

  • Orange Box: 99 achievements, 1000 Gamerscore

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    We've talked about this very topic in our Fancast numerous times and wondered how Valve would divvy up the achievement load and how much Gamerscore the jam packed Orange Box would include. Well, we finally have our answer via our friend DaKing240 who dug up the achievement list for The Orange Box and it looks like it is being treated as one game.The Orange Box (which includes Half-Life Half-Life 2, Episodes 1 and 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2) will offer up the traditional 1000 Gamerscore and spread the achievements across all the included games / expansions with an impressive 99 achievement offering. And after doing a quick run through of the achievement list, it looks like the Half-Life franchise will be getting the majority of the unlockable goods with the other games still getting a respectable chunk of the Gamerscore. Go ahead, take a look at The Orange Box's achievements to see if you're up to the challenge of earning all 99 ... we dare you.

  • Today's most zombified video: Left 4 Dead 'Subway Outbreak'

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Zombies are fast. Zombies are hungry. Just remember that it you don't have to be the fastest person out there -- you just need to be faster than the guy next to you. This direct-feed footage from Left 4 Dead show four survivors (sorry, no footage of someone playing as a super zombie) making their way through a bloodied, abandoned subway system. It looks intense; it should make for an interesting team game when it hits Xbox 360 and PC in early 2008.

  • Loads of new Team Fortress 2 vids

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    GameVideos has posted a handful of new videos of Team Fortress 2 gameplay. In all, we get to see the engineer, spy, sniper, scout, and soldier doing their thing. We noticed yesterday that the camera can pull away from the player in order to show off an emotion. Seeing these new videos, it has become clear that this is a player controlled action, so you can use it to taunt your living (or dead) opponents whenever you wish. Beyond that, the game plays out as you would expect. You have sixty seconds to prepare before each match, during which time you can select your class and figure out your strategy. The rest is pure mayhem. Our favorite video, embedded above, features the spy infiltrating the enemy base and laying waste to them with his butterfly knife. Everything we've seen of Team Fortress 2 points to good times ahead. Check out three more videos after the break.

  • Team Fortress gameplay video emerges

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    After several videos detailing the characters and style of Team Fortress 2, GameVideos has finally uncovered some actual gameplay footage. It is, in short, chaos, and a more wonderful chaos we could not imagine. Throughout the video, we get to see the soldier, medic, spy, sniper, and engineer in action. The game looks to be pretty much non-stop action, with plenty of opponents to go around. In perhaps the most intriguing moment of the video, the camera pulls out to a third person perspective as the engineer laughs at the poor soul he just bludgeoned to death. It doesn't look as though this has any more value than simply rubbing in your kill and pissing off your opponent. Then again, how much more value do you need?

  • The Orange Box delayed on PS3

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Gamespot reports that Valve's Doug Lombardi confirmed to them the PS3 version of über-value The Orange Box will be delayed on PS3 by "a couple weeks." The PC and Xbox 360 versions will move forward with their Oct. 9 release. Wonder if those poor Valve employees still won't be able to play BioShock until the PS3 version is done too. Valve overlords, have a heart and let them play, everyone seems to be getting stuck on these delays -- for real, no joke.Per the usual of all these PS3 delay announcements, Valve would not identify the reason for the delay, the game is being ported by EA. Lombardi also wouldn't talk about a specific date, he merely let the "couple weeks" quote float out there. Hopefully Sony can craft some message to explain these delays away, maybe it'll be the first memo by Karraker's replacment.

  • Halo Wars and TF2 videos on XBLM

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A new day brings some new Xbox Live Marketplace content, and while we don't have any new demos to enjoy, there are some decent videos. The first video is the Halo Wars walk-through that was supposed to go up earlier this week. If you haven't already seen it on the intertubes, it's definitely worth checking out. The second video has also already been seen on the web, though it's probably worth watching in hi-def with some popcorn on the couch. We are talking, of course, about the Team Fortress 2 video featuring the soldier. We said it before and we'll say it again: comedy gold. Download both videos at your earliest convenience, but please, watch responsibly.

  • Valve not looking to leave EA (4 Dead)

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    After enjoying a healthy relationship with EA during development of The Orange Box, Valve will likely stay in partnership with the publishing giant for 2008's zombie apocalypse epic, Left 4 Dead. Valve MD Gabe Newell told Eurogamer that it would only be a "natural consequence" of the time spent on October's orange offering. "Everybody always tells us what a horrible monster EA is supposed to be and we keep waiting for the hair to sprout out and the fangs to grow." Newell, who's obviously never seen the ending to Michael Jackson's "Thriller," now shares a tree with Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli, who earlier this month praised EA for the "freedom" (see: money) it provided throughout the creation of Crysis. Such freedom may hopefully and helpfully extend to Left 4 Dead, with Newell considering a free launch weekend for the first-person, undead person shooter. "It's definitely a game that requires you to play it - you can describe it until you're blue in the face, but five minutes of playing it is definitely better than watching a 30-second spot on MTV to try to get you to understand why Left 4 Dead is going to be worth your time and money."

