

  • Star Walk and Solar Walk apps now track the Space X Dragon

    Mel Martin
    Mel Martin

    The two bestselling astronomy apps, Star Walk and Solar Walk for iOS, can now find and track the Space X Dragon, the first commercial vehicle to visit the International Space Station. The Dragon was launched Tuesday. When you search for the spacecraft, you'll see it's current position. As I write this, it's in orbit next to the ISS. Using the augmented-reality feature, you likely can find the Dragon when it is in a good position overhead. I didn't try to find Dragon in the night sky, but it was easy to find on my iPhone. I could use the search command to find by name, or I could look on the last 30-day launches list. It appears centered on the screen in the correct orientation to the ISS and the star background. You also can get some specifics on the Dragon position and a bit of history. Use AirPlay mirroring and an Apple TV, and you can get it on the big screen, great for teachers or sharing with friends. I was interested in how the spacecraft was added so quickly to the app, and the developers told me they were contacted by the Space X people and wanted it added. Space X helped with the math and collaborated with Vito Technologies to get the 3D model correctly displayed. Star Walk is available for US$4.99. Solar Walk is a $2.99. Some screen shots are in the gallery below. %Gallery-156087%

  • Visualized: SpaceX's Dragon is a desolate vision in beige and white

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Even if you squint real hard, you won't find Andie, Max or that rogue robot Jinx stowed away in that inner sanctum above. In fact, there are no humans on board Dragon whatsoever, given that this mission -- the first successful private / federal partnership with NASA -- is strictly cargo-only and a test flight to boot. After suffering several launch delays, Elon Musk's pet project finally achieved lift off this past Tuesday, giving space heads reason to exhale, all the while proving to the world that a new era in interstellar exploration has just begun. En route now to dock with the ISS and deliver its payload, SpaceX's capsule, the interior of which measures 14.4ft (4.4m) by 12ft (3.7m) and is filled with dehydrated astronaut food, clothes, supplies and student science experiments, will spend about one week tethered to that international outpost before crashing into the Pacific on its return trip home. Hit up the source below to gawk at additional shots of this spacecraft's maiden voyage.

  • SpaceX Dragon is ready for launch (update: launched!), view the live stream now

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    After being scrubbed a few days ago, it appears we are just minutes from viewing the launch of SpaceX's Dragon capsule on a Falcon 9 rocket. The plan is to become the first private company to successfully deliver cargo to the space station, as a step towards manned missions and eventually, Mars. Launch time is officially set for 3:44AM ET, and you can view it live via NASA's UStream embedded after the break or on SpaceX's feed at the source link. Assuming all goes well it will be a few more days until we actually see the capsule dock with the ISS, and we'll keep you updated every step of the way. Update: This time the launch took place on schedule, and the Dragon capsule is on its way to space. NASA has a press conference planned for after the launch coverage ends at 5:15AM.

  • Space X's Dragon launch... is go! (update: aborted)

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    We're crossing our fingers and toes so hard we can barely type and walk, since it looks like the oft-delayed Dragon launch will take place tomorrow. SpaceX founder Elon Musk confirmed that the company had passed final launch review with NASA and that everything was set for the Falcon 9 to lift off at 4:15AM ET on May 19th. The lift-off will be broadcast live from the official website and is on course to be the first private spaceflight to dock and deliver essential supplies to the International Space Station. For our part? We wish the craft (and the ground crew) all the best and hope it's a perfect flight -- we wanna stay in a space hotel sooner rather than later. Update (05/19): At around 5:06AM ET, Elon Musk tweeted that the launch had been aborted due to high combustion chamber pressure around Engine 5. It won't be leaving for another couple of days.

  • SpaceX and Bigelow Aerospace drum up support for the space hotel of the future

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    SpaceX and Bigelow Aerospace are teaming up to cross-promote their private aerospace tech. The duo are kicking off a tour in Asia to drum up governmental and business support for the Falcon 9 rocket and BA's BA 330 floating habitat. The latter has 330 cubic meters of space and can support a crew of six for scientific experimentation, or ensuring no-one can ever out-do your bachelor party. More details about the tie up are expected just as soon as Elon Musk's company can get that DragonX to escape the atmosphere.

