street fighter


  • Super Street Fighter IV online lobby system, Avatar items detailed

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Download in HD from Big DownloadCapcom's been pretty vocal about the changes made to Super Street Fighter IV compared to last year's edition. We've seen a plethora of new characters, read about tweaks to existing characters and have been given a small taste of what's to come from the revamped online system. In the case of that last item, the above video goes into a lot more detail than we've been privy to before -- including Tournament mode, a free DLC extra that will let players throw down "with the top players from around the world" on June 15, 2010. In addition, Xbox Live users will be able to dress up their Avatars in slick Street Fighter outfits. Doing so in the privacy of your own dashboard is just one of the acceptable ways in which to show your love for Chun-Li's kick-ass clothing. %Gallery-91174%

  • Street Fighter for iPhone adding new character for free

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our friends over at Joystiq have uncovered some video of a brand new character coming to the Street Fighter for iPhone game from Capcom. Camy is going to bring her camouflaged legs to the fighting game, and she's coming for free -- Capcom is going to include the character in a soon-to-be-released update to the game. Obviously a free character is great and all, but this seems weird. We assume that the character's coming in a free update, and since Capcom is announcing it, it's probably a safe assumption that it's up for Apple's approval. We were told in an interview earlier this year that the game just didn't have enough "memory" for more characters. Maybe Capcom has fixed some performance issues and found a way to get another character in there -- or maybe the original translation we got wasn't quite right. At any rate, say hi to Camy -- if you own the game, she'll be on your iPhone soon.

  • Street Fighter community helping gamer who lost home to fire

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    There's legitimately no story we like writing more than a group of gamers banding together to help one of their own. When Street Fighter community stalwart Chris Hu's family lost pretty much everything in a fire, fighting game community Shoryuken didn't hesitate to step in, launching a fundraising drive to help the beleaguered brawler. Our thoughts go out to Hu and family, and we're sure you feel the same way, but if you'd like to tape some cash to those positive vibes, it'd doubtless be appreciated. You'll find the donation link right here. [Via Kotaku]

  • Capcom: Super Street Fighter IV will be the last Street Fighter IV

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    If your overactive imagination is already calling up fantasies of the next, next iteration of Street Fighter IV, you should reign that in right now. Producer Yoshinori Ono told Official Xbox Magazine (via CVG) he's "aware of the mistakes Capcom has made in the past" in relation to the numerous special editions past Street Fighter installments have received. He added, "Super Street Fighter IV should be the distinctive end" of the franchise's fourth chapter. Capcom's not abandoning the title, though -- Ono said the company could ostensibly "upload a patch for Super Street Fighter IV 2011 edition that would have tuning and balancing." But as far as ever seeing Hyper Ultra Super Street Fighter 4: Turbo Tournament Edition EX: The New Challengers hit store shelves, Ono claims that "as a packaged product, I think this is the last."

  • Revived EGM's first issue has Street Fighter covered

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    It ended with Ryu and Ken, and now it's starting anew with the same pair of World Warriors. The two covers of the first issue of the new EGM relaunch have been revealed. Each variant depicts either Ryu or Ken as seen in the upcoming Super Street Fighter IV. (The last, unpublished issue of Ziff Davis's EGM featured Street Fighter IV on the cover, as well.) Perhaps it's a coincidence, due to the timing of the release of Super Street Fighter IV later this month, but the new covers could certainly be a nod to the magazine's former incarnation. Of course, it's not like Street Fighter covers are unusual for EGM. In addition to those historically relevant images of Ryu and Ken, the covers reveal the contents of the issue, including a large feature about the history and future of fighting games, an in-depth examination of Super Street Fighter IV and a discussion of new retro-style games.

  • Super Street Fighter IV character rebalancing detailed

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Ever been playing vanilla Street Fighter IV and thought to yourself, "Man, this Guile character sure could be more Guile-like!"? Really? Wow, Capcom must be reading your mind! In Super Street Fighter IV, the developer claims to have taken Guile and made him, uh, himself again. According to Capcom-Unity, beyond the tweaks to Guile, "Vega got helpful buffs, Dhalsim does more damage (!), M. Bison's psycho crusher has become a scary move again, and Sagat can still be a beast even without making you feel like you got robbed when he beats you." Well then! Additionally, in a future dev blog update, Capcom has promised to reveal details about the tweaks to El Fuerte, C.Viper, Abel, Rufus, Seth, Akuma, and Gouken. So, will Gouken be even more Gouken-like? The suspense is killing us!

