

  • Wings Over Atreia: Three signs you've crossed that line

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    We know it's there. That line. The one that separates folks who have a clue and those who may need to rent one for a while. In Aion, as in life, many people see the line and tactfully veer away from it. Others might stumble across it occasionally (perhaps after being tripped by rambunctious friends?). Some, however... well, some are why we have a topic for today. Some choose to pole vault over the line and keep on going, much to all of our detriment. Let's face it -- despite growing popularity and our hobby's movement farther into the mainstream, there are still plenty of negative stereotypes surrounding gaming and the people who enjoy it. If our favorite hobby already has a bad rap, we certainly don't need to add to it! So showing a bit of common sense, decorum, and class as a community is actually pretty important, especially with the influx of new players since Aion went free-to-play. After all, we want those people to enjoy and stay in the game! After witnessing a few situations in-game lately demonstrating an utter lack of class, I wondered whether perhaps folks just haven't had a chance to obtain wise counsel in regard to their behaviors. So today, Wings Over Atreia is proud to debut "Dear MJ," the new column designed to dispense invaluable -- though not necessarily solicited -- advice aimed at bettering our Atreian community.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Aion 3.1 part two

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last week, Wings Over Atreia discussed one of the biggest changes that came to Aion with the 3.1 patch: the Fast-Track server. That alone might have grabbed your attention (it certainly did mine). However, the inclusion of an at-will PvP-free leveling zone wasn't even close to the only thing brought to the table; plenty of other morsels were served as well. Changes -- they are legion! Mixed among the requisite jumble of fix-this-wording and adjust-this-skill tweaks were changes that affect instances, repeatable quests, AP, and housing. And of course, as in any Aion update, devs a played a rousing game of squash-a-bug. Here's a look at some of the highlights of patch 3.1.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Fulfilling the need for speed with Aion 3.1

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    It's all in the numbers: 1.9, 2.0, 2.6, 2.7, and of course, 3.0. No, these aren't digits hidden in a mathematician's fortune cookie; they are all popular patches in Aion. In the case of a few of them, they wore big-patch pants and got their own name. Two of those were even heralded as expansions. So what about the latest update to hit Aion's North American servers? Is 3.1 a lucky number? I know, I know. Usually I am regaling you with facts about upcoming patches far in advance and drooling over things to come. This time, however, the patch kind of sneaked up on me. I swear I didn't fall asleep at the launchpad; this patch just wasn't as hyped as its predecessors. But less hype does not equal lack of goodies. Just like 2.7, which followed Empyrean Calling, 3.1 might not have a spiffy name besides its numeric moniker, but it does have some spiffy stuff. Enough stuff, in fact, that I'll have to spend more than one week sharing the goodness. Today, Wings Over Atreia's inaugural look at 3.1 focuses on that first change that caught my eye and even made me do a double-take: the Fast-Track server.

  • Aion 3.1 goes live on Wednesday

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The first major version update for Aion's latest incarnation is going live on Wednesday, and it's all about getting your characters up to speed as quickly as possible. If you've got a character or two who's lagged behind, it's time to bring him or her up in levels. For starters, the entry requirements for Steel Rake, Theobomos Lab, Aetherogenetics Lab, Adma Stronghold, and Alquimia Research Center have all been reduced, meaning you can complete the dungeons earlier in your leveling career. The instances have been improved in other ways as well: Aetherogenetics and Alquimia give increased experience and drop better equipment, while Theobomos and Adma Stronghold have both been opened to both factions with new quests for each. Meanwhile, the game is also adding a special Fast Track server, allowing players to shoot along toward the level cap with a full array of Rift Buffs perpetually turned on. Keep your eyes peeled for the patch's approach, as it hits the live servers on July 18th.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Aion re-newbed

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Amidst all the possible topics for Wings Over Atreia floating in my head, one decided to lure all the others into a dark closet and lock them in. What precipitated the nefarious mental culling? While I was campaign questing in Asmodae for last Friday's livestream, it hit me. You could say it just clicked -- like the sound of the key turning in a door's lock. What topic was trying to look innocent while a key dangled from its grip? That would be newbness in Aion. Wait, what? How can you possibly talk about being a newb when you've been playing since launch-ish? I heard that! And I can explain. Granted some people might contend that once you have a high-level character in a game, you can't ever be a newbie again (although you can be a n00b anytime by embracing ignorance). However, this simply isn't true, especially in Aion when a change in archetype, coupled with a change in server and faction, makes things all new. I have to admit that I never really thought I could recapture that total newbie feeling again either, but I certainly did. In full-force, even. The experience revealed a few things to me about Aion as it continues toward its third anniversary. What I found may surprise you.

