storm 2


  • Engadget Rewind 2008: BlackBerry Storm

    Smartphone makers were still reeling from the arrival of Apple's touchscreen-only iPhone when 2008 rolled around. Research in Motion (RIM), a mobile manufacturer best known for its BlackBerry line and QWERTY keyboard prowess, was at the top of its game and primed to jump into this emerging form factor. That year, it launched the BlackBerry Storm smartphone -- a direct rival to Apple's handset. As RIM's premier effort in touchscreen smartphones, it offered an interesting spin on the interface with what it called SurePress. This was a touchscreen you could depress or click; an innovation RIM hoped would bridge the gap between the company's current physical keyboard-accustomed clientele and the next generation of smartphone buyers. The Storm was RIM's attempt to solve the "problems associated with typing on traditional touchscreens" and leverage its longtime experience with clickable keys. While the phone had a sleek and solid build, a vibrant 3.25-inch display and was backed by Verizon's network, that SurePress technology ended up doing more harm than good.

    Jon Turi
  • BlackBerry 9570 is definitely a refreshed Storm2, but is it called the Storm3?

    RIM, come on, guys, you're killing us here! We don't know exactly what the story is yet, but there's a BlackBerry in the wild now with model number 9570 -- and it looks exactly like the existing Storm2, which lines up nicely with BGR's insistence earlier this week that the Storm3 is very much a warmed-over Storm2 with BlackBerry 6 and some minor spec bumps. In terms of strategy, we guess this would line up with the Bold 9780 we've been seeing around the block, which looks almost exactly like a Bold 9700 -- but in terms of customers understanding that this is a new product, it looks like a recipe for disaster. Of course, this might not be known as the Storm3 when (and if) it's released -- they might stick with the Storm2 or call it something like Storm2 Plus or Storm2.5 -- which might make more sense since we still don't know what that other spy shot of a completely different device is. Sure, we have no doubt that a few people would be interested in a refreshed Storm2, but would it be enough to justify the R&D and marketing costs?

    Chris Ziegler
  • Right on time: Verizon phasing out Pre Plus, Storm2, Curve 8530, others?

    Judging from some documents we've received, Big Red is looking to clear out a lot of inventory right about now -- presumably to make room for some upcoming models, some of which we've already heard about through the grapevine. Specifically, the Pre Plus along with the BlackBerry Storm2 and Curve 8530 are apparently marked "Phase Out"; in the case of the Pre Plus, we know Verizon's site has had it marked out of stock for a little while now, while rumors of a Storm3 and Curve 9330 have been floating around for some time. Also on the chopping block are a couple netbooks, a USB modem, and the MiFi, a device we've heard would be replaced with the ZTE-sourced, dual-mode Fivespot in the near future. All makes sense, doesn't it? Follow the break for a second shot. [Thanks, Wildkat]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Verizon's V Cast Apps store is a go, first on BlackBerry Storm2

    Right on cue (sort of), Verizon Wireless' branded V Cast Apps market has finally seen the light of day. We've actually heard about the store since last summer, but it wasn't until the carrier's LTE forum at CTIA that we had a confirmed date. As noted then, the first device to get the portal is the BlackBerry Storm2, with other RIM devices (and hopefully other mobile platforms) in the coming months. It's not taking the place of BlackBerry App World, so now that we've got two coexisting markets on one device, it's time to see just how strong that V Cast branding is... [Thanks, Cameron]

    Ross Miller
  • Skype mobile heading to Verizon smartphones on March 25th

    We knew it was coming, and now we have a concrete date. Starting this Thursday, March 25th, Verizon Wireless customers with one of nine select smartphones (Motorola Droid and Devour, HTC Droid Eris, various BlackBerrys) and data plan will be able to use Skype over the 3G network. As we heard before, Skype-to-Skype calls will not affect your VZW minutes, and now you've got the option to use the app for cheaper international dialing using the mobile app. Full list of compatible devices after the break, a list we're hoping gets expanded in the not-so-distant future.

    Ross Miller
  • How would you change RIM's BlackBerry Storm2?

    It's sort of stunning how many stellar smartphone options Verizon Wireless customers suddenly have, but lest we forget that RIM's hotly-anticipated Storm2 was rockin' the suburbs late last year. For those who sprung, we're curious to know if you're happy with your decision. Do you think RIM adequately addressed the gripes from round one? Is the display responsive enough? Was the addition of WiFi what sealed the deal? Are you annoyed that you didn't hold out for the new Palm lineup? Feel free to get really real in comments below -- we get the impression that Waterloo needs all the feedback it can get when it comes to QWERTY-less mobiles.