  • Super Street Fighter IV getting an arcade release in Japan

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Event Hubs reports that a recent Japanese Street Fighter IV tournament ended with an announcement about the upcoming, Super iteration of the game. Once the titles had been distributed to the winning 3-person team, producer Yoshinori Ono announced SSFIV would be making its way to arcades. If you don't believe us, you can check out a video of Ono's big news here. The only indication of whether Super cabinets will come stateside comes in the form of a Tweet from Arcade Infinity, who expects the game to arrive "July/August." We've contacted Capcom for more official details, though we'll probably have to wait until it's not Easter Sunday before we hear back from them. [Via VG247]

  • April Fools: Virtua Fighter parodies Street Fighter/Tekken

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Have you ever pondered what it would be like to blend Sega's super technical Virtua Fighter series with Street Fighter or Tekken? Well, ponder no more, as Sega has provided us with an answer. The end result would look something like the video embedded after the break, in which the company unveils the super fictional fighter, Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown. The simple, precise combos of the series have gone out the window, replaced with massive damage, fireballs and even Ultra Combo finishers. Alas, as fun (blasphemous?) as it looks, it's only an April Fools' joke (for now). Which reminds us: You're going to see a lot of April Fools' jokes in the next 24 to 48 hours. We'll do our best to catalogue them here on Joystiq. [Via @jaredr]

  • Capcom and Udon creating Street Fighter encyclopedia

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    click for full size Put down that Street Fighter-themed pen, pick up your Street Fighter-themed mouse, and get on with the Amazon pre-ordering, as Capcom and Udon have just revealed details on the upcoming "Street Fighter: World Warrior Encyclopedia." Rather than hitting the internet for reference points during your hours of painstaking fanfic writing, you'll soon be able crossreference the 136-page strong paperback for the decently low entry fee of $10. Since the book won't be dragon-kicking its way into retailers (or mailboxes) until this June, all we've got to abate your thirst for knowledge immediately is Udon artists Alvin Lee, Jo Chen, Arnold Tsang, Jeffrey Cruz, Joe Ng, Gonzalo Ordonez, Omar Dogan, "and more," will be working on the book. Oh, also, if you ever wanted to know where Ryu got that sweet headband, it's totally in there.

  • Hands-on: Super Street Fighter IV

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    As much as I enjoyed the original Street Fighter IV, as was apparent in our Joystiq review, I quickly moved on from the game. The breakup wasn't caused by boredom or waning adoration but frustration. It was me -- eventually, I found that the online competition far surpassed my skill set. I love me some Street Fighter, but I've never been especially good at it. My time with the Super Street Fighter IV preview build has only served to solidify the truth: I need to step up my game because Capcom looks to prove -- yet again -- that Street Fighter is the premiere fighting game franchise. %Gallery-88683%

  • Capcom taking pre-orders on exclusive 'Dojo Edition' of SSFIV

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    So, what would you imagine to be included in a special edition version of Capcom's upcoming pseudo-expansion pack, Super Street Fighter IV? Perhaps a FightStick emblazoned with the personas of the game's new characters? That's a pretty good guess, but the correct answer was, of course, a USB flash drive, a gym bag, a head band, a Dudley T-shirt and an aluminum water bottle. Sorry! You were so close. Capcom recently began taking pre-orders on the "Dojo Edition" of SSFIV, which retails for a crisp $79.99. Yes, that's double the price of the standalone game -- however, the standalone game won't make you the envy of all the folks at your local workout center. We think that notoriety would be worth the extra cash.

  • Rumor: Super Street Fighter IV cast getting new costumes

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    [Image source: Shoryuken] Based on some leaked shots of a supposed Super Street Fighter IV theme coming to the Xbox 360 (spotted by Shoryuken), Capcom's cast of brawlers are getting some fresh threads. In the case of Dee Jay above, it looks like he's getting a time machine back to the early '90s when those pants were still cool. But, we digress. These costumes look all well and good, but what about newcomer Hakan? How do you clothe a man perpetually covered in baby oil? [Via Kotaku]

  • GDC 2010: Interview with Street Fighter IV producer Takeshi Tazuka

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We stopped by the Capcom Fight Club party here at GDC 2010 last night, and in addition to playing the new game, we also got to talk to producer Takeshi Tazuka. Actually, we got to talk to his translator -- Tazuka only speaks Japanese, and I only speak English, so the interview was done with a middleman in between. But even with the language barrier, we did get some good chat in about the new game, Capcom's future plans for the iPhone, and what Tazuka thinks about making a game like this for the iPad. Read on for more.

  • Video: The elusive iPhone Shoryuken

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The jury is still out on Street Fighter IV for iPhone, but let it be known: You probably won't pull off a Shoryuken -- the "Rising Dragon Fist" -- on your first try. Or the second. Or the third. We learned this very quickly when trying out the game at Capcom's Fight Club event during GDC. Granted, there is a simplified input configuration -- which we discovered after this video was shot -- but longtime Street Fighter fans could get a tad miffed by all the whiffs. Should you make the $10 investment for SFIV, on your phone, you'll probably want to spend some time in the game's expansive "Dojo" training mode before hitting the world circuit.

