacob Schulman

    Deadmau5 (also known as Joel Zimmerman) is one of the largest names in the electronic and house music scene -- and he also happens to be a major tech head. Recently, the Canadian producer added some impressive new gear to his productions, in the form of a massive LED-covered cube and signature mau5head (that's pronounced "mouse-head" in case you couldn't guess). Read along after the break for an exclusive look at exactly what's going on inside the mind of deadmau5 -- both literally and figuratively.

  • Pioneer debuts new Sound Wing HVT speakers, novel tech touted within

    Sam Sheffer
    Sam Sheffer

    There's a ton of gadgetry that goes into speakers, but the notable thing here is that the Pioneer folks have begun using HVT, or Horizontal-Vertical Transforming technology -- but more on that in sec. This beauty is engineered to reduce unwanted vibration and preserve bass caliber while outputting 100W of sound. Featuring a double diaphragm packaged close together, the Sound Wing gives off omnidirectional sound -- that's 360 degrees of noise. And thanks to HVT, the coils within the speaker have been rearranged to reduce the wasted space in traditional speakers -- though for some reason this particular unit still measures a portly 109mm thick. Seeing that the tech Pioneer has implemented here is novel, we're interested to see how this thing will sound in the real world. You'll find the Sound Wing in Japan for ¥41,000 (about $507) come June.

  • US Army to deploy Individual Gunshot Detector, essentially a radar for bullets

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Latest in our series of "when video games turn real," here's the US Army's newest addition to the wargadget arsenal. The Individual Gunshot Detector, produced by QinetiQ, is an acoustic monitor attuned to tracking down the source of gunshots just by their sound. It has four sensors to pick up the noise of incoming fire, and its analysis of those sound waves produces a readout on a small display that lets the soldier know where the deadly projectiles originated from. The entire system weighs just under two pounds, and while it may not be much help in an actual firefight -- there's no way to distinguish between friendly and hostile fire -- we imagine it'll be a pretty handy tool to have if assaulted by well hidden enemies. 13,000 IGD units are being shipped out to Afghanistan later this month, with a view to deploying 1,500 each month going forward and an ultimate ambition of networking their data so that when one soldier's detector picks up a gunfire source, his nearby colleagues can be informed as well.

  • Yamaha VSP-1 ambient noise generator shields your voice, water cooler gossips

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    It isn't hard to picture the scenarios -- banks, hospitals, pharmacies, etc. -- where you need to spill out some private (and probably embarrassing) details in public, but on the other hand, it's no good whispering in a noisy environment. The solution? Yamaha thinks adding more noise is the way forward. Announced earlier this month is the VSP-1 noise generator, which is essentially just a speaker box that masks conversations in your desired direction. With its eight specially tuned ambient noise recordings from the seaside, forest, or river, the VSP-1 managed to mask between 47 percent and 89 percent of the conversations in four Japanese pharmacies, and the customers on the other side of the sound wall even enjoyed the soothing sounds. Alas, Yamaha's little box doesn't come cheap -- you'll have to cough up a hefty ¥105,000 ($1,267) for one when it comes out on April 20th.

  • Super Mario Bros. gets modern sound effects, nostalgia ensues (video)

    Sam Sheffer
    Sam Sheffer

    We can only wonder what'll happen when you reach a certain score -- you know, somewhere above 8000...

  • Nissan Leaf delayed in UK, backup warning signal to blame

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    Surprise of all wonders, the Nissan Leaf has suffered another delay, but this time there's at least an amusing anecdote to quote while you wait. You see, The Northern Echo quotes a Nissan spokeswoman as saying that the Leaf's backup warning signal emits a loud beep, but UK law requires that such sounds be disabled between the hours of 11PM and 6AM. "The audible system on the Leaf did not allow for that to be done, so the beeping sound is being removed entirely before the cars can be driven on roads in this country," Nissan said, which will result in a "slight delay" in shipping the cars from the company's Japanese plant. Amusingly, US law actually requires electric cars to make noise these days.

