street fighter


  • Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition trailer shows new game modes

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Capcom released a new trailer for Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, allowing us a much less brief look at what Super Street Fighting looks like on a 3DS. The trailer reveals two new features, both of which take advantage of the advanced wireless communication features in the system. "Figure Collection" mode allows players to collect fighter figurines, which engage in automatic battles whenever two 3DSes with Street Fighter data come into contact. The winner in each match wins the opponent's figure. The other feature is more traditional, but also more awesome. If you happen to come across another SSFIV player while you have the game running, you'll be able to jump automatically into a versus battle ... which means you could literally fight someone you met on a street.

  • Street Fighter 4 iPhone adding another new challenger: E. Honda

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    The iOS port of Street Fighter 4 continues to grow its roster, with word from Capcom that fast-handed sumo wrestler Edmond "E." Honda will arrive in-game alongside the previously confirmed Crimson "C." Viper in a free update. Catch Honda in action after the break.

  • Street Fighter High: The Musical, in 2 parts

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Some Street Fighter fans showed their love by purchasing both Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV. Others made an elaborate high school musical.

  • First Mega Man Universe gameplay footage revealed

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    The Mega Man Universe teaser trailer hinted at all sorts of cross-game franchise madness when it debuted earlier this year, and the first gameplay trailers do little more than stoke our curiosity all the more. Three teasers (courtesy of 1UP, GameSpot and IGN) each begin with an introduction from creator Keiji Inafune, and then launch into gameplay footage of this prettied up side-scrolling Mega Man title. Head past the break for all three trailers.

  • New Street Fighter X Tekken screens, Street Fighter producer taunts

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    For most of us, recent tweets from Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono have been good news, because they feature new screenshots of Capcom's Street Fighter X Tekken. All of these screens, depicting the same four characters we've seen in other Street Fighter X Tekken media, curiously seem to show the Tekken characters being beaten up by Ryu and Chun-Li. Ono also tweeted an "invitation" to a GamesCom presentation during which he and Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada will both appear and show off the game. Which brings us to the one person for whom these tweets aren't great news. Ono entreated fans to "gather with me to rid of Harada's annoying beard off his baby face once and for all."%Gallery-99368%

  • Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition vs. Street Fighter IV on iPhone: FIGHT!

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Capcom opened a site for Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, its upcoming 3DS Street Fighter game, featuring several new screenshots. We thought we'd take the opportunity to compare the graphics in this handheld version to the existing Street Fighter IV on iPhone. However, there's not much of a comparison. The iPhone Street Fighter uses pre-rendered 2D sprites based on the console/arcade game's 3D models, for a look reminiscent of Killer Instinct. The 3DS game, on the other hand, appears to use lower-detail versions of the actual 3D models, judging by the dynamic camera angles. That's why you get to see the extreme close-up of Ken's goofy punch face up there. Of course, it's worth noting that these are early screenshots, and the final game may come out looking different. Given the relatively low texture detail, though, this looks like something that could be possible on a handheld system. Compare the two games yourself in our galleries. %Gallery-98483% %Gallery-86253%

  • Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike Online will be a 'downloadable title'

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Capcom producer for all things Street Fighter, Yoshinori Ono, dropped a bomb on all of us this weekend when he revealed Capcom's intent to re-release Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike. We hypothesized that the game would be distributed digitally -- think: the recently re-released Marvel vs. Capcom 2 -- and Capcom confirmed to Eurogamer that the game is indeed a "downloadable title." No specific platforms were mentioned for the upcoming adaptation, though Xbox Live and PSN are likely safe bets right now. We'll keep you posted as we find out more.

  • Capcom making online version of Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    [Fighters Generation] Capcom didn't just announce two Street Fighter games in yesterday's Comic-Con panel -- that would hardly have been worth holding a panel. Producer Yoshinori Ono also announced that the company is working on Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online, an updated re-release of the 1999 arcade/Dreamcast game. It's "not going to come out in the immediate future," Ono told the crowds already daydreaming about online Q matches, "but just let everyone know that Street Fighter 3 is coming back." He didn't have any more details, simply directing suggestions to Capcom-Unity. It seems relatively safe to assume that an online-focused fighting game is being considered at least for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, probably as a digital release like Marvel vs. Capcom 2.

