

  • World of Tanks' 8.5 patch expands armor roster, adds premium features for free players

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    World of Tanks' 8.5 update is here, and it's brought a bunch of updates with it. Chief among them are expanded tank rosters for both Germany and the USSR as well as the introduction of premium feature options for free players. Previously, premium consumables were only purchasable with gold, the in-game currency purchased with real-world money," Wargaming.net's press release explains. "In addition, all players, both paying and non-paying, will be able to create 3-member platoons and companies." Finally, the patch features the new Pearl River battle arena and visual revamps to Siegfried Line, South Coast, and Malinovka. The 8.5 patch releases on April 24th in Europe and April 25th in the U.S. You can view the 8.5 teaser video after the break. [Source: Wargaming.net press release]

  • World of Tanks' account security compromised

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    If you have a World of Tanks account, you will want to change your password. Developers report that "some personal information may have been compromised due to a security incident." Time to change the locks on your tanks, folks. Thankfully, you gain more than just personal peace of mind by taking the time to change your account security information. Wargaming.net is rewarding each customer with 300 gold when his or her password is successfully updated. Changing your password is simple: Just log into your account management page and fill in the appropriate blanks. Wargaming suggests that your new password consist of capital letters, lowercase letters, and numbers. The devs also say that the longer your password is, the better your protection becomes. This a very important tip considering your Wargaming ID carries across all current and future Wargaming.net games, like the upcoming World of Warplanes.

  • Celebrate World of Tanks' second anniversary with livestream event, prizes, and discounts

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Today marks the second anniversary of World of Tanks in the US, and Wargaming is inviting players to join the festivities. To celebrate, the studio is hosting a 12-hour livestreaming marathon from 10:00 a.m. EDT through 10:00 p.m. EDT today, April 12th. Throughout the livestream, various prizes will be awarded to viewers, from WoT apparel to GUNNER eye-wear to assorted Logitech, NVIDIA, and Mad Catz gaming paraphernalia. Check out the official stream schedule for a look at what's happening which hour. The birthday bash also includes an extravaganza of special deals. Throughout the weekend, players will enjoy 50% discounts, five times the XP earned on every first victory of the day in each vehicle, and various credit increases. But those who want to take advantage of these anniversary deals will need to be quick -- they end at 7:00 a.m. EDT on April 15th. [Source: Wargaming press release]

  • World of Tanks vs. Project Tank: Is there IP infringement?

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Browser-based Project Tank from Gamebox is under fire this week from the makers of World of Tanks for alleged copyright infringement. Beginning with a report to Facebook regarding the Project Tank FB page (which is where the game is playable), Wargaming is also looking to shut down the game itself, citing intellectual property violations. Gamebox is currently looking to reinstate its Facebook page while fighting the accusations. In an official statement released by Gamebox, the studio claims that, while they are fans of World of Tanks, no ill intention is there. "We sincerely hope Wargaming not to continuously consider us as a 'threat' to its user group, since PT and WOT are different in many ways and don't compete with each other at any platform," the statement says. We've included gameplay videos from both games just after the cut below so you can judge for yourself if you think this IP dispute is warranted or not. [Source: Gamebox press release and several tipsters]

  • World of Tanks 8.5 adds new stuff, offers premium features to free players

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Not surprisingly, updates in World of Tanks usually feature a tank or two to bolster the already impressive roster of available war machines. With new Soviet and German vehicles, update 8.5 is no different. The unexpected, however, comes in the form of changes to premium services: As of 8.5, non-paying players will be able to access some of the premium features previously only available to those who paid. In addition to three new Soviet light tanks (the small-sized T-60, T-70 and the T-80), a new line of German medium tanks (headed by Tier X Leopard 1), and a fast-firing American SPG joining the battlefield, free players will be able to create three-member platoons and companies as well as purchase all premium consumables with silver credits. On top of these changes, players will also see revamped visuals for the Siegfried Line, South Coast and Malinovka maps as well as a brand new map called Pear River. [Source: Wargaming.net press release]

  • World of Tanks Blitz mobile game to 'rival anything on a console'

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Want to play World of Tanks on your tablet? You'll soon be able to do something similar thanks to World of Tanks Blitz, an Android and iOS title announced today by Wargaming.net. The game will feature 7-on-7 PvP matches "inspired by" World of Tanks, and it will allow players to lead American, Russian, and German tanks into battle. "With World of Tanks Blitz we're doing our best to give players a gaming experience that would rival anything they could find on a console," says Wargaming.net CEO Victor Kislyi via press release. "We've always been committed to bringing World of Tanks to new platforms and we're excited to give players a chance to experience the game in a whole new way." The firm has yet to announce a release date.

