

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Meanwhile, in WoW edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. I have a confession to make. I pretty much logged onto WoW the minimum possible amount of time last week. Now, don't get me wrong, I had a lot of stuff going on in real life too, but my main reason for playing hooky was because I was obsessed with Ezekiel Hawke, the dashing, roguish champion of Kirkwall you see above. That said, having now defeated Dragon Age 2, I am ready to get back into the game and eager to check all the new patch 4.1 goodies being discovered on the PTR by the day (and, of course, reported by us). If you're tired of patch 4.1 news, have no fear, we have some pretty sweet non-patch news too. We had a contingent at PAX East 2011 and got a chance to sit down with Cryptozoic, the makers of the WoW TCG. The developers also recently held a forum Q&A, and the first round of questions and answers was released yesterday. Me, I'm most excited that they didn't completely dismiss the idea of an appearance layer on gear like they have in the past. You should have some time to read up on this and all the rest of the week's news, as we have our usual scheduled maintenance from 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific time this morning.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: In the still of the night edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    We weren't expecting it, but it came just the same. Dropping in like a thief in the night, the patch 4.1 PTR showed up early last week and began slowly worming its way into the news cycle and into our hearts. There's a lot of pretty amazing stuff coming in with it. Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman are back as heroic dungeons. You can walk right into Old Ironforge. Hunters can tame hydras. The Wintersaber mount grind is getting easier. There's a whole ton of new pets and mounts, along with achievements for collecting more of them. There's a new looking for guild feature. We may even see a caster legendary. There's also hints of a new Hallow's End, and with it, new lore for the Forsaken and the worgen. That's just the tip of the iceberg, of course. You can check out more articles on all the latest changes behind the break. With realm maintenance lasting from 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. PST this morning, you don't have anything better to do, right? Be sure to stayed tuned throughout the day and coming weeks for more news as well.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: The love is gone edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone! It's been another hectic week of bugs, balance issues, and hotfixes, all of which you can read about after the break in our usual roundup. Other than that, Love Is In The Air is gone for another year. Hopefully, you got what you wanted out of that. On the downtime front this morning, we have rolling restarts beginning at 5 a.m. PST, with all realms expected to be ready to roll again by 6 a.m. But hey, before you leap back into action, why not check out the latest headlines? You never know what you might have missed.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Bugged about titles edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday Morning, everyone. Hope your Valentine's Day was awesome. Patch 4.0.6 has been out for a week now. Despite a few nasty bugs early on, Blizzard seems to have ironed out most of the kinks, and hopefully by now we've gotten used to the newness. Besides, the ups and downs of patch 4.0.6 are nothing compared to the furor that erupted over the moving of The Exalted title. Blizzard later reneged, of course, but it was a pretty huge storm while it lasted. If you're still trying to get your head wrapped around all things patch 4.0.6, fear not. We have you covered. You can check out our initial guide to the 4.0.6 patch, as well as all the other articles we've been writing this week, after the break. Maintenance this week is from 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific, so you should have plenty of time to get caught up.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Daniel mostly talks about patch 4.0.6 and maybe a little bit of RIFT

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. I heard you were all tired of seeing pictures of Alex's RIFT characters, so I figured I'd break up the monotony by showing you a picture of my RIFT character. But yeah, forget what I said in WRUP. I spent my entire weekend playing RIFT. Specifically, I was playing a ranger/bard/marksman who looks suspiciously like Kevin Sorbo. My opinion of the game is pretty close to Alex's, so I won't say much else except to note that I want Blizzard to steal rifts, and I forgot how much I missed playing a bard. That said, I'm not too bummed that the beta is over (for now), since we got plenty of juicy new stuff coming after today's extended downtime. Patch 4.0.6 should be dropping today, and you should definitely read over the patch notes. There are long-requested (or unrequested) buffs and dreaded nerfs a-plenty. In other news, Love is the Air on the live servers as well, along with quite a few bugs related to said holiday. Luckily, most of those bugs should be fixed in this patch, and we'll be able to stop obsessing over Cairne and Magni's deaths again. We also got a surprisingly early announcement for BlizzCon 2011. All these stories and more await you below. With today's extended downtime of 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific time, you should have plenty of time to read it all.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: The waiting is the hardest part