  • Street Fighter IV available on iPhone tonight

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Finally, your morbid curiosity about what it would be like to play Street Fighter on an iPhone can be satiated. At a Capcom Fight Club event, Capcom launched Street Fighter IV for iPhone as fans watched -- which made for probably the most exciting iPhone game launch of all time. It's not showing up on the App Store just yet -- Capcom said it may take a couple of hours for the Apple servers to catch up -- but sometime tonight, you'll be able to swipe, swipe, swipe until you finally pull off a Hadouken.

  • Tekken bound for the iPhone

    Megan Lavey-Heaton
    Megan Lavey-Heaton

    Namco is bringing the popular Tekken franchise to the iPhone. It's not confirmed whether it's a port of the original game -- released back in 1994 in arcades, then on the PlayStation -- or the current Tekken 6. This comes a few weeks after Capcom announced the release of Street Fighter IV for the iPhone, leading to an eventual fighter game showdown in the App Store. While both games on the iPhone is pretty awesome, I'm waiting to see how they will look and play on the iPad. I also wouldn't mind seeing even more Namco titles on the iPhone - especially selections from the Tales RPG franchise. Namco has a number of games in the store, including classics like Galaga, which was "remixed" for the iPhone, Burger Time Deluxe, which graced arcades way back in 1982! Here's hoping for old-school Tekken. [Via Gizmodo]

  • New Street Fighter IV iPhone media arrives on US shores

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Though we all got a first eyes-on with Street Fighter IV's iPhone appearance not too long ago via an exclusive early look from GamePro, Capcom just officially released the first video of the game as well as a smattering of new screenshots (all 32 of which have been conveniently compiled by Andriasang). And while the trailer seen above features the same two fighters (Ken and Ryu) that the last video did, we certainly don't mind getting another chance to marvel at the uncanny vision of Street Fighter IV being played competitively on iPhones; it's quite like being drunk in North Korea -- something just doesn't feel right. The trailer also gives a "Coming March 2010" at the end, so it would seem that we don't have too much longer before we'll be able to marvel at the game from the comfort of our own phones. %Gallery-86253%

  • iPhone Street Fighter IV has eight characters, will cost $10

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    GamePro has dropped some details on the iPhone version of Street Fighter IV, which is due out in March. The site has word that Capcom will sell the game for $9.99 on Apple's App Store, and that it will feature a total of eight characters: Ryu, Ken, Guile, Blanka, Chun-Li, Dhalsim, M. Bison and Abel. While it hasn't shared any gameplay impressions yet, it did post a video, which you can see after the break. Surprisingly, the game looks just like Street Fighter IV, with the ultra moves, same colorful art style and other graphical touches from the bigger console versions. We're still not sure about playing with the touchscreen "buttons," though -- while they aren't in the way as much as we thought from the original screenshots (most of the fighting takes place in the middle of the screen), not having that tactile feedback could be a problem. Still, the game looks good. No exact release date yet, but like all those people hanging out in the backgrounds of these fights, we'll be watching. %Gallery-86253%

  • Learn the history of Street Fighter in upcoming book

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Street Fighter is one of the most popular (and populous) game series of all time. If you'd like to know more about the long history of the series -- which is surprisingly complex for a game about two guys punching each other in the face until one falls over -- Chronicle Books and author Chris Carle have just the thing for you. Street Fighter: The Complete History, out March 17, features the history of the fighting series told through interviews with the developers responsible for it, as well as an exploration of the insane fan culture that has popped up around the series. However, if looking at all those words sounds too tiresome, it also comes loaded with "more than 200 pieces of artwork." And unlike playing the game, you'll be able to enjoy this for as long as you want, without some dude ending your reading session in ten seconds with an unblockable combo.

  • Official introduction: Street Fighter's 'new' challengers

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Finally, after being announced by the latest issue of Famitsu and then a leaked trailer, Capcom has re-reconfirmed the addition of Street Fighter III: Third Strike's Ibuki, Makoto and Dudley to the roster of Super Street Fighter IV. Along with the announcement, Capcom dropped a few pieces of concept art and screenshots featuring the new brawlers, posted in the gallery below. The developer also released two gameplay clips -- one featuring Dudley, which we've posted above, and one featuring Makoto and Ibuki, which we've posted after the jump. Feel free to check them out, if you'd like -- however, we all know that these characters' existence is meaningless. We're just going to keep playing Rufus, because he's the best character in any game, ever. Just look at him jump! How does he jump like that? %Gallery-86030%