  • ISS ready for new zero-g experiments, students asked to float ideas

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Those secret space experiments you've been scheming? They may never happen if you try to go it alone. Fortunately, the space science group NCESSE can get you a ride, having started the countdown for its fifth wave of microgravity experiments aboard the International Space Station. US and international students from grade 5 up to university level can submit ideas until September 12th, 2012, with final culling by December 7. The mini-labs -- which can include experiments in seed germination or crystal growth, for example -- are set to be ferried aboard a SpaceX flight in April 2013. Three similar missions have flown nearly 60 student experiments already, with a fourth set as soon as the Falcon 9 craft deigns to go. If you've got a flat-out good idea being prevented by big G, hit the source to see how you could get it fired off to the ISS.

  • This joke isn't funny anymore, SpaceX delays ISS launch... again

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Stop us (oh, oh, oh stop us) if you've heard this one before (you have): SpaceX has announced that it won't be able to make that May 7th launch date. The company hasn't disclosed the cause (the static fire tests seemed to go okay) but spokesperson Kirstin Grantham said that the company is working through the "software assurance process" with NASA. A new launch window hasn't been set, but the company says it'll tell all before the end of tomorrow -- they'd better, since the ISS crew have been waiting for these space-rations since November last year.

  • PSA: Space X streaming test-firing of Falcon 9 at 2:30pm ET / 11:30am PT (update: video)

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Today, SpaceX is test-firing the engines of its Falcon 9 rocket in preparation for that oft-delayed May 7th launch for its Dragon capsule. You'll be able to watch the static-fire test from the comfort of your own desk by pointing a browser at the company website (link below) from 2:30pm ET / 11:30am PT. If successful, then the rocket will lift-off properly in a week's time, with designs on being the first commercial craft used to resupply the International Space Station. Update: For those who missed the live stream, you can check out a replay of today's event just after the break.

  • SpaceX redefines 'fashionably late' as Dragon trip to the ISS is delayed again

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Just a week after NASA signed off on its launch, SpaceX has had to postpone the flight of the Dragon. It's yet another delay to NASA's efforts to supply the International Space Station using private spacecraft and reduce the US's dependence on Soyuz rockets. Taking to Twitter, founder Elon Musk said that the company needed to do more testing on the docking code for the capsule, while spokesperson Kirstin Brost Grantham told that the company needed more time to test and review the hardware. Pending NASA's approval, it'll begin its journey heavenward on the head of a Falcon 9 between May 3rd and May 7th. Given that the original mission was scheduled for November last year, they'll probably need to check the use-by dates on those space rations. Update: Elon Musk has confirmed, via Twitter, that Falcon 9 and Dragon will lift off on May 7th and rendezvous with the ISS. So long as "the company" doesn't detour them to some mysterious rock first.

  • NASA deems SpaceX Dragon worthy of the ISS, locks in April 30th launch date

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    A month ago to the day, SpaceX informed us all that it was aiming to launch its Dragon spacecraft skyward on April 30th, and rendezvous with the ISS a few days later. Now NASA's finally finished its flight readiness review and has given Elon Musk's capsule the green light to hit that launch window. The capsule will hitch a ride on one of the firm's Falcon 9 rockets and will launch from Cape Canaveral just after noon ET -- from there it'll perform a flyby of the station to check its sensors and flight systems before its inaugural docking with the ISS. Wanna watch the magic happen? Live video of the launch starts at 11AM on NASA TV, and night owls can watch the docking itself occur May 3rd at 2AM.

  • SpaceX Dragon will dock with the ISS in May, for realsies this time

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell has announced that the company's Dragon craft has a NASA-approved date to dock with the International Space Station. With the original mission postponed from November last year, it's now penciled in for launch on April 30th, arriving at the ISS's front door on May 3rd, packed to the gills with fresh supplies. If successful, it'll strengthen Elon Musk's case for SpaceX to send a man into space... and beyond.