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    You know, you'd think we could be happy all this shiny new Cataclysm content -- but no, we're all about the future. We are all about what is next. We all want more, more, more. Blizzard's probably going to disappoint us again this week, though, as all we're getting this morning is a set of rolling restarts beginning at 5 a.m. PST. Sorry kids, it looks like we have at least another week until patch 4.0.6 drops in our laps. With that said, we're still digging deep into patch 4.0.6 and general Cataclysm stuff alike around here, and while we wait around for the patch to drop, there's still plenty to read up on. Rolling restarts still require at least a few minutes of downtime, so why not get caught up on WoW news while you wait? We have our usual roundup of the latest stuff below.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Lunar lamentations edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. I came back from my vacation just in time to start the Lunar Festival, and let me tell you, I was looking forward to it quite a bit. I mean, sure, this means my druid can restock on Moonglow, but the main reason I was hopeful is that I have two characters stuck in the early 70s, and I was sort of hoping that rounding up all the elders would take care of a significant chunk of their leveling and get me out of Northrend that much earlier. Then I visited my first elder and found out that they give neither experience nor money anymore. You may have heard the howls of anguish. So anyway, now I'm thinking I should just level them via archaeology, but doing archaeology a second or third time might actually be worse than doing Northrend a seventh or eighth time. Still, at least archaeology is apparently getting a lot more lucrative in patch 4.0.6. Speaking of patch 4.0.6, no, we do not know when it's coming to live servers. Seeing as maintenance this morning is only from 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific time, it's probably not that week. That said, we do have plenty of other patch 4.0.6 news for you to catch up while the servers are down. Read on for all the latest.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Patch 4.0.6 PTR edition

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    The past week has been largely dominated by discussion of patch 4.0.6, which isn't completely unexpected. The patch only recently made it to the PTR, and everybody loves talking about the new hotness. Cataclysm is old and busted now, right? Nobody wants to talk about that. All right, all right. I wouldn't call it old and busted, but patch 4.0.6 is bringing a lot of change to an already change-filled expansion. Classes, quests, and dungeons are all being buffed, nerfed, and fixed. Follow us behind the cut below to check out WoW Insider's top posts of the last week -- patch news and otherwise.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: There's treasure inside

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Over the holiday break, thanks to all of the companies that sent merchandise our way, WoW Insider gave away more prizes than we've ever given away for any previous event -- and this comes after our absolutely epic BlizzCon party wherein we gave away tons of goodies, and then the Cataclysm midnight release events where we (nearly) cleaned out the very last of our loot codes. However, now that things have calmed down, we've taken stock of the loot codes that went unused during Cataclysm's midnight release and we just might have some leftovers from WoWTCGLoot.com that we'll be giving away here in the Tuesday Morning Post. However, since these are the precious few pieces of loot we have left for now, we're going to run this thing a little differently. To find out how to enter, you'll need to follow us past the break, check out our top articles of the week, and head down to the end of the post.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Festive reflections edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy new year, everyone. The feast of Winter Veil is finally over, and though all I really did for it this year was loot my presents on one or two characters, I have to admit I'm still a little sad to see it go. It was fun to see all the festivities. Even poor shipwrecked sailors huddling in damp caves and praying for rescue couldn't resist putting up elaborate Winter Veil trees. That's holiday spirit, my friends, and we could all learn from that. Luckily, we don't have to wait too long for a new holiday. The Lunar Festival will be up before the end of the month. Will we have to go find dwarven ancestors in the depths of Grim Batol? Will zerging Omen at 85 be any different from zerging him at 80 or 70? We'll find out! For the time being, though, we still have a few weeks free of holiday distractions to continue the Cataclysm grind. You'll be rudely interrupted this morning by a series of rolling restarts at 5 a.m. Pacific time, which gives you some to catch up the latest news right here at WoW Insider. Read on for our usual roundup of all the hottest news and best guides from the past seven days.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: 'Twas the night after Christmas

