

  • New WoW site for non-combat pets

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    With the release of the latest WoW TCG expansion, a new in-game pet has arrived, Bananas the Monkey. Looking into this has led me to a wonderful site dedicated to collecting all the non-combat pets in Warcraft. And when I say "dedicated", I mean "look no further than this site."World of Warcraft Small Pet has checklists, FAQs, guides to getting pets exclusive to the opposing faction, screenshots, extensive information for each pet, you name it. Now, I have a fair collection of non-combat pets, mostly from seasonal events like the mechanical yeti from Winterveil and Willy from Children's Week. I also quested for the Sprite Darter Hatchling out of Feralas back when the zone was in my level range. But this site is for the serious collector.Check it out and then tell me: frightening obssession or one more kind of pleasant activity to pass the time in-game?

  • WoW TCG Molten Core Battlegrounds this weekend

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    If you're a fan of the WoW Trading Card Game, you'll want to head to your local retailer this weekend for a special Molten Core Raid Deck Battleground. This is the most casual level of tournament play. For a $5 entry fee you can play your Hero with others to form a raid party against Ragnaros. Every Hero will receive a randomly selected the Raid Deck's treasure pack. If your group defeats Rag, you will also get to keep whatever treasure cards drop from him, possibly even Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnoras.The official site has all the details plus a very extensive list of all the retail outlets that will be running this event.

  • New Molten Core Raid Deck released

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    The constant expansion of the Warcraft universe never ceases to amaze me. We've seen novels, free online manga, credit cards, clothing, soundtracks, boardgames, a pen & paper RPG system, plus the tightly-under-wraps movie. And now, the newest addition to their Trading Card Game: the limited-edition Molten Core Raid Deck.Upper Deck Entertainment has announced this new deck has shipped to retail outlets. What's cool about it is you can either play the heroes fighting Ragnaros or, get this, you can play Ragnaros himself. He has his own deck and comes with ten loot cards to unseal when defeated. There are also many other Molten Core bosses to face down including Lucifron and Majordomo Executus.And let's not forget the randomly inserted cards that give players access to in-game items. Anyone looking to learn more can head to the WoW TCG official site for demos, instructions and previews of different cards. They also have an online walkthrough of the new deck in three parts. So who among the WoW Insider faithful enjoy the Trading Card Game? Let's hear from you!

  • The Darkmoon Faire comes to Austin

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Elwynn, Mulgore, and...Texas? Unlikely as it may seem, apparently the Darkmoon Faire is going to be making an appearance in the land of Blizzard's latest GM center this weekend. This event is being put on by Upper Deck Entertainment, who make the WoW trading card game, at the Austin Convention Center this weekend, Friday through Sunday. There will be all manner of TCG tournaments for everyone from noobs to experts, of course, but here's my question: will there be anyone on hand to sell pet frogs? I don't think so.On the other hand, Blizzard will apparently be setting up a private PvP server just for the event with premade 70s decked out in Gladiator gear, and there will be 30 PCs running Arena and Battlegroup competitions using these characters for real-world prizes. That might even be better than pet frogs. Lots and lots of prizes are at stake in the card games and other events, from booster packs to iPods to computers, and the event is open to the public with no entry fee, so if you're going to be in Austin this weekend, it's probably worth checking out.

  • More items for cards from TCG expansion

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    One of the most interesting aspects of the WoW TCG (trading card game) has been the in-game tie-ins. The best-known example is probably the ever-popular turtle mount, which is only attainable via a scratch-off-to-reveal code that can be found on rare cards. There is also apparently a hippogryph pet and a couple of tabards (flame, frost), though I haven't personally seen either. So it comes as no surprise that the expansion to the TCG, Through the Dark Portal, will feature more of these loot-for-cards promotions. As announced on Upper Deck's page, here's what you can get: Picnic Blanket. When used, summons a nice picnic setup, complete with umbrella and grill. Anyone around can right-click the grill to get "Grilled Picnic Treat," a BoP food that gives a buff reading "Does nothing. Tastes great!" Hopefully this blanket is reusable, since it looks pretty neat when used (see pic). A pet monkey named Bananas. Come on, it's a pet monkey! Like Upper Deck says, who doesn't want a pet monkey? Very cute. Finally, there will be a "fortune-telling device." Click it and an imp appears and whispers an answer to you (allegedly to the entire party, in a future patch, though I think that would get old fast). Upperdeck says it's similar to "a certain toy you may have had as a child." This would definitely help make some decisions a bit easier. Neat stuff. Do any of you play the TCG? How is it? Like everyone else I know, I played a lot of Magic: the Gathering when I was younger, but I haven't really touched those kinds of games in a while.[thanks, Dave!]

  • Around Azeroth: The elusive turtle mount

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Reader Steve sends in this lovely shot of the rare turtle mount, which you too may be able to find if you buy enough packs of WoW TCG cards. It's slightly Photoshoped to give it that proper photorealistic effect. Not half bad, if I do say so myself.Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing! You can attach a picture file or send us a link to one -- and don't worry about formatting, we'll take care of that part.