    Darren Murph
  • BlackBerry Storm2 hands-on and impressions

    For a company with the most starched, buttoned-up roots of any major wireless manufacturer, RIM's venture out of its enterprise comfort zone to the consumer space went amazingly smoothly thanks to the introduction of the original Pearl, a phone that's still sold in a variety of colors, configurations, and carriers to this day. At some point, though, it became clear that the industry was moving toward touch -- a space RIM had never dabbled in -- and the trend gave birth to the Storm, a product that had obviously been rushed to market with countless software bugs and a dodgy SurePress concept that caused more problems than it solved. With prototypes floating around in the wild mere months after its predecessor's release, RIM's message was loud and clear earlier this year: "we need to fix the Storm, and we need to do it quickly." Ultimately, it's ended up taking the company just about a year to get the Storm2 to market, a product that attempts to tweak Waterloo's touchscreen strategy just enough to undo a few mistakes and send it down the right path. Mission accomplished? Read on. %Gallery-77773%

    Chris Ziegler
  • First Storm 2 ad huffs and puffs for attention (video)

    Given the timing of Storm 2's launch and the Motorola DROID's unveiling, you'd think Verizon had all but abandoned its touchscreen BlackBerry. But lo and behold, we do have a new television spot. "Who says lightning never strikes twice" -- who said it ever struck the first time? Video after the break. [Via Gear Diary]

    Ross Miller
  • Verizon Storm2 on October 28th, BlackBerry OS 5.0 for original Storm out now

    If you have an original Storm purchased through Verizon then first, our condolences. At the risk of rubbing it in (since you're still on contract) we have to tell you that the second generation Storm2 -- the full-screen BlackBerry you should have waited for -- just got an official $179.99 (after $100 mail-in rebate and 2-year contract) October 28th release date as expected. Storm owners can, however, take solace in the BlackBerry OS 5.0 update now available for download that boasts several improvements including those keyboard and general usability enhancements we already knew were coming.

    Thomas Ricker
  • Verizon launching Storm2 on October 28 for $179.99?

    Say you're North America's largest wireless carrier -- how do you go about burying a product you're about to carry that you secretly wish didn't exist? One creative option would be to opt out of announcing it when its manufacturer does, then quietly launch it on the same day that you're announcing the phone you're calling the "must-have device of the year." Tricky, eh? Yeah, sure enough, by all appearances it seems that Verizon doesn't plan on celebrating the arrival of the Storm2 with the same fanfare it gave the Storm, despite the fact that the new device directly addresses the biggest complaints dogging the original model. It's a "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" sort of situation, we suppose. Anyhow, it looks like pricing should come in at $179.99 on contract, though $100 of that comes in the form of a mail-in rebate that you'll get on a prepaid debit card, so you'll actually be laying out close to $300 before taxes when you march into the store on October 28. Hey, look at it this way: at least you can keep refreshing Engadget on your old Storm to learn about the Droid while you're waiting in line for the Storm2, right? [Thanks, anonymous tipster]

    Chris Ziegler
  • BlackBerry Storm 2 appears on Verizon pages

    While we haven't seen iron-clad proof of an October 21 (read: tomorrow) launch date, all signs do point to something imminent. And this next item is due to make all of you Storm 2 chasers positively giddy: yes, Verizon has posted the definitive Flash demo for the handset. So hit the read link to 'ooh' and 'ahh' your way through 360 degrees of spine-tingling render -- just try not to get dizzy. [Thanks, Marc-Anthony]

  • Storm 2 hitting Verizon with 'MiFi capability?'

    We can't confirm this Verizon Infomanager screen at this point, but if true, when the BlackBerry Storm 2 launches on the network, one of the big touted features will be its MiFi capabilities for sharing 3G internet over WiFi. It'd be smart branding move, sure, but MiFi is also the name Novatel uses for its hardware, so either we're talking here about an application of some sort or it's just internal communications short-hand. Also mentioned here is an October 21st launch, although it's been noted by Crackberry that the date's apparently been replaced with TBA. Without a doubt, we can confidently say we'll know for sure in the next, oh, 52 hours or so. [Thanks, Marc-Anthony S.] Read - Intranet snapshot Read - Launch date pulled

    Ross Miller
  • Walt Mossberg leaks the BlackBerry Storm 2

    Well, well, looks like Unkie Walt accidentally programmed his calendar to publish a combined preview of the Motorola CLIQ and the BlackBerry Storm 2 a little earlier than everyone else. Nothing particularly insightful on the CLIQ, but Mossy says RIM's latest is a big improvement over the original Storm -- mostly because of the revamped touchscreen, which provides "faster, smoother typing." Yep, that's pretty much what we were expecting. Walt's also high on the inclusion of WiFi and the portrait-mode keyboard, but ain't nothing gonna make that BlackBerry browser any good, and the big guy says the touch interface still feels tacked to the rapidly-aging BlackBerry OS. So Walt -- now that you've confirmed RIM and Verizon's big holiday launch, what can you tell us about pricing and availability? "Likely to appear in November at around $200," you say? Thanks, buddy. You're always so dependable. Video that we took of a broken Storm 2 prototype in May after the break, tons of pics in the gallery %Gallery-75606%

    Nilay Patel
  • BlackBerry Storm 2 up to something "this week," socially promiscuous in November

    The New York Times has a lengthy piece on RIM's and Verizon's failed attempt to upset the iPhone's dominance with the BlackBerry Storm launch. Interesting, but not as interesting as this little nugget: "This week, Verizon and R.I.M. are trying again with a Storm do-over, the Storm 2." What that means, isn't exactly clear but it would seem to point to an official Storm 2 announcement this week, possibly today. Mike Lazaridis, RIM's co-CEO was also paraphrased as saying that RIM was "about to release" version 5.0 of its BlackBerry software. Meanwhile, RIM's other CEO, Jim Balsillie, boasted of plans to "shake up the market" in November when it opens it private communication network to social network updates and entertainment content from outside sources. A move that could swiftly bring an end to the BlackBerry's "for suits only" reputation, like, totally forever.[Via Phonescoop]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Vodafone announcing Storm 2 this week?