  • BioShock banned at Valve offices

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Do you think that the makers of one of the greatest first-person shooters ever are immune to the siren song of one of the other best first-person shooters ever? Valve head honcho Gabe Newell insists to CVG that they are not. "We had to ban BioShock from our offices," Newell said. "Nobody gets to play it until Orange Box is done - that's our reward to ourselves as a company; everyone gets a copy of BioShock."Newell said he hasn't played it either, but he's "really looking forward to it". We're torn about this news. On one hand, we're sad for the Valve employees, but on the other hand, we really want to play Episode 2. And then, on our third hand, we think they probably should have thought of this game-banning policy before they announced they were making games episodically. Wasn't Episode 2 supposed to be out in the mid 80s? Did the team get addicted to WoW or something?

  • Gabe Newell trashes PS3's Cell architecture

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Holy insufferable insults, Batman! It's yet another personality who wants to belittle the PS3 and its Cell processor. Valve's own Gabe Newell gave a talk at Leipzig the other day and did their share of doling out insults to both the 360 and PS3, while showering compliments on the PC. When asked how development was coming on the PS3, Newell replied with the usual difficult-to-program-for spiel: "I don't think they spent nearly enough time talking to developers when they were developing the PS3. It's less friendly for developers ... It's a hardware architectural problem. I don't think they thought through the Cell architecture. The hardware is only as good as the software it enables."That's techno-babble for "the PS3 is only as good as its games," which is true. Just like a child, the PS3 will grow and mature, looking better and better with every passing year. The software are only as good as the developers, you could switch it up and say as they familiarize themselves with the architecture, they'll pull more and more out of the console than they initially believed. Even so, Newell thinks Sony should have followed Intel's multi-core approach to expedite this learning process. What are your thoughts on the relation between the PS3, its games, and developers? Who's holding who back?

  • TF2 Soldier video splits sides (with rockets)

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Remember the Team Fortress 2 video featuring the Heavy? You know, "I am Heavy Weapons Guy," and "WHO TOUCHED MY GUN?!" and all that? Well, we're hesitant to say it, but we think this video tops it. Something like Patton with a little extra derangement sprinkled on top, the video features the Soldier class as he explains to the troops the very invention of war. Apparently it involves Sun Tzu and the collection of animals. In short, the video is comedy gold and should not be missed. Watch it now or forever be an outcast in gaming circles. Now where the hell is our Orange Box damn it? [Via Joystiq]

  • The Soldier talks to the troops in Team Fortress 2 video

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Hilarious and slightly disturbing, The Soldier video for Team Fortress 2, the game bundled with The Orange Box, makes us laugh in that uncomfortable way. Not cute like "The Heavy" video, this clip of The Soldier is just a little bit darker. Team Fortress 2 through brilliant marketing is really turning into the game we've become excited about in The Orange Box. Sure it'll probably be just another frag-fest that the average person won't stand a chance in, but it's oozing with dark charm.The Orange Box continues to be the value bundle of the year. With Half-Life 2, Episodes 1 and 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2 -- that's a lot of value in a little box, especially if you've never played Half-Life 2. We're definitely looking forward to seeing more of these clips, even if we don't think we'll stand a chance in an online match with the actual game.%Gallery-1634%

  • Valve staffer: Modders setting bar too high

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    There have historically been few companies more supportive of the modding scene than Valve. Now, in a new interview with ShackNews, two Valve designers are giving advice to what many perceive to be an ailing mod community. John Morello, an animate and designer at the company, insists that the problem stems from modders thinking too big."Mod developers are setting the bar higher than people require--a fun game is a fun game," he said. "I honestly don't think the community is setting the higher standards as much as the mod developers themselves." While that may be true, when Morello begins talking about the Team Fortress 2 design crew being comprised almost entirely of former modders, one can't help but wonder if the mod scene might in some way also be suffering from its best and brightest being recruited away. What do you think? Have you downloaded a good mod recently? Have you ever tried to make one yourself?

