

  • Activision publishing game based on Chaotic TCG

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Fans of the popular TCG and cartoon series, Chaotic, will get a much cheaper alternative when Activision releases their video game version of the card game. Combining action, role-playing, and turn-based elements, Chaotic will feature "vibrant, fully-realized 3D environments" and "various characters from the best-selling trading card game and hit animated series." Players can also look forward to "dramatic tactical battles, a variety of captivating gameplay modes, as well as powerful upgrades and valuable unlockables."Chaotic will be available for the DS, Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3 this fall.

  • Lil' Game Hunter achievement now set to 75 pets

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    In patch 3.0.8 there is a new achievement call the Lil' Game Hunter, which you get upon collecting a very large number of pets. The achievement gets you the pet pictured above, a little fawn. He's cute, and hopefully won't stop in his tracks when he sees my motorcycle's headlight.Previously the achievement required getting a total of 100 vanity pets, however that total has now been lowered to 75. That is much more accessible for people to achieve, and really requires just a little bit of farming and AH watching. Definitely within the grasp of more people than when it was 100, which would have required more-or-less getting your hands on some super rare pets and/or ebayed TCG loot cards (a subject which some feel is borderline ethical).Click on the above image to get a better view of the fawn, and start collecting now!I plan on taking him for a walk through Elwynn Forest when I get him.For help with tracking your non-combat pet collection, head on over to the most excellent

  • A little more about Wizard101

    Alexis Kassan
    Alexis Kassan

    There have been quite a few releases for magic-themed game Wizard101 of late as well as the preview of the first expansion. Enough so that WhatTheyPlay has posted an overview aimed at parents to explain the basis of the game and what they can expect if their kids play it. In a nutshell, Wizard101 is a world where players are students of magic. Combat relies on a trading card system and is turn-based. No one ever "dies" in the game. It's free to play in much the same way that Runescape is - meaning that many areas and quests are only available to paid accounts. The options are numerous in terms of membership levels depending upon what the players (or their parents) want to be able to do. For those parents worried about the community, they do discuss the limitations on communication and the average age of players (about 12). Then again, with family plan pricing available, parents could join their kids in the game and find out for themselves what it's all about.

  • First expansion to the Star Wars Galaxies TCG: Squadrons Over Corellia

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    Earlier this week SOE announced a brand-new expansion to the Star Wars Galaxies TCG, Champions of the Force. That trading card game, released back in August of this year, puts players of the contentious Star Wars MMO into their favorite setting in a wholly different way. From what we've heard, it's been fairly well received by the players - well received enough to warrant an entirely new expansion to to the game. Squadrons Over Corellia will offer the usual level of quality we've come to expect from SOE Denver expansions - some 250 new cards, incredible artwork, and a heaping helping of all-new loot cards to boot.Players will be able to create Rodian and Wookie avatar cards for the first time, make use of powerful iconic characters like the Emperor and Han Solo in their deck builds, and engage in space-based gameplay new to the Champions of the Force card game. You can see all the details on the official website, or get a big taste of the expansion's potential in the official annoucnement below the cut.%Gallery-27761%

  • Free Realms gets a TCG too, courtesy of Topps

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    SOE is going all in with Free Realms, what with beta signups already underway and rumors of spinoff PSP projects, so well-known-card-maker Topps has made a deal with SOE to distribute a trading card game that will exist both virtually within the game and in physical packs you can buy at the store.The card game will launch in the Spring with 200 or so cards, and each booster pack (priced at $3.99) will feature a loot card that will allow consumers to unlock unique in-game items. Keep in mind that the game itself was designed by SOE's Denver studio -- Topps is just printing and distributing the physical card packs. Anyway, check out our gallery of artwork from the TCG -- fine stuff!%Gallery-37937%

  • EA's Battleforge takes a nod from MMOs

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Ambitious is a word that comes to mind after reading up on EA Phenomic's upcoming offering, Battleforge. A recent article on Eurogamer notes that it's something of an RTS, MMO, and TCG hybrid. On top of that, it would appear that the company is hoping to take advantage of the Eastern microtransaction model, offering their booster packs online, and giving players the ability to trade cards back and forth via their email. See? Ambitious.Sebastian Nell of EA Phenomic discussed some other interesting aspects of what they're working on to make Battleforge more MMO-like. One of the things mentioned was including co-op maps against a raid boss type of monster that will drop special loot. However, as they list the game as being for (at most) up to 12 people at a time in a battle, we're going to have to lean towards calling this on the "not an MMO" side of the house, despite their taking some aspects from the genre we love. Of course, if you're looking for an RTS/TCG with a nod to MMOs involved, you still may want to check out the beta. Sounds like it will be interesting - if only to see them accomplish all they've set out to achieve.

