

  • Aion Shooting Star preview video shows off gunslinging gameplay [Updated]

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Earlier this month we showed you some concept images of Aion's new gunslinger class. The Shooting Star, as it's known in Korea, is scheduled to debut in the game's 4.0 build along with two additional classes. MMO Culture has sussed out a gameplay video showing the class in action as well as some artwork featuring a few of the possible weapons. Apparently the Shooting Star will wield two weapon types: pistols featuring fast attacks and low damage and a cannon boasting high damage and comparatively lower speed. Check out the one-minute gameplay clip after the cut. [Update: NCsoft has issued a contest to encourage player artists to submit weapon designs for the new class!]

  • Wings Over Atreia: F2P doesn't mean forgotten for Aion

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Did I call it or what? Forgive me while I take a moment for a little can't-get-nuttin-by-me gloat and mini victory dance. Uh huh, uh huh, I got it, oh yeah. Yup, 3.5 is now live, released on the 10th just as predicted. *Ahem* OK, now on to the our regularly scheduled Wings Over Atreia. Actually, this very matter (the patch, not the dancing!) leads us right into the topic that was scheduled. It's been bouncing around my mind for a while, and the release of the patch really drove it home: the fact that free-to-play is not code-speak for shoving a title to the back of some top shelf and ignoring it. Simply stated, free-to-play does not equal forgotten. And I think few games show this as clearly as Aion. Contrary to what detractors would have you believe (remember the cries of doom and gloom when the EU and NA announcements were made?), going F2P is far from a death knoll, especially for Aion. Content is coming faster than ever now; 3.5 launched only three months after the official Korean release! And content for 4.0 is already being shared, albeit too slowly for my eager Daeva heart. From fast patches to 4.0 teases, there is much on the way for this F2P fantasy game and still much to look forward to.

  • Ninja gear to premiere in North American Aion

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Shaking up the usual order of things, NCsoft is actually premiering new Aion armor and weapon skins in North America before anywhere else in the world, including Korea. The studio just revealed the Shadow Wraith sets coming next week. Daevas who love the ninja movement in-game may also love the new ninja-themed armor sets, gis, and weapons. Without any stats of their own, these items can be skinned onto existing armor in game for a completely new look. These skins will available in the BlackCloud Marketplace starting October 17th. Get an exclusive look at all of the looks in the gallery below, and check out Aion's new 3.5 patch that is live now! [Source NCsoft press release]%Gallery-165495%

  • Aion gunslinger class concepts revealed

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    There's badassery, and then there's the newly revealed class concept for Aion's forthcoming 4.0 update. You might recall that NCsoft teased three new archetypes via a trio of silhouette images a few weeks ago. Now MMO Culture has published a couple of concept drawings showing off one of the classes, a black-clad gunslinger complete with a fedora, a duster, and a pair of pistols. The images are taken from a Korean dev blog and as is typical with Aion, the updates will go live on the game's Korean servers first before slowly making their way west. If this new Gunner class (loosely translated as Shooting Star from the dev blog) is any indication, though, the updates will be well worth the wait. Head past the break for the images, then click through to the source for further details.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Aion turns to outsourcing and dates 3.5 launch

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Despite the fact that the U.S. presidential elections are only a few short weeks away, this isn't the beginning of a political debate, so please leave all politically charged opinions at the door. This topic has nothing to do with politics at all; it's about a contest in Aion that NCsoft announced this last week. At least it looks like a contest. It's called the Tiamat Slayer Event, and Daevas are called on to compete with others by creating the ultimate guide for Aion's upcoming 12-man alliance instance, Dragon Lord's Sanctuary. The alliance that produces the best how-to guide will receive prizes and accolades, including eternal weapons and a spiffy title with bonuses. But is it really about rewarding Daevas for a job well done, or is it about conning players into doing all the work so the studio doesn't have to? Let's examine all the facts (including a hint on the release date for 3.5?), and you can decide for yourself.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Bringing Lady Luck to Aion

