Splinter Cell


  • Ubisoft dates its winter titles

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's been said by many people for months now: 2007 looks to be a big year for gamers. It seems like every company is pulling out all the stops and quality games are getting ready to rain from the heavens. Some say that 2007 may be the best year EVAR. True or not, Ubisoft is playing a large role in the 360's holiday season. As proof of that, Eurogamer has unveiled Ubisoft's official release list for this holiday season, including planned release dates for major titles like Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell Conviction. Check out the list after the break.

  • Splinter Cell trailer sneaks onto XBLM

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    In addition to this morning's surprise Project Sylpheed demo, there is also a trailer for Splinter Cell Conviction. The trailer is the same one released at the Ubidays 07 event last month, so there isn't anything new for Splinter Cell fans to see. Also, the video quality is somewhat suspect, despite the video's label of "HD." Still, it's Splinter Cell Conviction on a larger screen, so we'll take what we can get (of course, we wouldn't mind if Ubisoft wanted to release a cleaner version in the future).If Splinter Cell doesn't float your boat, you can also sink your teeth into a trailer for the Xbox 360 version of Rayman: Raving Rabbids. We watched it, and all we can say is DAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

  • Vampire Rain downpours July 3rd

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Well, if you're a little pissy about not getting the demo in your area, at least you won't have to wait long for the retail to be released. Microsoft just sent out a release stating that Vampire Rain will be shipping July 3rd for $59.99. Not only that, but a Fan Site Kit can be downloaded at the www.vampirerain.com. So, does the idea of merging Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Sam Fisher from the Splinter Cell series interest you, or does it run a little dry?

  • Vampire Rain goes gold, hits stores on July 3rd

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Microsoft has announced that the Xbox 360 will soon be assaulted by moist plasma dependents in the form of Vampire Rain, which has gone gold and will commence its unrestrained display of sucking on July 3rd. Developed by Japan's Artoon (you'll see more of their work in Blue Dragon this August), the game has been summarized by internet pundits in much the same way it was originally pitched in a board meeting: Splinter Cell with vampires and, err, somewhat lower production values. Those hoping to judge the game for themselves and play the demo can call on any of their Xbox Live friends who happen to have accounts in Japan, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Mexico, New Zealand or Singapore. The absence of a US demo at this stage seems a little suspicious, if only because international impressions indicate that Vampire Rain falls mainly on the plain side of things. That's not something you want people to know when you dangle a $60 game in front of them, now is it?[Via Microsoft press release]

  • Ubisoft defends Splinter Cell series changes

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    All Ubisoft wants is for Splinter Cell fans to give emo-Fisher a chance. It seems reaction has been quite strong to Sam Fisher's new look and the departure from the light-and-shadow gameplay. 'Cause, you know, Splinter Cell without light and shadow is basically that other famous stealth action game (except you'd need to add a healthy dash of eccentric characters -- really eccentric characters). Speaking with GI.biz, Splinter Cell producer Mathieu Ferland says, "We've been working very closely with the fans from the beginning ... Their first reaction was, 'What's going on? Where's Sam?' And then they discovered these new possibilities, this new mechanic and they said, 'That looks awesome. I want to play it."Ferland goes on to say that if the game doesn't do well that they'll go back to the darkness and shadows that Fisher called home for so many years. It looks like Conviction is trying to do for Splinter Cell what Blood Money did for Hitman, by making the controls less complex and more intuitive. The game is still expected to release later this year and we don't expect Sam Fisher to release a book of poetry before then.

