

  • Playing chicken: A frank discussion of poultrification

    Brian Karasek
    Brian Karasek

    With Minor Allusion to Related Sciencesor"Now You're Really Clucked!" The Gnomish Poultryizer, among the more technically advanced devices produced by the Mechanical Engineering Guild, Associated, which we shall hereafter refer to as M.E.G.A., is a device of some controversy among Engineers Gnomish and Goblin alike. In this lecture we shall examine the Poultryizer and discuss its flaws and its merits, and how one might indeed become the other. The creation of a Gnomish Poultryizer requires a pair of Hardened Adamantite Tubes, two Khorium Power Cores, ten Arcane Dust, and two Large Prismatic Shards. Breaking this down further, we see that the pair of tubes will require a total of six hardened adamantite bars, themselves requiring ten adamantite bars per, for a total of sixty adamantite bars for the tubes. The Khorium Power Cores will require a total of six bars of khorium and two Primal Fire. As for the Dust and Shards, none of you present here need be instructed on obtaining such. The device, once produced, is worn as a trinket, and when used will require a cooling down period of five minutes before it can be used again.

  • Encrypted Text: Ten great rogue trinkets

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Even though I haven't raided on my rogue for about two months, I'm still pretty happy when I look at her gear. 4/5 T4, the Chestguard of the Conniver, the awesome offhand dagger from heroic Ramparts that I obtained after my guild found it in the chest, held the chest open, and summoned me in -- *Monty Burns voice* why, this is less a rogue than a god. (Disclaimer: My rogue is not actually a god, and yours is probably better geared and also prettier.) But there are two blues disrupting my sea of adequate purples -- I have yet to replace either of my trinkets. And when I talk to other rogues, many of them have the same problem. The truly good epic trinkets for rogues are hard to find or have many competing rogues after them, and many of the other trinkets are just ... meh. So to help out my fellow rogues, I'm posting a guide to some of the best max-level trinkets (as rated by their power and their ease of attainability.)

  • Engineers continue to dream

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    Rikora over on the official forums posted about some hopes she has for what engineers will be able to do in the next expansion, such as building siege weapons and other such machinery. You've probably already heard that engineers will be able to craft flying mounts, but other than that we haven't heard so much. Other posters got pretty creative too, though. There were suggestions of more goggles, more pets, more fun trinkets of course, but one suggested that we make remote controlled planes that can shoot each other down. Another person suggested that there be little remote controlled machines that could sneak past enemies and scout about or throw an optional switch in an instance. The obvious thing that somehow didn't happen with the Burning Crusade, is just to provide upgraded versions of existing trinkets that actually help as much as the old trinkets did, a Gnomish Battle Piglet, perhaps, or a Goblin Gnome Launcher. One poster to the forum thread said Engineering should be a bit on the overpowered side, and I agree wholeheartedly, especially since many of its items can't be used in Arenas. To my mind, it should almost be like a secondary class unto itself, with lots of different abilities, from crowd control to healing -- nothing as powerful as a native class ability of course, but something to make engineers feel really glad for choosing their profession and putting lots of work into it. One of these days, Blizzard has got to listen.

  • Healing trinkets and you

    Chris Jahosky
    Chris Jahosky

    Vonya over at Egotistical Priest has a nice write-up regarding the various healing trinkets available to players these days.I definitely recommend reading the entire article, but for those that may have a short attention span (or are alt+tabbed from a raid at the moment and don't have a lot of time), she makes some valid points about healing trinkets, so I'll attempt to summarize.Her main point is that most trinkets follow the same basic formula: The average trinket Use says : Increases X by Y for Z. Where X is damage or healing, and Y is the amount that it's increased (often in the 200 range) and Z is the length of time that it's affected, usually 15-20 seconds.While a class that constantly spams heals, like a Paladin, would receive most of the benefit during the time the trinket is active, a Priest tends to follow up a big heal with a HoT and then try and wait for the 5 second rule. While this may maximize their mana efficiency, it minimizes the impact the trinket has while active.She goes into more detail than what I've mentioned, so be sure to check out her blog for a fun and engaging read!