  • Toshiba's TY-WSD9 wireless waterproof speaker gives Japanese shower singers an upgrade

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    Bath-time belters rejoice, for the folks over at Toshiba have bestowed unto you a 21st century solution to the waterproof radio. Okay, so it's not the first shower-ready speaker we've reported on, and the TY-WSD9 doesn't come with a pale-skinned celebrity endorsement, but it does stream audio from your TV, DVD, iPod, or other sound-emitting device within a 25-meter radius. The system sports two 1.2W speakers, works a transmitter / receiver setup that looks something akin to a baby monitor, and will be available in Japan for about 13,000 yen (or $160) starting this March. So get those pipes ready, cause your wet and wild repertoire just got a whole lot bigger.

  • Hyundai Sonata Hybrid was delayed into 2011... by 'virtual engine sound' system

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Remember how at the end of last year the US legislature decided to make it mandatory for EVs to churn out an audible noise while in motion? It was all in the name of saving pesky pedestrians from getting in the way of your gliding electro-car, but the new law itself has managed to create a bump in the road for at least one company. Hyundai's Sonata Hybrid was all set to launch in late 2010, equipped with a "virtual engine sound" system that the user could toggle on and off, however the government's request that it be kept permanently on required modifications to the vehicle's wiring harnesses, UI software and user manuals, delaying its debut into late January. These tweaks had to be done "amazingly late in the process," according to Hyundai America CEO John Krafcik, but the delay will at least ensure that all of Hyundai's Sonatas will sound the same. Which is something, we guess.

  • Beep-It optical theremin for the masses makes sci-fi sound anybody's game (video)

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    We've seen theremin mod after theremin mod, but those seeking that distinct sci-fi sound without the physical labor or hefty price tag haven't had much of an outlet until now. Meet Beep-It, a $35 analog optical theremin that sports a simple on / off switch, volume control, one quarter-inch jack, and light sensitive resistor to make you the master of that otherworldly sound. According to its creator, Michael Una, the little sonic music maker started off as yet another mod -- a "single-oscillator square wave theremin" in a petri dish -- back in 2008, and underwent a number of incarnations before getting the wood grain treatment you see here. Beep-It is now available at select retailers or direct from the company's website -- then again, we suppose you could hire Bobby McFerrin to do the same thing. Trippy demo after the jump.

  • Abe's Exoddus completed without benefit of sight

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    We've seen incredible feats with feet, but a blind man completing Abe's Exoddus just by sound is pretty inspirational. Terry Garrett, a 23-year-old mechanical engineering student from Colorado Springs, can play the game based only on what he hears -- so, on that note, the sound design team should also take a bow. has a detailed interview with Garrett, who explains how playing Abe's Exoddus by sound is even possible, describing the set number of footsteps Abe has on screen, the trial and error process of finding game elements that don't have audio cues and all the sound design decisions that assist his gameplay. Check out the video after the break where Garrett explains what he sees while playing through his mind's eye.

  • Apple patent features sound-driven commands

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    A new patent by Apple reveals that the company has been working on gesture-based commands determined with audio transducers on the corners of a given surface -- in other words, as your fingers press and tap on a surface (like a keyboard or a computer casing or even the bezel around an iPad), the audio receivers would determine where and how you touched it, driving a user interface. The patent outlines a few different ways this could be done, from listening in to the housing itself or just keeping an electronic ear out for the sounds of touching the surface. It seems like this would all be done via interaction with the surface itself, though we've seen interaction done with ultrasound, where a set of receivers actually determine movement and placement in the air. Apple has also included the apparatus as an add-on to a laptop screen, so they're playing around with it in a few different ways. It's hard to see how you'd do multi-touch with a setup like this, but of course this is just research rather than application. Of course, as we always say on these patents, this is just research at this point, and it's unlikely we'll see this out as an actual product any time soon. In my estimation, it seems like this is something Apple was considering before it went with the capacitive surface on the iPad -- now that Apple has bet big on those components, it's unlikely that touch interfaces would be switched in the middle of a product's life. [via Engadget]