  • Pro Tip: Damage meters don't tell the whole story

    Megan O'Neill
    Megan O'Neill

    Some people /ignore others in random raids or dungeons for language or bad play. I add to my instant /ignore list those who spam the meters in raid chat. Anyone who cares about whose bar is the longest is already measuring on their own screen. Not only is the reporter almost always on the top (and conveniently never reports when s/he is below), but displaying the damage done for a fight to the same raid who's on the meter is just pure epeen spill. Asking for a damage meter is just laziness (or, in rare cases, a really crappy computer paired with a log-intensive fight). Let's not forget that problem of boiling a player down to a single number. All three roles of the holy triad have a complex set of abilities for every encounter.

  • World of Tanks sets world record for most players concurrently online on a single server


    Wargaming has made its mark in gaming history. World of Tanks has staked out a place as the Guinness World Record holder for most players logged onto an MMO server, with 190,541 players simultaneously logged in on one of the game's Russian servers. This blasts the game's previous record of 91,311 players to smithereens. Andrei Yarantsau, VP of Global Operations at Wargaming, calls this "an important and exciting milestone for the company," adding that, "if World of Tanks keeps growing at the rate it is, the game will soon top the current total and secure another world record." [Source: Wargaming press release]

  • Wargaming.net goes on a road trip

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The laptop-clad Hummer is fueled up and Wargaming.net is ready to roll out for its first road tour. The studio behind the "World of Deadly Historical Battle Vehicles" franchise is drumming up publicity for its titles by staging the least gas efficient Russian invasion ever. The Wargaming Road Tour's first stop is at the SXSW Interactive Gaming Expo this weekend. If you're attending and spot the hummer, swing by to get a first look at World of Warplanes and grab some nifty swag. Following the Austin expo, the Wargaming hummer will travel across the United States to spend time in major cities. You can stay abreast of the promotional trip on the official road tour website.

  • EVE Evolved: New Ancillary Armor Repairers aren't up to the task

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    EVE Online's Retribution 1.1 patch went live this week, overhauling armour tanking and rebalancing some ships that traditionally fit armour tanks. Last week I looked at why people usually choose passive buffer tanks for PvP over active tanks and how the Ancillary Shield Boosters changed all that by giving shield users a huge free burst tank that can often outperform a front-loaded buffer tank. The new Ancillary Armor Repairers look similarly amazing on paper with their ability to consume nanite repair paste to triple repair output, but how do they stack up against their shield-based counterparts? Now that the patch is out and I've finally got my hands on the Ancillary Armor Repairers, I'm not sure they're any good. They're limited to one per ship even though most active armour tanking ships use dual or triple repairer setups, and they can run for only eight repair cycles before running out of paste. They're also only 68.75% more effective than tech 2 repairers and still require the same amount of capacitor. Ancillary Shield Boosters may provide a slightly smaller 63.33% repair boost over tech 2 boosters, but they can cycle at double the rate of Ancillary Armor Repairers and don't require any capacitor. In this week's EVE Evolved, I look at what makes Ancillary Shield Boosters a strong contender in PvP and show that the new Ancillary Armor Repairers just aren't up to the task.