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone! With the Christmas holiday in full swing, things were surprisingly short on the new front this past week. Fear not, though, we're making news of our own. With the end of the year fast approaching, we're spending the days taking a look back at our best work from the past year. Is your favorite article on our list? Now that Christmas is over and the presents unwrapped, did you get all the awesome WoW loot you asked Santa for? If not, don't fear, you might just have a second chance. The 12 Days of Winter Veil are in full swing here at WoW Insider, and we're still giving away all sorts of awesome loot. Just keep watching the site. Just because the news was slow doesn't mean the site was, as you can see. Keep on reading for more news and more guides to gearing your class and running the new dungeons. We do have some rolling restarts to deal with this morning, at 5 a.m. Pacific time, but after you've finished reading, you should be clear to jump right back into the game.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: For Whom The Barad Tols edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone! You know, as things calm down a bit now that we're a few weeks into Cataclysm, I've had time to ask myself one of my favorite questions: What could Blizzard be doing better? Don't get me wrong, Cataclysm's awesome, but there are always a few things to be concerned about. Right now, my big concern is Tol Barad. Tol Barad, as a concept, is pretty awesome. It's an island full of history that old-time Warcraft lore nerds like me can appreciate, and the factions and story are well set up for an epic showdown. Plus, if loot's your thing, the reputation rewards run the gamut from fun to useful. So everything would be great with Tol Barad, except that the mechanics of the battle itself are sort of horrible. Mat's pretty much said what needs to be said on this, so I'll let him tell you all about it. Of course, his wasn't the only awesome article posted on the site in the last few days. As of this writing, there's no scheduled downtime aside from a quick round of realm restarts at 5 a.m. pacific time, but hey, you could stand to take a break and do some reading anyway, right? Continue on for our usual roundup of all the best news, tips, and tricks.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Not looking at explosions edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone! So hopefully by now, most of us have had plenty of time to get knee deep in the fastest selling computer game of all time. Some of us are level 85, some of us aren't; some have switched over to worgen and goblins or other characters, some of us are too busy not looking at explosions. Whatever your pursuit, we wish you lots of luck and lots of fun. With that in mind, if you're still confused by all the changes in Cataclysm or you're still struggling to level your character, don't worry. We've got you covered. You can always check our Cataclysm coverage page for a roundup of the best guides and latest news, or you can read on now as we cover everything we've reported on since last Tuesday. Don't worry, the servers are down from 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific time, so you'll have plenty of time to read.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Altoholics Anonymous edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    You know, I was just going to take it easy until Cataclysm, even with The Shattering upon us, even with the new race/class combos. I figured I'd grab a few of the new pets on my death knight and just coast until it was time to start leveling. Then I figured, what the heck, let's roll a gnome priest and check out the new gnome starting zone. You can see from the picture above where that ended up. She's level 39 now and still going strong! I'm not the only one who's rolled a new character, either. I've seen a lot of human hunters and night elf mages around, and I'm hearing horror stories of Orgrimmar drowning in a tide of technicolored troll druids as well. That's right, The Shattering is upon us, and apparently all it's really shattered for most of us is any boredom with the game. There's a lot of good stuff going on right now -- and we, of course, have it all here. With today's extended maintenance of 3-11 a.m. Pacific time, you should have time to catch up, right? Read on for a roundup of all the latest happenings.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Shattered edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone! Patch 4.0.3 was released last week, but everyone knows that's not the big news. No, that was just the first rumblings of change. Patch 4.0.3a only just went up on the PTR, but it looks like it's already headed to the live servers. This means we'll be getting a lot of changes, including the new version of the old world and the new race/class combos. Just to be clear, Blizzard is currently saying that you will be able to race change to those new combos right away, no matter what it had said before. Also coming this patch is a nice 20 percent reduction in leveling experience for the level 70 to level 80 grind, as well as changes to the Loremaster achievement. Daunted by all the changes? Don't worry, with a 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific downtime coming our way, you should have time to read up on all of it. Keep it tuned here for news throughout the morning, and read on now for a look back at what we've already talked about.