third-person shooter


  • The plague surges onward in Defiance

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    It's been one week since Defiance came down with a nasty cold, which means there's (theoretically) only one week remaining to jump in on some of the game's contagious festivities. Trion Worlds reminded players today that beginning at 3 p.m. EDT (12 p.m. PDT), the second week of Defiance's The Plague event will be live. Players of Defiance will find a new mission, new siege events, a new pursuit, and a bunch of emergencies to handle as they wander through the bombed-out ruins of the Bay. There are also data recorders to collect and special rewards for players who complete plague-related challenges. No specific end date has been offered, but the Defiance television show will address The Plague event on June 17th. If you play Defiance and haven't had a chance to check out The Plague, it's probably best to get in soon, just in case.

  • Choose My Adventure: Put me in, coach

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Every games writer must wonder, at some point in his career, whether he is in fact horrible at video games. Be the game Dota 2, EVE Online, or any of the other titles that make up my weekly play schedule, I worry I'm much better at having a good time than I am at actually manipulating game mechanics and making them perform the way I would want. But it doesn't have to be that way. Yes, dear friends -- I can change. I just can't do it alone. I need your help to become the most powerful, handsome, talented, handsome, elite-geared, handsome video gamester in all the world. It's up to you to Choose My Adventure and in doing so to decide which title offers me the best chance of becoming a golden gaming god and offers you the best chance to be my tough-but-fair coach who is totally a lovable teddy bear underneath all the swearing and yelling.

  • Firefall announces final public beta weekend

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    This Friday, June 7, Firefall will have its final public beta test weekend before the game sets up for open beta on July 9. Red 5 Studios states that this event will feature three days of free access to the game, a contest for high-end gear, and a special community unlock called the Infiltrator Nightvision Goggles. The Founder's Pack deals will be retiring before open beta, so you have about a month to take advantage of those. Check out the game's newest trailer just after the cut for more wackiness. [Source: Red 5 Studios press release]

  • Watch the plague spread in the newest Defiance trailer

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last week, players were warned of a plague that was en route to Defiance. This latest cross-over event between the shooter and the television show involves a mysterious illness that is sweeping San Francisco; players must clear out the infected and find a cure to before it spreads to the town of Defiance in the show. And that race to the cure starts today! Want to see what you are up against? Then check out the plague trailer after the cut. Also available in today's Defiance update are a new data recorder, eight new emergencies, two new pursuits, and an all-new game mode. A limited-time mission series will also be available from June 10th to 17th. [Source: Trion Worlds press release]

  • One Shots: You were saying?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    If there's a class in Star Wars: The Old Republic that has a monopoly on the best lines, banter, and dialogue, it would have to be the Smuggler. Reader Danielle sent us in this nicely framed shot: "Here's my confident, sassy Smuggler striking a pose as he interrupts a conversation." But isn't interrupting a conversation... rude? He shouldn't do that, then. He should wait patiently until both parties are finished, and perhaps raise his hand and wait to be acknowledged by his betters. Or he could totally interrupt their boring chit-chat. The One Shots column is a time capsule of some of the most important MMO moments in history, and you're about to witness the latest entries into this hallowed vault. Steel yourself and prepare to gaze in wonder at the peak of human ingenuity and the print screen key!

  • Defiance gets sick and asks players for a cure [Updated]

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    We're going to give it to you straight: Defiance has a fever, and the only prescription is... um... well, that's actually a good question. Nobody is sure. The entire focus of the new in-game event is trying to figure out how this fever can be treated. Presumably attempts involving bottles of Sprite and bed rest were inconclusive, and now you're going to have to go shoot some things to try to find the cure. This mini-event offers characters a new Pursuit, which can be cleared to improve your EGO rating, with players seeking out three data recorders to help assemble a cure to the sickness sweeping the Bay area. Triage centers have been established in both Top Notch and Shandu's Consulate. Avid players should get in on this event while it lasts -- there have been no dates given, but it seems this disease will either burn out or get worse fairly quickly. [Update: This event starts on June 3 and the corresponding TV episode runs on June 17.]