  • Wings Over Atreia: BlackCloud Marketing 101 -- freebies!

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Footsteps echo off the cobblestones paving the marketplace streets. The sunlight streams through the merchant stalls, and the wind tugs at the awnings as trinkets and baubles spill out of baskets on every counter. One merchant eyes a possible patron drawing near. "Oh, have I got a deal for you. Special for you, only for you! Come see, come see! Ack-ack-ack-ack-ack." But the Daeva continues to pass by. Thinking quickly, the furry shopkeeper calls out, "FREE!" You stopped, didn't you? OK, so maybe this is not what shopping is like really in Aion's BlackCloud Marketplace (though it is fun to envision), but the principle is the same. Marketing 101 teaches that above all else in the world, be it Earth or Atreia, one simple word hooks people and reels them in like a first-rate fishing lure: free. Don't believe me? Well, you clicked on this story, didn't you? And if you want to see what free cash shop items you can get your hands on in Aion, you'll also click past the break!

  • The Perfect Ten: Amazing amateur MMO cosplay

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    I find the whole cosplay subculture at conventions to be both foreign and fascinating. On one hand, I deeply admire the dedication and time it takes to put together a complex outfit and then spend all day wearing this custom-made sweatsuit. On the other hand, it does tend to bring out some folks' narcissism and unnecessary cleavage. While many facets of geek and video game culture are adequately represented by those crazy cosplayers, I don't see as much when it comes to MMORPGs. Was it truly underrepresented, I wondered, or have I just never looked? Consider the following 10 costumes the result of an afternoon or two combing through so much amateur cosplay that it vastly exceeded the recommended amount as set by the American Medical Association. I'm glad to make the sacrifice for you, and besides, you just know those doctors are the ones in these outfits, anyway. (Please note that if you're looking for more skin than skill, this will not be the list for you!)

  • Jukebox Heroes: Aion's soundtrack

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Welcome to Jukebox Heroes, a new biweekly column in which we jam an 8-track cassette into the deck and rock out to the best of MMO scores. I've been a huge soundtrack fan since about forever, and I collect both movie and video game scores like crazy. You may have seen this fanaticism peek through in a few of my Perfect Ten columns, and we thought it was time to give the sounds of MMOs their own dedicated space on Massively. Before we go into today's featured soundtrack, I want to establish two ground rules for this column and the discussion that may follow. The first rule is that even though many players turn off MMO music due to repetition, that doesn't mean that the score itself is forgettable. It's just that no music is good enough to listen to 1,047 times in a row. The second rule is that we're going to focus on the music itself without a larger commentary on its MMO. Good games can have terrible music and vice-versa, so it's important to divorce game opinions from musical analysis. Without further ado, I'm going to kick off this series by examining the latest MMO soundtrack I've acquired, Aion's. Aion is a gorgeous game to look at, and its music is just as -- if not more -- beautiful (and if you're not reading MJ's excellent Wings Over Atreia column, shame on you). Let's give it a listen.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Musings on secrets, subs, and Aion

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Perhaps it was a specific alignment of the planets. Possibly it was a special convergence of random unrelated events. Or maybe it's just from poking around old haunts while livestreaming, discussing upcoming launches with friends, or reporting on different aspects of games. Whatever the reason, my mind has been been thinking about Aion in relation to other games quite a bit over the last couple of weeks. I have had many occasions to mull over the features and ponder what makes NCsoft's game the place to be in the face of so many other possibilities. So why Aion? In the face of a major launch and a plethora of free-to-play offerings, why should Daevas choose to remain or begin adventures in the world of Atreia? Well, you could just say different strokes for different folks and all that, but it's more than that. Aion also has a few unique cards stacked in its favor. In all, I say the game has quite a healthy life still ahead of it. Here's why.