  • Ubisoft: Conviction is a risk, but we believe in it

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Talking with GameIndustry.biz, Splinter Cell Conviction producer Mathieu Ferland talks about the game revealing that he and the Ubisoft team truly believe in the new direction they are taking their stealth based franchise. In Conviction Ubisoft is switching it up by allowing players to play a different Sam Fisher who's running from the law, blending in with crowds in broad daylight, and using distraction techniques to complete missions. This ultimately changes up gameplay and strays a little bit from the proven successful Splinter Cell formula. Ferland says that they've "been working very closely with the fans from the beginning" and thinks that Conviction will be a welcomed changed to the franchise. But Ferland also let it be known that that Ubisoft is not afraid to go back to its old stealth formula if Conviction were to flop. But for now, they're confident.As fans of the Splinter Cell franchise, do you think Conviction is a creative step in the right direction to expand the storyline and freshen up gameplay? Or are you dead set on being a shadows assassin and reject Sam Fisher's new hobo look?

  • Splinter Cell Conviction trailer Bournes it up

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Hot on the heels of a new Assassin's Creed trailer comes this new Splinter Cell Conviction trailer from Ubisoft's Ubidays event. The trailer shows off the new social stealth system that will be employed in Conviction, as well as Sam Fisher's new combat capabilities. We've noted before that Sam Fisher now possesses some kick ass maneuvers akin to those seen in the Bourne films and this trailer confirms it. In fact, the whole atmosphere of the trailer seems to take a page from the modern spy franchise, which isn't a bad thing at all. After all, how many times can you play as a guy in a rubber suit? Check out an extended look at the game after the break. Be warned though, the video is a little dark.

  • Playing easily, shooting happily

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Unlike other "zapper" products like Joytech's Blaster, the Pega pistol doesn't have a cavity for you to dock the Wii's nunchuck. Instead, you connect the nunchuck's cord under the butt of the $15 gun while the remote slides and locks into its top half. We're not sure yet if this is a more cumbersome or convenient implementation, but given our experiences with cheap, third-party accessories from Chinese manufacturers, you can easily guess which side we're leaning towards. If you're wondering why we're even bothering to bring up this lackluster peripheral, it's because we love to scrutinize the packaging of these products! What's up with Splinter Cell graphics? And why is it branded with that same inapplicable Wii Sports logo we saw on Fire Bird's rechargeable controller grip? Does Pega actually expect people to play tennis with this clunky plastic attached?[Via DCEmu]

  • Team works to send Sam Fisher back to high school

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Want to see schoolyard fights end with a lot of broken necks? Well, if you happen to be a student or alumnus of Deer Valley High School in Antioch, California, then you can. Project SC-DV is making the school into the central setting of their version of Splinter Cell, which runs on a heavily modified version of the Unreal Engine for Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Hopefully it won't lead to any arrests. Although you'll be able to sneak into the girl's locker room, you won't encounter any students, or teachers for that matter. According to their site, "Project SC-DV has absolutely NOTHING to do with the environment of a high school, nor does it have any relations to students or staff of the real life Deer Valley High School campus. In no way can you see nor hurt anyone that has anything to do in relation to the campus." Check out their site for more pictures, which look fairly impressive so far. We'd like to see some side by sides to compare them, but as far as amateur projects go, this ain't bad. [Thanks, Einhanderkiller]

  • Ubisoft says: Splinter Cell Conviction couldn't be on PS3?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Someone's cooking up some flamebait, right? Wrong. This is just an interesting, confusing interview with Ubisoft about the newest Splinter Cell (which seems to have turned into a yearly franchise). The game, subtitled Conviction, is headed exclusively to the XBox 360. That's all well and good, but why did they need to talk about the PS3? What did they say, actually? They claimed that since they're an exclusive now, they can work a lot harder on the 360's hardware and pull out some tricks they wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. They said regardless, they wouldn't have been able to do these things even if they were exclusive to the PlayStation 3. Well... maybe, but they did a pretty crappy port of Double Agent, so we're not about to agree. Just because you don't understand the tools available doesn't mean it isn't possible to build a masterpiece. Thoughts?

  • Ubisoft says Conviction can't be done on PS3

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    There's been some more sleuthing (Ha! Legitimately unintentional pun, we swear) on the Finnish magazine that had the Splinter Cell: Conviction screenshot scans from Friday. Apparently the interview has some spiffy details about the enemy AI, Sam Fisher's ability to interact with his environment, and most deliciously, Ubisoft giving the PS3 some flack. First, they say that Conviction being exclusive allows them to accomplish things on the 360 that couldn't be done if the title was multiplatform. They even go so far to say that if the title was a PS3 exclusive, they still would not be able to achieve some of these feats. Ouch ... coming from a well respected developer like Ubisoft, that's gotta hurt.