  • Defiance is the MMO equivalent of a popcorn movie

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Defiance is a curious beast. One part television show and one part video game, it is as much an experiment in building a brand as it is an MMO. The game half of Defiance, developed by Trion Worlds, is a third-person action shooter with dynamic events, a persistent open world, and dozens of nasty enemy types. The television half is, well, a television show that takes place in the same universe (and occasionally, with the same characters). It has been almost two months since Defiance (the game) first hit digital shelves. In that time, it has amassed over one million registered players. The only real question, of course, is how long those players will stick around once the novelty of the "TV/game hybrid" thing wears off. In other words, beyond the concept and the experiment, is Defiance really a game worth playing?%Gallery-181065%

  • Defiance demands your attention during Memorial Day weekend [Updated]

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    In spite of its recent layoffs (or maybe because of them), Trion Worlds is plunging ahead with its Defiance promotions. Not only will Syfy be showing a six-episode Defiance-the-show marathon and recap special on Monday (that's May 27th from 4 to 11 p.m.), but Defiance-the-game will be on sale on Steam and available freely from today through Sunday to brand-new players. Players will also nab a second crack at the game's early episodic content, which starred the series' lead characters. Quoth the press release, Gamers who have yet to explore the open world shooter can try it on PC for free on Steam from May 23rd at 10:00 a.m. PDT [1:00 p.m. EDT] to May 26th at 1:00 p.m. PDT [4:00 p.m. EDT]. [See below for update on times.] Steam is also offering a weekend long sale on Defiance for those whose thirst for alien technology and open world action isn't satisfied by the trial. Both the Standard Edition and Digital Deluxe Edition will be 30% off. In addition, Steam will also be running a sale on "Bits," the in-game currency for Defiance, during which customers will get more "Bits" for their money. The studio notes that other retailers will feature independent sales but did not specifically say which ones. [Source: Trion press release] [Update #1: Readers are reporting that the free weekend on Steam is still not active. The times quoted here are exactly what the press release said, and they have come and gone. We've contacted Trion for clarification and will keep you posted when we actually know more.] [Update #2: Trion's PR says it's aware of the problem on Steam and is trying to get to the bottom of it now.] [Update #3: Trion says the new go-live time is now 4 p.m. PDT (7 p.m. EDT) Thursday.] [Update #4: Happy Friday, peeps. Trion has just posted an official page for the Steam promotion complete with details on how to get signed up as a freebie player for the weekend.]

  • Defiance PC client half off through Sunday for some users [Updated]

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Were you waiting for Trion to drop Defiance's $59.99 launch price point before taking a look? That day has arrived, as the B2P shooter MMO is now available for $29.99 for some users. The promotion runs through Sunday, May 19th, and it applies to the PC version of the sci-fi title. Defiance is also available on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, but as of press time the console versions still feature launch-day pricing. You can learn more about the PC version via our launch week diary series and our livestream channel. [Thanks fueldbygin!] [Updated: We have clarified that the promotion is available only for those whose accounts have been flagged for it by Trion. A second sale on Steam should help those who aren't eligible for this sale.]

  • Jukebox Heroes: Defiance's soundtrack

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    First of all, I wish my first name were a cool animal. Bear McCreary has that on me, so it seems unfair that he's also a geek icon for his work on several beloved TV series (Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, The Walking Dead). And now the guy is composing the soundtrack of one of this spring's hottest MMOs? Where did I go wrong with my life? Before I go and change my name to Sugar Glider Olivetti, I guess it's only fair that I put a lid on my hurt ego to give Defiance's score a fair listen. McCreary was tapped to create the music for both the MMO and the TV series, giving the crossover project a unified sound. "I had to make sure that players could hang out in one area for long stretches of time without getting bored by repetitive music," McCreary wrote on his blog. "As a result, melody plays less of a role throughout many of these cues. The real stars of this music are the texture and colors." Music has texture and colors? If Bear says it, then it must be. Let's dive in!