  • WoW Moviewatch: The Real Speedy

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    I lament the low quality of this video, but am still amused by it. In it Azric of Eldre'thalas rides from Tirisfal Glades to Stranglethorn -- on a turtle mount, acquired by obtaining a rather rare TCG card. The mount was advertised early on as traveling at 100% speed -- though, on clarification, 100% speed seems to be normal run speed. So... even with most of the video sped up, it's a 7 minute run trip across the Eastern Kingdoms.

  • WoW TCG: Prizes, fabulous prizes!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    As you may have heard, there are two ways to receive in-game rewards from World of Warcraft's trading card game: special "loot" cards giving specific prizes and by collecting UDE points, which come with each pack of cards. You get 100 points per booster pack (which gives 200 points per starter deck, as it contains two boosters) via codes you enter on Upper Deck's website. And there are some fun rewards here, too! Beyond special wallpapers with unique artwork, there's a funky blue tabard, a trinket that sets off a unique fireworks display, and a trinket that turns you into an Ogre. The problem, however, is cost. The tabard costs 2,000 points, the fireworks trinket costs 10,000 points, and the Ogre trinket 25,000 points. So 20 booster packs, 100 booster packs, and 250 booster packs, respectively. Paying about $4.50 per booster, that's $90 for the tabard, $450 for the fireworks trinket, and $1,125 for the Ogre trinket. Yikes -- that's a heck of a financial investment for a pretty bauble.

  • TCG release, Blizzcon card deadline approaches

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Well look who showed up in Booty Bay unannounced! That's right, as of the latest maintenance (or maybe the latest patch, I hadn't noticed him before), Landro Longshot, he of the collectible cardgame in-game rewards, is standing by in Booty Bay for your code. He's offering everything they promised he would be, including some cool tabards, a hippogryph pet, and the fantastically awesome riding turtle.And just in time, too, because just in case you've forgotten, we'll remind you that the card game due to come out tomorrow, October 25th. Being a CCG rookie, I have no idea where you'd find such a thing (are there actual CCG stores? Maybe just look in a gaming store), but if you want it, boxes and packs will be there for the selling. I haven't quite decided whether I'm going to pick it up or not yet. I don't have anyone to play with (because card games are for, y'know, nerds), but then again, I'd really appreciate a turtle mount. I guess if I happen to be out somewhere and see them in front of my face, I might grab a pack or two and try my luck.And speaking of upcoming dates and prizes, Neth reminds us all that the Blizzcon gift cards (with beta key and Murky the murloc pets) will expire at the end of the week, on October 28th. If you've still got a card, use it, for Thrall's sakes! And if you're not going to use it, email me, because I'll pay you to ship that thing to me as fast as Fedex will go. Not because I love Murky (I want to drop kick that thing every time my guildie pulls his out), but because I'll take any chance I can get to check the expansion before 2007 shows up.Update: Um, scratch that last note. Zollo provides us with a link (thanks!) that says Blizz is giving everyone plenty of time to turn in their pets at a special page just for redemption. On the other hand, if you already dropped your card in the mail to me, you lost your chance. Sucker!

  • From MMO to TCG

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    The TCG launch date is not far off -- you should plan on hitting up your local gaming store on October 25th if you want to pick up your cards immediately -- and with all previews thus far suggesting that playing is a blast, I'm certainly going to be there. But for those of us who haven't had a chance to play yet, the question is how, exactly, a card game could replicate the fun gameplay experience of the online game. Well, in search of that answer, the Escapist interviews Brian Kibler and Danny Mandell, lead developer and lead designer of the TCG.[Thanks, Dan]

  • TCG in-game rewards revealed (finally!)

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    If, like me, you've been waiting for the WoW collectible card game to finally justify its existence, wait no longer. From the beginning, Blizzard and cardmakers Upper Deck have promised that cards in packs would give in-game rewards, and today they revealed the deets. Special "Loot" versions of cards will have scratch offs that reveal codes to be redeemed in-game. The "Loot" version of someone named Landro Longshot (the lore of this escapes me, if you know it, speak up) will grant a unique in-game tabard. A card that shows a Thundering Hippogryph will grant a new non combat pet-- awesome! And then there's the one you really want: the loot version of "Saltwater Snapjaw" will grant players their very own big-eyed turtle mount. That's right, the rumors were true. If you find this card, you can ride around on the back of a freaking turtle (Upper Deck is quick to point out that it goes regular speed, even though it's a turtle). Also, the mount is usable by players of all levels, which means you can finally ride out to Hogger. Because of that, I'd assume it's a 60% mount, not 100%, but they don't say specifically. Every card pack will have a card that gives "UDE Points," which you can use to redeem for other cards or in-game items in an online system. Two trinkets are first up in this system: a trinket that puts on a fireworks display, and another that changes you into an ogre mage. Finally, apparently there will be three loot rewards with every series of cards that Upper Deck releases-- the first series, Heroes of Azeroth, is due this month, and the second one, called Onyxia's Lair, is scheduled for November. The FAQ about the in-game loot answers some more questions, but not the most important one: how many of these stupid card packs do I have to buy to get a turtle mount? Of course it's all random, so it could be one or one hundred, but they don't list any "drop rates" (is that what you call it in CCGs?) on exactly how rare these loot cards are. On the other hand, if you do end up buying a hundred of these things, I hear there's some kind of actual card game you can play with them. Who knew?![ Thanks to everyone who sent this in! ]