    We're not sure where this intel is coming from exactly, but The Guardian is flatly stating that RIM will be teaming up with Vodafone this week to officially announce the Storm 2, which -- barring unforeseen circumstances, of course -- would make it the first carrier to do so. The phone will apparently be offered starting on a £30 (about $47) plan, though it's not clear whether that'll be hefty enough of a contract to make the phone free upfront. Either way, the bigger question might be whether Vodafone and Verizon are going to consider allowing early original Storm adopters to upgrade their beleaguered devices at a discount; we'd certainly hope so, but nothing's certain with these guys. [Via Electronista]

    Chris Ziegler
  • BlackBerry Storm 2 accessories roll into Best Buy

    Silicone skins for the Storm 2 are starting to find their way into shipments destined to Best Buy stores around the country, another solid signal that RIM's second touchscreen effort is hitting retail sooner rather than later. What we found amusing about this first batch is that the packaging seems conflicted about what to call the thing -- 9550, Storm II (as opposed to Storm2 or Storm 2, interestingly), and even the phone's codename Odin all make appearances front and center. We suppose they're just trying to make it crystal clear what phone the skin's intended for, and with leaks going back a solid year, you've got to cover all your bases. [Thanks, Caffoni]

    Chris Ziegler
  • BlackBerry Storm 2 double feature: Vodafone display and Verizon training video sighted

    We're not saying BlackBerry's Storm successor is due for release just around the corner. We're not saying that, but we have been seeing a number of telltale signs that piezoelectrified touchscreen device is soon for this world. Herein we present the two latest pieces of evidence, a Vodafone display found at Carphone Warehouse and a leaked, very blurry Verizon Wireless training video that contains a scraps of details. It'll launch with BBOS 5.0, unsurprisingly, and come packaged with a 16GB microSD card and 2GB internal storage, a Bing search app, and City ID app. See it for yourself after the break -- excited yet? [Via Berryscoop]

    Ross Miller
  • Motorola Sholes to launch by holidays, along with the BlackBerry Storm 2 and Nokia Booklet 3G

    Well well, it looks like the Android-powered Motorola Sholes will be out on Verizon by the holidays. That's at least the impression we're getting from a bunch of leaked Verizon retailer documents posted up by Boy Genius Report, which also indicate the BlackBerry Storm 2, Curve 2 and LG Chocolate Touch will hit Big Red in time for eggnog, along with an unspecified netbook -- we're guessing this Gateway number. Speaking of netbooks, a similar document from Best Buy Mobile also leaked over the weekend, and it looks like the Nokia Booklet 3G will be exclusive to Best Buy and compatible with AT&T 3G. Oh, and the Pixi is coming, but you already knew that. Here's the real mystery, though: "There are multiple Android launches across multiple carriers, along with some new technology that doesn't exist today." That's certainly open for interpretation, so we leave it to you -- is Best Buy Mobile about to start selling teleporters, or what? Read - Sam's Club and Target Verizon docs Read - Best Buy Mobile docs

    Nilay Patel
  • BlackBerry Storm 2 dummies coming to Best Buy around October 25?

    We've long suspected that the Storm 2 would be bowing in the next couple months, within earshot of the original Storm's one-year anniversary -- and new evidence suggests that even if we can't get an actual device in October, we'll at least be able to make clicking sounds with our mouths as we amble around a non-functional display unit (you laugh, but it's our idea of a good Saturday night). Boy Genius Report has been slipped a Best Buy inventory screen -- a familiar sight in the phone scooping world -- that reports an in-stock date for Storm 2 dummies of October 25. Those dummy units can end up arriving before or after the actual phones, and considering that we've seen other evidence pointing to an October launch, this could be the real deal. Tao envy might be a problem by the time this hits, but we're sure there'll be a few folks willing to give RIM a mulligan on its touchscreen dealings. [Via PhoneArena]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Leaked Verizon docs point to October launch for Storm 2, Motorola Sholes, LG VX8575

    This is all still firmly in the realm of rumors and speculation for the time being, but some purportedly legit internal Verizon documents obtained by are offering a bit more fodder suggesting that the BlackBerry Storm 2 could be launching in October -- or October 14th, specifically. The same documents also point to an October launch for Motorola's Android-based Sholes smartphone, as well as a "mid-October" launch for LG's vx8575 "Chocolate Touch" (which we assume is the same or a variant of the BL40 Chocolate Touch). All in all a pretty big month for Verizon -- assuming everything actually pans out as rumored, of course.

    Donald Melanson