

  • First Wii commercial from Dancing with the Stars

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    If you're one who enjoys Dancing with the Stars (don't lie, we caught you dancing the moves while watching it) then, during last night's season finale, you saw the first Wii commercial. We've done our usual thing and embedded it into the post, after the break, for your viewing pleasure. [Thanks to everyone that sent this in!]

  • Jump Ultimate Stars website launch

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The Japanese website for Jump Ultimate Stars, the sequel to the greatest fighting game on the DS Jump Superstars, has launched. The website features character bios on all of the fighters, as well as screens showing the in-game mayhem the title promises. The site also shows screens of utilizing Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connect service to battle opponents over the internet, which is one of the most appealing aspects of the first game and sure to be just as appealing in the sequel.

  • Five million stars in new PSP non-game

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Nintendo has learned a valuable lesson from its Touch Generation series of games: people don't want to play games, they want to learn! Sega plans on bringing a new non-game to the PSP called Homestar, which unfortunately has nothing to do with Homestar Runner. It's a planetarium that fits in your pocket, with five million stars, sixteen magnitudes of zoom, and the ability to recreate natural phenomenon like eclipses. You'll be able to read up on the history of certain stellar bodies, and with Fantasy Theater mode, you can learn more about the stars in a voice-narrated guide, similar to space shows at natural history museums.It's coming to Japan on 10/19 and comes with the low, low price of 3280 yen (about $30). Are you going to rush out and pre-order this baby? Because I'm not...[Via IGN]

  • Jump Superstars getting an English makeover

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    If you're unfamiliar with Jump Super Stars!, it can be best summed up as a hodgepodge of anime characters brawling it out in one game. Goku is there, Naruto is there, and so is Yugi. Just about everyone who's bothered to import the title from Japan will hold it as one of, if not the, best games on the DS. Well, those without the desire to try and battle through screens upon screens of Japanese dialogue, there is hope! TranlastionRL seeks to take all that incomprehensible Japanese script and provide a translation into the Queen's English so that the full title can be enjoyed by those of us without the gift of Japanese gab.[Via Siliconera]