  • WoW TCG preview: Stealth

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    The TCG's Stealth ability is just what you'd think it is -- if you're a rogue, it allows you to fade into the shadows and quietly sneak up on your opponents unseen. In the TCG, it's similar to Bear Form, in that when it is destroyed, you can pay two resources to return it to your hand. Stealth in the TCG allows you to avoid your opponent attempting to direct damage done to a strong tank character (one with the protector ability, that is) and strike any target your enemy may have in play. Just like a rogue...!

  • WoW TCG preview: Bear Form

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Druids -- so versatile! Jumping from one form to another, tanking, dealing melee DPS, casting damage spells from afar, and even healing in the blink of an eye. The TCG seems to mimic the online game's playstyle well in this regard. Bear Form is instant cast, costs a single resource, grants you the "protector" ability (think of it as an anytime taunt), and whenever it is removed from play you can pay two more resources to put it back in your hand -- allowing you to shapeshift back later. And being in an animal form allows you access to numerous unique feral abilities -- like the also-previewed Predatory Strikes, which gives your hero +2 ATK while in cat or bear form.

  • WoW TCG preview: Chain Lightning

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    My shaman is only level 20, and doesn't yet have access to the Chain Lightning spell yet -- but I can only imagine the fun I'll have when I get it. (I get giddy just thinking of all the sheeps I could break!) The version of the spell included in the TCG is just what you would expect after having played the online game -- for the cost of five resources, it deals 3 damage to your primary target, 2 damage to the next target, and finally 1 damage to the last target. A great way to wipe out a whole party of enemies!

  • WoW TCG preview: Starfire

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    I admit -- I had to log on to my druid to remind myself what Starfire was in the online game. Moonfire, sure, everyone knows about that, but Starfire? It's an arcane damage spell with a long cast time and high damage -- but the lengthy cast time tends to mean that I tend to use Wrath (a shorter cast time, but lower damage) whenever I'm in caster form. However, the version of Starfire that finds itself in the TCG is a bit more interesting. Mimicking the in-game ability, it costs a lot of resources (6 resources probably compares equitably to the 3.5 second cast time the spell has online) and does a good amount of damage (5). But there's an added bonus -- after casting Starfire you get a chance to draw a card. And when cards represent all the damage you can do, the resources you can draw upon, and the quests you can complete, this is nothing but a good thing.

  • WoW TCG preview: Mind Blast

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    This preview highlights the shadow priest ability Mind Blast. In the online game, we know that Mind Blast provides a burst of direct damage at the cost of increased threat -- but in the TCG the spell is a bit different. Mind Blast costs a high amount of resources (5) in exchange for its scant 2 damage, but it also forces your opponent to discard a card for each damage dealt. And, with the right timing, this sort of forced discard could be devastating -- causing your opponent to get rid of his best cards.

  • WoW TCG Preview: Smite

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    As far as priest abilities go, smite used to be a joke -- and the punchline was usually "lol." However, since the priest changes came through a few patches back, smite has become a decent way of dishing out holy damage on your unsuspecting foes (who probably mistakenly think that a holy priest is nothing but sweetness and light!). The trading card version of Smite dishes out 4 damage to your target at the cost of 5 resources -- and while this may seem like a high price to pay, be aware that the damage caused by smite cannot be avoided or negated. Now that's not a bad deal.

  • WoW TCG Preview: Frost Shock

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    The shaman's shock spells must be some of the most entertaining spells in the game. Dealing with a spellcaster? Earth shock! Trying to cope with runners? Frost shock! And the trading card game's version of Frost Shock is no different. For the cost of only 2 resources, you deal 2 damage to your target and prevent them from being used to attack or protect this turn -- allowing you to control whom your opponent may use in combat. Certainly makes you want to be sure to always have a shaman on your side...!

  • WoW TCG Preview: Barman Shanker

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    This preview presents us with the rogue's friend -- the Barman Shanker dagger. What makes this dagger so special, besides its unique appearance? Well, it hits exhausted targets harder than normal targets, and because you must exhaust any of your ally cards in order to utilize their special abilities, it make make your opponents think twice about using their own skills. And in case they wise up and start holding back? Well, fortunately a rogue can exhaust any card by using the gouge ability.

  • WoW TCG Preview: The Battle of Darrowshire

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    I think I've done the in-game Battle of Darrowshire quest once. It was a blast, but since that first time, I've found it difficult to get a group together to complete the quest on other characters. Fortunately for me, completing the trading card game's version of this quest won't require a dozen players' time and attention -- instead, you pay one resource and discard three allies from your graveyard, in your own little reenactment of the battle. For your tireless efforts, you're allowed to draw an additional card.