

  • Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images

    The FCC chairman thinks it's still 1996

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    FCC chairman Ajit Pai sounds like a broken record. "Light-touch framework." "Light-touch approach." "Light-touch regulation." As an ideological concept, it seems reasonable. Especially to a conservative such as Pai, who believes that the government shouldn't "pick winners and losers," to use a favorite phrase of Republicans. Except, when you actually look closely at the chairman's argument about how to regulate internet service providers, it collapses under its own misguided logic.

  • Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images

    The FCC votes to move forward with gutting net neutrality

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Today, during an open commission meeting, the FCC voted to move forward with its plans to undo many rules enacted under the Obama administration meant to protect the principle of net neutrality. The most important part of this proposed rollback is changing broadband internet from being classified as a Title II service back to a Title I service. Title I has fewer rules regarding how traffic over the network is treated. Under Title II internet is regulated like a utility and requires that all data across the network be treated equally so long as it doesn't violate any laws. Under Title I however, ISPs are free to prioritize data as they see fit and even charge more to guarantee better service. This is of growing concern as the line between service providers and content providers continues to blur.