  • Street Fighter X Tekken (and vice versa) revealed at Comic-Con

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    According to Event Hubs, Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono recently dropped a fairly sizable bomb on attendees of the company's "Street Fighter Mania!: SSFIV and Beyond" panel at Comic-Con: Street Fighter X Tekken. The oft-rumored project will be developed by Capcom using the Street Fighter IV engine (only with two-fighter tag team battles), and will feature a number of fighters from Namco's similarly successful fighting franchise, including Kazuya and Nina Williams. But that's not all! Ono also revealed that Namco Bandai would be developing Tekken X Street Fighter, which will be developed in-house at Tekken, and spearheaded by long-time franchise producer Katsuhiro Harada. Both titles will be released for 360 and PS3, though according to a cheeky slide at the end of the presentation, the current release window is "not for a while!" Update: Now with video!

  • X-Play's EVO tournament special airs tonight

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    In case you missed the live, streaming video of the EVO tournament, the special EVO edition of X-Play will be on G4 tonight. Even if you saw every fight, this sounds worthwhile -- it's more than just fighting game footage!

  • This M. Bison statue should give you all the nightmares you need

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We know you've run short of things to place on your nightstand to fill you with mortal terror while you slumber. Might we suggest this 1/4-scale, 19" tall statuette modeled after Street Fighter's ever-grinning antagonist, M. Bison? We guarantee it'll get the job done.

  • There's an official Super Street Fighter IV HDTV now

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    If you were looking for a way to make a $150 arcade stick for Super Street Fighter IV seem like a reasonable and sensible expense, here it is: the Super Street Fighter IV HDTV. Roundtable Concepts is introducing a line of LED televisions featuring Super Street Fighter IV logos and imagery on the casing -- as well as a "Street Fighter image" that will "appear on the screen for 8 seconds when you power it on." This is absolutely the TV for people who love Street Fighter to the exclusion of all else, including money and common sense. The TVs will be available "in the upcoming weeks" in 32", 40", 42", and 46" sizes, for as-yet unannounced prices. The company also produces Marvel-branded TVs, as well as TVs bearing college logos. [Via Technabob]

  • Super Street Fighter IV getting balance fixes along with DLC next month

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    According to Andriasang's translation of a post on Capcom's Japanese blog, the developer is planning to roll out a patch for Super Street Fighter IV on June 15 -- the same day as the release of the game's Tournament Mode DLC -- which will remove a few exploits and address some balancing issues players have discovered since the title's launch. For the full list of (highly technical) changes included in the update, just click past the jump. The patch remedies a few sizable issues, such as the unblockable Ultra exploit -- however, it doesn't return E. Honda's "Thousand-Hand Bitch Slap" maneuver to its original, unbeatable glory. Hopefully that particular fix will come in a later update. [Via 1UP]

  • Street Fighter Legacy is the best three minutes of Street Fighter film ever

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    As promised, the full version of the Street Fighter Legacy short film has been released. You can watch it after the break or click here to see it in resolutions up to 1080p. We're happy to report that Joey Ansah, Owen Trevor and Streetlight Films have figured out the secret formula for making a good Street Fighter movie: make it really short. There's no time for terrible dialogue, shoehorned character cameos or questionable characterization in this three-minute film. There's just time for one beautifully shot fight sequence between Ryu and Ken ... which makes sense for a movie based on a fighting game.

  • New Street Fighter short film fights for your attention

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Bourne Ultimatum actor/stuntman Joey Ansah is trying to do what has only ended in spectacular, hilarious failure before: make a Street Fighter movie. Street Fighter Legacy, a short film co-written, co-directed and choreographed by Ansah, is an attempt to treat Capcom's fighting franchise the right way, with an emphasis on a grown-up story and faithful visuals. Apparently, the project is promising enough to receive Capcom's "blessing," according to Ansah. A few poster images and two (very) brief teaser trailers, which you can see after the break, reveal just how faithful Street Fighter Legacy's look is. Ken's eyebrows are accurate, we'll say that much. [Via PlaySwitch; thanks, Nathan!]