  • Get trinkets out of inventory-- and on a chain

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I can conquer dragons, I can crush Centaur, and I can even take candle (I've been waiting for days to get a chance to post that hilarious thread), but if one monster in the World of Warcraft has cost me more than anything, it's a full inventory. On my hunter, I've got a bag full of food, and on my shaman, I have to carry around four totems all the time. Crafting items take up another bag or two (my disenchanting rogue has a bag full of enchanting mats and a bag full of poisons). Quest items, potions, food, reputation tokens, noncombat pets and mounts, and that hearthstone-- there's just not enough room for everything!So here's one idea, shared with me by Braila of Thunderhorn (our guild's tree-mendous healing druid) during last weekend's Karazhan run: How about a trinket chain?It makes a lot of sense. Blizzard implemented a keychain to get keys out of our inventories, and considering that we're all hauling around tons of trinkets lately (I had seven on me, and one of our warriors had eight with him), this seems like the first place Blizzard should go to thin out the inventory. It's not like trinkets are huge items-- why should they take up 1/16 of Netherweave Bags when you can fit 200 arrows in the same place? Spare trinkets should have their own tab to sit in, something that grows the more you get, just like the keychain.Of course the obvious solution would be to just not carry so many trinkets around. But there's so many of them for every situation-- healing, solo grinding, raid healing, DPS, PvP-- that it's no wonder everyone at 70 has such a collection. Blizz should give us a chain to put them on.

  • Phat Loot Phriday: Icon of the Silver Crescent

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The difference between a good caster and a great caster? Knowing when to pop the trinkets. And when you do so, this is the one of the best you can get.Name: Icon of the Silver CrescentType: Epic TrinketAbilities: Equip: Increases spell damage and healing by up to 43. Use: Increases spell damage and healing by up to 155 for 20 seconds A two minute cooldown, which, I've found, goes pretty darn fast. Depending on how fast your groups move, you can usually pop a trinket at least every other fight in an instance, if not more if you take a while eating and drinking between fights. And as I said: trinkets are the difference between pouring out amazing DPS or healing, and just being average. If you've got trinkets, you should be using them almost every chance you get-- the +43 damage/healing on this is nice, but if you're casting, the +155 is much better. Put those suckers on your hotbars, and light them up near the beginning of the fight (just as you're about to start casting). And as most veteran players can tell you, you can use these things twice on some boss fights-- a player casting without his trinkets in use or cooldown is a player not living up to their full potential. How to Get It: You *are* running Heroics by now, right? If you're not, that's exactly what you got to do to get this baby. G'eras in the middle of Shattrath City will take your Heroic badges and give you epix for them, so bring him 41 Badges of Justice (that's 8 and 1/5 successful Heroic Mechanar runs, or about 60 curse and stress-filled failed Shattered Halls runs, in case you're counting), and the Icon is yours.Oh, and speaking of trinkets, here's an extra piece of Phat Loot for you: If you're a caster, and you are keyed to run Heroic Mechanar, that means you're Revered with Sha'tar, so stop by the Quartermaster, also in the middle of Shattrah City and pick up Xiri's Gift. Great trinket, easy to grab, and while the equip isn't as good as this one, the use is almost as nice, without having to pick up tons of Badges.Getting Rid of It: You don't want to get rid of it. Even if you do, it's a trinket-- put it in your bags and keep it for later. Personally, I carry about six trinkets around with me, and every one has its own place and time for use.

  • Draenei have left the Exodar!

    Paul Sherrard
    Paul Sherrard

    EVERYBODY PANIC! Actually, it seems as though everyone else wanting to quickly level a Draenei did just what I did. They got off of Azuremyst Isle as quickly as possible, and headed back to comfortable and familiar hunting grounds. In my case, that was Goldshire. I can only imagine how those poor humans felt as they saw a half-dozen squid-faced monsters earth-shocking their way through the Fargodeep Mine. Sure, the puny humans fled, but that's because they understood the might of the Draenei when we had a raid of 2 to take down Hogger. The wide-open spaces of your Goldshire amused us, and soon we were taking over logging duties in Eastvale, also slaying those silly little murloc things by the dozen. GLURGLURGLELURGLE indeed. Running back into Stormwind, I was constantly accosted by people saying things such as, "How's the weather up there?" and "Nice face, blue face." Do they not realize that we're only barely taller than night elves, WHO ARE ALSO BLUE TINGED? Words hurt, people, words hurt. However, one funny soul decided to follow me around asking "Can you make trinkcits?" Yes, "trinkcits." No, I cannot make your "trinckits" yet. I can make a little golem who spits healing love at me. I can even make copper rings if you ask nicely, and give me some money for this weekend party the Naga are having. I think the point I'd like to make is that yes, we're Draenei, yes we're new to you, but we're not new to us. We've been traveling around in our spacesh...interdimensional vessel.. for quite some time, and if it weren't for those accursed elves (blood not night, we love you, really we do) we'd have continued past your Scourge-infested world and on to happier times with the Naaru and the warmth of the light. So please, ask your children not to tug on our tentacles, do not call us "squidbillies" behind our backs, and do not assume we all know jewelcrafting (even if we do). We're regular folk, just like you and that gnome over there, and we're here to help you fight the Burning Legion. Now, can I get a summon?