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Elemental extended maintenance edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. We're barreling headlong into the Cataclysm opening event, including fighting in the cities, so if you've been lax in logging on, now might be a good time to start. After all, there's loot and achievements to be had, and stuff. That said, you won't be able to log on for a bit this morning, as the servers are going down for extended maintenance from 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. PST. Personally, I'm blaming this on the fire elementals. I bet they got into the hardware. Luckily, we got your back with lots of good stuff to read from the past week while we wait for the servers to come back up. Keep it right here with us, and we'll get through the downtime withdrawal together, I promise. We have our usual list of hot topics and useful guides below.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Elementals everywhere edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. While we're all holding our breaths waiting for Dec. 7, don't think things have slowed down, either. The elemental invasion event is in full swing, with a new phase every week. Before you know it, we'll be seeing Patch 4.0.3 and a whole new world (of Warcraft) laid out before us. Get those last-minute achievements done now, folks, it'll be here before you know it. For now, though, we have a few weeks, and Tuesday morning is as good a time as any to stand back and take stock of what's going in the game we all love. We have the usual roundup of hot news and useful guides straight ahead.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Countdown to Cataclysm edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. The big news of the moment actually started up last night: The next phase of the pre-Cataclysm world event has begun. This means we're ever closer to patch 4.0.3 and the release of Cataclysm. It feels like we've really cleared a hurdle here, so better get that old content done while you can. Of course, there's plenty of other news to sift through. We have few articles left from BlizzCon, for example. Also in awesome news is that The Shattering now has a much-deserved slot on the New York Times best-seller list. Downtime for maintenance consists only of a quick set of rolling restarts at 5 a.m., but it can't hurt to take a break and do some reading, right? We have our usual roundup after the break.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Jaina Proudmoore is awesome edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone, and welcome to the week after BlizzCon 2010. This year was pretty sparse on WoW news, but there was still some cool stuff to see, including the new worgen cinematic. Luckily, the main reason everyone was there went off without a hitch: the WoW Insider reader meetup. Seriously, guys, it seemed like half the BlizzCon was there, including some pretty awesome special guests, and the prizes and alcohol both flowed like water. It was such an amazing party, and we're all looking forward to doing it again next year. Whether you've made it before or not, we'd love to see you there. Now, given the nature of the news this week, I could just throw up a picture of the BlizzCon sign as my header and be done with it. But I'm not going to do that. Instead, have a picture of Jaina Proudmoore. I have to admit, between the state of Dustwallow Marsh and the incidents at Undercity and Dalaran, I lost a lot of faith in Jaina. She just didn't seem to have any dignity or grace anymore. The woman I admired in Warcraft 3 was gone. But Christie Golden changed that. In The Shattering, she let me respect Jaina again, as a strong woman who still loves the Alliance but won't give up on peace, standing up to her King and even, if needed, to Thrall, even as she maintains strong friendships with both of them. Thank you, Christie. Thank you for letting me love Jaina again. Anyhow, with that bit of rampant fanboying out of the way, I should warn you that we do have the usual 5-11 a.m. downtime this morning. Luckily, between BlizzCon and patch 4.0.1, there's plenty of news for you to catch up on. You can start with our usual list, after the break.

  • Tuesday Morning Post: No pre-BlizzCon lull edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. BlizzCon may be just around the corner, but don't make the mistake of thinking that everything's fallen into a lull because of that. There's a lot of pretty awesome stuff that's gone down in the last few days. Patch 4.0.1 is out, and it's changed the world (of Warcraft) forever. We also got to see the Cataclysm opening cinematic. I, personally, was underwhelmed, but I seem to be one of about three people who feel that way, so I'm sure you'll like it if you haven't seen it yet. In addition, Hallow's End is now on live servers, so you have a few more weeks to grab that elusive horse mount or pet, assuming you don't crash. Of course, my personal choice for the best news of Patch 4.0.1 is the fact that Anzu is up all the time. Don't get me wrong, I had a druid in Burning Crusade, and the epic flight form quest was amazing, but I want a giant frickin technicolored bird on my death knight now, and I'm pretty happy I won't have to drag around a druid for that. There's plenty of more patch 4.0.1 news to peruse and guidance to absorb, and since it's maintenance Tuesday, you should have some time to absorb it all. Check out our usual roundup after the break!