  • Upper Deck offers free shipping on WoW stuff

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Blizzplanet's got the news that Upper Deck is offering a break on shipping in the next 24 hours, so if you've been thinking of picking up any WoW TCG-related items for a friend, now's the time to do it.It's a pretty terrible deal though -- you've got to order $50 worth of stuff to get the free shipping, and at Upper Deck's official prices, you're probably just better running out to a hobby store and picking the things up yourself. But who knows. Maybe there's one of you in Alaska who have wanted to buy tons of stuff from UDE without paying shipping, but don't have a hobby store for miles around -- if so, you're in luck.The sale inexplicably ends on November 21st, which by my calculations is tomorrow, so get your order in fast. But seriously, someone needs to teach Upper Deck how to have a holiday sale -- who buys all their gifts by Thanksgiving? Maybe we'll see a better sale on Black Friday.

  • WoW TCG Champion announced in Paris

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The WoW TCG World Championships wrapped up this weekend, and an American player named Jim Fleckenstein emerged the winner. The World Champs took place in Paris, and there was a fun twist -- apparently last year, a French player won on American soil, and next year, the tournament is going to take place in Austin, Texas, so there's a rivalry building.The WoW TCG site has lots more, including play-by-plays of all the matches if you're interested in how the top players play the game (Jim won with a Shaman -- SHAMAN POWER!), and they've even got video of all the folks throwing down to win the crazy prizes. Looks like lots of fun in Paris for players of the TCG.The 2009 season kicks off with the end of these world champs -- the next event will be a Darkmoon Faire event in Anaheim, CA on November 9th (right before the Wrath release), and of course the Drums of War expansion is due out soon, with those loot cards we've been drooling over.

  • WoW TCG hosts World Champs in Paris this weekend

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The World of Warcraft Trading Card Game World Championships have started up this weekend in Paris, France -- there's some excellent coverage on the official site about all of the CCG gaming going on over there. They've got everything from a roundup of the swag bag to play-by-play on the featured matches and some good commentary on what kinds of decks players are bringing to the tables. All told, the players are fighting for a prize pool of $250,000 -- some serious cash for playing cards.They're in the middle of Day 2 right now, so there's lots more tournament coverage to come from Paris. If you're a fan of the TCG, this weekend's your chance to check out what some of the top players are up to as they battle for the big prize.

  • BlizzCon 2008: Bingo results

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Bad news. We didn't hear about a WoW expansion, or anything solid about the next-gen MMO at the convention in Anaheim, so this year's BlizzCon bingo failed. There might be hope, if you're willing to fudge things -- in the Art panel, they did obliquely mention the next expansion, and quickly corrected themselves, so if you take that as an official announcement (and you saw someone playing the TCG or Board Game throughout the weekend, you could win with the free space). Or, if you saw Jim Lee while he was there (we didn't), and consider all the talking about Dance Studios to have actually seen the studios themselves (we don't) then maybe you hit five across that way.Otherwise, you're out of luck -- unfortunately, no one predicted that they'd cut Starcraft II up into three different games, and L80ETC didn't say anything about DLC for Guitar Hero. The good news, however, is that instead of giving out a prize to someone who presented us with a winning card at BlizzCon (no one did), we'll eventually over it to all of you readers. Stay tuned, and better luck with BlizzCon Bingo next time around.

  • Loot within swag: TCG cards that make you smile

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    I woke up at 7:00 this morning to get ready for the day at BlizzCon. The team is meeting at 8:30 to head over to the convention and start covering all the fun that's happening there. But of course before I finish my morning rituals, I have to peek into the swag bag again. This time it's opening up the packs of WoW TCG - Heroes of Azeroth.Much to my surprise I find a loot card! A Thunderhead Hippogryph, pictured above from the Upper Deck site. Of course the cards are inserted completely random into the packs, and the bags are given out at random too – so no way I bribed someone a million billion dollars for this.