  • EVE Evolved: Retribution 1.1 and armour tanking

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    While MMO characters typically fall into specialised tank, healer, and damage-dealing roles, most ships in EVE Online are a combination of all three. Fitting a ship for PvP is a careful balancing act between survivability and damage, as it doesn't matter how much damage you can deal if you don't stay alive long enough to apply it. Active tanking setups that focus on repairing damage have unfortunately seen very limited use in PvP, being effective only in solo fights and very small-scale gang warfare. In most fights, a passive buffer tank that just maximises effective hitpoints will last longer than any active setup. The Inferno expansion helped to solve this problem with its new Ancillary Shield Boosters that consume cap booster charges for a huge burst of shield hitpoints. Tuesday's Retribution 1.1 patch now aims to level the playing field for armour users with the introduction of new Ancillary Armor Repairers and a series of balance changes to armour plates, rigs, and standard repairers. The patch should hopefully give gank battlecruisers and tech 2 cruisers the speed they need to compete in PvP and may even make some interesting active armour tanking setups viable. In this week's EVE Evolved, I look at the role of tanking in PvP today and the tanking changes coming in Tuesday's Retribution 1.1 patch.

  • Kislyi calls for 'second F2P revolution' in DICE speech

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Wargaming.net CEO Victor Kislyi took the stage at last week's DICE Summit to talk about the ongoing evolution of free-to-play. He's what you might call an expert on the subject given that the company he founded features 1.2 million peak concurrent users as well as 1,400 employees and 12 offices world-wide. Kislyi's 40-minute speech featured World of Tanks, but it also made mention of the firm's recent acquisition of Day 1 Studios. The move was made with an eye towards cornering the console F2P market, something Kislyi says that traditional console makers would be wise to do as well. "They keep their own prejudice and they keep to their old ways," he said. "If they keep holding to their old way, single-player box ideas they may pretty well drop." You can view Kislyi's DICE speech in its entirety after the cut.

  • World of Tanks' 8.4 adding new destroyers, tutorial, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Want a preview of World of Tanks' 8.4 patch? Good, because the game's official website has one. The title's tank roster will expand to include new destroyers for British and Soviet players, while German drivers will see some new light armor in their tech tree. The update is also bringing a "visual and rendering overhaul" to four of the game's maps. Ensk, Live Oaks, Fisherman's Bay, and Steppes will all be getting a makeover. Finally, 8.4 will feature a brand-new tutorial designed to ease the new-player transition by providing training in tank controls, shooting mechanics, and combat tactics. You can take a look at the new British tech tree after the break, then head to official WoT website for more information and a screenshot gallery. [Source: Wargaming.net press release]

  • The Soapbox: Joy in the little things

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Some people play MMOs because they love the challenge. Some are there for the social aspects. Still others stick with their favorite titles because they're deeply in love with the content or lore. Every single gamer reading this post has a different reason for logging into their MMO of choice instead of watching television, reading a book or choosing any other type of recreation. There is no right way to enjoy a game. Despite the fact that our comments section is often filled with people letting others know what they "should" or "shouldn't" be playing based on their affinity for certain in-game functions, having fun is a very personal experience that depends entirely on your tastes and desires. If you're having a good time in a game, you're doing it right. It's all about the little things.

  • Wargaming.net adds Chinese armor in World of Tanks' 8.3 patch

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    World of Tanks' 8.3 update is now live, bringing with it 17 new Chinese war machines as well as a boatload of balance tweaks. Wargaming.net hopes to "increase the options of speedier tanks on the battlefield in higher tier matches" via the new Chinese hardware, and PCGamer reports that the new light tanks extend into tier VIII. The full patch notes for 8.3 are available on the WoT website. You can also see what we thought of the update in our recent hands-on. Finally, we've embedded the 8.3 preview trailer after the break.

  • Hands-on with the Chinese war machines in World of Tanks' patch 8.3

    Pierre Bienaimé
    Pierre Bienaimé

    To keep a burgeoning community of 45 million registered users happy, the developers behind World of Tanks know to keep the content coming. After the overhauled graphics, physics, and sounds brought about by patch 8.0 last September, we're already on the cusp of version 8.3. It's out tomorrow, and that means 17 new tanks for the as-of-now-underserved Chinese tech tree. "The Chinese are a middle-of-the-road tree," says Paul Hobbs, content manager with Wargaming.net. "They don't excel in any one attribute. They have high firepower, a fair amount of maneuverability, and decent armor and aim speed." %Gallery-176480%