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    I had a thought... now, don't look at me like that! I do have them! And I share them in Wings Over Atreia often. I won't always attest to their relevance, but I won't discount their existence! Boy, show a few strands of insanity and... wait where were we? Oh yes! My thought. So this week, my mind kept drifting back to the Mega Kinah Millions lottery going on now. I knew I wanted to point the event out to you guys before it closed, but something else about it was nagging at the edges of my mind. My thoughts meandered from contemplating the dream of winning all that moolah to why is the Shugo wearing a tux?, took a detour around mmm cake! and then ended up at gambling in Aion. That's when the idea hit me: Why settle for just a short-term fling with chance when you could have an all-out gambling smorgasbord? Aion is ripe for it! It's not as if gambling isn't inherent in the game anyway, with every Daeva taking part in it daily. I mean, just look at the RNG! Simply put, gambling could be quite a benefit to Aion; among other things, it could be a viable non-grinding pastime that brings more Daevas into the game. So why not ask Lady Luck to take up permanent residence?

  • Wings Over Atreia: Aion anniversary -- third one's the charm!

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Yup, it's that time of year again: Pass out the party hats and douse the crowd in confetti 'cause Aion has grown another year older. And what a year it has been! Known universally as the terrible twos, this past year has been anything but for the fantasy game. Much has happened in the world of Atreia since the last annual roundup. With two major content updates and an expansion, Aion has significantly increased the available content in-game. Not only that, but the move to free-to-play significantly increased the game's availability. If you haven't been in-game recently, now is a good time to stretch your wings and return to Atreia. And if you head back within the next month, you can join in the anniversary celebration.

  • One Shots: Wings

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Resident Massively Aion columnist MJ Guthrie could sum up the best reason to play her favorite MMO in just one word: wings! That's something reader Leandra plainly echoes in today's featured One Shots submission. She sent us this image of her character soaring through Aion along with this note: I've been toying around with Aion a bit and took my baby Chanter, Elanyne, for her first flight through the Abyss. I kept an eye out for Elyos, but thankfully (though somewhat disappointingly), I was able to quest in peace. I guess I'll have to level up more and then go looking to pick some fights! You red, you dead -- that's what I always say! Leandra's flight and a few other reader screenies are tucked beyond the break.

  • Silhouettes of Aion's new 4.0 classes surface [Updated]

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    When NCsoft announced that Aion 4.0 would include three new classes, the only information provided was what two of the classes would wield -- everything else was speculation. Now, three silhouettes showing off these new weapons have surfaced. Two of the images follow suit with the announced weapon type; one appears to be a harp-like instrument, and the other resembles a cannon-type gun. The third image looks to be more like a golem, which might be a mount or a wearable suit. All three images can be viewed after the break. Are these really the first images of the mysterious new classes? We have contacted NCsoft for comment and will update the post when we hear back. [Update: The images are official and the classes are tentatively known as Musician, Gunner, and Rider.]

  • Wings Over Atreia: Aion 3.5 comes alive this October!

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    I'd promised a continuation of my report on the goodies headed our way in the upcoming Aion 3.5 patch, but fortunately, I've got something even better! Instead of just delving into the new features today, I get to inform you all that 3.5 will go live in October! That's right: The next Aion update is coming to North America a lot sooner than anyone had thought. Not only that, but I was able to sit down with Associate Producer Sean Orlikowski to talk about some of these great new features, like housing changes, legion quests, and Dimensional Vortexes. We discussed the epic conclusion of the Dragon Lord's saga, the underlying story that has been playing out since the game launched. Then he shared some details about the Anniversary events starting on September 19th. Trust me -- a lot of stuff is coming our way. So what do Daevas have to look forward to next month? Where to begin...%Gallery-165495%

  • Some Assembly Required: Creating content for cash

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Housing. Mission generators. Player-run festivals. Music. Overall general sandboxy goodness. Since its debut over a year ago, Some Assembly Required has covered a number of topics related to player-generated content as well as the games that offer such features. However, recent events have turned my attention toward a different aspect of PGC. Between the Dota 2 incident and last week's announcement from Sony Online Entertainment, I am actually looking at player-generated content in a whole new way: as a revenue generator. That's right -- collecting cold hard cash for your creativity. Although plenty of titles allow players to create content and share it within the games, very few let players sell that content for real-world money. This column explores the cash-for-content phenomenon in MMOs: what games have it, how to use it, and whether it is likely to become the next big thing.