  • Capcom ships 1 million Super Street Fighter IV copies for initial retail run

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Clearly anticipating a hit in its updated fighter, Capcom has sent out one million copies of Super Street Fighter IV to retailers around the world in the first shipment of the game. The budget-priced title was released in North America and Japan earlier this week and is in stores today in Europe. The next step? Sell all these copies. Capcom has put all-time shipments of Street Fighter console games at more than 28 million units worldwide, as of March 31, 2010 (so not counting the initial SSFIV shipment). The publisher did not clarify how many of those copies were upgraded re-releases of Street Fighter games.

  • Street Fighter champion Daigo Umehara joins up with Mad Catz

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    After completely rebuilding its image with the well-received Street Fighter IV FightSticks, and securing the rights to produce the official controllers for future Rock Band games, Mad Catz is set to further position itself as a high-end controller company through a very targeted celebrity endorsement. Daigo "The Beast" Umehara, last seen battling US champ Justin Wong at Capcom's Fight Club, is considered one of the best Street Fighter players in the world. He'll now use and promote Mad Catz's arcade sticks at tournaments. That's great for him and all, but the partnership benefits us as well: in addition to acting as a pitchman, Umehara will offer his considerable expertise to Mad Catz during the design process on future joysticks. Usually, we'd roll our eyes at a "pro gamer" attaching his name to peripherals, but there's a promise of really nice arcade sticks here! Source [PDF]: Mad Catz Announces Champion Gamer 'Daigo "The Beast" Umehara' Joins Team Mad Catz

  • Exclusive: Polaroids from Capcom Fight Club

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    "I'll poke out your eyes," Cammy sneered menacingly. Last Friday, Capcom partnered with i am 8-bit to bring Capcom Fight Club to Los Angeles to support this week's launch of Super Street Fighter IV, and we'll never stop being amazed by the number of people who enjoy dressing up in costume for video game launches. Our amazement usually reaches a fever pitch when there's an eerily accurate Dhalsim in the mix. We're surprised The CW hasn't snapped up the rights for this game to bring us Street Fighter: The High School Years. Unfortunately – and because people don't universally adhere to the number one rule laid down at PAX – i am 8-bit had a ton of equipment stolen ... including all of their footage from the event. But what did survive was their old school Polaroid camera, and this stack of portraits. Check out the exclusive images in the gallery below while trying to contain your excitement over the wonders of spandex.%Gallery-91908%

  • Review: Super Street Fighter IV

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    For a series so commonly derided for issuing update after constant update in its prime, the initial release of Street Fighter IV doesn't get enough credit for getting it right the first time – mostly, anyway. After nearly a decade without a direct Street Fighter sequel, Capcom not only delivered what is arguably one of the most finely tuned fighting games of all time, but it single-handedly ushered forth a new era of competitive gaming, amassing a loyal army of fighting fanatics unlike anything seen since the arcade boom of the early '90s. As the joke goes, with success comes superfluous adjectives and Capcom is never one to disappoint in this regard. A year later the developers have cranked out an update, Super Street Fighter IV, and naturally, skepticism fills the air as it appears as though the new dog has learned an old, money-hungry trick. That's the superficial response at least, because when you take a deeper look at what the new package offers, you'll find a well-oiled fighting machine that's more than worth the budget fee -- and I'm not just talking about Hakan. %Gallery-88683%

  • Super Street Fighter IV 'Fight Club' event had its highs and lows

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Capcom's recent promotional get-together for its upcoming renovated fighting game, Super Street Fighter IV, was chock-full of exciting moments for die-hard fans of the series. The pinnacle moment of the "Fight Club" event was, undoubtedly, the final showdown between Street Fighter legends Daigo Umehara and Justin Wong, the entirety of which was captured on video. You don't have to know much about the franchise to appreciate the epicness of this match-up, or to recognize how impossibly radical the final round is. Unfortunately, one bad apple in the crowd had to try and ruin the whole thing. Jon Gibson, founder of i am 8-bit Productions, is asking for help with locating a ton of video equipment (and documentary footage shot on said equipment) which was stolen during the event. If you have any information about the equipment's whereabouts, he's offering a cash reward -- but we know you guys don't care about that. You care about helping out your fellow man, right?