  • The Nexus Telegraph: Putting the war in WildStar

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's no mystery that WildStar is going to feature combat. This column derives its name from one of the combat features we already know about, so you know it's not going to be a game where all conflicts are resolved with hugs and ice cream. People come at you with weapons, and as another person with weapons, you will have a duty to ensure that they do not draw another breath. Possibly it will even be your pleasure to do so. Scratch that -- hopefully it will be your pleasure to do so. The last thing anyone wants is a game with combat that bores you to tears, since you're going to be tasked with slaughtering all manner of critters and ne'er-do-wells as you play. What we know about WildStar's combat at the moment can fit comfortably into a manila folder, but I'd like to talk a little bit about some of the potential mechanics and what we might derive from the very limited previews.

  • EVE Evolved: Fitting Caldari cruisers for PvP in Retribution

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    EVE Online's recent Retribution expansion brought forth a massive PvP revival aimed at new players and veterans alike. The new bounty hunting and flagging mechanics have added huge incentives to PvP and given industrialists a way to get revenge without getting their hands dirty. New players are also finding PvP a lot easier to get into thanks to changes to faction warfare and a complete revamp of all the tech 1 cruisers. For the past few weeks, I've been exploring each race's tech 1 cruisers and coming up with new setups you can use in PvP. I've looked at the incredible damage output of the Gallente ships, the impressive tank on the Amarr cruisers, and the still-unmatched speed of Minmatar vessels. In this week's final part of the guide series, I look at the impressive and underrated Caldari cruisers. All of the fittings in this guide series are aimed at older players with at least six months' worth of skill training under their belts, but new players can use them too by swapping all of the tech 2 modules for tech 1 versions. In this week's EVE Evolved, I give PvP setups for the Caldari Caracal, Moa, Blackbird, and Osprey.

  • Massively Interview: Dr. Lawrence Sanders on MMO loyalty

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Beyond amazing character design, compelling narratives, and the presence of dragons, there is one thing that all MMOs depend upon for success: player loyalty. Without returning subscribers, a loving community, or folks dropping a few dimes in the cash shop now and again, MMOs simply wouldn't be a feasible way for a games studio to do business. Smart development teams have player retention departments tasked specifically with tracking and analyzing the rise and fall of player allegiances and finding ways to leverage loyalty is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the creation process. Even the non-gaming world is getting in on the fray. Back in November, researchers at the University at Buffalo School of Management published a study tracing the roots of player loyalties in a variety of MMO environments. The study outlined the mentalities of MMO gamers and the things that successfully encouraged them to keep coming back for more looting, more grinding, and more /hugging. Most importantly, the study declared that an MMO that increases loyalty by just 5% can increase profits by 25-95%. We sat down with Dr. Lawrence Sanders, co-author of the study, to dive a little deeper into the researchers' methods, results, and plans for future MMO investigation.

  • Six simple tips for getting started in tanking

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Tanking is arguably one of the more stressful roles in WoW, particularly in the raid finder. You can't just waltz in and hit some things or heal some things and everything will turn out rosy, you do actually have to know the fights. Not that healers and DPS don't, it's just that they can generally get along a bit easier if they aren't exactly sure what's going on. The same is, alas, not so true for tanks. The fact that there's only two tanks, and that, even in the heady days of Dragon Soul, they had to be relatively co-ordinated on some, if not all the fights, puts the spotlight firmly on their performance. Some groups are forgiving, some less so. The same applies in smaller dungeons, tanks are expected to lead the pack, to take control. Of course, there are exceptions to this, it's a generalization which is not true 100% of the time. But I don't think it's unreasonable. All this makes it a little harder to get started in tanking. So, WoW Insider has put together some tips for the novice tank. Pulling Pulling is the term given to getting a group of mobs to hit you, instead of that mage over there. For most early dungeons, and several of the later ones too for that matter, the pull is half the battle. As long as you can get those baddies latched on to you, you're doing alright. So how do you do it? Well, that is, of course, highly dependent on your class, but there are a few kinds of pull that I can run you through here.