  • Splinter Cell Conviction scans are purdy

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Revealed earlier this week, scans of the upcoming Splinter Cell Conviction have been uncovered by our friends at Xboxygen. It looks like Sam Fisher has forgone his typical bald-headed, grizzled appearance for that of a shaggy hobo. You can see him above sporting some ratty hair, a full beard, and an oh-so-trendy man-purse. Metrosexual flavor aside, the scans show off some impressive visuals. There are civilians everywhere and the environments are incredibly detailed. Splinter Cell has always had top notch visuals, but these shots are damned impressive. One shot in particular shows off the level of detail, as coffee cups go flying when Sam knocks a police officer into a nearby cafe. There are also some sequential shots of Sam's new Bourne-tastic maneuvers.If the gameplay lives up to the graphics, we could be in for a real (Xbox 360 exclusive) treat. Hit the "read" link to check out the scans.

  • Splinter Cell: Conviction deets revealed

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Hey, remember how Peter Moore said the next Splinter Cell would be Xbox 360 exclusive? Remember how it dropped off the face of the earth after that? Well, Splinter Cell Conviction is back in the news again. Finnish gaming magazine, Pelaaja (Player) reveals new details on the game (translated by Gamers Reports).

  • Splinter Cell conViction featured in Finnish gaming mag

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    See what they've done with the "V"? Clever ... sorta. Finnish gaming mag Pelaaja ("Player") has the scoop on Xbox 360's console-exclusive, Splinter Cell V -- er, Splinter Cell Conviction (the title remains unchanged since it was leaked last September).GamersReports has compiled the first Conviction gameplay details, allegedly translated from the Pelaaja article. Apparently, dear old Sam will be forced out into daylight and, taking a cue from his Ubi-cousin Altaïr, will stick to the crowd instead of the shadows. An internal threat within Third Echelon has supposedly forced Sam to defect from the agency (like, for realz this time) as he attempts to save coworker Anna Grímsdóttir. Two HUD gimmicks will form the backbone of the gameplay: the "hero instinct" gives Sam the ability to track his enemies Predator-style (in infrared); while the "danger meter" acts sorta like Spidey-sense, minus the tingle (then again, Ubisoft could utilize rumble).Close quarters combat is said to be a lot more "Bourne" this time around, as Sam has apparently shaken off his stiffness through yoga (Downward Dog FTW!), in addition to the training he's received from the alien peacekeeper and pesky webslinger. Coupled with an upgraded physics engine that lets Sam use numerous environmental objects (not just soda cans) to his advantage, Fisher oughtta make short work of that "dynamic" AI. No mention of what's in store for multiplayer -- but we sorta have this hunch...

  • Ubisoft viral site hints at new Tom Clancy game

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Nowadays, "viral" is more or less the term used to describe any website that is overly cryptic, edgy or, thanks to an abundance of Flash, somewhat annoying. Enter the recently erected, cryptic, edgy and somewhat annoying Ubisoft website, jsf28555833-80604722.com. Upon visiting the page, you'll be faced with all manner of military gibberish, false newscaster mutterings and a man who appears to be in a permanent state of discomfort. The Tom Clancy logo at the bottom provides the biggest clue, seeming to suggest that marketing for a new terrorist foiling sim is already in stealth swing. Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six are fair targets, but a glance at the infamous (and quite reliable) leaked list of Ubisoft games shows one of the few remaining titles to be Tom Clancy's Firehawk for PS3 and Xbox 360. Further intrepid internet investigation (read: Google search) highlights the website's initial letters "jsf" -- Joint Strike Fighter. Is Tom Clancy taking to the skies?[Via Eurogamer]