  • Wings Over Atreia: A rant against xenophobia in Aion

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    You know one of the great things about a weekly opinion piece? The ability to about-face and change topics when inspiration strikes... or you just can't bite your tongue any longer. And I am going to exercise that right right now: I'm diverging a bit from my intended thoughts about more of Aion's upcoming 3.5 goodies and addressing something that has been gnawing at me for the past few weeks. Actually, address might be too gentle of a word because the more I think about it, the more it is turning into an outright rant. And you know that it takes quite a bit for me to get riled up enough to unleash; with only three rants in over two years, I definitely lag behind in the rant department! What could be getting my goat enough to actually fire up the ol' rant-o-matic? It's not anything that's been done -- or not done -- by NCsoft. The company is in the clear this time. It's actually the players. More specifically, it is the unacceptable attitude of bigotry and intolerance that's being heaved about in Aion against other nationalities and other languages. A great big W. T. F. here folks. Now I am not accusing all players of this, not by a long shot. But the fact that it is cropping up with any frequency is a problem. Something needs to be said. So I am saying it.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Getting real with Aion 3.5

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Carefree and in the moment: That's how I have been living in Aion lately. However, the surprise announcement about 4.0 a few weeks back got my mind spinning with thoughts about updates. Oh, the possibilities! But as much as I support indulging in expressions of hopes and positive thinking, speculation really should be done in moderation; too much can leave you pining for what may never be and missing what's actually available (or at least on the horizon!). So while I appreciate the recent opportunity to contemplate the mysterious Aion 4.0 update, now it's time to focus on an upcoming patch with actual features already ascribed to it: 3.5. Patch 3.5, though not announced for the Western market yet, hit Korea in July. And courtesy of friendly folks who have translated the patch notes, we've snagged a glimpse of what can be expected when it does finally roll around to us. What's on the horizon for faithful Daevas? How about two new dungeons, a cross-server dungeon group finder, personalized housing options, and (my personal favorite) a cooperative crucible!

  • Wings Over Atreia: Speculation continues for Aion 4.0

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last week, I dared venture into the realms of speculation about Aion's future, spurred by the announcement regarding update 4.0. Are my musings simply wishful thinking? Perhaps. But you can't blame me -- NCsoft started it! Until that point, I hadn't really given much thought to the next big thing. After all, we haven't even seen patch 3.5 yet (more on that next week), and I personally haven't finished the latest content. However, update information is like cheesecake bites: One morsel just doesn't cut it. You want more! So now that the floodgates of Aion 4.0 conjecture have opened, what else might come into the world of Atreia besides the three new classes? In the absence of official word, I have created my own list of features. And topping that list are a few things we have actually seen before; in my opinion, NCsoft should get to cranking out more of the content teased back in 2009 in the famed Visions of the Future trailer. It's time to start delivering on more of those promises made to Aion players so long ago. That means two-person mounts, more regional season changes, and the chance to boldly go where no Deava has gone before:

  • Wings Over Atreia: Creating classes for Aion 4.0

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The dust swirled in one single puff of wind, then settled along with the hush over the streets. The sudden peel of the bell as the clock struck noon shattered the silence. Eyes blazing and raven wings furled, the Daeva stared down her enemy, hands poised over her low-hung holsters. "Com'on, ya lily-livered varmint. Make my day!" OK, so maybe the O.K. Corral and the Wild West aren't en route to Atreia, but that is certainly the first image that sprang to my mind when NCsoft announced that one of the new classes coming to Aion is going to tote a gun. I mean, guns don't get better than a couple of six-shooters slung at the hips, right? If you missed last Friday's big announcement from Gamescom, here's the skinny: Aion's 4.0 patch is introducing three brand-spanking-new classes to the game. Obviously that patch is a long ways off (a date hasn't even been announced for Korea yet), but that doesn't stop us from looking forward to one of the most fundamental changes planned for the game since launch nearly three years ago. Unfortunately, NCsoft has given us little to go on right now; all we know is that one class will tote a gun and one will brandish an instrument. With so little information revealed, you have to wonder what these two classes will actually be like. With so many possibilities... Let the speculation commence!