  • BioShock gets Steamed, also heading Direct2Drive

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    If you need to play BioShock at the absolute earliest time possible and have exhausted your other options (e.g. Toys 'R' Us, Joystiq, X3F), both Valve's Steam and IGN's Direct2Drive service are offering pre-sales for downloading the anticipated title.Although Direct2Drive is offering a $5 coupon to be used on a later purchase, they also write that you will be able "download and play BioShock on approximately August 21." If the word "approximately" scares you, Steam lays out their plan more directly: "pre-load now, purchase when ready, play as soon as the game is available."European gamers can pre-order BioShock via Direct2Drive here, due out "approximately August 24."Pre-order from SteamPre-order from Direct2Drive%Gallery-3725%

  • Video: design philosophy of Team Fortress 2

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We are all about Team Fortress 2 here at X3F. While we certainly look forward to the classic gameplay, there can be no doubt that its luscious visual style is a big draw. The above video from Gamersyde shows off just how much work goes into all the environments and characters of Team Fortress 2. The team at Valve drew their inspiration from commercial drawings of the early 20th century. Hell, they even mention the work of Hayao Miyazaki as an influence. One of the overall goals of the design process was to make every character unique and easy to identify at a distance. With this in mind, the team set about creating unique color schemes and silhouettes for each character. There are also lots of technical elements discussed in the video. We're not really sure what a Phong highlight is, but if it makes Team Fortress 2 this pretty, we really don't care.[Thanks, DjDATZ]

  • Id and Valve could have been violating GPL

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    After id Software released their catalog on Steam, some gamers on the forums noticed a missing General Public License for DOSBox, an emulator used for playing older titles. Not including a GPL, which is a text file legally required to be included with the game to give due credit, violates the license and can lead to lawsuits.It appears, however, that subsequent downloads have fixed the problems, as either Valve or id has added the proper licenses. (Note the picture above, from the same forum thread, showing the licenses present in a recently-downloaded copy of HeXen.) This doesn't in either way affect the gameplay of the titles, but it is important to give credit for those who make your fragging possible in the first place. [Update: Clarified the wording as to the physical description of the GPL itself.][Via /.]

  • id Software library gets Steamed

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    The rumors are true: id Software titles are coming to Steam. According to a press release from Valve, starting today you will be able to download titles from the Quake, Doom, HeXen, Woflenstein and (huzzah!) Commander Keen series. More than 20 titles will be available; additionally, many of the franchises will be available as packages with a 10% discount for purchasing en masse. We've printed the full list after the break.

  • Rumor: id to go with Steam [update 1]

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Update: This news has been confirmed.The latest murmurings from this weekend's QuakeCon suggest that id Software will be announcing a deal with Valve to distribute titles via Steam. Quakecon is currently going strong and lasts until August 5. Should such a deal surface, it'd be interesting to see game engine competitors working together for distribution. However, since Half-Life was developed using a modified version of id's Quake engine, it's as if the Circle of Life is coming together.Other rumors from QuakeCon include a return to the Commander Keen franchise as a flagpole for their id Tech 5 engine ... okay, we just made that up, but we can dream, right?

  • Joystiq hands-on: The Orange Box

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Easily one of the best gaming values to come out in recent memory, Valve's The Orange Box packs a pretty strong punch in terms of content. We got our grubby little paws on it at EA, and while we know there are other games on this disc, we hard a hard time tearing ourselves away from Portal to play the others. However, once someone smacked us in the head with a crowbar, we moved on and got a piece of everything, culminating with a Team Fortress 2 fragfest.Seriously, if you're trapped on a desert island and can only take one upcoming title with you, The Orange Box wouldn't be a bad choice. You've got team games, a first person shooter (with sequels), and a really unique puzzle game. Where could you go wrong? Just make sure that island has internet access, because the press notes for Team Fortress 2 dropped a mega-bombshell of information* that hasn't been reported at all from E3. We aren't sure why. Ready for it? Here you go:* Internet connection required for online play. We're working on a confirmation on that one. Check out our impressions after the break.%Gallery-1634%

  • Video: Shaky Left 4 Dead zombownage

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Video footage has surfaced from the showdownLAN of the upcoming PC and Xbox 360 zombie vs. human shooter, Left 4 Dead. Brought to us by Turtle Rock Studios and Valve, who made a little ditty called Counter-Strike. The video above shows four survivors fighting off a bunch of the Infected. Gameplay looks fast, furious, and bloody. Not shown in the video are the "Super Infected' which are more formidable than the fodder shown above. We'll be sure to keep a keen eye on this as more details emerge.[Via Joystiq]

  • Today's most interesting shaky cam footage: Left 4 Dead at showdownLAN

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Footage from showdownLAN has surfaced on showing off a public playtest of Left 4 Dead, an ambitious zombie-centric -esque team game from Turtle Rock Studios (Counter-Strike) and Valve. Four survivors take on waves of the Infected (think 28 Days Later) and four Super Infected as they make their way to a helicopter landing point.Shown in the clip is footage from four player-controlled survivors. Though the Super Infected can also be player-controlled, we don't have any video of that in action. There is, however, a moment where you can spot The Smoker strangling a survivor with its tongue. The video is grainy and shaky at times, but it's the best we've got on this so-far reclusive game.Left 4 Dead 411 has impressions from people who attended showdownLAN, as well as a gallery of the event. The game is due out this summer for PC and this winter for Xbox 360. Video embedded after the break.