user generated content


  • Pirates of the Burning Sea User Content 2.0 goes live

    Andrew Russo
    Andrew Russo

    Ok buccaneers, it is now time for us to offer our own new and improved Caribbean flavor to Pirates of the Burning Sea! User Content 2.0, the new review and submission process, officially became seaworthy on the 15th of May. So what exactly does this mean and how does it make cannon balls fly faster? Ktatroe logged onto the PotBS website and explained what exactly the new system entails.Pirates of the Burning Sea has a creative user content system that allows the lawful and lawless to design their own sails, flags, and even submit designs for vessels. Registered sailors can then vote on the content for inclusion in the game. The PotBS team has streamlined the process for an approval or a broadside by reviewers for all content submissions. The primary motivation has been speed and, so far, over 1,300 new pieces of user generated content have been reviewed. Make sure your trusty pirate flag is up to speed, complete with bullet holes, by viewing this handy 2D content guide, before submitting it for review.

  • ION 08: Getting the most out of user generated content

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    One might rightfully acuse the term "user generated content" of being a rather dry way to describe what is really a fascinating trend in media: the opportunity for "users" to contribute their own creations and have them incorporated into traditionally heavily produced "content." By nature interactive, the games industry is taking notice of the power of UGC, and in a panel yesterday at ION 08 we had the chance to listen to Flying Lab's Troy Hewitt and Linden Lab's Rob Lanphier talk about how user content has been working in Pirates of the Burning Sea and Second Life. Attorney Eric Goldman of Santa Clara University School of Law was on hand to discuss some of the legal issues surrounding UGC, and the panel was moderated by Scott Warner, owner and leader of the intellectual property and technology group at firm Garvey Schubert Barer. Scott: Troy, do you want to start us off by talking about how user content has been working in Pirates? Troy: Sure. As some of you may know, we just launched PotBS earlier this year. We have a system in the game where players can create flags and sails for their ships. There's a mechanism to distribute your work and they can actually create and sell their designs as well. Players can also create and model their own ships, and other people in game will be able to use those ships. We have 30 ships now in the game made by players, and these were actually done by only 13 people; so it's a small group of dedicated people creating these ships. With the flags and sails, about 20% of our player base is creating them and a much larger percentage actually use them.

  • Is user generated content the future of MMOs?

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    User generated content. Second Life is built on it. Other games are slowly taking up the banner as well and introducing the ideas of the players into their fold. Are we doing ourselves a favor, or are we starting to completely shoot ourselves in the foot?MMOCrunch brought up the point that users are looking for a more customizable experience in their games and virtual worlds. They point to applications like Facebook and Unreal Tournament as examples of user generated content bringing in a huge audience and networking people like never before. Their article also goes on to look at why current MMOs don't go to the customizable lengths of these other applications. Problems stem from challenges in programming to the core inability for user generated content to be brought into a world where your actions drive a centralized plot line.

  • MMOGology: Build your own adventure

    Marc Nottke
    Marc Nottke

    I hope all of you got to check out Elizabeth Harper's great preview of the upcoming LEGO Universe MMOG by NetDevil. I'm personally a huge fan of LEGO and proudly admit to playing with those little, plastic blocks well beyond the recommended age rating. There's just something great about a product that gives you the tools to create without limiting the possibilities of your imagination. When it comes down to it, LEGO is simply another medium like clay or paint. It's up to the artist/designer to manipulate the medium into something unique and meaningful. NetDevil's product will allow us to partake in that enjoyment in a digital fashion, although, unlike creation in Second Life, it appears as though artists and designers will not have free reign over content creation. In the context of an all ages game, the choice to place limits on creativity seems like a valid one. Allowing users to create anything they wanted with LEGO obviously opens up a Pandora's Box of offensive possibilities. I'll take the high road for now and refrain from mentioning the many examples of naughty things you could create in LEGO. But beyond potentially offensive things, creating absolutely anything you wanted in a game could potentially destroy the game from a design and gameplay perspective. User-created content brings up a variety of questions. To what extent can users shape their worlds without breaking them? To what extent can they expand and add to the content without altering the original vision of the developers? What role can user-generated content play in the future?

  • GDC08: All Points Bulletin info and eye candy

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    What word is perhaps most synonymous with the current MMO playing field? Grind. Realtime Worlds' Dave Jones (no relation?) is setting out to change that with the studio's first massively multiplayer title All Points Bulletin we've been following eagerly. He's hoping the formula Crackdown + MMO = crack will be proven true with variables like infinite, professional-looking character and vehicle customization, contemporary setting, integration with and dynamic, variable team-sized missions hidden in the equation. Hit up our symbiotic other selves at Joystiq for the complete overview of APB.%Gallery-16668%

  • GDC08: Realtime Worlds shows off All Points Bulletin

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    What word is perhaps most synonymous with the current MMO playing field? Grind. Realtime Worlds' Dave Jones (no relation?) is setting out to change that with the studio's first massively multiplayer title All Points Bulletin we caught wind of back in September. He's hoping the formula Crackdown + MMO = crack will be proven true with variables like infinite, professional-looking character and vehicle customization, contemporary setting, integration with and dynamic, variable team-sized missions hidden in the equation. In today's innocuously-titled "My first MMO" panel at GDC, Jones revealed a number of details about those variables and showed off some gameplay and character customization demos that left a packed house audibly oohing and ahhing. Read on for a breakdown of the session and details on the game. Gallery: GDC08: All Points Bulletin

  • Raph Koster imparts MetaPlace game design wisdom

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Areae's official MetaPlace blog is a bastion of quasi-regular updates amidst a whole field of general silence. You usually have to go to the source for any kind of information, but the source made some visits to the MetaPlace website; Raph Koster published two whole posts there over the past few days, and while he didn't go into a lot of detail about MetaPlace itself, he had a lot to say about the basics of game design.Since MetaPlace's premise involves users creating their own games or other interactive environments, Koster thought it would be prudent to lay out the core principles of game design. The first post was about the "atoms" that make up a game -- essentially mini-games that come together to make a greater mechanic. Koster used Tetris to illustrate concepts. The second part was about the mathematical skeletons of gameplay mechanics, and offered up some techniques for brainstorming ideas.He didn't spend any time at all discussing the less mathematically-oriented attractions in games, like social interactions, narrative structure and writing, visual artistry, emotional engagement , or immersion. It might be accurate to describe those things as the meat on the mathematical skeleton, but maybe they're coming up in a future post. These were just "fundamentals" posts, after all!

  • Areae explains MetaPlace's MetaBucks

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    The MetaPlace developer blog was updated with a description of Areae's plans for "MetaBucks." Unsurprisingly, MetaBucks will be the currency of MetaPlace. They will be exchangeable both ways for real-world currency, and will be used to buy tools and assets with which to build worlds. Also, MetaBucks will provide a system for creators of virtual worlds made in MetaPlace to charge subscription fees.If you're thinking, "gee, that sounds very Second Life-esque," you're not the only one! MetaPlace seeks to bridge the gap between gamers and virtual world residents by providing tools (like MetaBucks) that will be useful to both. For a browser-based title, MetaPlace is unusually ambitious in terms of scope.If you're curious how all this fits into Areae's business plan as a whole, check out the business plan FAQ. Basically, MetaPlace is free until the world you create crosses a certain traffic threshold. After that, it costs money to continue hosting your world there, but you can use MetaBucks to charge players or take donations, and use that income to cover the costs.