  • Gamescom 2012: Aion will offer three new classes in 4.0

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Atreia is about to become more interesting. After some talk about patch 3.5 and Tiamat at Gamescom 2012, NCsoft let fly the announcement that Aion will offer three brand-new classes in the 4.0 update. This will be the first time the free-to-play fantasy game will introduce new classes beyond the ones the game launched with. What will these new additions be? While NCsoft isn't revealing too many specifics yet, Daevas wanting to experience something new will be able to choose between wielding a gun or a musical instrument as weapons with two of the classes. Currently, mum's the word on details about the third class, but we'll keep you updated as more information is released. Every summer, the gaming industry descends on Cologne, Germany, for Gamescom, the world's largest trade fair for interactive games and entertainment. Massively's on the scene in 2012, bringing you all the best scoops, impressions, and interviews from the MMOs at the show!

  • Wings Over Atreia: Easy button strikes again!

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Way back when, when Daevas first started flapping their wings around Balaurea, I broached the subject of the new easy button installed in Aion. Trust me, I was as excited as the next Daeva about the reduction in the level grind (not all change is bad after all!), but I had my concerns as well. I raised a cautionary flag about the trend of over-simplifying the game. Call it my personal pet peeve, but I seriously dislike the instant-gratification crowd, and I certainly don't want my game catering to it! Now fast-forward almost two full years, and another easy button has crept into Aion, this time relating to dungeons. Just two weeks ago I reported on the 3.1 update changes in instances, from lowering the minimum-level entrance requirements to swinging the nerf bat at some Balaur heads. Words, however, are still just words; how do the changes play out in-game? I grabbed myself a Beshmundir Temple group to check it out.

  • Valve removes 'player-created' Aion mace from Dota 2

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    After discovering that a mace supposedly created by a player in the Steam Workshop and then added to Dota 2 was actually copied from NCsoft's MMORPG Aion, Valve removed the item and issued a warning to players. Believing the mace model the author's original work, Valve made it available to Dota 2 players who purchased a key to unlock a special chest. But Valve's community noticed the mace was Aion's Marchutan's Blessed Mace and reported the IP infringement. All 24,603 players who previously acquired the mace were issued replacement weapons for the confiscated one. The uploader of the mace has been banned, and all proceeds from the sale of the weapon have been stripped from his account. Valve posted a reminder that contributors to the Workshop must respect the intellectual property of others and encouraged the community to continue to report infringements.

  • NCsoft weathers $6M loss in Q2

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    NCsoft may have more banking on Guild Wars 2 than once thought. The mega-publisher announced that its second quarter earnings were lower than expected; it posted a $6 million loss for the period. Revenues were down 12% from last year to $130 million, of which a vast majority came from NCsoft's online titles. The company stated that it dipped into the red due to rising labor costs, an increased marketing budget for Blade & Soul's Korean launch, and the acquisition of Ntreev. Aion was also blamed for the company's financial woes, as revenues in that title sharply decreased due to fewer microtransaction sales. Both Lineage titles composed a great share of the company's revenues, with the first game producing 45% of sales and the sequel 13%. NCsoft said that it is banking on Guild Wars 2 to produce a profitable third quarter, however.

  • Aion 3.0 to launch in Europe on August 15th

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    For quite some time, Aion players across the pond have eagerly waited for their turn to participate in the massive update that introduces housing, mounts, a higher level cap, and two brand new areas to the game. That wait is finally over: Gameforge has announced Aion's 3.0 patch will launch in Europe next Wednesday, August 15th! Come next week, every Daeva over level 21 will be able to own his own space. Along with housing, players will be able to specialize in the new furniture making crafting profession to decorate and personalize their home-sweet-homes. Characters level 55 through 60 (the new level cap) will be able to access the newest areas of Balaurea: Sarpan and Tiamaranta. While Tiamaranta brings four new fortresses to conquer, Sarpan is a PvP-free zone where Asmodians and Elyos must live together under a truce. [Source: Gameforge press release]