  • SpaceX test-fires its 'super' rocket engines (video)

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    Spaceflight start-up, SpaceX, has been demonstrating the potency of its SuperDraco rockets, testing at its own facility over in Texas. The rockets will help land its Dragon spacecraft -- as demonstrated in a swish animation last year. They will also power emergency escape functions, something that will, according to founder Elon Musk, make the Dragon "the safest spacecraft in history." It has already made a successful orbital flight and will tote eight engines apparently offering up to 120,000 pounds of thrust to the spaceship. Unfortunately, SpaceX's plan for a February launch was postponed in favor of continued development time, but we're not going complain if the company still fulfills its promise of ferrying people to the ISS. Countdown from ten for ignition right after the break.

  • Paul Allen-backed Stratolaunch Systems promises flexible, low-cost access to space

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    When Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, legendary aerospace designer Burt Rutan and private spaceflight proponent Elon Musk team up on something, folks are bound to pay attention -- especially when they're promising nothing short of a "revolution in space transportation." At the center of that ambitious goal is a new company backed by Allen, Stratolaunch Systems, and a massive new aircraft to be designed and built by Rutan's Scaled Composites. If all goes as planned, it will be the size of two 747s (with a wingspan greater than the length of a football field), and it will be able to carry a 120 foot long rocket built by Musk's SpaceX to an altitude suitable for launch into orbit. Stratolaunch hopes to do that for a "fraction" of the cost of current launches, and it intends to eventually send everything from satellites to manned capsules into space. As you might expect, however, all of that is still in the early stages. According to Spaceflight Now, Stratolaunch currently employs around 100 people (it says it plans a "significant ramp-up"), and complete details on the aircraft itself remain a bit murky (intentionally so, according to Allen). Flight testing is currently slated for the "2015 timeframe," though, with the first launch expected a year later. What's more, while it's not clear how much Allen plans to invest in the project, he has managed to attract some other big names to the project; former NASA Administrator Mike Griffin has joined as a board member, and Gary Wentz, a former chief engineer at NASA, will serve as President and CEO. Head on past the break for a teaser video of what they have planned.

  • Future SpaceX rockets will set you down gently after your long commute (video)

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Elon Musk's space ferries will one day require nothing so prosaic as parachutes to soften their landings. Instead, SpaceX's latest 'Dragon' design will rely totally on rocket boosters for the final leg of its descent. In fact, take that notion and triple it: it's intended that each of the Dragon's three sub-sections will be able to return to earth separately under boost power, making the system 100 percent reusable. Check out the slick animation after the break and then see this for a dose of reality.

  • SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft to dock with the ISS later this fall

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    With the Space Shuttle program now boldly going nowhere, it's up to NASA partners like SpaceX to deliver on the interstellar milestones. Scheduled for a launch on November 30th of this year, the Elon Musk-funded Dragon spacecraft is set to dock for the first time with the International Space Station. The planned cargo delivery is expected to be a watershed moment for the space program, as it will cement the agency's private-public commercial endeavors, heralding the "beginning of a new era in space travel." NASA has already given the company conditional approval to merge its two planned test flights -- COTS Demo 2 and COTS Demo 3 -- into this singular mission, with formal authorization contingent upon the "resolution of any potential risks." If all goes according to plan later this year, get set to embrace a brave new world of galactic travel -- one where Musk ushers us into the stars.