  • Breakfast Topic: What's your favorite piece of music in WoW?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the Aol guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. World of Warcraft is a game with great sound and great sound design. Players might not always notice it, but for those of us who play with the music on, these themes can really set the tone for the game. Ashenvale music never fails to remind me of my first foray into the zone; after Darkshore, which was a bit bleak, my baby druid stepped into Ashenvale and it seemed like all of Azeroth opened up, wide and colorful and filled with swelling orchestral tracks. Though the game world seems much smaller to me now, I still remember that moment whenever I hear the Ashenvale theme. My favorite piece of WoW music, however, has got to be the one in Mulgore. I play mainly Alliance, so I don't go there often, but every time I visit the zone for the Darkmoon Faire or head to Thunder Bluff for some holiday achievement, I'm struck by the beauty and tranquility of the Mulgore music. It really fits the environment, and it never fails to relax me when I fly through. The slow, soft yearning reminds me of the Tauren people and their culture, while the undercurrent of tension hints at the conflict brewing in the world outside that secluded valley. What's your favorite piece of WoW music? Does it remind you of a particular time or a nostalgic feeling, or is it the pure beauty of the composition that you admire? When do you feel the WoW music is at its most epic?

  • radio app goes 'premium' on home and mobile devices, web and desktop streaming remain free

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov
    02.08.2011 has decided to tweak its offering on the app front, where it is now introducing a new subscription requirement for most mobile and home entertainment devices. From here on out, you'll have to pay for the privilege of streaming music through the company's software on devices like the iPhone and Squeezebox, though the blow is nicely cushioned by the news that there won't be any ads to dilute your aural pleasure. Windows Phone 7 won't be subject to the new fee for the remainder of 2011 in the US and UK, while Sonos devices will continue to stream freely until this summer, but eventually it seems like all these apps will cost a little bit of cash to use. And "little" is the operative word here, as is asking for only $3 / €3 / £3 per month. If you really can't stomach the outlay, however, just stream via the web or desktop application... you tightwad. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • New York subway schedule turned into a beautiful, musical visualization (video)

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    HTML5, JavaScript and a tiny pinch of Flash. Those are your ingredients for building one of the neatest, simplest websites we've come across in a long time. Conductor, as its maker Alexander Chen dubs it, is a visualization built on New York's publicly available subway schedule API. It shows the progress of the Big Apple's underground carriers throughout the day and garnishes the experience with a delightful musical trick every time two lines cross. You can see it on video after the break or just hit the source link and experience it for yourself.

  • Soundfreaq's SFQ-01R Sound Platform goes red and black for Valentine's Day

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Remember that SFQ-01 Bluetooth audio system you were swooning over late last year? If you twiddled your thumbs on buying one, here's a shot at redemption: Soundfreaq has just pushed out a limited edition red and black version just in time for Valentine's Day, and outside of the color change, everything else remains the same. It's up for pre-order now at Amazon for a penny under $200, and trust us, your significant other will love it. Even if said SO is... you.

  • Starr Labs AirPower, Missing Link adapters take MIDI into the wild world of wireless

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Ah, MIDI. How we love thee. You're older than dirt itself, but still totally relevant -- something we could only hope to one day be. But now, it's time to make a move. A move to a world where copper wires and insulated cabling aren't necessary. A world where wireless rules. Create Digital Music has a new report out on two of the most prominent options when it comes to wireless MIDI, with the both of 'em distributing bleeps and bloops over totally different airwaves. The Starr Labs AirPower relies on a proprietary 2.4GHz communications protocol, enabling MIDI guitarists to finally get their groove on without worry over cable ejections. 'Course, with a $425 (upgrade) / $250 (MIDI-only) price tag, it's far from being affordable, and that $250 dongle is needed in addition to the $425 adapter for any instrument not made by Starr. The Missing Link relies on traditional WiFi waves, enabling phones and tablets to easily tap into its potential. You'll need to be aware that even the slightest bit of WiFi interference could ruin a live gig, but at just $150 (limited first run), it may be worth the risk. Head on past the break for a live demonstration of the latter, and tap that via for more dirt on the duo. Update: We've been hit up with some information to clarify pricing on the AirPower. Check out the details after the break.

  • Marshall Minor earphones now available, to buy and to own

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    We might have had full specs and a price for the Marshall Minors for a good couple of months already, but in true rock star form, they're only now arriving in stock. As of today, your order for a pair of these premium buds will be met with no delay, meaning that if you want to jump on the Marshall Headphones bandwagon, it's just a matter of clicking a few boxes and dispensing with $59. Keeping up with current trends, Marshall's Minors come with a secure EarClick system that promises they won't fall out once inserted as well as an integrated mic and in-line remote for added functionality. All they need now are a good home and a loving owner.