  • Viral website features Tom Clancy game

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Ubisoft is uncharacteristically up to some viral marketing antics, hosting some teaser for an unannounced game over at www.rev64.com. The website features the face of a man who winces and grimaces and a news stream heard in the background talking about OPEC and its affect on the US. There's a whole bunch of text flanking the right side of the page with clickable links that either play news clips, make the man's face cringe, or play weird sounds. Again, we're not professionals at figuring this viral stuff out, so we'll leave it up to you guys. But we do know that all of Ubisoft's fingerprints are on the site (that's the easy part) and it also showcases the Tom Clancy logo at the bottom of the page (even though IGN reports it as a Rainbow Six logo ... tisk, tisk). Is it a new Rainbow Six game or maybe it's the next Splinter Cell installment, we just can't tell. We'll just have to wait this one out, unless someone wants to spend hours analyzing the website and report back to us. Please?[Via IGN]

  • Ubisoft opens animation studio

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Ubisoft is rich. Now they're richer, because the Canadian government is giving them money to make CG movies to be consumed by the "general public". While $8 million (about US $6.8 million) may not seem like much... it'll at least help Ubisoft open an animation studio of their very own. Now, whether this studio will make feature-length films is unsure, although a Canadian newspaper quoted the projects as "short films for the general public."So, what sort of short films would you like to see come out of Ubisoft's new studio? Since it is animation, we'd like to steer clear of Splinter Cell or Prince of Persia films -- those ought to be live-action. As some people at GameSpot surmised, a Rayman animated film would be cute. Leave your ideas and thoughts!

  • Splinter Cell 'spy girl' a Double Agent, on PS3 & 360

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Ubisoft has clarified that the Splinter Cell: Double Agent 'spy girl' multiplayer skin will be available for both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game. The skin will be included in the PS3 release (scheduled for March), along with a pair of new multiplayer maps and additional co-op challenges. Xbox 360 players will be able to download the skin through an upcoming Xbox Live Marketplace offer. Ubisoft has yet to confirm the new maps and co-op challenges for Xbox 360, or publicize whether or not the spy girl skin (and any additional content) will be free to download. Given that Microsoft has already invested so much in the franchise, securing a console-exclusive deal for the next Splinter Cell game, our guess is that any new Double Agent content featured in the PS3 version will be eventually offered on Xbox 360 -- for a price. [Via Eurogamer]

  • Splinter Cell Double Agent getting the females

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Fans and community members of the Splinter Cell series have been worried for a while about the upcoming content for Splinter Cell Double Agent. There has been a nasty rumor floating around that only the PS3 version of the game will include female multiplayer skins. Bummer right? But fret not, because that evil rumor has been debunked! On the Ubisoft forums Rhoulette, Ubisoft community manager, confirmed that the new female skins will indeed be available on the Xbox 360 version too. It'll come in the form of downloadable content, but they'll be available none the less. So stop worrying about the female skins and get back to playing, you know, the reason you bought the game.[Thanks, j10jep2]

  • Prince of Persia's Wii Waggle-Tech Demonstrated

    Jared Rea
    Jared Rea

    Ubisoft, intent on continuing their new tradition of shoehorning just about every intellectual property they can muster onto the Wii, has created a video demonstrating Prince of Persia: Rival Swords' use of the Wii controls. In an interview with Ubisoft concerning the project ("intuitive" word count: 2), producer Ben Mattes gushed with excitement, saying "I've spent a lot of time playing [Prince of Persia] games over the last few years, and Rival Swords for the Wii is by far my favorite."The demonstration itself is a montage of in-game clips, accompanied by haunted Wii controllers jiggling about the footage. I suppose we'll just have to wait until the games release in March to get a sense of just how well it plays as waggling the controller in place of the Two Thrones control scheme (the game in which this is based on) doesn't exactly instill us with confidence. Ben seems fairly stoked about it, but Splinter Cell and Far Cry has us a bit more cautious towards Ubisoft's non-original offerings for the Wii.