  • The Daily Grind: What do you think of table-top games?

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    There exists a very close relationship between MMOs and table-top games.Yesterday saw the launch of Ethernauts, the fifth expansion to EverQuest-related collectible trading card game Legends of Norrath. LoN is digital, but gameplay-wise, it's totally a table-top game. World of Warcraft has an entirely material trading card game. Warhammer Online is of course based on the Warhammer miniatures game, and WoW is getting a miniatures game of its own. And of course, the RPG genre originated on the table-top with Dungeons & Dragons.We're wondering: how much crossover is there between digital and table-top games? How many of our readers play them? Tell us! What do you think of table-top games?

  • Legends of Norrath launches fifth expansion: Ethernauts

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Today marks the release of the fifth expansion to the Legends of Norrath digital trading card game -- Ethernauts. More than 280 cards join the existing arsenal, including four avatar cards, two new unit races, and 20 loot cards. They all play into a story that sets the stage for EverQuest II's upcoming The Shadow Odyssey expansion. In fact, there are even some scenarios based on never-before-seen TSO content. In an attempt to give would-be newbies an incentive to buy in, SOE has also introduced the Legendary Starter Pack at the price of $19.99. If you're a vet, though, you can pick up Ethernauts booster packs for $2.99 each. Current EverQuest or EQ2 subscribers will get a free starter deck, 'cause, y'know -- you're not hooked on Norrath enough already, right? Oh, and there are a bunch of special events all weekend celebrating the launch. Well met, fellow Norrathian! Make sure to check out all of our coverage of the next EverQuest II expansion, The Shadow Odyssey as well as Seeds of Destruction, the next expansion to EverQuest! %Gallery-17086%

  • World of Warcraft miniatures game hits shelves November 11th

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    A World of Warcraft miniatures game will be released on November 11th. It has been designed and will be published by Upper Deck, the company behind the WoW TCG. For those curious how the game works, there are a number of gameplay previews at the News section of the game's website.According to the FAQ, you can play with between one and five characters (each represented by a 40mm miniature) on each side of a battle (there are three sides -- Alliance, Horde, and Monster). Each character has an "action bar" which can be customized with abilities from WoW. Starter sets (priced at $24.99) will include basics like dice, rules, etc. as well as two Alliance and two Horde miniatures. Booster packs ($14.99) will include three random miniatures from one faction. The company plans to release expansions based on famous WoW raids in the future.This is perhaps most interesting in that Warcraft has taken the opposite approach of its initial inspiration, Warhammer, by starting with video games and later moving on to miniature-based board games![Via MMORPG] One of Azeroth's millions of citizens? Check out our ongoing coverage of the World of Warcraft, and be sure to touch base with our sister site WoW Insider for all your Lich King needs!

  • Illidan enters TCG play in Black Temple as Master Hero

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Mike Hummel at the official WoW Trading Card Game site posted some interesting teasers about the upcoming Black Temple expansion. Specifically, the man behind Papa Hummel's biscuits brings us news of the new, bad-mofo Master hero: Illidan himself. Illidan's going to be a Master Hero. At first glance, they play like most any other card. They start off in your deck, and they get shuffled into your hand as normal. However, when you can afford the resources to bring Illidan into play, he replaces your existing hero. He starts off with same states and effects as the hero he replaces -- this includes any counters and damage, or other effects like Gouge. Of course, folks on the TCG forums aren't entirely convinced of Illidan's uberosity. As Zubino points out, you have to wait at least until turn 11 to get him out. If you're stalling until turn 11, then you need a whole lot of other oomph in your deck to be able to prop up the card. Still, being able to call out a Traitor ally every round is a nice ability, and we can all hope to boost him up a little more with Warglaives. And don't forget -- 35 health is nothing to sneeze at in a Hero card. The Master hero definitely brings another facet of play to the TCG, which is about more than just the loot cards. Of course, now I have to wonder who the next Master hero will be.