  • Defiance 'TV tie-in' patch now live

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I've been waiting a long time to type "transmedia synergy" in a news post again, and that day is finally here! Yes, Defiance has patched, says FPS General, and the update is known unofficially as the TV tie-in patch. And you what that means, folks. Say it with me. Traaaaaansmedia syyyyyyyyyynergy! The content centers on an Irathient named Rynn who crosses over from TV show to MMO according to producer Nathan Richardsson's latest dev letter. Players should seek out lawman Jon Cooper and complete the new Episode mission called The Vagabond to reveal Rynn's motives and "unlock more missions and rewards."

  • Defiance renewed for a second season

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Even with Syfy doing a happy dance over Defiance's premiere numbers, there's been a cloud of doubt hovering over the show's survival. Because, well, this is Syfy. We've never quite forgiven the channel for canceling Farscape in favor of Octosharkasaurus vs. Mecha-Piranhadon. But it looks as though the MMO's sibling has received an extension of life, as Syfy renewed it for a second season. Syfy President of Original Content Mark Stern had these words of encouragement at the news: "Bringing the rich world of Defiance to life has been an incredible team effort. We couldn't ask for better partners than Kevin Murphy, his amazing cast and crew, and Trion Worlds. We can't wait to see where they take us in the second season." The press release says that the demographics for the show have remained impressive for the network, that over a million registered players have enjoyed the multi-platform MMO, and that the Trion-Syfy collaboration will continue into the second season.

  • Get some Defiance DLC with a side of free updates

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Now that Defiance is live and has gone through the usual slew of launch-day messes, it's time for the developers to start thinking about the future. That means DLC. The latest development blog explains both what the team is doing to address the game's issues and how DLC will be released in a tiered system, with every major DLC update containing upgrades to the cash shop, a paid DLC component, and a free update for everyone. The first DLC is already en route, and its $10 paid component allows players to make a Castithan character, access a unique storyline, and gain some special vehicles and outfits. Even if you don't pay for the DLC, you'll have access to new Castithan Blades, and a new open world game mode called Siege, and can earn new Charge Weapons. The game's store, meanwhile, will allow you to tint your Castithan Blades, buy new lockboxes or vehicles, and re-customize your character. There's a little something for everyone playing the game, and that's the ultimate goal.

  • First Impressions: Forge

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    When I first picked up Forge on Steam back in the day (when it first hit the Greenlight service), I was hesitant to say the least. The last time I played any sort of game billed as a class-based PvP arena, it was FURY (does anyone else remember that?) and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic before that. To say those games were less-than-stellar would be a bit of an understatement. Despite my trepidation, I still snagged the game since it was fairly cheap and I felt there was at least a good deal of potential for it to finally do justice to the concept. Unfortunately, Forge ended up being released far too early because of (as I understand it) a lack of funds, so many of the advertised features (such as a ranking system, matchmaking, and so forth) were conspicuously absent. So I figured I'd put it on the backburner and check it out once it had received some much-needed polish. So of course I was pretty pleased when Dark Vale Games announced that Forge had been "re-released" with many of the missing features in tow, but my initial worries about the game were far from assuaged, and I figured it would just be FURY 2: Electric Boogaloo. But man, do I love being proven wrong.

  • Defiance passes 1,000,000 registered accounts


    Defiance, the game half of the TV/MMO entertainment hybrid, has surpassed one million registered user accounts. The game launched a month ago today, and Trion Worlds seems pleased to announce this milestone. How about some nifty statistics to commemorate the joyous occasion? Players have collectively killed more than 500,000,000 hellbugs so far. They've driven their ATVs for more than 50,000,000 miles and triggered 1,000,000 Arkfalls. Mazel tov, Ark Hunters. [Source: Trion Worlds press release]