  • Age of Empires Online adopts a truly free business model

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last month, the Age of Empires Online developers announced an aim to take the game away from its "free-to-try" business model and move to truly free. With the latest update, the real-time strategy game will not only convert to a truly free-to-play model but also offer new content to players in the form of Alliance Wars (a team-based competition for level-40 players) along with new purchasable vanity items and consumables. In the move to make all premium content available through gameplay, the game's currency -- Empire Points -- can now be earned through conventional play or purchased through Steam. Chris Taylor, founder and CEO of Gas Powered Games, explains, "With Empire Points and this true free-to-play business model, we are giving players what they have repeatedly asked for... fewer pay walls and more ways for players to experience this legendary franchise." As the game transitions to this new model, all current players will receive a gift of 500 Empire Points automatically, while new accounts will receive 100. Current players who had Empire Points previously will see them converted into in-game coin. [Source: Gas Powered Games press release]

  • Wings Over Atreia: It's time to liberate Aion from race restrictions

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The shadows dance as the last of the rays of day filter through the window. A hush descends as fingers are poised over the keyboard. Maybe today is the day! Just maybe. Fingers fly. Clinging to that last shred of hope, the player types the code. Just one more step! Breath held, hand shaking, finally the selection made... *Race creation restrictions are in place. You cannot create an Elyos.* Race restrictions: a noble idea that causes harm in its quest to do good, an idea in Aion that has outlived its usefulness, at least in its current form. Perhaps you've never been party to the scenario described above, but I (along with countless others) have. It is not a pleasant experience; I contend that race restrictions are causing avoidable harm to the game. At the very least, it's a slap in the face to the idea of playing your way. But even worse than that, it is costing Aion players when the express goal was to avoid that very thing. This week, Wings Over Atreia looks at why the policies of race restrictions need to be reexamined, and if kept, reimplemented in a different way.

  • One Shots: Building character

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    This week's One Shots is all about characters -- your characters, to be precise. Kicking it off is One Shots veteran EuchridEucrow, who delivered this sultry pic of his Guild Wars 2 beta character giving the camera... The Look. He wrote us with this lovely bit of description: Disturbed from a moment of contemplation, she gives you "the look." As her face turns your way, trailing the mist from her breath on the cold air, you find your own breath catching in your lungs. Is it the cold that has frozen your lungs? Her beauty? Or is there something else? Something behind the beauty, a kind of casual, indifferent grace that seems to promise violence? You see a snowflake drift onto the soft black bars of her eyelashes, but she doesn't blink it away. Perhaps it would be a good idea to go inside where it is warm. We've put a few more of your characters on display past the break!

  • Aion releases next auction schedule for housing

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    It's vicious! Foes duking it out, consistently trying to one-up each other until only the victor remains. It really is brutal out there. Are we talking about PvP? Nope -- it's Aion's housing market. Aion's non-instanced real estate has been a hot commodity. One reason larger homes are so popular is the benefits afforded the owner: Mansion and estate owners never suffer from soul sickness, and estate owners also get a 5% increase in crafting proc rates. Due to the limited number, many Daevas did not manage to secure the homes of their dreams during the last round of auctions. But all is not lost; NCsoft announced that many new places are opening up for bid in three separate phases with the first starting tomorrow, June 6th, for all servers. The second phase of auctions, however, will not begin until after all of the homes in the first phase have sold out. Likewise, phase three homes will not become available until all of the homes in phase two are gone. With this set-up, each server will progress individually though the phases. For a complete listing of which properties are available when, check out the new housing schedule.

  • The Perfect Ten: Worst MMO launches of all time

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    First things first: Whatever MMO release is currently ticking you off is the worst launch of all time. It would be folly of me to try to convince you otherwise. You've been roundly slapped in the face and you don't want me to convince you that the pain was in vain. I understand. Getting past that, however, would it be possible to examine the subsequent 10 worst launches in the MMO industry? If your trauma isn't too great, that is. It would be? Terrific! What constitutes a horrible game launch is varied, although each and every one of the following games made an unfortunate blunder that caused the title to stumble instead of sprint out of the gate. It's not the end of the story, of course, but it does make for a good tale to tell to youngsters camping in the open woods or a particularly seedy LAN center.

  • Previously on MV TV: The week of May 12th

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    What a week of livestreaming! We've got quite the variety and tons of hours of video to watch. What's that? You had to work and missed half of the cool streams we showed? Don't worry! I gather all of the best streams from the week's collection and list them for you right here. Still, you need to bookmark our livestream page so you can see which videos are going to be shown during the week, but if you miss any, you can check out the recap here. That's why we do it. This week we had a lot to offer. First we had good old Mike jumping into EVE Online for some space action, then into TERA for some scantily clad combat! He then explores some of the great browser-based game Drakensang Online. MJ brought a ton of goodies to the streaming table, goodies like a run-through in EverQuest II, some base-jumping in City of Heroes, a bit of hardcore survival in Xsyon, and a flight around the beautiful lands of Aion. I rounded out the end by streaming some BatMUD, a cool MUD that has been around since many of you have been in diapers! Click past the cut and grab some popcorn. Keep the butter light but add some salt. Thanks.