  • SpaceX breaks ground at Vandenberg Air Force Base, continues preparation for 2013 Falcon Heavy launch

    Dante Cesa
    Dante Cesa

    End of the US space shuttle program got you down? It doesn't seem to have phased SpaceX, which is still chipper and chugging right along with plans for its bodacious Falcon Heavy. The company recently broke ground at Complex 4 East at the Vandenberg Air Force Base, which Elon Musk's baby will call home, later next year. With twice the payload-to-orbit capacity of Boeing and Lockheed's Delta IV Heavy, and at a third of the cost, the firm hopes its latest will usher in a new era of affordable $100 million launches. If all goes according to plan, the 22-story behemoth will have its inaugural launch in 2013, making it -- we're told -- the most powerful US rocket since Saturn V hurtled the Apollo spacecraft towards the moon. Budget-friendly, rocket-boostin' PR awaits you after the break.

  • Elon Musk says SpaceX will send a man to space in three years, Mars within the next two decades

    Aaron Souppouris
    Aaron Souppouris

    Elon Musk has never been one to shy from making bold predictions, which is why we're not surprised to hear that he has high hopes for the future of space travel. In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, the SpaceX founder said his company will "probably" put a man in space within the next three years, in the hopes of sending passengers to Mars within the next ten to 20 years. Earlier this month, Musk's company unveiled plans for the "world's most powerful rocket," the Falcon Heavy, just a few weeks before receiving $75 million from NASA to help spur the development of its commercial spaceflight projects. Musk, it seems, is approaching these projects with an almost sacred sense of duty. "A future where humanity is out there exploring stars is an incredibly exciting future, and inspiring," he explained, "and that's what we're trying to help make happen." Head on past the break to see the full interview (space talk begins around the 13:00 mark).

  • NASA awards $270 million to SpaceX and other commercial spaceflight ventures

    Aaron Souppouris
    Aaron Souppouris

    NASA has given its seal of approval (and a lot of money) to SpaceX and three other private companies, as part of its Commercial Crew Development (CCDev2) initiative -- a program designed to spur the development of U.S. commercial spaceflight. The agency awarded a total of $270 million to the four lucky winners, with Boeing receiving $92.3 million to help develop its CST-100 capsule design, and the Sierra Nevada Corporation garnering $80 million, which will go toward its shuttle-like Dream Chaser craft. The smallest prize ($22 million) went to Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin, which is reportedly looking to create a cone-shaped craft capable of carrying crew members into the abyss. And then, of course, there's SpaceX, the proud recipient of a cool $75 million in NASA funds. The California-based company has already successfully launched its Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon capsule, and is currently working on the Falcon Heavy -- a 22-story craft heralded as the "world's most powerful rocket." NASA's extra dough should give a little boost to SpaceX's projects, but the funds are contingent upon improvements in Dragon's crew-carrying capacities, to be carried out over the next year. If all goes well, we may see one of these companies launch an intergalactic 'taxi' service by the middle of the decade. Saddle up!

  • SpaceX reveals plans for world's most powerful rocket, the Falcon Heavy

    Aaron Souppouris
    Aaron Souppouris

    SpaceX promised something big, and it's now delivered. The company today revealed its plans for the Falcon Heavy, which promises to be the "world's most powerful rocket." Just how powerful is that? SpaceX says the 22-story rocket will be able to carry satellites or spacecraft weighing over 53 metric tons (or 117,000 pounds) into low earth orbit, which is nearly twice what the Space Shuttle is able to carry. What's more, this isn't just a far off promise. SpaceX says the rocket will be "ready" sometime next year, and the first test flight is planned for 2013. The rocket's sheer size isn't it's only selling point, though -- it also promises to drastically reduce the cost of sending things into space, with each launch expected to cost "only" $100 million. Head on past the break for a taste of what's in store.

  • SpaceX teases 'something big,' suggests we check back April 5th (video)

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    Okay, okay, so the last time a company teased "something big," they were exaggerating a tad, but this video here comes from SpaceX, maker of giant rockets. So when the only commercial organization that shot a hunk of burning metal into orbit and retreived it back on Earth tells us to look out for something with "five new engines" and "two new rockets" on 11:15AM ET on April 5th, you'd best believe we're going to have our tails firmly pressed into comfy chairs and popcorn at the ready to watch it. Spoiler alert: it's probably the Falcon Heavy. [Thanks, Doug]