  • Defiance bugs invade RIFT

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Adventurers of Telara, you've kind of got a good news/bad news situation taking place here. The bad news is that RIFT is getting invaded, which was already the case. The worse news is that it's now being invaded by the Hellbugs from Defiance, which usually require a great deal of automatic weapons fire to be put down. The good news is that if you can somehow manage to overcome the distinct lack of any firearms and put down the invasion, you can keep a Hellbug around to ride! Wait, that might still be bad news. Yes, Trion Worlds is kicking off a cross-promotional event with new fire rifts that give players a chance at Defiance-related rewards, most notably the chance to pick up a Hellbug mount. The event is open to all players, even if you're just trying out the game's Lite version. No word on how long the event will last, but it's probably best to assume that it won't be forever -- which is also sort of a good news/bad news situation, unless you wanted to see the game overrun by Hellbugs.

  • Defiance contest lets you(r character) be on the show [Updated]

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    The crossover potential of the Defiance MMO and television series has only really been felt with a few main characters so far, but Trion Worlds wants to take that one step further by giving you a chance to be on the show. How does that work? Simply register yourself at the official contest page and head into the game to earn the most ark salvage per hour during the contest period from 12:00 a.m. PDT April 30 to 11:59 p.m May 12 in the Most Wanted: Competitor and Most Wanted: Rogue's Gallery in-game pursuits. Of course, this is you, not your character's likeness, that we're talking about here, but it won't just be a simple screenshot pushed in the background. Artists from the series will render the winning player into an upcoming episode of the show. [Update 4:15 p.m. EDT: The press release says that "the winner will have artists from the Defiance series render their character's likeness into a special place in an upcoming episode," but Trion's PR team has separately confirmed to Massively that it will in fact be you, not your character, whose likeness will be imported into the show.] [Source: Trion Worlds press release]

  • Defiance dev blog covers common issues and cheater voyeurism

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Defiance executive producer Nathan Richardsson is getting serious today in a very serious blog post uploaded very seriously to the official site, a post that discusses fixes already made and promises even more fixes for some of the problems that have plagued the game since launch. MMO launches typically go about as smooth as a rhino's hindquarters, but it's always good to hear official word that the team is aware and working on the problems. According to the post, the "big team" is working overtime addressing issues like PC server woes, general game server crashes, Xbox problems, and PlayStation 3 client patches. In happier news, the team promises that hackers and cheaters are being taken very, you know, seriously. The blog even admits that some cheaters are allowed to linger in the game for a while so the team can "enjoy" watching the scum. The team is also looking into the Case of the Disappearing Items, although it is admittedly a tough nut to crack. Future blog posts, Richardsson says, will cover player feedback on many of the issues since launch.

  • Trion responds to Defiance cheating reports

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Trion has responded to reports of cheating in its new Defiance MMO shooter. Community manager Mathew "Sledgehammer70" Everett says that the firm's "anti-cheat measures are both client-side and server-side" and that Trion is "beefing up on all aspects around this." He goes on to explain how the community cheat-reporting has been helpful to the developers, and that "in most cases these players are truly cheating." You can contact Trion's customer support if you want to report suspicious in-game activity, and be sure to check Sledgehammer's full post on Reddit. [Thanks Robert!]

  • New Earthrise: First Impact screenshots unveiled

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    We're sure many sci-fi sandbox fans have been looking forward to the (re)launch of Earthrise: First Impact since German studio SilentFuture took the helm in May of last year. Unfortunately, those fans are going to have to wait a bit longer before they can get their hands on the game in earnest, but in the meantime, SilentFuture has released a new bevy of screenshots to help satiate their hunger. And we've gotta say, they look pretty darn spiffy. The screens include an arid desert outpost, mysterious ruins admist a lush, verdant jungle, and what appears to be an absurdly oversized artillery gun, amongst other things. It would certainly appear that the folks at SilentFuture have been hard at work, and although screenshots are no substitute for actual gameplay, they're still a feast for the eyes nonetheless. So how about checking them out in the gallery below? [Source: SilentFuture press release] %Gallery-186841%