  • The Star Wars Galaxies TCG goes live

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    Word from the official Star Wars Galaxies forums is that Champions of the Force, the brand new SOE TCG, is now live. We confirmed with a quick duck in-world, and claimed our five booster packs and starter decks from the jaws of the interface. All you need to do to play the game is type a quick /TCG into the chatbox, a method that will hopefully soon be joined by a standalone interface. Along with the launch of the TCG itself comes a brand new section of the forums to support the card players. There are areas for strategy discussions, tech issues, and of course some talk of the game's simply fantastic art. If you're as excited as we are about the new game you might want to attend a player-organized Launch Party for the new game. It's taking place on the Starsider server (this blogger's home in the galaxy far, far away) both Friday and Saturday. There are handy timezone markers in the official party post to let you know what time to show up. Make sure to put on your dancing shoes and tell them Massively sent you.%Gallery-27761%%Gallery-27590%

  • Champions of the Force, exposed

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Champions of the Force, the online-only collectible trading card game for Star Wars Galaxies got a public airing at Comic-Con just recently, where LucasArts took the time to show off this tight and well-polished game. And polished it is. Legends of Norrath might have been a fair crowd-pleaser, but it had its share of flaws, and SOE-Denver have taken time to tune things up and streamline the play. Plus, it's Star Wars -- come on. You know you want it. Search your feelings, you know it to be true. You will be able to get your groove on, either via the SWG client or through a special standalone client, against other players or against an NPC opponent. Four classic Star Wars archetypes are available for play: Rebel and Jedi, and (of course) those bad boys, the Imperials and Sith. Aside from the basic one-on-one matches, there's word of at least one storyline game (and perhaps more later) set somewhere between Star Wars epsiodes four and five.

  • WoW Insider at the Comic-Con WoW panel

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Blizzard, as well as reps from companies that make Blizzard products (TokyoPop, Upper Deck, Wildstorm) were on hand at Comic-Con in San Diego today to talk about their plans for the rest of the year. Comics, books, sculptures, miniatures, and the trading card game were all discussed and WoW Insider was there to bring you back this report.Wildstorm Comics, makers of the WoW comicsWildstorm kicked off the session by polling the audience on who would like to see a comic title that focus solely on Horde, then solely on Alliance and then pitting the two against each other. As you can imagine, the audience was very happy to hear this. No details were given, but clearly something along these lines is already in the works.

  • WoW Insider's Winter's Veil in July contest

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Hey, everybody, it's Great-father Winter! What's up G-FW?! What's that? You want to give some Winter's Veil swag away right now? But Great-father, it's the middle of summer here in the real world -- the Winter's Veil festival takes place in December! Aw, look at that scraggly beard, we can't say no to you. What the heck, we'll do it!Yes, WoW Insider (and Great-father Winter, along with our our friends at Upper Deck) is giving away a TCG Winter's Veil Collector's Set, featuring all kinds of holiday-themed TCG goodies. To enter, just leave a comment on this post telling G-FW how your summer is going before next Friday, August 1st, at 11:59 PM EST. You may enter only once (please use a real email to comment, so we can get in touch with you afterwards), and one commenter will be selected in a random drawing to get a free Winter's Veil Collector's Set (MSRP $39.99). You must also be a resident of the United States or Canada, and age 18 or older -- all the rest of the contest rules can be read by clicking here.Good luck! Thanks, Great-father Winter, for spreading your holiday cheer even during the offseason!

  • Breakfast Topic: WoW-related merchandise and spin-offs

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    I bought my daughter's 'Future Horde' onesie from J!nx long before she was even conceived. I knew when I got my 'For the Horde' shirt that I wanted myself to have a matching outfit with my baby. I love World of Warcraft merchandise... I guess I'm just a real fanboy that way. I have some of the action figures, and I'm looking at getting Vindicator Marrad as soon as I set aside some RL Gold.My brother-in-law gave my wife and I the World of Warcraft board game a couple of years back, and I got more than a few packs of the Trading Card Game (although I was probably just hoping for some cool loot). I love the comic books -- both the ones from Wildstorm and the ones from Tokyopop -- and I enjoy a lot of the Warcraft-based comics online. I gobble up pretty much most anything World of Warcraft.So here's something to chew on this morning: what World of Warcraft merchandise or spin-offs do you like so far? There's the Frostmourne replica, of course. And we've given away cool stuff from Manaprincess, too. The Bronze Kettle / WoW Insider's Shelbi Roach makes those awesome, awesome, awesome chibi items like stickers and keychains. What World of Warcraft-related stuff do you have? Do you make any of your own?