  • Age of Empires developers talk about free-to-try and free-to-play


    Gas Powered Games is aiming to take Age of Empires Online out of DLC-supported free-to-play and into a truly free model. That means moving away from what Systems Design Lead Eric Williamson described as "more of a free to try" model and implementing a system through which players can earn points to unlock anything that could be more quickly bought with money. In anticipation of this change, PC Gamer sat down with Williamson and Design Lead Steve Bauman for a chat about some of the philosophy behind the change. Williams said that their hope is that people who were previously turned off by the imperative that they spend money for full in-game advantage will be willing to give it another go. Players will now be able to earn enough points to unlock a premium civilization in "as short as two or three weeks of daily play," so those who spend the most time in-game will reap the greatest reward. Empire points, the purchase resource that will be gained by either money or in-game achievement, will be earned by players as they complete specific campaign quests, level up, and participate in Alliance Contests.

  • Leaderboard: EverQuest II's housing vs. Aion's housing

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Everyone loves player housing, right? Oh, quiet you in the back. Look into my eye: Everyone loves player housing. It is the number one most requested, demanded, and mandatory feature of every MMO. In terms of priority, "having monsters to kill in the game" is lower than giving us sweet pads to decorate. This is the way the virtual world should be and always has been. Well, now that I've dipped into the well of delusion, it's time to emerge with my hair sopping wet and my mind open to the possibility of a player housing revival. With the advent of Aion's 3.0 update, players in this now-free-to-play game can move into a suburban dreamhouse and spend countless hours figuring out the exact decor to match the subtle majesty of the bathroom's toilet. But is it enough to challenge the de facto leader of player housing, EverQuest II? Mountains of novels have been written on this game's housing system, novels that were then used to construct a giant book fort in the middle of the grand ballroom. Because that's just how flexible that system can be. So pitted against each other in an interior design contest, which game would emerge triumphant? Cast your vote after the jump!

  • Aion rewarding decorating skills with contest

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    As one of 3.0's most anticipated features, player housing brought a whole new facet of gaming to Aion. Along with the studios, houses, and estates, housing provided Daevas the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and decorating flair, and players have been taking full advantage of the system. Now, NCsoft wants to reward players for sprucing up their Atreian homes with a contest titled Decorate Your Space. Think you have a pretty snazzy pad? Then show off those mad decorating skills! All Daevas over level 20 are eligible; just submit up to three unaltered screenshots of your living space via the contest thread or by email to by 12:59 a.m. EDT on May 19th. The top three homes judged best decorated will win special 60-day, two-drawer cabinets with an extra 18 slots of storage space. For full rules, conditions, and the winner release form, visit the official announcement.

  • Aion offers rewards in new Broken Alliance PvP event

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Aion is incentivizing PvP in a big way this month thanks to a new promotion called A Broken Alliance. The bloodshed runs through May 16th as NCsoft is opening rifting portals and removing faction protection buffs from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. EDT each day. Players who rift into enemy territory will receive reward items, as will those who log at least one PvP kill. Three players per faction will be selected to receive a special Cirruspeed mount prize (though it's worth noting that said mount expires after 30 days). Finally, the devs will be spawning legendary raid monsters on Sundays. Full details on the promo events are on the Aion website.

  • Aion gives Pando Media Booster the boot [Updated]

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you've never heard of Pando Media Booster before, then you probably haven't downloaded one of several free-to-play games. It's meant to improve download speeds and speed in streaming clients, but in practical terms it's frequently cited as a resource hog that cripples performance on many computers. Aion was one of the many games that used the program following its transition to free-to-play, complete with the usual complaints, but as of now, the game can be played without the booster. As of this afternoon, the game can be downloaded directly from the master NCsoft launcher without using any third-party workarounds. If you had already downloaded and installed the game, you can feel free to safely shut down and uninstall Pando Media Booster without any impact on your gameplay. Considering the horror stories that have periodically circled around the program, Aion players will likely be happy to learn it's no longer associated with the game. [Update: NCsoft has contact us to clarify that the removal of Pando Media Booster from Aion is only temporary: "We temporarily removed Pando Media Booster so that we can test a variety of server-side adjustments regarding download completion rates and further refine the service we provide our players. We will bring Pando Media Booster back once we've optimized our service to provide the best download rates possible." Sorry for the confusion!]